>Pharaoh John has positioned Anubis missiles near the space elevator. Intervene?
Pharaoh John has positioned Anubis missiles near the space elevator. Intervene?
We were royalty, among other things.
fuck niggers
Our ancestors were rulers of Egypt, and also filled countless other notable and prestigious positions throughout history.
fuck niggers
Egyptians weren't white you incels
white people have no culture
fuck niggers
Identity politics aside, why should people be proud to be descended from pharaohs? Ancestry is a spook. Crawling out of your mother's vagina is not a noteworthy accomplishment. Monarchy is also disgusting.
fuck niggers
They werent nigger either
fuck niggers
>create most of history's most impressive civilizations
How did we do it, lads?
running water is our culture
fuck jews
the jew wasnt as big a problem
globo homo was still trying to find home
fuck jews
slavery isn't a culture
fuck jews
What do people mean exactly when they say "no culture"?
fuck jews
I agree. Slavery and usury are not culture.
it means you can show them a picture of a white person eating fried chicken without them getting mad
Because whiteness is too general. It only exists to exclude non-whites. Culture is more specific than that.
*Seig heils with my erect penis*
fuck jews
They mean America has no culture, which makes sense considering it's an artificial state made up of vaguely European mutts speaking English and recently Spanish speaking mestizos
we would have no culture without the white man
Reminder that people that call themselves “white” are the least connected to European/Ptolemaic accomplishments
White Pharaoh be like "I say, we were royalty, pip pip old chum."
What the fuck?
It means they don't know what "culture" means.
but everyone laps up our culture. They dress like us, they copy our food, they consume our music, TV, movies, etc etc etc
Sorry, but that's how it is.
it means people have become blind to their culture because it's taken over the entire world
>Attaching yourself to things you've never done because you have nothing to show for yourself in the now
>this is what Americans actually believe
They also steal spotlight about movies where the protagonists were white but then they turn them into niggers..
This is quite the cuck post
>Almost the entire world conform to adopt the cultures of white people (fast food restaurant, watching football, rap music, drinking coffee, driving, sjw, drinking bottled water)
it's true though.
You're on our website using our memes.
"White culture" has become the default culture, and retards believe that constitutes as a lack of culture.
It's like when americans say "I don't have an accent lol."
>The Wonder "Giza Mass Autism Array" has been constructed in Giza by Emperor Kim Il Sung!
For you
>implying this isn’t a website designed after a Japanese website made to celebrate Japanese culture and Japanese memes
Lmao imagine being a dumb mutt like you
But Americans dress like Europeans, copy European food and copy European music and Television.
We was Paul and shit
are you one of the chose people?
damn you've been subverted my man. don't be proud of your county or community either, they're just abstractions you're entirely removed from.
stfu racist
Ok but what game?
Because America was founded as a European nation.
I'll send the arsenel bird
maybe your disgusting whore of a mother. My mother was a great person and I'm proud to have come out of her vagina.
WE WUZ west african slaves from conquered tribes that other nigs sold for a pack of smokes
we wuz kangz and shieet nigga, the first man on the moon was a black man
sadpanda was hosted and run by a black man in africa
I want to play Civilization but feel like it's too time consuming
Am I alone / right
nobodies directly related to the pharaohs because they are all A. dead and B. inbred with each other to stop anyone claiming the throne and C.The royal family was killed and purged when a dynasty change did happen.
>Monarchy is also disgusting.
Not this time scholomo
Hereditary rule literally cucks everyone but the single ruling family, are you retarded?
We were!
>that ugly gook
Why does he look like he never showers holy shit
>western China
These are white
Get a grip you absolute loser
>swarthy hands made this pic
looks like /his/ is leaking
According to /pol/, none of these are white.
More like Euro rejects and LARPers
>Swarthy hands made this civilization
Nordcucks just need to know their place
>our website
>owned by a jap
>don't be proud of your county or community either
Why should I? I didn't found the country or community. I have no part in them. My accomplishments are MY accomplishments.
If you are white, they are our accomplishments and you have done us proud
but denying your fellow whites does you no favor
Dude! We were lile totally kings and crap
Fuck off! You didn't do shit. I did it. Me. You didn't contribute. You didn't pitch in. It's not the "white man's" achievement, it's my achievement. Fuck identity politics.
>He is so pathetic he has to claim the achievements and accomplishment of other people
Jesus Christ you are fucking sad
Why do you want to make others feel like shit? If you were a low IQ black man, you wouldn't have done anything. You doing a good thing proves I can and will do it too
>Why do you want to make others feel like shit?
It's not about work, it's about ability as a higher being.
>being the equivalent to that kid in your group project who did nothing and still got an A
Who's "we"?
>I should be rewarded because I can MAYBE do something
>No, I didn't do it, but I could! Now give me praise!
Nice gibsmedat attitude, nigger.
It's more like watching your teacher do something and being able to also do it because you are not retarded
No it isn't.
If nobody showed you it was possible to post your garbage on the internet would you have ever done it? If moot never made this website would you be posting such shit right now? Our race stands on the shoulders of giants
Blimey, we wus guv'nors and shite.
>I'm smart but lazy!!!
Stop saying "our". It's fucking cringeworthy. It's honestly disgusting that you're trying to compare your lazy ass to people who actually get things done, just because of your genes.
That's completely missing the point. Accomplishments show what others can do and what the white race is capable of. There is a reason to be proud of that, and be thankful you weren't born as a race that lives in mud huts and can never achieve anything.
Do you know what an individual is?
>Being proud of having absolutely no accomplishments
You're a fucking loser claiming the achievements of other people and telling yourself you're capable of doing anything doesn't make you less of a loser.
>"Oh good Ra! Would you look at that bloody khopesh! I do believe it's not shaaaarp enough, or not at all actually."
>"Please fix that now, will you mate. Oh you will? I have to say these are fantastic news my good sir."
It's an over 4,500 year old corpse. The hair color isn't just some thing I just made up after glancing at the picture. Anthropologists that found the mummy years ago made the call.
Appeal to authority
Blanon here, you're wrong : Romans,knights,gauls,greeks,les Lumières,etc... And you say they don't? Learn your history.
Why is he white?
Don't worry, I'm sure liberals are changing all the history books and rewriting all the courses on ancient egypt right this moment
Wrong. It's not appeal to authority when all sides of a discussion agree on the reliability of the authority in the given context.
And I'm sure you'll cry about it on Yea Forums.
That's right.
Please don't insult Greeks and Romans by putting them with whites.
"Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence offered."
You have an incorrect definition of the fallacy.
no they're not
>a valid authority or expert on the issue
user cited the scientific consensus, not one person.
Niggers are embarrassing
So are you.
No he didn't. I don't see a citation anywhere. He claimed that an expert said something, but provided no proof.
I'm being proud of your accomplishments, is that really so bad?
Here's one. Criminal Identification Laboratory of Paris. Would you like more?
Depends what time frame you're looking at. There was a rather short window (the 25th Dynasty, aptly nicknamed the Black Pharaoh dynasty) were Nubians took over and nubian Pharaoh ruled over Egypt. It didn't last long, tho, so saying Ancient Egypt was black is misleading, but still, in this short period of time "we wuz kangz n shiet" was unironically true
I mean, if you really fucking care that much. Here.
Seething shitskin with no accomplishments. You will never not be a net loss.
You're not even white.
Don't waste your time. If that nigger could even read, he still wouldn't
W.R Dawson and P.H.K. Gray, Catalogue of Egyptian Antiquities in the British Museum. I. Mummies and Human Remains (London 1968), 1, pl. Ia, XXIIa, b;
N. Strudwick, Masterpieces of Ancient Egypt, London 2006, pp. 26-7.
C. Johnson and B. Wills, 'The conservation of two pre-dynastic Egyptian bodies' in S.C. Watkins and C.E. Brown (eds.), Conservation of Ancient Egyptian materials (London, United Kingdom Institute for Conservation (UKIC), Archaeology Section, 1988).
A. Rae, 'Dry human and animal remains - their treatment at the British Museum' in K. Spindler et al. (eds.), Human mummies: a global survey of their status and the techniques of conservation, vol. 3: The man in the ice (Wien, Springer, 1996), pp. 33-38.Strudwick N 2006
Seething jealousy
Fucking blown the fuck out.
Nobody asked for YOUR fucking approval.
Absolutely based
I rike this threadu
Western style suits are worn on every corner of the planet, by every type of race and person... Except maybe the fucking Muslims and Arabs and shit.
Suits, man. Suits. Such a cultural fucking watershed.
For a large time they were close to Greek. If the dichotomy is white or nigger, the answer is clear.
get destroyed fegit
ITT: redditniggers
In some ways american culture is imported to the rest of the world but in other ways other cultures are taken into america
I think people see the taken culture and then just assume because everywhere else in the world copys american culture that it isnt an american thing and just "normal" but really they are just copying american culture
Basically this
Its not possible to not have a culture or an accent
>persia is white
okay jon jafari
okay so if we're honest about this ancient egyptians would have a light brown skin colour as
A)Its in the middle east
B) Even white people tan so even if they were genetically white people they would still have brown skin due to living in Egypt
Genetically closest to celts.
This sounds like some sort of Nod mission. We gonna launch nukes at John? Are we gonna start infesting the area with Tiberium?
The Scandinavians were interested in boats, not buildings. The rest of the world spent centuries trying to cross oceans after the Leif Ericson had already discovered the Americas.
>Kick Europeans out of Europe
>They act like Europeans somewhere else
John is a goa'uld
they were caucasoids of the middle east
probably semites too
You are right. It's time consuming.
I only play this cause i'm NEET
Hi rabbie
we were kings
Who could be behind this?
White people culture is literally the global culture evolved into what the modern era is.
Modern Greeks are closer to ancient Egyptians than modern Egyptians are.