You DID let him live right...

You DID let him live right? Dont tell me you ran the errands of a spoiled bitch that didnt put out threatened you with execution every other moment? And her equally unscrupulous sister, who used a mans devotion as a weapon, and planned to have her own sister killed. Dettlaff is such a fine specimen, I wish there was a way for him to live and both sisters dying. He saved Regis too, bros before hoes, literally.

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If you don't fight him you're missing out on a great boss fight

No, vampires are inhuman bloodseeking beasts that cannot coexist with humanity and must be put down if they become too unhinged

what about Regis?

This, but replace "vampires" with incels.

do not piss off the elder incel

lol no, he was a literal orbiter

He wasn't unhinged
And he has a great voice actor

>"i give you three days"
>attacks the same night

what was that all about?

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I killed that cuck.

yeah but geralt is a literal cuck so it fits
Also, great bossfight

No, he was a fucking bitch. He literally tried to kill his best friend.

CDPR wrote themselves into a corner because they wanted the attack to happen so the three days happen off-screen.

He was a fucking incel retard who inmediately starts killing innocent people because he is butthurt. I killed them both which is the only acceptable option.

He has an army of vampires attack a city and kill who knows how many just because some bitch dumped him. He deserved death. Bossfight was pretty cool too.

you were to speak. not question. speak. or die.

Attached: The unseen elder.png (1920x1080, 1.84M)

>he brutally murders humans over some dumb thot
>making Geralt go back on his word as a professional tradesman
>Anna might be kind of a spoiled bitch, but nobody in the entire series was as nice to Geralt as to give him a beautiful piece of land

If you didn't kill Detlaff, you're a punk.

Hey if some bitch used you, and you had the ability to pay her back like that, you totally would. Thats literally my case for Dettlaff, he isnt le ourguy, but he is like us. He has principles. If Syanna and Henrietta werent such stuck up arrogant cunts he wouldnt have killed a single civilian

Regis became my favorite supporting character after like 5 minutes after being introduced (no I didnt read the books fuck off) and killing Dettlaff would have hurt him too, and we cant have that can we now. Dettlaff is a noble savage, just like the power fantasies I have about my japanese animes. What a champ

it says right there that it is already 3 days later, but yeah they skipped to it

dude got played hard. the queens sister deserved to die. i wish the game didn't push the player so hard into the direction of saving the sister and killing detlaff.

the queens sister was both directly and indirectly responsible for the deaths of hundreds and yet she isn't executed. instead we see her and her sister tickling each other and hugging while a crowd of onlookers smile and go aw while she was suppose to be on trial. PEOPLE DIED BECAUSE OF HER. THIS IS GENUINELY BAD WRITING.

yeah cuz everyone knows what she did, stop acting retarded, also if u want u can kill her AND leave detlaff

shut up you unwashed subhuman. she is on trial for what she did. the people around her during the trial knew why she was there. yet they just sit there and watch as her and her sister kiss and make up and everybody lived happily ever after. except not. that bitch was hellbent on killing the queen, told geralt as such, geralt tells the queen, but then they have a tickle fight and now they're besties. dog shit writing.

>instead we see her and her sister tickling each other and hugging while a crowd of onlookers smile
not if you let that dumb bitch Henrietta get stabbed and her sister shot , yeah the game is all like "wow bro that's sad, you fucked up" but i think that all of them fucking had it coming

The bad ending is well written and kino as fuck. That's the one I got and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Its sad because Dettlaff died yeah

and what did she do?

Its not bad writing, its just how monarchists think it should be done. Fuck em both

He could have killed her straightaway when he learnt about it without the whole 3 days and I attack the city bullshit. The guy is a melodramatic dumbass.

Laws are for keeping filthy peasants like yourself in check. Princes and nobles are above the law.

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I like Dettlaff too but he clearly went overboard on that particular night, he's clearly an insane savagen who shouldn't be left alive after what he did to Beauclair

when are they coming out with my toussaint vineyard tycoon dlc

>monster with near god like powers goes crazy, murdering people and starting full blown race war because he suffers from terminal oneitis
>heh bros before hoes he's so based fuck these entitled sluts

You should be put on a national incel watch list and probably executed in your basement by an anti-incelorrist strike team. Immediately.

Which is WHY he is cool. If you cant appreciate someone being melodramatic when the love of their very very long life turns out to be a backstabbing manipulative bitch, then go back to capeshit. Seriously. Melodrama is Kino if the stakes are high and the actions taken make sense, which they do. Dettlaff is honorable even when he is in a murderous rage

Have less sex

Sure it was Kino, just like his inevitable and well deserved death.

Its not inevitable if you let him go, which I did, because I would do it just to spite Anna Henrietta even if I didnt sympathize with Mr Brooding Fangs

Considering most royalty can kill people for the lols at anytime, Anna was pretty damn patient with Geralt. You can even me a smartass to her on a few occasions and she still keeps her calm when others would have executed Geralt.
She hired a professional monster slayer to slay a monster that was destroying her nation. She is extremely generous as well, large fertile chunk of land and gold is much more than anyone else would have paid. When she saw her people continuing to die and the professional just muttering excuses she had a right to be pissed.

>I would do it just to spite Anna Henrietta
dumb incel lol

The queen has a nice arse

Nice argument mr Gucci Loafers
Monarchists are so embarassing