Ugh... what could have... teach me how to play the game
Ugh... what could have... teach me how to play the game
Literally any Paradox game, if you spent an hour or two at most just screwing around and seeing what everything does you learn it pretty quick. Victoria 2 is one of the more layered games but it is no exception.
at the start use your focuses on bureaucrats then intellectuals/clergy to at least 2%.
liquor factories are always profitable and in demand
the research that gives you more tech points should always be researched as soon as possible
Thanks, Also, how should I balance my budget?
I really like the dynasty element of CK, I prefer it to generic nationbuilding, and I find that it helps ground the events and make them more connected, since its through the lens of individuals instead of a nation
Raising a son while learning falconry while waging holy war while securing line of succession feels like a much more connected thing, instead of just unit and resource management.
Max taxes, lower them on the upper class if you can. Have army upkeep set to 10%, and naval to 30-40% depending on how low you can go before your ships start dying. Administration to 30-40%, education at 100%.
Take Warri/Sicily/Sardinia for lots of $$$.
In terms of research, Chemistry and Inorganic chemistry, railroads, research speed up tree first. Keep in mind you can store up to a year of research point so save it up in 1959/1979/1989 when you can.
I might have gotten my years wrong might be 1949/1969
Also the research tree that gives more NF i think it was Nationalism and imperialism tree
More places to get lots of $$ are:
Punitive expedition China - take Hong Kong or that silk port
Sierra Leone - good luck fighting the brits for it though
Bali (Indonesia)
Precious metal?
And tropical wood. Burma has some too but they're likely to be hard to conquer.
I forgot to mention Sicily's Sulphur. Makes you rich fast.
Imperator Rome is better
Max the FUCK out of your tariffs. This will guide your pops toward self-sufficiently producing their own goods. This was a period-accurate practice to improve the burgeoning industrial economy, the US had a nearly 95% tariff in the late 19th century. Bureaucrats will raise your tariff efficiency as well. If you have a surplus of money, you should be lowering taxes before you lower tariffs.
Uninstall and get yourself Pride of Nations. If you want to play dumb shit games, at least play the ones for big boys.
Enjoy not being able to construct anything lol
>ugh posting
>too much of a brainlet to actually play the game
enjoy revolts
Just kill them all and there won't be any more revolts
>tfw too stupid to do Germany in HoI4
First time I got into a stalemate in Russia after dealing with Poland and second time the entire baltics declared on me and ate me up from inside due to not having enough troops to fill the line while dealing with everything else. Never seem to get enough planes up and my navy is the laughing stock of the Atlantic. Maybe I'm legitimately too stupid? It looks like it more and more.
It's okay, not even the Germans could do it.
start fabricating on UK on the first day, after that invade UK, gj now u can WC no problem
Literacy and a balanced budget are priorities 1 and 2 in the very early game for developed countries
Medicine and Inorganic Chemistry are priority 1 techs along with Freedom of Trade and obviously the innovations for guns and soldier Organization. Literacy, Research Point, and Prestige techs are also important. Naval Range is all that really matters for colonies, so bases and supply range techs.
100% Recon is mandatory for combat, and as the game goes on you should be playing more and more defensively. Ideal conditions (heavily fortified mountain province with defensive generals and great defensive tech with high entrenchment) allow you to basically liquify entire enemy armies. Seriously, you can kill literally millions by the end of the game per battle while losing less than 1% of your army.
>Prestige tech
Waste of research points unless you need GP status fast to sphere and form a country.
I'd play CK2 if it didn't have a trillion dlc that costs hundreds of bucks even on sale.
That's the point
If you don't shoot for GP soon, you'll get sphered and your economy will tank. If you're a medium-small country like Greece, Denmark, etc. you need to rush Prestige to keep playing the game.
Or you can go conquering instead to earn prestige. Just humiliate or dismantle fortifications
>your economy will tank
If you get sphered then you gain access to the sphere leader's common market and any rare resources in it, so you can build expensive trade goods without being input starved if you were a secondary power.
Also because of spaghetti code, there is no prestige order in the common market so it's possible for your factories to get those rare resources instead of the sphere leader.
Build liquor and cement factories to win