mods when?
Let us take a moment to appreciate how well designed doom eternal looks
I'm glad theres artists that realised that when 'modernising' designs they should use the originals as reference
though hugo did have to keep telling that
>off center
>generic overdesigned "everything is metal" scifi shit
>well designed
Never ever, because fuck you.
Same with map editing tools. You think you're smart? No, you get snapmap.
>facebook image
Fuck did you honestly expect?
>overdesigned "everything is metal" scifi shit
Play doom 3 if you care so much about realism
Hopefully immediately, ideally at least as readily modifiable as Doom 3: Health values, corpse despawn timers, but I just messed around with weapon stats.
what, doom 3 was exactly like that as well
at least it was atmospheric which can't be said about nudoom
Zoom zoom
Why would mods be allowed on this game when they weren't for the last?
We didn't even get a real map editor
I don’t know what the other user’s on about, either. NuDoom has the same attempted atmosphere just with higher poly counts, texture resolution, and a shitload of orange hues.
DOOM was literally made for zoomers
kek it looks like absolute dogshit
>snapmap limited so consoles can keep a ‘solid 60fps’
The game is too pretty if that’s the case. Serious Sam 3 was pretty boring to me but at least drowned you in optimization features while throwing thousands of dudes at you.
>NuDOOM was literally made for zoomers
At least people whose ‘craziest’ shooters were like Halo and Borderlands, and who think gamepads are ideal for shooters.
exactly, it looks like doom 3 plus halo minus soul
>take a boss from doom 3
>slap some spikes on it
>look guys a new enemy
>minus soul
Not AS much with NuDoom2, but that’s mostly because they retconned previous monster designs for traditional ones - so the ‘soul’ is mostly from how much I loved the original cast.
Putting wristblades on the baron was pretty lame, though.
>no mods
>no map editor
Lmao I guess I'll pirate it then.
Nu doom is shit anyway, modding it wont make it enjoyable since you cant repair a literal turd