now that we are pretty sure we are not getting another one. What are your thoughts about this game?
Now that we are pretty sure we are not getting another one. What are your thoughts about this game?
i didnt really like anything in it compared to the first game.
Loved it, I took the online very seriously years ago. First game I got all the achievements for
More enjoyable than the first if you're not a versusfag. Versus is unplayable because of spergs to begin with.
it's shit
It's so good that I'm still playing it after a decade and the community is still alive providing good shit
It was a lot of fun back in the day with a couple of buddies but going back to it now it feels really boring and shitty.
Might be because zombies are completely over done or just because the source engine is a dated pile of shit and it shows
but l4d2 is objectively better.
excluding the L4D1 ported content from this
much more content than L4D1, but with none of the shine and sparkle
Still fun for an night with the boys
Some guy is making a remastered visuals mod pack and says he will update it this year, 80% complete.
I never played the versus mode because I hate playing online against other people. Played a lot of coop though both with friends and with random people. I really love it, still play from time to time. My only complaint is some maps not being clear enough.
Mods are the best part. I really wish they would make a new one so we could have another modding revival.
not really, l4d1 feels like they were going for a dawn of the dead (snyder) style
l4d2 looks like fortnite
If only people stopped picking Dead Center all the fucking time and realized that Hard Rain, The Parish and Dark Carnival are equally as good if not better
left 4 dead 2 is closer to snyder dawn of the dead than 1. dawn of the dead was full of dark humor and mostly took place during the day. left 4 dead 1 is more like 28 days later.
no? L4d2 is literary just l4d with more stuff and better campaigns/survivors.
the dlc 1 was the worse
dead air sucks dick
death toll is okay
blood harvest is p decent
and no mercy was the only objectivity good 1 in that game
meanwhile 2 had swamp fever, dark carnival, and the parish which btfo all of l4d1 by themselves
while also having the p alright dead center, and kind of bad hard rain
i like the passing but no one else does so whatever on that
don't fall the contraction meme too hard
Dead Center has the cheapest bullshit kill spots available to Infected in VS.
Must be the first time somebody talked about The Swamp in good light, good post non the less
Not that guy, but Swamp Fever is my favorite level.
weird swamp fever is my favorite campaign and i adore every level it has
I thought i was in the majority for the longest time on that
I don't know, the crescendo parts kinda suck, like in the airplane in the second part
and for a level with so many trees it's terrible to find a place to spawn, and when the someone gets dragged away it's very easy to retrieve that survivor for this same reason
but the map is a nightmare in realism, I give you that
fun to troll
hate jockeys and melees
carnival is shit after the first chapter (excluding the coaster, of course)
melee weapons should have been added in the first game. Not a single playthrough where the zombies don't get up in your face.
First was pretty fun on extreme difficulty.
2nd game was crap. Didnt like cartoonish shit they added.
>cartoonish shit
like what?
A good but clearly half assed game.
Fun campaigns, terrible new SI (AI Charger capable of charging at point blank, AI Jockey grab hitbox being 3 times its size, Spitter acid much larger than what is visible), issues from the first game made even worse (infected stuck in objects can hit you but you can't hurt them, hitreg issues, ...).
breddy good
woah woah woah Dead Air sucked dick? You suck dick
The original soul/soulless before pvz2
Gotta reach for the top, stay on that mountainnnn NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH
The only map that is truly bad is Crash Course
R8 and Hate faggots
you make it sound like the game is in nearly unplayable state - none of the mentioned issues are either game-breaking or require particular skills to deal with.
>Charger capable of charging at point blank
no he can't - he'll just bounce off
>Jockey grab hitbox being 3 times its size
keep your distance from the source of the sound
>Spitter acid much larger than what is visible
How many pixels is "much larger" by your definition? They give you two no-damage ticks to run away from the puddle anyway - just don't corner yourself
>infected stuck in objects can hit you but you can't hurt them
fucking shoot them!
>hitreg issues
granted, but mostly fixed by lower ping/lerp values
Still play it. While its deader than the infected in the game, the small comunity its still alive and doing well.
>dark, drab atmosphere that gets boring quickly
>music all sounds homogeneous and keeps using the same motifs
>repetitive, predictable crescendo events
>lack of content, feels like it was unfinished
>stereotypical characters
>verity of scenery and locations spanning across the south. From hotels to theme parks to the iconic new Orleans
>music takes inspiration from the games location and has beautiful southern goth pieces and country rock
>each crescendo event is unique and dynamic, no two are alike
>fills in the other half of zombie killing with melee weapons, more gibs and guns
>characters are realistic, believable and have much wittier dialogue
2nd times always a charm.
I wish the viewmodels weren't so garbage, but other than that it's an great game that I put a ton of hours into.
>you make it sound like the game is in nearly unplayable state - none of the mentioned issues are either game-breaking or require particular skills to deal with.
They are game breaking when playing on higher difficulty where you suddenly die to something that should have been avoidable but wasn't.
>no he can't - he'll just bounce off
I said AI Charger, the AI can point blank charge without any issue
>keep your distance from the source of the sound
Jockey laughters are blocked by other sounds, having a silent Jockey is not a rare glitch, and you lose health as soon as it grabs you, which mean losing 25 HP immediately in expert
>How many pixels is "much larger" by your definition? They give you two no-damage ticks to run away from the puddle anyway - just don't corner yourself
Almost the size of a puddle, you can get hit despite clearly not being on it in third person. Enjoy getting downed despite not even being close to the puddle.
>fucking shoot them!
Doesn't work, again their hitboxes must be screwed but they are invincible, only thing that work is melee and explosives.
>hitreg issues
No even in local it's an issue, play a local campaign, shot an infected in the head and see how many time the game register the hit and how many time the infected actually take damage.
The game itself is an upgrade from L4D1, the only thing i didn't like was that the characters look like they're made of plastic
good game, good custom maps, just a fun premise. I used to play Brainbread on vintage steam and I know that valve literally stole most of the ideas for l4d from that game
What are your favorite mod campaigns?
Friends and I have tried Roadkill, Daybreak, Blightpath, Resident Evil 1, recently just cleared Devil Mountain and Diescraper Redux. We've done our fair share of Helm's Deep survival of course too.
These were mostly picked by the rating on workshop, so I'm sure there are more obscure gems out there we'd really enjoy.
Same bro
>They are game breaking when playing on higher difficulty where you suddenly die to something that should have been avoidable but wasn't.
Yes that's why nobody has managed to 100% every campaign on expert, oh wait
>I said AI Charger, the AI can point blank charge without any issue
fair enough, but you forgot to mention that they act like absolute retards and take shitload of time to go out in the open.
>Jockey laughters are blocked by other sounds,
you must be having a really shit soundcard that can't into more than 16-24 channels. Update your sound drivers or hardware, because I've never had a silent jockey to sneak up on me without me hearing it first.
>Almost the size of a puddle, you can get hit despite clearly not being on it in third person. Enjoy getting downed despite not even being close to the puddle
Puddle doesn't give any damage if you look straight on the floor and the puddle is outside of the screen (i.e. the area of effect outside of a puddle from first person perspective is the size of a foot
>No even in local it's an issue, play a local campaign, shot an infected in the head and see how many time the game register the hit and how many time the infected actually take damage.
use sniper rifle and it always takes exactly one shot in the head to register the hit.
It's pointless to argue, but fact is - it's perfectly playable, just make sure to get gud (same for teammates)
Good s pick sans DC.
I'm not hating but cold stream over sac? and cc over anything?
So what did "Suck the Heads" mean?
out of curiosity, tried local session of "last man on earth" - one-shot 2 spitters, 2 hunters and a smoker without a single ghostshot (also wasted some ammo on tank)
Great game(s), my most fondest gaming memories are from playing L4D with friends