Better than raspberry pi (you were only using it for emulation anyway)

>better than raspberry pi (you were only using it for emulation anyway)
>OTG support
>Multi-tap support
>Wi-Fi support being added
>Comes with 2 controllers
>Visually acceptable in an entertainment center
>It's twenty fucking dollars faggot

Why haven't you bought one?

Attached: playstation-classic-system-box-angled-us-29mar19.png (2000x1974, 3.6M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where's the analog sticks and ape escape

Because I'm not mentally retarded, as you clearly are.

can it emulate n64, gamecube, ps2, and wii games? no? then whats the fucking point

>no analog sticks
>no Crash Bandicoot
>no Spyro
>no Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
>no Tomba! 2


>better than raspberry pi
It's not. Your thread is an embarrassment of buyer's remorse.

Because I have a chipped psx.

I still can't believe they didn't ship with analog sticks.

>better than raspberry pi (you were only using it for emulation anyway)
I'm using my Raspberry Pi as a DNS server though

Because I have an actual ps 1 with controllers with analog sticks user. I'd be embarrassed if I bought a shitty remake of a console like that one.

>have buyer's remorse
>make a thread praising it
Nice try OP

Attached: PSX Classic.jpg (958x1535, 402K)

Where is the analog sticks??

>Why haven't you bought one?
i'm waiting til it hits $10

It isn't worth $20

>modding it is piss easy
>plenty of adapters out there that allow you to use ds4
Both your problems solved

>no Symphony of the motherfucking Night

Can you do anything else with it apart from ps1 games?
Can you put custom OS on it, or run other programs?

I'm waiting until they start giving them away for free.

Where is my Saturn classic Sega?

>no analogue sticks
>no good games

What were they thinking
My dream version of this would have been real ps1 hardware with tutorials on how to program for it


Attached: verynice.jpg (284x322, 28K)

>price drop by 80% in less than a year
Goddamn son this must really suck, is there any way to get analog stick controllers working with this thing? Would it be a better value to me to get a PSone and mod it?

Ayy, pi-hole?

Where can I get one for 20 bucks? I'd pick it up for that price just to hack it and mess around

Best Buy and Target

Is it possible to hack these so they used the NTSC versions instead of the garbage PAL games?

Best Buy

Was he right, bros?

Attached: AE85DF1C-97BB-4720-B9D4-FAB496375A17.jpg (480x360, 30K)


mayflash magic ns or 8bitdo has an adapter that lets you use ds4 so you’ll have sticks and wireless

Thank you user


>all the games are PAL versions