Be honest. Do you guys still want it?

be honest. Do you guys still want it?

Attached: hefl3.png (387x389, 9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Good lord no, valve can’t make shit

I prefer Potrle

No, valve can't make games anymore

No, the first two were a fluke at a time when the bar was so low valve could shit on a plate and get 7/10.

Times have changed, standards increased and valve made the right choice by pussying out.

never have, never will

Nah, I stopped caring a long time ago.

If it's good, yeah. I'm not waiting for it anymore, though.

I just want them to announce they've cancelled it

Attached: cryingpuro.jpg (473x201, 16K)

>No, the first two were a fluke at a time when the bar was so low

HL2 is still the pinnacle of linear campaign design. Fucking fight me.

I'm over it now. I've gotten used to the idea it's never coming out. I've moved on.

No. Valve doesn't care about their own franchises anyway.

yes, as a VR game, and fuck the tortanic retards.

and it's happening, Soon™, and the tears will be delicious

Attached: valve-flagship-vr-game.jpg (1096x731, 32K)

I would but I'd feel bad knocking out a dude with (rose tinted) glasses on.

i still havent finished episode 1 and 2

name one (1) better singeplayer FPS

I'll wait

Deus ex...

man I'm as big a Valve fanboy as they come any more and even I know you're wrong. HL2 is a frankensteins monster stitched together from disparate pieces in literally the final weeks of development. almost all of those individual pieces are good, if not great, but overall it really has aged terribly and that is proof against it being the 'pinnacle' of anything. Half-Life 1 still beats it out, much less Black Mesa, much less any of the other amazing singleplayer first-person games that have come out (the Dishonored series easily destroys it and may be the actual pinnacle).

timesplitter future perfect
Crysis 1
Halo 2
Fallout NV

user stop, he's crying...

Well, you're pretty much r-

Attached: 1553294223274.jpg (1000x563, 43K)

>make fun of someone for rose-tinted glasses
>praises Gayus Sex, of all games
Deus Ex is incredibly overrated. If you take away the RPG mechanics (i.e. all the parts of it that aren't actually an FPS), you're left with a lifeless worthless FPS with awful gameplay mechanics. The moment-to-moment gameplay feels awful

let me guess, the next game on your list for "best FPS" is System Shock 2

I haven't even played a single half life for more than a couple of hours

>if you take away the good parts, deus ex isn't as good any more
Fella, you can do better than that. I'll give you another attempt without making fun of you, ok?

If it shadow dropped right now knowing that it would be a short pipe-shooter I'd buy it, play it and beat it in one sitting regardless of what I need to do today.
But I have no faith that anything of it really exists and I know it wouldn't make nearly as much money as a Portal 3, Left for Dead 3 or especially a TF3.

talking about level design, yes, the entire series is consistently fantastic. the problems with Dishonored 2 were the awful painfully-female 'writing' and pointless deviations from the rock-solid formula of the original, not the level design.


I literally cannot believe what I'm reading

just ok
>Crysis 1
Fighting Koreans: very fun
Fighting alients: very boring
so what does the game consist of? 30% fucking around, 20% fighting koreans, 50% fighting aliens. The expansion was 10x better and was still mediocre, and the entire series only exists to market their shitty overbuilt engines.
>Halo 2
lmao no
>Fallout NV
ugly buggy FPS on a monstrous engine, with awful shooting mechanics and a nice story tacked on top. Barely even qualifies as an FPS.

>so what does the game consist of? 30% fucking around, 20% fighting koreans, 50% fighting aliens.

yup, still better than Bored Life2.
>Fighting alients: very boring
You just summed Half Life 2. Thank you.

the VR half-life game is a prequel with Alyx retard.

>60$ at launch
>get the 20$ dlc to install the game
>get the 25$ dlc to start the game
>whoops, looks like you forgot to buy the 28$ battle pass, you're gonna need that if you want to play online :)
>wanna dress up Gordon? Only 50$ to gussy him up with this golden ten gallon hat

I'm good, thank you.

Deus Ex and FNV aren't FPs you fucking retards. And the shooting in both sucks fucking hard cock.

Are you an ESL or something?

Best FPS list of all time coming through:

#1 HL2
#2 HL1
#3 Far Cry
#4 CoD 1
#5 Halo

if you disagree you're either a console kiddy or a disenfranchised boomer who can't enjoy anything that doesn't end in .wad

it would have no soul. if they wanted to make it, it would have been done already.

DooM is kino though

>says Tylers 'anonymous source'
Even if it is true, I suspect it's a misdirect. I think they're going to solve the problem of 'how to announce Half-Life 3?' by doing it mid-game. How did Epistle 3 end? With Alyx taking Gordons place as G-Mans main pokemon.

>You just summed Half Life 2. Thank you.

>Far Cry
the original far cry was fucking shit. It had amazing graphics but that was it. At least Crysis had fun gamepay, while suffering the same "game is shit after aliens/monsters shows up" fate.

definitely but i want to pirate it and make porn of the new alyx model

You literally are shooting guns from a first-person view you imploded brainlet

I agree user, it’s top tier

They actually literally are though, are you fucking stupid mate?

they're first person role playing games you stupid nigger. you can literally never touch a single gun in both games. that and the combat mechanics aren't designed around shooting exclusively.

>you can literally never touch a single gun in both games.
Half-Life isn't an FPS either, who knew!

>you can literally never touch a single gun in both games
what does that even mean? Please breath in some fucking oxygen before you start typing.
> that and the combat mechanics aren't designed around shooting exclusively.

cool. not an argument. You shoot guns from a first-person view.
F irst
P erson
S hooter

>Crysis 1
That boring shit is even more of a tech demo than HL2
>Fallout NV
Its a good game but awful as an FPS

HL 1 > Opp For > HL 2

>#3 Far Cry
>#4 CoD 1
>#5 Halo

I'll concede that Far Cry probably shouldn't realistically make a Top 5 for gameplay, but I think it was one of the most influential games in the world for how it paved the way for system-based design of enemies and game environments.

nice to see you were so desperate you had to grasp at straws

>best and most complex parts of the game all involve talking to people and navigating narratives while playing a role

iT's aN FpS gUiS

yeah I really enjoyed all half-life games, wish they would make it, if it's shit who cares at least there's something

>too speedy
Would it help if I found a video of someone doing it slowly? Deus Ex was marketed as an FPS btw, zoomer.


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and again, your imploded black hole of a brain doesn't provide any viable counter-arguments. Just because a game has RPG elements, doesn't mean it nullifies it's FPS elements.

Personally I do not care much for it, but I hope that one day it will come and be excellent for all the Anons who do.

if its good, sure. valve has been shit at making games lately however

No lol.
Valve will probably try to shut down Loli mods. Like model swapping out everything for Neptunia characters.
Fuck that

Let's consider the facts.

Half Life 2 was worse than Half Life back when Valve had competent developers working for them.
The potential story we had for it was supremely underwhelming and didn't carry the spirit of the series at all, and this was also back when Valve had competent developers working for them.
With Portal's success there is no way it wouldn't end up following suit, the stink of Portal could already be felt in Half Life 2 with the first game having very little humour in it if any at all and Half Life 2 teeter tottering between taking itself seriously and not taking itself seriously at all. Half Life 3 extrapolating from this would be filled to the brim with shitty, distracting, immersion killing gag characters.

There is no way they can do it justice, even if they had the developers it would be a corporate affair and anything good would be mutilated to Spore degrees, and I know you don't want Half Life Borderlands: Epic Meme Edition.

um no, the franchise is dead. id rather see them make something new ..... (ie not underlords)

No, HL2 is overrated and HL3 will probably stray even further. Epistle 3 is great though.

>Just because FO4 had FPS elements doesn't mean it's not a City Builder
basically what you sound like famalam

Deus Ex is a FPSRPG with terrible FPS elements
if you want to say it's a good FPS, you're standard-issue retarded

Attached: basically sim city.jpg (1920x1080, 473K)

I couldn't give less of a shit about their non-first person games (Dota, Artifact) also multiplayer gambling simulators like TF2 and CSGO, but I could never agree with "games I don't care about = shit games"

Gameplay-wise, only Artifact seems to be a dud, but art design, sfx/music and overall psychotic attention to little details with absolute level of polish still shines through and looks absolutely gorgeous.

It's a shame that w/o Gabe's constant whipping the team will never be bothered to come back to making wholesome first person single player experiences (even coop-oriented L4D series are enjoyable in single player and even more so in coop/vs)

before anyone goes "hurr reddit spacing", the lines within the tiny typing window made each sentence look like a three-line paragraph, so i spaced them out to make those look more readable.
Hope that clears everything up.
>inb4 "still, reddit spacing"

sigh. It gets really boring "arguing" with downies like you. It's like trying to teach a potato philosophy.

I never said that New Vegas is a good FPS, I only said that it is a better FPS than HF2

also your city builder example is fucking retarded (just like you by the way) considering that the settlement system is such a little part of the overall game you might as well not even mention it. You cannot make the same argument about the fps elements in new vegas since they are a core element. What's next? Do you think I think Call of Duty is a weaponsmith simulator?

Fuck off


Based. Redpilled. Even today I could return to HL2 and replay it yet again. The pacing is so tight, the variety is just right. You really feel like the man when you get through it; I've never experienced a gameworld that managed to feel so real with so few words spoken.

Plus, the art design was GOAT, which means the graphics still look fantastic.

You literally cannot beat Half-life 2. Which is maybe why Valve hasn't tried.

You don't know what you're talking about, do you?

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ah. Run out of arguments I see :). Thank you, I'll take the W. Here is your L.

I assume Valve time isn't a real thing now?

>Best FPSes according to Yea Forums:
>some RPGs
>literally crysis

Reminder i literally btfo casual strike and movie life in previous threads.
inb4 >schizo.

I don't care one way or the other. I've long since lost interest in the series and moved on.

It's almost like a game can belong to more than one genre.

Sure, but that doesn't mean it can be considered the same in every category.
Nobody would consider GTAV to be the best racing game, for instance.

I honestly think the Half Life games might be the most overrated series of all time

it's the best series of all time at exposing zoomers, that is for sure.

I'm not even sure if you're calling me a zoomer or not but not only did I own and play both I bought HL2 on release and would've had a 15 year old steam account had I not gotten bored and lost interest in games shortly thereafter. I just never understood the dickriding these games get, especially 2 when it was a very bland inoffensive FPS with outright bad parts like the sewers. I remember having more fun in garry's mod which says a lot.

It was shit. I quit after playing boat simulator for an hour and never went back. Most overrated game in history.

It's pretty much impossible at this point.

Dumbfuck valve knew this, and could at least have given us closure with episode 3.

Want it? Yes. Expect it? No

does Valve even have game devs anymore?

I didn't even like HL2 so I really don't care.

I never wanted it. HL2 is easily the most over rated game of all time, it is an over rated, gutted, tech demo walking simulator that was a "cinematic experience" with unskippable cutscenes and popularized cinematic "games" that was also the first case of online client DRM for a single player game even if you bought it physically. It was nothing more than bait to get people to install Steam and condition people to pay for digital distribution, and brainwashed drones actually fell for it for a 5/10 game.
If they ever release HL3, it'll be the same case, it'll be bait to get people to use or pay for something like a Steam subscription or exclusive piece of hardware like the Vive.
Valve drones just want something of Valve's to tout and HL2 is what they chose.

Attached: Valve always gets a pass.jpg (640x908, 382K)

have sex.