Why the fuck doesn't this piece of shit support bluetooth headphones
Why the fuck doesn't this piece of shit support bluetooth headphones
Because then they wouldn't be able to shill their useless app for voice chat.
Lack of features is a feature and it's okay when Nintendo does it :^)
>buying shit quality headphones
Fuck off zoom zoom. Your airpods have shit sound quality
to cut the power consumption as low as possible
Why doesn't the pro controller have a headphone jack when both PS4 and Xbone controllers do?
Dont forget it dont have an ethernet connection too
>Airpods are the only Bluetooth headphones in existence
Unironically neck yourself.
nintendo never thought about it. thats it
wait for the Switch pro
they are all bad.
The switch pro will
If it did the battery would drain even faster and you'd just bitch about that instead.
Because it's an overpriced Fisher Price toy for retards
>doesn't have Ethernet ports
what kind of bullshit is this
Idk my QC35’s are pretty sweet. Maybe if you could afford headphones more than the change between my couch cushions you wouldn’t feel that way. Now put down your seven inch Kindle Fire you got at Walmart for $24 and go have sex.
Why's everyone always bitching about switch not supporting bt headphones when ps4 doesn't either
gee I dunno user
because you can plug headsets into the dualshock 4
How much fucking power do you think a little Bluetooth receiver takes?
Because it sucks regardless of what other consoles are doing? Why do you constantly have to deflect to Sony?
get bluetooth headphones with a usb, i use the ps4 gold ones and they work on the switch without having to do anything. not the best headphones on the market but they are more then fine
because nintendo's cult-like fanbase will always give them a free pass on selling less for more.
friendly reminder that the standard xbone controller and the dualshock 4 are both cheaper than the switch pro while offering more features.
the ds4 at least has a headphone jack. the switch pro controller doesn't even have that despite being more expensive.
the switch is also a portable console, having to use wired headphones is not remotely as much of an issue when you're sitting on your couch not moving as it's going to be when using a console portably.
It doesn't excuse the playstation not having it, but it contextualizes why people don't complain as much.
MUH PORTABILITY has nothing to do with why nintendo is selling a $70 controller with less features than microsoft and sony's $60 controllers.
portability used to mean cheaper products until you switchtards started using it as an excuse to pay more for less.
Because you're a fucking retard. kys
I Have audio technica ATH-es10s with es11 lambskin earpads. You fucking zoomer faggots buy retarded shit like beats and bose and then shit on the subpar sound quality even further by purchasing the inferior bluetooth versions. lmfaoing @ your life kid. I poop on you.
get dabbed on ear pods zoomer
I have QC25s cause the wire is fine with me. They are okay for flights and transit where you need ANC. no idea why I would want to introduce Bluetooth latency and transcoding if I was playing a videogame. I am hardly a headphone snob, but your headphones are actually terrible. Like if you need ANC they are passable, but a cheap pair of cana like say 598s even would BTFO so hard it isn't even funny.