Are girls like Buttercup going to become more common in vidya?
I hope so
Are girls like Buttercup going to become more common in vidya?
i love muscle women
i love fat women
i LOVE strongfat women
But buttercup is fucking disgusting garbage design
So is normal skin Zarya btw
This is why normalfags should stick with normal women design
I wouldn't want others to imitate the tumblr aesthetic either, I was talking more about her size really.
her size is fine and dandy. obviously not to everyone's taste. but the design of her is still pseudo-progressive tumblr and a huge turn off
characters like her aren''t designed to be aesthetically pleasing. They are designed to send a political message.
chubbychasers are disgusting. Might as well be into ntr too you fucking cucks.
kill yourself faggot, I'll literally shit on your dead face
No need to be so lowtest my friend.
I sure fucking hope not, obesity is a health problem that to any normal person is disgusting
If you get fat because you saw a fat cartoon character you are the problem, not the character
also couldn't give less of a shit what normalfags think is disgusting
It's just a videogame man, she is not real.
Alot of the characters are supposed to be ugly, just like this woman that lost her limbs because diabetes.
yeah, but the designers weren't creating her to be ugly. They created her to be a brave alternative strong womyn who needs no patriarchy and lives to smash the family unit
Gender dysphoria is also a health problem, yet, here we are.
>implying gender dysphoria is a real problem
What is this game Bike Dykes?
thats a cool name for a made up illness
Found the tranny.
wow, you have to logical thinking capabilities of a broken stone
Anyone else find the fat ladies from Dragon quest cute?
Pics? I've never played but I'm curious
How do you know that?
>literally just a pimped out Mobility scooter
>same shit as in Judge Dredd
>somehow this is body positive
It's like things don't even have to make sense anymore.
Gonna need some sauce on that one, pardner.
>It's like things never made consistence sense.
Not that it's a bad thing, but the ideas and standards thrown around have never been consistent.
From a drawthread, i think kujalla drew it.
you're right, it's actually a porn-fueled meme.
strongfats can be healthy
Strongfat aren really obese though.
more like butterbucket lmao
im gonna be honest with you, i have no idea who is healthy except for what i read online
being overweight is always unhealthy, both muscle and fat
she makes my dick rock hard but her dumb hairstyle is fucking disgusting, it just looks dumb the rest of her is fine but who suggested she wear two big bike parts as curlers
I think there are accepted ideas of what is healthy, but I've come to see there are exceptions. Diverse genetics makes things that work for some people not work for others, so you can see some heavier people that are able to be at what could be considered peak health.
I think in terms of being healthy, I think it's like everything else: moderation is key.
Also and are going to be dangerous. Why can't we see more body types in games?
>this was made by the same guy who directed DmC
How about this?
id rather chubby girls with big butts
Is that Pochaco or whatever the hell her name is? Decent body shape but I never liked the look of her desu
I think it so.
What we also know is that generally being obese is unhealthy, and is either a cause or a correlate with various other serious medical conditions. Yes, a particular individual may still be relatively healthy being overweight and not have more debilitating conditions associated with it, but not every is this individual and indeed most aren't.
Just because one bucks the trend doesn't mean that everyone else gets to write off reality.
I have a figurine of her because she's literally the only chubby anime girl figure on the market
Absolutely, and I didn't mean it to sound like that if I did. An exception is not the rule. Obesity is not something people should strive for irl, there's far too many health risks associated with it. Some may be able to avoid those, but that's a small percentage of the population.
Fair, I do wish there were more options. Japan has some catching up to do.
Also, noice fat robots are sadly a rare breed
You have heard of her, right?
they already own the Witcher franchise, so, i guess is hell now
>brings up irrelevant thing because everything triggers you
Imagine being this broken.
So when is this game coming out?
>Bike Dykes
fucking kek
Next spring I believe