Why are Halo 3 fans so dumb when it comes to what made Halo 3 fun and popular...

Why are Halo 3 fans so dumb when it comes to what made Halo 3 fun and popular. You'll see "man halo infinite should be Halo 3" or people saying "Make halo 3 on PC" as if either of these ideas would bring Halo 3 any real popularity again. As if they don't know how time or people work. . .

Here's the fact Halo 3 fags. You played Halo 3 probably in middle school or high school. You were young, friends were a bike ride away. You had no job or no big job. Sleep over and pizza was the jam. You could spend time at your friends house playing H3. Or at night drinking mountain dew on XBL shittalking with your friends all night

That's over children. You're in your 20s or 30s. You have jobs. Friends probably have families or are busy mostly.

You will never have that feeling again. PC. Xbone anything. It will not help you

Halo 3 fans are retarded. The Sony Fans of Halo. From what I hear they don't even shower nor clean themselves after an oily shit

Halo 3 was fun for it's time. Yet it is slow. Unbalanced. Its customs are trash compared to reach or 4 or 5. And you know it

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okay op, but you seem to forget that there's other kids now that are in high school, why wouldn't they be allowed to get the opportunity to play halo as it were? this isn't just for nostalgia fags. also, pretty much every old halo 3 fag wants to make time available to relive those times, last time they couldn't because the mcc shipped broken and everyone had abandoned the xbox one anyways.

halo 1 > halo 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> poop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> reach > halo 3 > halo 4 > halo 5


Halo 3 fans are shit but it's the best Halo game in the series so go fuck yourself, OP.

You can play H3 on pc right now and it's still fun you colossal faggot. You're just wrong

I can confirm this.

2 was better then 3 in almost every way: Map design, core movement (3 is fucking glacial), aiming/shooting (I sure do love huge spread on weapons), writing and story, the soundtrack, , the campaign missions (3's only good missions are THe Ark, Covenant, and Tsavo highway), etc.

3 has more content and less fucked weapon balance (less, not not fucked), but that's about it.


CE being better then 2 is even more laughable then 3.

To begin with, the core gameplay is better. Movement and jumping is more responsive, aiming is tighter, the gameplay is faster, etc. The MP map design is also a slight improvement, The writing/story is inarguably better: CE barely had a plot, with most of it being an excuse to justify mission transitions, 2 has actual narrative threads and character development.,

in terms of the campaign missions,people often argue that CE has "less linear" levels then 2, but The only non-linear level in CE is mission 2, which just plops 3 playspaces around the map and then has a giant, empty ass field with nothing in it between the 3. All that's gained from it's nonlinearity is which order you do each objective, wheras what you give up having any sort of good level design overall.

Beyond that, what people mean is that CE ostensibly has more large combat spaces then 2 does, but 2 has just as many and most are just as big, the only difference is 2 actually has buildings, trees, cliffs, rocks, and other structures inside those spaces to make the level design interesting, wheras in CE they are all mostly empty: which is bad since due to the geometry is always the same, the way you approach encounters is the same/doesn't matter, vs 2's more differing layouts and geometry means different encounters. And nearly all of CE's campaign suffers from the same copy pasted repetitive coirdodor shit for indoor spaces that the malgined arbiter levels do in 2.

All CE has over 2 is weapon balance

Halo online was super fun you super faggot.

It's the Halo 2 lover with autism, move along.

>it’s customs are trash compared to reach or 4 or 5

Credibility lost. Good job OP.

Attached: 20A7B885-4B0F-45A8-9177-8BEA64A505CA.png (1416x1600, 606K)

3babbies are garbage humans but 3 itself was alright.

it's that faggot who always shits on people's posts without explaining why they are wrong, move along

That's true though.

4's customs aren't that much better then 3's, since the isn't as improved as Reach's compared to 3 and there's removed custom game options compared to reach, but having a forge that's not hyper clunky alone allows for more potential customs then 3 itself did.

5 meanwhile blows 3, Reach's., and 4's forge combined out of the water: You have time of day effects, weather, object grouping, prefabs, a prefab broswer, limited scripting and texture editing, placable sound efrfects and stuff like fire, sparks, etc, multiple canvases bigger then forge world, etc.

Most importantly, there's a custom game browser and a way to swap weapon properties, to say, make the spartan laser fire homing rockets, see webm

Attached: halo 5 req shit.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

>it's that faggot who always shits on people's posts without explaining why they are wrong, move along
I'm not autistic like you.

>actually engaging in conversations and contributing to a thread instead of making garbage shitposts is autism

Writing an essay of bullshit about why you autistically love one game better than another and want everyone to agree and have the same opinion as you is shitposting.

I don't want you to agree with me, I want you to explain your perspective and disputre the points I raised you disagree with.

Decent list user. I'd swap god and top tier though, and i'd have seperate listings for 5's MP and SP.

But I still play MCC with my bros every so often and it's still just as fun

>friends probably have families in their 20s or 30s
People don't form families anymore user

>I don't want you to agree with me
Yes, you do

I mean it'd be nice but having a back and forth debate or conversation is more important to me then that conversation nessscarily resulting in me convincing you.

halo 2 was an incomplete mess, but it was fun

This, short, simple, to the point.

If you can't take someone writing a short sentence like the one above then you have some form of autism.

>You can play H3 on pc right now
that hacked together russian f2p piece of shit? go bathe with a toaster you actual retard. i want to play the campaigns not that shitbird fan mod.