Why are Halo 3 fans so dumb when it comes to what made Halo 3 fun and popular. You'll see "man halo infinite should be Halo 3" or people saying "Make halo 3 on PC" as if either of these ideas would bring Halo 3 any real popularity again. As if they don't know how time or people work. . .
Here's the fact Halo 3 fags. You played Halo 3 probably in middle school or high school. You were young, friends were a bike ride away. You had no job or no big job. Sleep over and pizza was the jam. You could spend time at your friends house playing H3. Or at night drinking mountain dew on XBL shittalking with your friends all night
That's over children. You're in your 20s or 30s. You have jobs. Friends probably have families or are busy mostly.
You will never have that feeling again. PC. Xbone anything. It will not help you
Halo 3 fans are retarded. The Sony Fans of Halo. From what I hear they don't even shower nor clean themselves after an oily shit
Halo 3 was fun for it's time. Yet it is slow. Unbalanced. Its customs are trash compared to reach or 4 or 5. And you know it