Who is your favourite member of the Wild Hunt ?

Who is your favourite member of the Wild Hunt ?

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It was such bs to learn that they were space elves
Everything related to Ciri is such shit

>not liking manly as fuck metal elves

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I liked how blunt weapon guy was a bald absolute unit instead of the usual long haired sissy

>"The Wild Hunt is a horde of specters that roams the sky during storms and is an omen of disaster. The appearance of the Wild Hunt foreshadows war and woe, much as a comet does. The spectral Wild Hunt sometimes appears in nightmares of the cursed or those touched by Destiny.

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Blunt weapon fellow was the only challenging fight therefore he's my favourite
Leader was a sissy, fight ended in 30 seconds from what I can remember
Ciri fight ended way too quickly

did blunt weapon guy on 3rd difficulty and the other two on death march

buff elves are a rarity, especially ones in heavy armor, i hate the "elves are fragile twigs" thing everyone goes for like its standard.

Staff dude was pretty rad.

Almost, Zireal, almost.

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>King of the Hunt
>Build up since the first game
>Turns out to be the worst boss and doesn't have weight in the story
They did him dirty.

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Caranthir > Imlerith > Eredin
Caranthir never took his mask off and carried the wild hunt through the entire story. Imlerith was badass. Eredin was a bitch who was easy to kill.

The wild hunt being space elves didn't even have to be bad but he looked like such a faggot without his darth vader mask and he never says (or does to be honest) anything of any meaning.

Yeah I liked how Imlerith was such a badass that humans think he's a pagan deity and worship him during a blood moon

I liked the fight with him especially. The game is best when it focuses more on Geralt than Ciri.


I thought Eredin and the Wild Hunt King from Witcher 1 were two separate entities.

>tfw ciri wasn't killed off in the first hour and the rest of the game focusing on radovid vs extrademensional specters of doom

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*glitches out and freezes during his battle against ciri*

holy shit that happened to me too
what even causes that shit

holy brainlet fugggg

>insults me for believing a skeleton zombie-like man was different to the pretty boy elf in 3

Old Warcraft nightelves used to be really big dudes

Bruh we knew that since witcher 1

for you

Imlerith's design is the best one.

Neither, they had 0 character.

>2019, I am forgotten

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>bald absolute unit
>long haired sissy
>this cope

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>multiple witcher threads daily
what did user mean by this

every single one was disappointment. a lvl 6 necker hits harder than the king of the hunt

Well, I knew they were the same, but I was confused why they looked so different.
I was just dissapointed with the fact that they were elfs wanting to prevent the global warming in the dimension, and not demoniac entities seeking power.

>when common monsters are far more terrifying than bosses

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>Kills Crach an Craite offscreen for cheap sad points
Nothin personnel

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*dies to a single aard*