>wasting money on virtual vidya items
Wasting money on virtual vidya items
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you don't know it's wasted until after the fact.
i waste money on my dog, i hate that faggot, but i get in trouble if she does.
Do I get those pricy crates to sell if I play the game now?
i made a hundred bucks selling crates, i'm not complaining lol
>implying I ever spent money
imagine being that guy who spend thousands on the burning team captain
>the TF2 hat market has crashed
Are all the Soldiers going to start rocket jumping to their deaths?
It's hilarious though
has valve stopped the bleeding and temporarely disabled trading yet? it has been going on for many hours now.
Why did he do it?
Gabe is having his second breakfast right now, give him a few hours.
tfw buying during the dump
Im finally gonna make it, bros.
good. steam items and shit is cancer. If an item is so good someone would pay $1000 for it, surely everyone should have access to it.
what a fucking idiotic company.
employees should not be bothered outside work, but when such an emergency happen and every hour the company and the consumers are getting massively damaged, emergency phone calls and quick fixes should happen.4 AM calls are not unreasonable, and 7 AM ones even less so. they have work-at-home setup so it shouldn't be a big problem.
Can’t they just rollback?
I remember that happening several times in Maplestory everytime exploits happened.
let this be a lesson to anyone who invests in expensive pixels
literally one small mistake can lead to the destruction of the virtual economy
>second breakfast
Closer to third or forth. Gabe likes to wake up early so he has more time to eat.
>one of the 3 cent crates I had shot up to $4 in value
thanks for the free money, cosmeticfags
how do I sell crates?
surprised it took this long. Last time I played the game seriously a key was worth 6.33 ref. What the fuck happened?
>the consumers are getting massively damaged
They'd probably have to roll back all crate openings and all TF2 hat and crate market sales within the past like 12 hours. I don't think it's really an option.
Good. In game economies are retarded.
>the consumers are getting massively damaged
>he invested his life savings in hats
>can't sell my half a dozen crate #4s because i haven't bought anything on steam in over a year
>will need to wait a week before i can do anything
>bug will be fixed and prices will normalize by then
What's the likelihood they do a rollback?
>the consumers are getting massively damaged
i made $40 today from crates, get fucked you dumb hat "investor"
How cheap is cheap?
market parasites and their bot networks are suffering, for normal people things are now as they always should have been
90 to 98% price drop for unusual hats
>unconfirmed glitch
alrighty then damage controlling faggots
You cant rollback when actual money is swapping hands
>My crates are only worth 3 cents
Oh well.
I guess its a good time to come back to tf2
>actual money
technically you're trading in steam funbucks
I have a bunch of the crates since I never delete my items. Should I seriously buy some more keys? I had two keys so I opened two and got a robo bird cage lighting effect and soldier indian hat with money effect.
Is there any chance they will get deleted/rolled back? Or possible get me banned for using this exploit?
Seriously considering buying some more keys.
There are some intermediary sites where you can buy and sell with actual money
this is almost as dumb as bitcoin
Pretty unlikely I would think. A ton of legitimate trades/sales/openings happened in that time and they probably don't have a way to just target the glitched crates and unusuals.
>tfw deleted all my crates
i wanna kill myself now
what emergency?
Fun's pretty much over. They patched it and are cleaning up the community market I think
Everybody is doing it. It would be a pretty big scandal if they started swinging the banhammer.
unusual richfags on suicide watch
>Sold around 75 of my crates years ago for 3 to 5 cents each
>Had like 5 leftover that never sold
>They are worth nearly 2 dollars now
Son of a bitch. At least I made $9 in like 5 minutes.
> Imagine wasting your time in an economy were you you cant cash out with going to 3rd party sites.
Nope, unusual drop rates are still glitched
What fucking crates have the bug?
1-18, 61, 82 and 85
Is the glitch still working?
>he didn't quadruple his money in six months
>He bought?
I never understood this shit. You might as well use your money to wipe your ass or light your joints.
>get a Vivid Plasma Vintage Tyroulean, a Purple Confetti Dr.'s Dapper Topper, and a Terror Watt Human Cannonball for under 30 bucks
They may be okayish effects on okayish hats, but I'm pretty damn happy about this. Press D to dab on tradescum
>My 4 cheap shit unusuals have gone up to 20€ each
i also want to know
i made like $40 selling crates but i had a key and got this. how much do you lads think it'll go for
What's the glitch?
I bought my first unusual for less than two keys. AMA
A bunch of crates started giving out quaranteed unusuals instead of them being a rare drop
>can't contact item server
RIP, ride's over lads.
nvm rollback incoming
Sure, but i've already cashed out my Steam Funbucks and bought video games with them, so I doubt they can do anything about that.
theres no glitch, some retard just found out and told everyone on reddit a free way to get unusual hats by opening a specific crate while we were steadily selling stuff when we needed to and were making bank doing it once in a while
it's been that way for months, I made like 10 thousand usd
>tfw math major with $300k starting
>Yea Forums freaking out over a couple of virtual dollars
Enjoy the scraps I guess lmao.
>there's no glitch
>guaranteed unusual by opening certain boxes
>there's no glitch
You retarded son?
What job does a Math Major even do?
homework for kids in gradeschool
Does valve condone that, because if it's against their ToS they can just say "tough shit."
Lol hes larping
good, but you should STOP making threads about trading, hours ago the 50% of Yea Forums catalog was TF2 related
is it still working?
>download game for the first time in 4 years
>open my rigged crate
>sniper unusual
>put it on my sniper
>jump into a 2fort 24/7
>walk out to ledge and headshot a FON scout jumping over the bridge roof
>exit out
>uninstall game
Yep, tf2 was a good game. sipp
So that's how it ends.
user it's a /sci/ meme
How many people are getting fired for this?
Rate my haul please
and 1 upvote = 1 pray they don't delete everyone's hats
The entire TF2 team probably, all one of them.
just the guy that intentionally made it be that way
None, they've basically gotten a fuckton of money from this. Maybe a scorn
75% of the TF2 team. So like 2 people.
nah mate, the item servers are still online for me. it's not over yet
You have to be fucking kidding me. This just happens to happen after I make a PayPal account to sell my backpack.
There goes 300 easy dollars.
When you open a crate it says 'no response from server' and refunds your key.
here, tried to open my #82 like 50 times now, still the same message
>inventory goes down literally the moment I heard about this and tried to check out my crates
why do I always have the worst luck
gonna enjoy my cheaters lament and bug report hat
What now lads?
I woke up too late fuck
Post yfw you took advantage before backpacks went down
looks like everyone heard of it, and even if it wasn't intentional the servers just shat themselves
post yfw you never bought a hat
get on my level
still, gratz, user
>tfw I dumped all my crates and made over $100 in steam bux
Gee Gabe, thanks for the FREE games!
well, at least I didn't buy any crates
>Woke up early
>Hyped because that means i can get vidya
>check inventory
>realizate i had delethed all my crates for the past 2 years
fuck I wanted to buy a cheap unusual
well at least I sold the crates
They dont condone it but they have operated for a while without any problems, unlike the csgo sites
me neither
but I bought a single key, oh well
item servers are back up
nothing of value lost
We already saw the last 5 times you posted it tranny
>getting over $300 steam bucks
>watching hoarders being btfo and crying
niggas, I am so happy right now I'll give away a payday game gift to whoever gets dubs
>This inventory is not available at this time. Please try again later.
>that fucking feel when I got a genuine unusual Dancing Doe from the new summer crates
they better not touch my shit boys
I thought I had a lot more crates than I did, but I only had a couple and none of them were the valuable ones. Makes me feel better for being slow at the switch.
>woke up late
>missed selling crates
aahhhh i slept through literally free video games
This is why we should regulate the markets. Hundreds of kids lost their parents' savings due to this.
you can't roll dubs on Yea Forums newfag
Sure you can, watch this
Can't wait to get a neat exclusive hat because I didn't exploit the bug while you retards cry over your deleted unusuals
>watching hoarders being btfo and crying
You should specify hat hoarders. I was a crate hoarder and got $60 for my troubles.
I hope csgo gets the same treatment
What a picardy misters
i made 10,000 dollars in tf2 phishing back in 2011.
check my 3 instead
>Dubs on Yea Forums
But anyway, even though I didn't have any crates to sell, I at least got a laugh out of the economy getting destroyed.
how about this 8 instead
my team did fucking horrible during the steam summer races but it looks like I'm getting that free Cyberpunk pre-order anyways. Thanks Gaben!
>valve putting ANY effort into fixing this shit
yeah, nah
glitch was patched hours ago but the damage is already done
>imagine spending real money on pixel shit
M-Muh rollback though...
fuck, lucky you
I've never sold anything on marketplace before or used the stupid authenticator so they wanted to hold the trade for two fucking weeks
I had a shit load of old series crates from like 10 years ago when I actually played TF2
How can you short the hat market?
All these posts about the TF2 economy going down the drains makes me interested in getting back into the trading scene, but I'm not autistic anymore and I don't want to have to buy shit or endlessly grind to get ref.
Who's ready for version 2?
How does a bug like this even happen? Could this mean they are manipulating the drop rates in a shady way somehow?
oh yes, just roll back those cash transactions
Do you guys think ANYONE will open boxes again?
>endlessly grind to get ref.
a key is like 30+ ref now
you're literally never going to get enough ref to start trading
Who the fuck plays this shit? Literal 9 year olds? Seriously if you are over 12 and play this shit you,re a fuckin faggot bro.
That's a very interesting turn of events. Imagine that in this small microsystem that was created entirely of an idea that a virtual item has a value only because of its drop rarity you could have a vast "investors" network with bots and automatic trading in place, and suddenly by a small bug in the system all of it crashes and burns with people losing their money. Let me repeat - they lose big amounts of money, because they invested in literal virtual cosmetic items from one fucking game, and that these items have a value because someone at valve said so. And now the virtual market with hats is crashing and burning because of a bug? How insane this scenario is, I mean how fucked up on mushrooms and codeine you have to be to run virtual market with hats and crates for a living and be upset because this silly little system that was set up just for shit and giggles has a little hiccup. And suddenly people LOSE TONS OF MONEY!!! It really is a small experiment, a research to check how you can create a market crash and what follows next. Valve won't clean this shit fast, they have to study it, they need this data to see what is going to happen with all these items. Some will go up, others will go down, thousands of people will start buying and selling them and all of it will be used in future for the real market crash. I'd guess the Bilderbergs and Lehman Brothers are waiting for Valve's report already.
can anyone else confirm bans and rollbacks are happening?
Nnnh...p-please...I want my...oh g-god...I w-want my unusuals to be worth more than I am again..
Not that it's not entirely correct, but the repressed homosexuality of the person who made this must be interesting to say the least, the attention to detail speaks volumes.
that'd be even more fun to watch
I haven't played tf2 in years and have remember having a whole page of crates and refine, what the hell happened?
I heard that strangifiers and strange parts were no longer able to be acquired from crates and because of that it made unusuals the only thing you could get from the crates
A bit sad I missed the craziness.
Oh well. Bought a few keys to use sometime down the road.
$5 ain't much to miss.
>Sold some crates that have been clogging my inventory for years
>Got some free vidya
>All while sitting in my pyjamas with a big mug of coffee
These threads have been genuine fun.
i mean everything but the tip of the hats thing is literal trash
already own it, but thanks for being generous user
Server thingy is down under marketplace... Should I be opening crates right now with keys?
>unusuals will become expensive again once the hype and bubble is all gone
>23 unusuals
WTF I just got VAC banned. I sold 2 crates earlier.
Good goyim, of course they don't manipulate rates. Just keep trying your luck and eventually you'll win some juicy items!
Oh no no no...
post proof fgt
I’d watch this movie
Gonna be fun.
it won't be that expensive obviously but i think it will recover quarter-third of the initial price and that's gonna be comfy nonetheless
this isn't just the end for TF2's economy, this is the end for EVERY virtual game economy
So I should go sell my old crates now? Or should I open them?
post proof
back when i played keys were only like three fiddy each, thank christ this awful economy is crashing. i hope all the people who were manipulating it behind the scenes are in poverty now.
>unusuals will become expensive again once the hype and bubble is all gone
why would they?
there's hundreds of thousands of them now
>join casual servers
>no one has any unusuals
>clueless about bug
casual matchmaking niggers as usual
God I fucking wish
Just watch it happen
you should kill yourself for not reading the thread
>50 ref for a key
What the fuck when did this happen? I'm seeing crazy numbers for shit that used to be cheap
There was a new TF2 update that glitched some old crates and as a result you were guaranteed unusuals if you opened the affected crates. People mass sold the crates on the steam market for ez money and unusual hats have flooded into the market causing the TF2 trading economy to crash. Some previously expensive unusual hats are going for buttons now.
I got to feel like I was a traderfag for a day, it's good
I made 40 quid selling crates today, lads. Feels good.
>I'm seeing crazy numbers for shit that used to be cheap
Price Inflation is a bitch
What vidya have you got on your radar, user?
>listed an unusual for a cheap price on the market because i wanted to open another crate
>market/inventory goes down
>I can't cancel the listing
I remember a long time ago when I gave a shit about this game the guy who ran the biggest price spreadsheet that pretty much everyone used would frequently jack prices up on things he was about to sell in order to make a profit. Imagine that kind of shit going on for over ten years.
>add a Ricardo hat to the game
>instantly crashes the market
Sounds hilarious, too bad I work in a few hours, otherwise I'd actually check the market for some stuff I always wanted
Basedboys inflating the price of virtual items.
No, they are fixing it now, its best to sell the keys or wait and see what happens next
Happened IRL, some trading software fucked up and blew $150m over a weekend.
oooh you could make a haunted pirate thing
zombifier, your ghost buccaneer hat, and maybe a parrot
Unless they start deleting unusuals that were obtained through the exploit.
>they are fixing it now
They better just make it so the crates aren’t a guaranteed unusual or I’m gonna be mega pissed with a rollback
No it's just the game dying
It's over 50, mate.
Like you could tell how did you obtain the unusual in the first place. They would get a lot of backlash for doing that and there are too many users that have jumped on this badwagon for that to even be a thing
Be real with me here son
>had no crates
>managed to get an unusual that I like on my favourite class for 6 dollars
feels all right
I finally have an unusual after playing for a decade too
>hoarderfags are furious in the steam fourms
I remember the 2.33-3 ref days too
They just nuked the whole market
Are Bill's worth anything?
yeah I didn't know exact prices, all I know is I have items valued at 28 ref so it had to be above 30
>Tfw kept at least 1 of each crate series in the event something happen
>It did
Hoarders win again
Good. Fuck unusuals worth thousands of dollars.
>The Community Market is temporarily disabled. Please try again later.
>mfw I couldn’t get in fast enough and missed out on the whole thing
will this permanently fuck the market or will there be a comeback so i can start buying
What was the exploit?
why are all market unusuals dead presidents and aces high just sell them all goddamnit
>inventory disabled
Is their anyway to sell items? Prices are still jacked up
they only thing that might happes is for these unusuals to become untradeable
you truly missed it user, my condolences
No real exploit, just bad programming from valve which made rare items a gaurantee drop from their lootboxes.
What's the glitch?
I wish I had a good friday too...
wasn't even an exploit, it's a bug that made certain crates have 100% unusuals
Give me Void Bastards
>"do you remember the great team fortress 2 hats crash in 2019? man that was a shitshow"
and people wondered why they never updated the game, it's too risky
But why?
You can spam them that might do the trick
I was at work this isn't fair I've wanted a hearts effect spy hat forever now the market is down
How can I tell how much all my shit is worth total if I sell everything?
>mfw two Burning Flames Team Captains were unboxed in a day
Can you see these burning/ghost/butterfly whatever effects when the person wearing the hat stands close to a wall or behind a wall? Because if yes I dont see why anyone would ever wear them, they just make you easier to spot, even if its just a split second when youre coming around a corner.
>tfw just watching the carnage
>tradefags are now on suicide watch
>poorfags made bank
>will probably get cheater's lament 2.0 if valve gives enough of a ahit
I just want to let you guys know that the steam api is still up and you're able to view inventories through that.
All the new unusuals are being marked as non tradeable.
Yes you can. Absolutely you can. They just put the money back in your wallet.
>Durrr Valve wouldnt do that! Theyd lost 1000s!
Fuck no they wouldnt. You know how much money Valve makes on their market cut when everyone was posting their crates and unusuals?
If Valve rolled back, deleted the items and just put money in affected peoples Steam Wallets, theyd still come out ahead moneywise.
I love how people are screaming "They cant do it." Of course they fucking can. Its their fucking platform.
Whether or not it will happen remains to be seen, its probably about 50/50 right now, but I genuinely dont understand these morons going "It wont happen because it CANT." Its a question of WILL HOW, or SHOULD, not a question of CAN
me me
backpack.tf but those prices are obsolete now that the market is flooded
the gift that keeps on giving my dear friend also u're ugleh
Based Wario
can i get a quick rundown? what did the glitch do?
You know i actually had a spare #17 hsning around my inventory,
Just dold it for $5 bucks
Nah they'll probably just make all recent unusuals undtradable, ungiftable etc
Here's my guess:
>Valve wipes the market listings that currently exist
>Let people who actually bought/uncrated the hats keep them
>Go back to sitting on their asses until the next grease fire
>mfw I missed the whole thing
Made some crates have 100% unusual drop rates
100% unusual rates from certain crates
>cheater's lament
Why would you get a cheater's lament? This was 100% on them.
>go into random pub
>everyone has an unusual
BASED. Unusuals are dead forever.
>go onto trade server
>if anyone was mad they were silent
>everyone else is just laughing or having fun
100% unusual drop rates from certain crates, including gen 1 which contain the rarest/most valuable items
check 'em
>tfw had 5 #82 crates just lying around
watch this
>found about it just now
>tf2 inventory disabled and glitch has been patched
>have a load from the old crates, now worth shit again
well at least i'm not anthony burch
Even the potted plant?
>just... watch please I'm right.... my unusuals..
>had 7 in total (made up of 82 and 85)
>tfw 3 out of the 7 were kil-o-wat
I just got an official statement from gaben himself, i asked him personally since my dad works at nintendo
>had 2
>both were disco beat down
Not him, but sites like backpack.tf have item histories for all items, including unusuals. I would assume that Valve would have a similar method of tracking that information since backpack.tf does so by accessing user's public inventories. I won't act like I know their backend, but I doubt Valve doesn't have a way to trace item IDs and account numbers, although they'd probably have a lot of work on their hands with just how many items and accounts are now part of this event, so it'd be difficult and/or time consuming.
>muh economy
Fuck them, TF2 has more important issues than some retarded hats.
This would be legendary.
>implying there's dubs on Yea Forums
but watch me guess my own post number
"glitch" my ass
they got tons of money thrown back into TF2
Losers: hoarding trader-jews
Winners: everyone else
coming from my mind
Plus, it would be pointless
I had a bunch of early ones, I got two burnings, a peace, green confetti, purple confetti, and tf2 logo
some of these prices give me a hearty kek,
someone paid $630 for the Unusual Crone's Dome now it goes for only 30 usd. big ouch
I know, I traded back when it was 3-4 ref a key.
I'm getting half mast just thinking about it.
Valve will probably convert every unusual to something like "The bugged hat", a hat with insects all over it, but keeping the unusual effect and give the cheater's lament to players that didn't get the unusuals but spent at least a dime on tf2 before. That's my guess.
Already sold my backpack a year ago for 70 euros.
payday roll
One more try. It's hard to do since they changed how post updating works.
>This inventory is not available at this time. Please try again later.
Who here when keys use to be 1.33
Or they will just do nothing and fix the bug
fuck it check my 7
just stop namefag
>not knowing the difference between a tripfag and a namefag
shoo shoo newfag, it was just for the roll anyways dipshit
Valve did nothing when the duplication glitch was a thing.
They won't do anything this time, especially since they made a shit ton of money from it.
mfw i dumped 50 bucks into steam and only got 3 shitty unusuals before the market went down
fucking gaben this was just part of his plan to get more shekels
I bought 9 keys but only managed to unbox 2 unusuals
the wonders of the free market :^)
If you payed more then 15 cents for a hat, you should jump of a bridge
yup! this is the right answer everyone gets good shit for cheap and made some money while the hoarders are probably suiciding en mass at their lost profits
>mobile auth cucked me out of the fun
I know the guy who bought the first 2 years back, he made more than double his money back off them
time to kill
That was me. Who the fuck are you?
>Hoarder virgins
>Keep new/casual players out of the economy essentially, by making all the items someone might want virtually impossible to ever get via artificial inflation by bot trading
>Lose money 'earned' by scamming 12 year olds for over value of a hat, and idling in servers with their parent's electricity ,still get to keep the item, and doesn't visually change the item
>Chad Valve fuck up
>Makes all items affordable/attainable for players
>Everyone gets to have something nice, players rush back into the game to get their items
>Thousands of keys bought to satiate lust for hats
>New players have a solid economy starter pack by simply buying a key during the period
Imagine if they added this to the summer crate. God it would've gone hand and hand with the situation
look at the bright side, you are not one of the people that spent thousands on unusuals
how about my trips
when is the market going to be enabled again?
>inb4 the people who avoided unboxing get a crate cosmetic that has floating keys as its unusual effect
>its named Crate Expectations
So what vidya are you guys picking up with your wads o money?
more proof that the heavy update is TF3
ok, how do you sell shit? do you need to be an old player to get those boxes?
How many times did it crash already?
The minute the market comes back up sell everything
yeah, that must be nice
hoarders are in a seethe as ive heard
Did volvo kill the item server? It won't let me open any crates currently.
moar hatz
We reached a point where fucking Unturned has more stable market than TF2
I'm going to whop mine on the countah
fuck off
Remember when modding was about making fun and interesting new experiences on an established game formula, instead of an internet stock market where traders make money while workshop contributors earn pennies?
I'm starting to think lenin was right.
Bitcoin is useful for transferring money between countries in a relatively short time with relatively low fees and can be converted into fiat at a 0.25% fee on Coinbase with little slippage due to its high volume. It also can't be chargedback, saving merchants a massive amount of time and pain.
Sure, maybe it doesn't deserve to be $10000; ETH does the same thing and it's only $200, but regardless, Bitcoin has been a massive boon for people who sell goods across borders like me
yes,only people who played tf2 before it became f2p can sell shit
>Kyoani fire
>Hauer death
>Sadpanda taken down
>TF2 market crash
>Doom 1/2 ports now has online DRM
>all of this in one week
More like
>Hoarders turn the game into an unfun piece of shit and make when seems like a simple trading system a pain to use
>Community floods the place with bots and scrap bots, only way to actually communicate with someone is to trade on a trade server or be a high tier trader
>Now this happens, and suddenly they're begging for it to all be reset so they can continue to make most of the time a trading game instead of a fun game
>Now everyone can have cosmetics to customise, everyone can have fun and hopefully the obsession over unusuals and hats will slowly disappear
Well deservered. Hopefully this forces VALVe's hand to either damage control with more updates, shut down TF2 or whatever "solution" they come up with.
well, i bought it before the f2p update, but yeah, havent touched the game at all, dunno if that helps.
how come this place is always full of very intelligent and rich people? any sort of life advice thread gets multiple replies immediatelly.
im on suicide watch for the whole year
>the one night I decided to open the one #8 crate I had for shits and giggles and this fucking happens
I thought I got lucky for once but nope, fuck my life.
based but pennies is hugely inaccurate, valves workshop pays out very generously
Australiums still exists, anom
Not really, maybe back when items went straight to the mann co store.
Now all earnings are divided up between the items in the crates, and crates are what, one buck each? Minus valve's cut.
And nobody buys crates anyway, they just trade for the items.
Enjoy having your account flagged
>have #82
>can't open it now
well, shit
oh fuck its true
not a single dub. disgraceful. check these digits
True, but there is a difference between them. One is one that you could argue has some actual cosmetic use beyond other people looking at you.
Honestly, based off of that fact, I would prefer Australiums to be the "item to get" because at least is something you can fucking see, and it fits somewhat into lore.
but now nobody will unbox again because the chance of getting an unusual is so low and the prices of them are so low as well
it's like if betting a sole number in roulette would pay out 2x your bet rather than like 35x
nah, the earnings come from the key ($2.50). thats why every new case has its own key.
Did Hiro take out double zeros?
It's obviously bait retard
You seem like the kind of guy who uses epic Lenny binds,
i really miss him bros
so glad i never fell for the items jew.
I have 5000 hours in this game and have spent about 20€ in total in items, way back in the day
>implying valve is going to actually make a hat
We're well past the days of the Cheater's Lament. If anything, best they'll get is a steam badge.
>inv down
Surely they have the tools to revert all this, e.g. 'All transactions before [time] have been refunded due to a glitch.'
What do you guys think is going to happen?
>All fake unusuals get removed
>All fake unusuals get replaced with key+chest
>Entire economy rollback
>Absolutely nothing
>All crates now have a 100% unusual rate
I bought Cyberpunk 2077 since I made enough to put down a preorder and it was the most expensive item on my wishlist.
can confirm
its legit
>tfw learned about this bug early last night but didnt bother uncrating anything because I didnt want to spend even 2 dollars on this shit game
Can I level it up a hundred times for epeen points?
Gibs, Steam name Greyboat
how did you learn about it if you didn't open any user?
also why wouldn't you buy the bugged crates & put them back in for more money?
>got the halo
>still cheated out 12 unusuals
I don't get it
absolutely nothing
Let's roll
>bought a game just with crate money and played it for over two hours since last night
>they do this
>will have enjoyed the game for free
>>Absolutely nothing
That's what will happen because money is involved. How the fuck do you expect them to roll back money people wasted on stuff? Tracing this shit will take forever, they should just fix and forget about it.
>bragging about being so poor you cant part with 2 dollars
>Tf2 isn't dead!
feels good being good boy
there's no dubs nor 00 on Yea Forums. Why is everyone replying to this?
They should just turn the glitched unusuals into a new quality called "usual".
People with wealth and influence want an anonymous forum to be able to say whatever the fuck they want without repercussions.
blame epic.
They did it to damage valve.
Redistribution of wealth is a communist thing.
Epic is controlled and used for spying by communist china.
This was an all out attack on capitalism.
Why have they only made it more and more of a pain in the ass to do anything with trading over the years? I swear some Dota items you have to wait a year to trade.
stick it up your ass, stupid fuck
>Mfw I sold most of my crates a few days before it happened
I'm a math major and I work at walmart stocking shelves.
>What job does a Math Major even do?
>any job I want
>300k starting
Are these all crates affected or am i missing some?
Why didn't they just halt all trading as soon as the bug was discovered?
Did you at least sell the crates?
It seems like now is the time to buy
All I got was $30 steam bucks out of all this
didn't hear shit about 86
>can't trade
>can't open crates
>can't use marke
Valve better give us something like the Cheater's lament, otherwise I'm fucking done.
Probably nothing.
What if this was intentional?
Like, every update from now on valve will make a few of the retired crates have 100% drop rate. That way, every update, people will scramble buying keys and crates to try and find which crates are the unusual drop ones?
Valve would make a killing.
>not selling the crates
full on retard
1 - 18, 61, 82, 85
not like it matters since everything is down atm
valve is in the PST time zone
You think one of the 3 guys on the TF2 team is going to come in early to fix this?
Genuinely think this is a good way to retire old crates. Makes valve a good buck and people happy for gettin' unusuals.
>mfw I sold a bunch of crates that didn't have the exploit in them for around $1-$2 each
i hope we get something because this inventory down bullshit its gonna cuck me of selling a total of 40ish crates
fake unusuals are made untradeable and unmarketable, then complete silence for 6 months until they update the localization files again.
Any autists do theory crafting about the numbers yet? Seems awfully specific
Who am I kidding, nobody cares about args anymore
It's a fucking rigged market. Honestly surprised why the EU or FTC haven't come down on them yet.
So is the Steam market frozen right now?
anyone have any bugged crates?
i'd sell some shit to buy them but the market is down
buy me rimworld
How do you even fuck up like this?
The crates involved are awfully specific. Wouldn't you have to go into the games code and manually change the drop rates of items?
How is drop rate even handled?
>they shut down the market
Some numbers got messed up when they added the new crates
Items have no value despite what your nigger ass paid for them. They can take them away without repercussion because you abused a bug to get them.
I literally haven't bought anything gaming related in 7 years, be it controller, console, games, collectibles.
isn't it obvious?
Thank god, now you faggots can fuck off with your money you can't even take out of the bank.
What happened? I don't play TF2`
If you think a company can arbitrarily manipulate the holding's of people's account with real monetary value 'with no repercussions', especially with ex post facto justification, especially when it is the company at fault, you are sorrily mistaken
It's only been said 100 times on this board
Then why be here dumbass
How did you do it?
How much can I make by selling them for the price they are now to retards who don't realize it when they get fixed?
good luck with that you need to open your inventory first which is down
>thinking this was unintentional or a "glitch"
fucking retard
From what I remember the number of people who work on TF2 fluxes everyday if not everyweek. Some of the only people who consitantlly work on it all the time are old as hell
So old that a mistake like this could fly by because they don't have the manpower to look over and see any problems the new update would bring.
The Economy Crashed
They fucked up and made it so a specific line of crates would drop a Unusual Hat 100% of the time you opened them. Hats were part of the backbone for the economy, along with that line of crates so the moment people found out it was a 100% GUARANTEE for a free Unusual Hat everyone jumped on that and the Market Crashed and Valve only keeps the game alive because it makes/made money on the economy.
So if you went on a server right now you'd find a bunch of people wearing fancy effect having hats
> literally only 2 people on the TF2 dev team right now
that heavy update is fuckign cancelled holy shit atleast 1 of them is getting fired
>had to have bought a steam game between 7 days and a year
If you don't, then you're a delusional dumbass.
what the fuck are you doing on Yea Forums then
Implying I even took any part in this shitshow. But you are retarded if you think they can just refund everything, especially considering real money is involved.
Made $250 steambucks, the ones I opened were shit and are only worth ~$5 now, shoulda just sold those crates
>Valve to fire half of the Team Fortress devteam amid Market Crash
I want my, I want my, I want my MTV
>tfw valve will think of something to monkeypaw people who took advantage of it like the apple earbuds, cheater's lament, golden wrench
The crash happened like 5 years ago, thankfully I cashed out about 60 dollars before it happened (wasn't really big into trading).
they get 33% of each sale and ALL of the money from the keys ($2.5 each) used to open them, they're laughing all the way to the bank
I want to remind myself why i left it all behind, works every time reading posts here
any hope for me left?
i have tons of the glitched cases
>one hat will somehow make up for thousands of unusuals
can confirmed.
tested this on a crate with strangifiers and weapons and one with only strangifiers.
Crate A had a strange red tape recorder
Crate B had an unusual.
My favorite part is all these idiots thinking valve can't do anything just because they spent money. How fucking naive do you have to be to actually believe that?
what's wrong with earbuds or airpods? they work well even if a little overpriced
>1000s of keys sold in one night
>majority of the playerbase is happy with their new free hats
>only people negatively affected are neets who are too retarded to actually organize a class action lawsuit or anything that would actual hurt the company
yea valve is definitely in shambles right now
oh no no
hope you guys sold already
Good. I hope all of those people who heavily invested into the TF2 economy go broke. I dabbled in trading for a while and it was some of the most cancerous shit I've ever done.
>added the gullible effect
Nice one
Why are they using meme arrows?
Haha cheatfags BTFO ....or so the tradefags will think :^)
>wearing unusual hats at all
plebs. Almost all of them are shit
Thats some weak bait user.
I did not because I was at work while this happened
>tfw you by chance didn't have any of the glitched crates in your inventory
>people saying how they had their life savings invested in TF2 hats and how this ruined their life
kek, and I thought bitcoinfags were retarted
better than not being able to even open your inventory at all with many of them
Dubs fucking get
>mfw deleted half my crates and the ones I have aren't worth anything
At least I didn't have unusuals that are worth nothing now
>tfw gave away all my old crates to random people on pubs years ago
>Added "The Gullible Effect"
>Updated the localization files
seriously i spent a summer in like 2013 or 2014 trading hats, made like $2000 but over the span of time it was way less than minimum wage and came without learning any kind of life lessons or social skills, fucking disgraceful
Guys this ain't funny anymore, I'm worried about y'all.
At the very least this will be a funny memorable vidya related happening for this garbage year.
such a nice post and i without points , what a picardy denounced machine
remember to put this shit on the next card we send gaben
make a compilation of all the people who posted their steam wallet amounts
>had only one crate#8
>could've gotten at least 7 bucks
Ah well
How many lads you seen running around with unusuals now Yea Forums
The market is crashing you colosal retard.
kids on Yea Forums for the summer don't know that
I have never even installed the game in the first place
Uhh bros
did anyone's wallet funds also get turned back?
can someone explain the bug to a brainlet?
Valve very big brian crate open always goodprize
Post >yfw you were never retarded enough to spend money on unusuals or golden weapons
>take key
>put in lock on crate
>open crate
>get unusual
If you can't go back and read posts and understand what it means, I'm surprised you can read at all
Valvefags will defend it anyway.
uh user
golden weapons went up 50% since this started since it's the only indicator of not being a noob now that unusuals are 5$
>retard valve intern makes unusuals in certain crates give 100% chance of unusuals (the super valuable hats in tf2)
>everyone starts opening crates
>hats get devalued a fuck load
>crates skyrocket
>big traders lose thousands of dollars because they invested money in virtual hats
>tfw can't check my aussie to see if this is true or not because the item servers are down
Valve released a TF2 update that caused a bug with old crates. The affected crates gave a 100% chance of getting an unusual. People sold the affected crates on the steam market for ez money causing the price of crates to skyrocket and the price for unusual hats to plummet. People who wanted free vidya were overjoyed while TF2 traders were in an uproar.
>make a small fraction of the money you already do in a day with the economy
>loss confidence on the economy of the game
If you believe they made big money with this you are just retarded, theres absolutely no reason for valve to upset the economy of the game let alone inject unusuals and make them worthless.
So there´s only one person working on it now?
Oh no, there will be 0.5 people working on TF2 now.
You forgot your image
Gold weapons went up in value
Obviously TF3 is coming.
they had it had 1.00% probably, but someone either moved the decimal to 100% or maybe had a different locale set on their computer in which a comma separates decimals and it autocorrected to 100%
>spent extra money on skins, taunts, and aussies
>only ever bought 1 unusual with a halloween effect
>mfw nothing in my stockpile was devalued.
I bought like 5 keys in 2012. slowly traded up to a mid tier unusual, then got bored and sold them all to buy games.
still wish I had some crates to sell though. gave all of them away years ago.
How many lawsuits would valve have on them if they try to punish people for exploiting their own mistake?
I could see some happening even if they just rollback or make them untradeable.
Because this isn't any different than an online store messing up the price of an item, the item getting shipped out and delivered, and then the store trying to do something about it.
my nigga
If Valve rolls back the item update and doesn't refund people that put money on Steam, it could be the legitimate end of lootboxes because the whole idea that lootboxes aren't gambling goes up in smoke.
There were probably drastic sales from people being able to get what they want.
The janitor that's working on tf2 at valve accidentally made some of the old crates have a 100% chance to drop unusual hats.
This has destroyed the tf2 economy since unusuals were the pillars of it and they're now worth very little.
Digital distribution is the single largest cancer on gaming, Valve popularized and normalized it so Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company.
If you haven't been pirating ever since Valve made it so giving them a or a platform like them a donation for a download license is the only legal way to play new games on PC then you are the cancer that ruined gaming.
0. Stop being retarded.
My unusual was so fucking bad I could never sell it, and I hate playing soldier
now I can't sell it for shit. its just gonna sit in my inventory
>stealing money from consumers that did nothing against TOS
>not fuel for lawsuits
gimmie gimmie
No way to tell. Item servers, community market, etc are down. You can't trade, sell, or open anything at the moment.
They didn't steal anything retard. Your imaginary items are literally worth nothing.
can't unbox, trade, or sell items at the market
The purchases of keys and crates most certainly were worth something.
>yfw no crates
it's not fair bros i want money, oh well at least i was in the gempocalypse
Nope. Your account, items, and games have no value. They can revoke any at any time for any reason. You already agreed to it.
How did people even find out about this?
Conversely, how did they not keep it to themselves for a few days and make INSANE profit, cash out, then let it all burn.
they did, someone just blew it away to reddit
You accept the EULA, you can't sue Valve
Those are the rules
Like something no one even reads can be legally binding.
>How did people even find out about this?
They probably unboxed a crate.
Really? Because the tf2 subreddit seems to be in full SHUT IT DOWN MODE where they were banning anyone talking about how to do it.
It actually is.
the worst offenders will be banned
the others will just have their inventories and steam balance rolled back to before the glitch
people who did not participate get some stupid item for it
calling it
My TF2 inventory says its unavailable right now...
>it was intentional
>people who did not participate get some stupid item for it
I hope this turns out to be true.
I like stupid rare untradable hats that you can't get anywhere else.
>this year is only half over
fuck.. i'm worried how much worse can it get from here
>it could be the legitimate end of lootboxes because the whole idea that lootboxes aren't gambling goes up in smoke
Honestly this is the best outcome. If Valve suddenly decides to rollback all the opened crates becase "those wins didn't count" instead of leaving them as fairly won items, then it becomes very apparent that loot boxes are gambling and the house will kick you out for counting cards.
>valve brings one of the biggest cancers of gaming upon us
>but they're also the ones to kill it
is this their unintentional redemption arc?
buying non-craftable hats .33 ref each
selling non-craftable hats .55 ref each
I might actually play it again now that trading autism is killed. Unironically best news I've heard about the game in years.
Do you accept item overpay?