What's the largest amount of time you feel you wasted in prep for a video game? For me...

What's the largest amount of time you feel you wasted in prep for a video game? For me, it was One Piece Unlimited World Red, I read ALL of One Piece from start to finish with no knowledge of the series at all in preparation to play the game. The game was okay.

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Other urls found in this thread:


One Piece went to shit a while ago. I stopped reading after I made it through the garbage that was Dressrosa. Oda lost it.

You're bleak and emotionless person if you think one piece is a waste of time. I just watched it all over again and it is the best story ever told. Nothing comes close

The idea of reading One Piece, start to finish, for thay game is very strange to me. Never played it personally.
For me maybe forcing my way through Just Cause is the closest I can get.

Why would you do such a thing?

This but ironically

Confirmed for not reading One Piece

This was back when I was in huge denial of the Vita going down the shitter, I ended up buying almost every game for the damn thing, this one included, however I couldn't just play it without having read the source material.
Ehhh, it's not the best manga, (bit I like Dragon Ball so it's not like I can really say anything) there were a couple arcs I felt like I had to slog through,(the mermaid one post tine skip) but my favorite was the one when they do the prison break with Robin, and my other one just so happens to be the other prison oriented one with buggy. Bon was pretty fucking cool in that chapter, glad he was revealed to have survived the poison man.

>Defending that shitty stretched out garbage that came out straight of Naruto
Nu-One-Piece fans are pathetic.

Completely dismissing Dressrosa as an arc altogether is brainlet tier

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Dude Dressrosa was plagued with flaws
What a shame dude, it picks up after DR. Whole cake is pretty weird but really good

>best story ever told

Read a book. An actual book, not your picture books. And not YA shit either.

Dressrosa was amazing. There is no bad arc in One Piece, and only brainless tools think otherwise.

read the manga

You have to be a literal shit eater to enjoy fishman island and punk hazzard

>Fishman island was bad
i can tolerate people not liking dressrosa but imagine being this much of a fucking pleb

>Yea Forums having bad taste
This place will never change

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>Pirate warriors is garbage and it's the only one having sequels
What a shitty timeline.

I read all the Witcher books in between 2 and 3.
Game was ok, but the second half of the books was super scrappy.


>nigger weeb
How typical

Dressrosa wasn't bad per se, but it went on way too fucking long, and most of the side characters weren't as fun. Same goes for Whole Cake Island.
Fishman Island was just trash though

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The Warriors games are the only good One Piece games right now. Burning Blood was broken arena fighter garbage, Treasure Cruise is gachashit and World Seeker is a slog to play through and they’re only now adding characters other than Luffy to play as

>Burning Blood was broken arena fighter garbage, Treasure Cruise is gachashit and World Seeker is a slog
And guess what? Pirate warriors is literally that. A Warriors game.

Bu user, Warriors games are great

I'm leaving.

So, Pirate Warriors 4. What do you think they'll add?

Not him, but fuck off boomer. Growing up with the internet and phones since I was born, not a single person in school read books in their free time. They're either on there phones, watching shows, working out, or fucking with a girl. Do you enjoy knitting too, fag?

Really awkward to read.

Well Unlimited Cruise's sequel sucked, and Burning Blood is condensed diarrhea so that doesn't leave a lot of options.

Why do pleople shit so much on Burning blood? I know it's another clonic arena fighter, but I remember it having certain depth in combat, in comparision with other games like Storm

you mean ennys lobby

i meant impel down

>I like Dragon Ball
spic opinions don't matter

whats bad about impel down

I had a bunch of DBZ games when I was a kid so I went to the library to read the volumes to understand what is going on. Most DBZ games closely follow the original story so the only things I learned about were the arcs before the saiyan arc.

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Dressrosa was the kinda arc which hurt to read weekly but flows great in a binge. Things like the grand fleet setup etc

One Piece went to shit after Thriller Bark
Sabaody was fucking lame, entire Summit War was one big shark jump
Timeskip and flashback were pure unadulterated dogshit
Return to Sabaody was equally lame as their first time there
Fishman Island was a snoozefest
Punk Hazard fucking sucked ass

Dressrosa and onward has been getting better, but it can never be the same again, the series is permanently changed for the worse

I think this is mostly true, most people who went back and read the whole arc through generally do not have the same complaints that the people who read it weekly had back then.

It had no depth, it was just slow and unbalanced.

Went to shit after Enies Lobby you mean. Pic related was the only good part of Thriller Bark.

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with enies lobby you mean

Hang on, what's wrong with Enies Lobby?

Moria's speech during the final battle, the depression gags and the adventuring part of thriller bark are all pretty good.

>See spooky adventure and mystery through the eyes of Nami, Ussop and Chopper
>watch it come all apart with Luffy and the rest destroying everything

Wonderful, especially with luffy trying to make a tree a crewmember.

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Nigga are you implying that Enies Lobby was bad?

>one piece went to shit because of *recent arc*
>*much older arc that i'm nostalgic for* was so much better
I hate you people

asspull powerups
no villain motivation
all AKTSHUN, no adventure

and save yet another crying woman but it's not like that's worth complaining about when that's a perpetual state of the writing
at least it wasn't a princess that time

nah one piece is better now than it's ever been

WCI/Wano are kino

This, Wano is going to be great. I can't remember the last time I was this excited for new chapters to come out.

The eternal Zorofag strikes again.

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personally i think the new cover story feels like it's going to tell more of what the reader wants and at a better pace than anything wano will be dishing out

fucking dragging this shit out for olympics, man
udon is so goddamn boring, does it really need this many months dedicated to trying to convince prisoners with perpetually faulting ideals

>recent arc
>speaking of arcs from over 10 years ago
Are you retarded?

It's an objective fact that the quality of One Piece went down dramatically after the timeskip.

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>udon is so goddamn boring

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How in the world is Whole Cake somehow "really good" and Dressrosa not?
Both suffer from similar pacing issues

I really thought Burning Blood had potential to be something really great. Had some damn good looking cutscenes,fun enough combat.

If it had a sequel they couldve knocked Storm out the park, it just needed balancing, and make it so all characters had more freedom in their combos, cause a lot of fuckers including me kept mostly used characters that could pretty much almost 100% fuckers.

pity response

People have been saying these nip plays that Oda is using as framework are generally 5 acts, we've had Kuri and Udon so does that mean we'll get Kibi, Ringo, and Hakumai next?

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a lot more interesting shit happens in the 78 chapters of whole cake than the bloated 102 chapters of dressrosa. Not even comparable.

This gave me the heartiest laugh I've had in a while. Thanks for reposting it user.

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>Hates all of Chopper's post-timeskip transformations
What kind of Anti-chopper faggot wrote this shit.

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Is there any One Piece game that follows the full story since East Blue like the Naruto games or the Dragon Ball games?

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Maybe I'm just a sucker for Oda's backstories. I love getting insight into different characters and Dressrosa was loaded with them.
I really liked Doffy's entire crew and the setting itself as well.

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Pirate Warriors 3, and Romance Dawn but that one's trash.

I believe Pirate Warriors 1 and 3 are the best (non-mobile) examples right now, and even then they're not that great at it.

you posted the only decent character in his entire crew. You really like fat art lady and recycled devil fruit heavy man?

Dressrosa was too dark. The whole toy thing was beyond horrifying. Robin gets turned into a puppet and fucking everyone instantly forgets she even existed.

Some of them have been slaves for over ten years. Like even if they beat Doflamingo everyone's lives are already to totally and utterly fucked that it won't accomplish much.

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I hope PW4 will have the Red Scabbards. I feel like I'm one of the few who actually likes them.

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>no villain motivation
Did you read - lemme rephrase that - Did you watch the arcs before Enies Lobby?

Why did Oda suddenly become incapable of making women that aren't bimbos?

Tits are great and all but his female characters lack variety now.

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I started reading One Piece last year

It was good enough at first, but I really started liking it at Alabasta
And then I REALLY liked it from Water 7 all the way up to the timeskip.

And now I just like it a normal level again
I was excited for the Levely but then it got interrupted by the Weebshit Saga which is really taking its sweet time moving along

I swear to fucking God if Levely ends off-screen I'm gonna screech through time and space and pierce Oda's brain with crystallized anger

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>Robin gets turned into a puppet
That shit was my fetish though so it's okay.

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At the very least, Kinemon will probably be playable.

op i literally did the same exact thing for world seeker. Watching the trailers got me so hyped i ended up plowing through the whole thing in like 3 months
i never actually ended up buying world seeker, not that i really care, one piece was an amazing ride

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why yes, indeed i was reading before enies lobby was an arc, and before k-f even hit episode 100

why do you ask?

>Oda somehow stretches out the "eight days" until the final battle for two years with full acts in each segment of Wano
I'd believe it

I haven't read anything since the end of Dressrosa. Have they beat any of the Yonko yet

i doubt it'll have anything from wano

Am I the only one who's been reading one piece since like 2001? You know, back then it wasn't the biggest manga of all time. It was hard to get invested when it could get cancelled at any time.

Kaido's iron club is on the logo, it'll probably pull a PW3 Dressrosa if Wano isn't finished by the time it releases next year.

Oh yes.

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i tried it out in 2001 (woo sharereactor) but took till like 2004 till i was into it with any regularity

I miss the pre-timeskip OP. I hate the SOUL/SOULLESS faggots, but if you watch like the first 50 episodes again they truly have a soul which is lacking nowadays.

They run away from Big Mom at Wholecake and now they're in Wano trying to beat Kaidou and Big Mom followed them there

The villains had a clear motivation: Get Pluton's blueprints from Water 7 and then intercept Robin when she arrived. Now as individuals there may not have been any real motivation but overall CP9 had a task. It wasn't just mindless fighting.

Dressrosa's pacing was fucked but it had great payoff, making all of the time spent with the side characters worth while.

What if they do this:
>Wano is done
>Someone (maybe Bonney or Sabo) goes up to Luffy and goes "Hey, this happened!"
>Cue three/four chapters showing the whole Reverie

The anime never had soul. The manga had and still has soul.

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i'd consider that more "orders" than motivation

but i guess everyone loves *sorus behind you* PSH, NOTHING PERSONNEL, JUST FOLLOWING ORDERS >;3

>Dressrosa was too dark.
This is the sort of mentality that has allowed OP to stagnate into Luffy running around doing the same mistakes over and over again because everything miraculously solving itself by the end of the arc regardless.
Even Naruto and Bleach went dark at parts to up the ante. It is necessary in order to make things more intense.

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>One Piece Unlimited World Red
The villain in that game was great

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You mean extremely stupid and impossible to take seriously? One piece doesn't need to go dark to be intense. Check out WCI.

Thank god OP's gonna be done in just a few more arcs

>a lot more interesting shit happens

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>Check out WCI.
You mean the same arc where the furry leopard allahu ackbar's himself? And where the insane despot massacres her citizens and even her own family?

nigga linlin cannibalizes a bunch of orphan children.

And just like Impel Down it's balanced out by the light-hearted stuff. As One Piece does best when it isn't Dressrosa.

It takes dedication to spend five years undercover and genuinely having some pride in your alias (Kaku). From Aokiji appearing on Long Ring Isle to Franky joining the crew, the entirety of that saga took things to a grander scale, each individual arc provides its own part in the story.

But to keep it vidya related, post those rosters if you have them.
>Not pictured: Ohm, Jabra, Blueno, Kalifa, Ryuma, Jozu, Caribou, Paulie, Bepo, Randolf, Gan Fall, Amande, Jozu, Momonga, Hyouzou, Mr. 4/5, Ms. Merry Christmas, Ms. Valentine
Too many to list.

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Sabo was a mistake

>Check out one of the darkest parts of the show revolving around a woman who cannibalized her entire orphanage massacring the grooms family during a wedding ceremony
The superficially jovial tone of the arc was only meant to contrast that, you know?
The tone isn't any lighter than Dressrosa at all.

WC was amazing until BM wanted the cake and the chase began. If that had been cut in half with more of the Kata fight, it would've been a lot better.

I'm starting to come around to him, but rating him higher than someone like HEEHAW who's actually done shit is just ridiculous.


Yes it was. Dressrosa was about slavery and genocide with a no-nonsense villain. WCI was about big mom getting her wedding and then a cake.

It's pretty telling when you actually cared about the BM pirates on the grounds that they weren't horrible despicable irredeemable monsters like literally everyone on Doffy's side.

>One piece doesn't need to go dark to be intense
This is true, but WC is not the example. Mom killing her own sons just because she is hungry, or eating homies alive was pretty shocking and fun to watch. not to mention that flashback

The game isn't worth the full price. Buy it at sale, if you really want to get it.

Game was hyped as BOTW killer and compared to the Batman Arkham series with the worldmap and "detective vision" haki.
Combat is nothing like either of the forementioned games. It feels clunky and you are easily stunlocked by rapid firing marines, locking you in place for heavy hitters that kill you.
Zoro DLC isn't any better. He feels even heavier (as expected of him, I'll give that) and he doesn't get dodge mechanic. You either guard perfectly or take huge damage. Also his campaign is rather short and doesn't really add anything signifigant to the story. Just telling where Zoro got lost during Luffys adventures.

Now I'm waiting for the supposed Sanji DLC.

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The way he was introduced in Dressrosa was kind of weird, he really felt like a replacement for Ace
>oh Luffy lost his brother, doesn't matter he gets a new brother who also has fire powers!

It's a shame that a series like one piece that's all about adventure can't get a decent fucking game. Beating up endless mooks in warriors is like the least interesting thing you could possibly do with it.

Whatever man. If you're just gonna ignore parts of the arc in order to somehow make your favorite one triumph over it I'm not gonna bother.

>Baby 5
>horrible despicable irredeemable monster

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>And he's a revolutionary and he's stronger than Blackbeard's first mate and he's a world noble and he has a gf and he's got OC dragon powers for no reason and he's a better brother to luffy and he had amnesia and and and

The only reason I give him leeway is because this is Oda after all and he's probably keeping him around for a reason. Ace was seen in the same light before sparking the entire middle part of the franchise.

>Now I'm waiting for the supposed
Not happening, it's Sabo and Law.

This, also applies to Señor Pink

The whole "oh yeah he totally had amnesia until he saw the news about Ace, dude lmao" was a fucking cheap cop-out and retarded too

They knew what was happening in Dressrosa all this time. There is no redemption.

>supporting all of Doffy's shit
>not irredeemably bad

haki was a mistake

>Beating up endless mooks in warriors is like the least interesting thing you could possibly do with it.
Certainly got me entertained and I am hype for PW4, with hopefully better PC port and the skipped arcs, like Whiskey Peak.
>Sabo and Law
For reals? I haven't followed on the development beyond the whole Hot Springs mission censorship.
Are the two getting their separate campaigns or do you play as both in one single campaign?

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haki a gay
oda a hack

Has any shonen battle manga/anime ever had a decent game that wasn't a fighter


And somehow the Charlottes besides Lola, Praline, and Chiffon are okay?

The fight between Smoker and Vergo made me lose some hope, I really dislike the "my haki is stronger than your haki" shit, it really felt like we were getting a "power level" metric and it pissed me off, almost stopped reading there

You just haven't seen a full bodied haki on a female yet.
Because there hasn't been one yet. Fucking Oda teasing us with ULTRA GIGA NIGGA Vergo.

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Robin was better brown, prove me wrong.

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You a gay
Haki was introduced in chapter 1, keep up, gay

Because they're all fucking terrified of Big Mom. When she falls off the ship they can't wait to decalre her dead and let someone else take over. The Doffytards do it out of loyalty and possibly love; we never get a clear indicator.

Yes? They weren't anywhere close to as evil as Doffy and the gang

>with hopefully better PC port and the skipped arcs, like Whiskey Peak.
I would be so down with Foxy being in

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Katakuri literally murders three innocent chefs because they saw his eel mouth.

Lmao, Oda hadn't even thought of haki when he introduced the CP9 powers
He's a hack

Leave Big Meme to me.

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Yes, nowhere close to as evil as Doffy and the gang like I said

he managed to keep it irrelevant for about 600 chapters so the manga was decent
now it's just shit

Spee D. Reader The The Kaido strikes again

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We may be in luck, if this incredibly optimistic leak is to be believed.
It was posted day before reveal trailer was out.

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No, you're just retarded

That's just Oda bending the plot to his will. Shanks intimidating a sea king was just a lucky coincidence.
Where was the armament haki during the Battle of Marineford my man? Don't give me that "Luffy couldn't see it yet" shit.
Even generic marines should've known to do it on their swords.

Will of the Speed D. Read, the slayer of intelligent discussion.

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>Sabo and Law instead of actual Straw Hats

I get more and more glad I didn’t waste my money on World Seeker every day

Foxy would be great. Longring Longland would make a cool map and Foxy’s Slow-Slow powers would be fun to use

>my favorite villains are nicer than yours!!!

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>posts lamest deflection that gets parroted in every OP thread by the hardcore dickriders and Oda apologists
>slayer of intelligent discussion

>O-Lin shows up
>Luffy gets rekt and can't scratch her
>Queen gets rekt and can't scratch her
>Gets put on a boat because nobody can get anything done while she's still in the arc

I fucking love Big Mom. Pretty sad that the best part of Wano so far is the villain from the last arc showing up.

don't worry Luffy will suddenly remember Rayleigh taught him Gear 4th piss ant mode and wreck her now

>i-it's just a coincidence that the plot is consistent
>i-it would be perfectly inconsistent if not for this m-mere coincidence!!

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Answer my question.

Dressrosa is the newfag filter for bleachfags and narutards

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It's obvious that examples of "Haki" before its official introduction where isolated instances that Oda later decided to expand upon as a concrete idea

It's no coincidence that Luffy only started needing Haki once he started hitting the big leagues with Logia fruits that didn't solidify in water.

Please don't tell me you actually think Oda plans this manga several years in advance
He just plants dead-end "plot seeds" that he can pick and choose to grow into full ideas later on.
That's why a pirate or an island might get name-dropped and not show up or even be mentioned again for 500 chapters.

It’s a shame that Red was the ONLY good thing about the game

So when is this being updated for Jinbe?

When he's confirmed not sushi

It requires actual investment into the series in order to really GET the payoffs.

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Where is the Carrotfag at?
This threads needs blessing.

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Well I'm probably not THE Carrotfag, but I'm A Carrotfag.

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Pirate warriors 4 is gonna be fun at least. World Seeker was exactly what I thought it was kinda bland. At least they're taking the one piece games in a different direction instead of arena fighters. That new OPM game is gonna be awful!

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So WCI's ending.

Arena fighters AND musou games are awful. Burning blood is shit. Pirate warriors is shit. We will never have a good Op game again.

The latest chapter would have been perfect to end Act II on.

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I rewatched Fishman Island recently and it's not as bad then I first thought. Villains were still forgettable but the plot of the arc hits pretty close to home and relates to what's going on irl.

>Buggy defeats all admirals full scene

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I agree. One piece is boring shit.

I don't know man. I think the Law story is pretty good with or without investment.

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Sorry normies


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Wait, is a PW4 game actually confirmed?

holy based

Ah, disregard that link. It's clickbait. No gameplay yet.

I'm surprised how accurate this is.

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I think the problem is that Oda adds so many fucking plot seeds that are much more interesting than the actual story that's happening with the Strawhats.
>Joy Boy
>Void Century
>Revolutionary Army
>Celestial Dragons
>Bartholomew Kuma
>Jewelry Bonney
>Sorbet Kingdom
>Elbaf's giant fucking tree
>Florian Triangle shadows
>The moon
>Voice of All Things
>Will of D.
>Donflamingo's secret
>The actual One Piece
I probably missed some but you get the fucking point.

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Honestly I can't get a good grasp on Jinbefags or Carrotfags or Vivifags.

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All of those are the same plot thread.

Yakuza 6. I STILL haven't fucking touched it, because I want to play through the other ones first, but I'm burnt out after playing through 1/0, 2, and 3 in a span of 2 months.

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Unlimited Adventure was pretty good.

As a Sanjifag it's 100% accurate, down to the "hates timeskip"

One Piece is so fucking boring after the timeskip. I know I'm not breaking new ground by saying that, but it is. It has it's moments, but the only good thing after the timeskip are the characters. Wano is a fucking drag right now and easily the most bored I've felt with a One Piece arc.

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Oh, wait you're serious. Fuck.

>what is berserk

Yeah okay.

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>tfw wano is filled with nothing but jobbers

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Thats stupid to complain about. ALL FIGHTS IN EVERY FORM OF MEDIA ARE "my x is stronger than your x"
I beat you because my muscles are stronger than your muscles
I beat you cause my swordsmanship is stronger than your swordsmanship
I beat you cause my gun aiming is stronger than your gun aiming
A fight is literally "my x is stronger than your x"

Fishman Island exists solely to show off the new powers of the Straw Hat crew and where other good writers would make it quick and done, Oda somehow forces it to stretch across 51 boring chapters.

It doesn't help that Fishman Island was undeniably the most hyped up arc within the OP universe.

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This is the best OP character, they is like a glimpse into a superior society.

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I disagree, I'd rather take just adventures with the Strawhats over some lore wank any day

Skypeia is one of the greatest arcs of all time

>It doesn't help that Fishman Island was undeniably the most hyped up arc within the OP universe.
The Reverie would like a word with you.

Thank you. I adore Skypeia

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Skypiea gave us the only character we've seen who was an equal to Luffy in strength
Also the best arc related to the underlying plot we got until Zou

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Most related* would be a better term. I liked both Skypiea and Zou a lot.

Lol yeah I can tell you don’t read

The art's so much nicer, what happened?

Have you only ever seen the first few chapters? Oda's art style progressively changed across the years.

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My niggas.
Those who say Skypiea is shit needs to read it, the anime glossed over a few key details and hints.

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i love that page

>D is a symbol for the half-moon, not a letter
>Usopp will feed Black Kabuto a Devil Fruit
>Zoro is literally half-asleep
>Dragon will be the one to topple WG (Imu), not Luffy, through the insane amount of Inherited Will (Imu is Dragon's endgame, deal with it)
>Devil Fruits originated from the Shandoran forest
>Monster Point is an Awakened Zoan form
>Usopp may die
>Blackbeard is a type of 'fake' D.
>Dragon has the strongest CoC of anyone currently living
>Crocodile was a Revolutionary
>Zoro can only Asura thanks to his cursed sword
>Rayleigh was the strongest swordsman before Mihawk
>Yoru itself is just a hilt and the blade is pure haki

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I meant nicer than now
Current style looks kinda ass

your fav character bad
my fav character good

>>Dragon has the strongest CoC of anyone
way too lewd user!!

>One Piece is the friends we made along the way and the fun we had

california streets in 2030 will be filled with these.

O-Toko :D

Oda said it's a tangible object.

can we talk about how fucking good the opening and anime is now? THANK GOD for that guy that directed the broly movie and is now directing this. he's so fucking good. even when there isn't much animation everything is still on model. thank you so much japan i can finally stop reading the manga and watch the anime! oh wait there's filler next week kek

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You can touch your friends

thanks for proving you haven't kept up with one piece at all.

Fuck off back to Gaiaddit, teen.

You do realise oda just makes shit up as he goes along, it's the reason the quality has dropped so extremely over the years


>You do realise oda just makes shit up as he goes along
So that explains Jinbe's namedrop way before he showed up.

>Fishman Island exists solely to show off the new powers of the Straw Hat crew
so did you just skip over the lore about the ancient weapons, the themes of prejudice which connects back to the role of the world government in the OP world and the introduction of the BM pirates

Whoa, a whole name?!

Yes. You are a retard.

Oh shit user you got me good there. Truly that proves oda planned everything. He name dropped a character. Well guess oda is just an awful writer then, cause that can only be the other explanation why the quality has dropped so extremely.

All jokes aside you know at least in Japan Chopper is popular as fuck? Like everywhere you go there's OP merch. And if there's OP merch its usually featuring Luffy or Chopper. I'd almost say I saw more Chopper related things than any of the other crew members. Usopp, Franky, Robin and Brook got jack shit for some reason.

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Chopper toilet paper.

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skele ton ofu shitto

Good memes my fellow children.

Zorofag here, that couldn't be more wrong except for laughing at sanjifags at every chance I get

every Zorofag I've met is emotionally stunted

It's actually scary how accurate it is from my experience with Zorofags

irl okama lack spine, that's the main reason OP okama are more fun

They're currently putting together a force to beat Kaidou which includes the Strawhat Pirates, the Heart Pirates, the Red Scabbards, the yakuza, the minkmen, and possibly the Sun Pirates, Whitebeard Pirates, Kid Pirates, Hawkins's pirates, On Air Pirates, and/or X Drake's pirates. It's yet to be seen if Kid, Apoo, Hawkins, or X Drake are gonna do a face turn, and it seems like the Whitebeard Pirates declined the invitation.

>Legitimate One Piece discussion
Crocodile's my favorite character, and I haven't gone into Wano much but I think Katakuri is the best content (from character to fight) One Piece has dropped in a long time. Also Pirate Warriors 4 is gonna be hype and Kuro better (finally) be playable.

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>doesn't need to be dark to be intense
>check out WCI
>...the arc where a 5-year-old blacking out and eating all the residents of an orphanage alive was the only thing saving her from a human trafficker posing as a nun who was going to sell her off as a child soldier

Well I guess that is somewhat true for me

It doesn't apply to me but I agree that Zoro kinda appeals to the worst kind of fans, so no surprise that a lot of them are retards

I hope that Pirate Warriors 4 gets at least to half of wano because I want to play as the Boomerai and Duke Boomstorm

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One Piece has been nothing but a boss rush since Punk Hazard. There's no sense of exploration or adventure anymore. Hell it's like half the Straw Hats don't even exist most of the time as it focuses on Luffy and Zoro the most with the others maybe getting one or two token fights/encounters per ark.

Everyone seems to be getting a third round of power-ups, and getting the third road poneglyph should move us into the third act of One Piece where all the major setups are gonna pay off. Maybe then, we'll go back to focusing on the Strawhats with their new powers.
>Luffy: future sight+ryuuou
>Zoro: Nidai Kitetsu+permanent black blades
>Sanji: Stealth Black
>Nami: Zeus
>Ussopp: kenbunshoku
>Chopper: not sure yet, maybe researching SMILEs will give him a power-up
>Robin: maybe she learns ninjutsu?
>Franky: new weapon for Kaidou
>Brook: not sure
>Jinbei and possibly Carrot join

When the fuck will the fucking dub continuing? It's been a year since Fishman Island ended.

I asked Sanji's English VA and he doesn't know, so that seems like a bad sign.

have sex

The most perfect woman and the ideal wife.

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If Funimation's planning to "ditch" One Piece out of the blue, they might as well pass it to another licensor and keep the dub running.

It's looking to me like the Emperor/Yonko saga will be ending in Wano, so afterwards we might get back to adventuring on new islands.

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I enjoyed punk hazard more than dressrosa for some reason but the truly worst arc was DEFINITELY the fish island one, I dont even know how the manga sales didnt drop to lees than 600k at that time.

>retard doesn't understand inherited will

Nothing, just play the game and if need to lurk something I will.
Funny is that UWR forces you to play the same old arcs and felt like recaps. PW1 and 3 did the same, but PW2's story was a what-if scenario.

The coloseum part was good, but the moment the coloseum is gone and everyone starts running that shit DRAGS A LOT. The paineling and the changing of focus 2 or 3 times in the same chapter was terrible. Doffy was a disappointment, as a big part of Doffy's crew. Doffy vs Luffy was meh, Doffy seemed like he couldnt use his OP string tricks on Luffy but he could with everyone else.
That arc still had great moments, mostly Usopp moments, Kyros, Fujitora, Law's flashback, Franky vs Senor Pink and Zoro.
But I am with other anons, I really hate how Shs are always split and their sense of voyage and adventure is gone. Dont like the focus on way too many non SHs characters that most of the time seem like cheerleaders.
And I am tired of seeing the same faces in a bunch of different characters, there was a problem with Nami face, but hell, Robin's face is worse now it's even used for a trap, or faces like a Garp(used on older man) or Big Mom(used on older woman). It seems like Oda lost his control over himself and draws everything it goes in his head and then same face goes around too much and shit like "weaker and stronger versions of dfs" is a thing that should never been a thing at all.

I prefered Toei's mistake version with a tan and the cowboy hat.

The cowboy hat is canon, unfortunately Oda is a retard and doesn't understand when he has perfection slapping him in the face conveyor belt style.

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New World has been overall worse than East Blue or Paradise, but Wano has been excellent so far, Dressrosa was good, and WCI gave us Big Mom (who I adore) and Katakuri, as well as really fleshing out Sanji to a meaningful degree.
I think Oda's wobbling, but for fucks sake he's been making this shit for 20 something years, One Piece is older than some people posting in this thread RIGHT NOW. Of course he's literally dying this close to the finish line, and it's still not as bad as it could be. It's even great.

So Wano is the last arc?

She's perfect no matter what.

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Im installing PW3 right now. Hopefully it is good!

Unlikely. We probably have at least two or three more. It will probably be the last arc in the Emperors Saga though, then One Piece will be found.
There are so many threats still running around that it's impossible to tell who will be the final boss. It's either going to be Imu or Blackbeard.

They couldnt handle the truth. Be around a SH is becoming a Nakama, becoming a Nakama is... like Law admiting he doesnt like bread

FI was so hyped over the years, how the fishmen were super duper strong, then the SH reach there and they are bunch of weaklings that need drugs to be somewhat strong against a bunch of "rookies", this if we compare to a bunch of pirates and marines the SHs faced before and that we know they exist in the OP World.
Only Jinbe is strong and probably Aladine, but still not that strong compared to some beasts in OP world.

I meant the tan obviously. It look really great on her

New World is missing the sense of adventure. When I say adventure I mean the Shs going to some random island and weird shit happens. Since timeskip they are following a straight route that feel like a bunch of missions to try to take down the warlords and get the poneglyphs.
And we know this wont stop now, since we know they will visit places like Elbaf and eventually go back to FI. Still hope Oda throws random islands with unexpected stuff on the way though

Even when she is sitting in the aquarium room of Sunny, reading a book non-challantly, until you get a flowery taste in your mouth, followed by her grunting subtly and you feel a solid log of shit sliding straight down your throat from her bloomed anus on the roof of your mouth?

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Fuck,I forgot about her.

>I meant the tan obviously. It look really great on her
What did you think I was talking about?

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What are you on? Early Fishman Island is the only boring stretch before Dressrosa's directionless slog. Both Dressrosa and FI get their shit together by the end tho.

She became more perfect the moment she got character development, started calling the SHs by their names and started reacting like them. And I blame based Usopp for that, he is always the one that influences the others the most

Dont forget
>Enel and his moon army
I really want to see that bastard to fuck around some shit, since nobody knows about him other than the Shs

>started reacting like them
Could this possibly be her finest hour?

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>the boys and girls both get nosebleeds
Nami is literally -that good-


If Sabo actually just did 9/11 at the Reverie all is forgiven. A heel turn like that would be brilliant, but I doubt Oda has the balls to make the Revolution evil at this point


They literally spent the entire Law v Virgo fight demonstrating that Haki does not decide a fight

>guy says that reading one piece to prep for a video game was a waste of time for him
>doesn't even actually shit on one piece
>(You) get worked up like an irrational fanboy anyways

How she acquired that many chins is outstanding.

I had a copy of ultimate ninja storm 4 gathering dust because one of my weeb friends wanted to play with someone online. I finished reading all of naruto recently and I can finally play it and understand what the hell is going on in that game.

They probably don't know Law is working with Luffy, or they would have taken other measures
>Law is working with the guy that infiltrated and escaped Enies Lobby, Impek Down, and just fleed from Tootland?
>Put him in a cell, strawhat is locked up anyway

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This is the best art I've ever seen, should have switched Luffy and Robin though.

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I'm really liking this new arc, will make newer games feel fresh and have that something that it has been missing.

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Pirates Warriors 4 will be my first One Piece game. What should I know before buying it?
Yes, I'm in the current chapter in the manga. Wano's arc was meh until the "death" of Komurazaki, then become great.

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>Usopp swollen face
>Usoland face
>that Usopp 500m bounty reaction face
>Usopp imitations
Stop Usopp
Play 3. 4 is only next year and west version probably only in the summer

Condoriano for support character

It’s a typical Musou with a shitload of One Piece characters to play as. Every character plays differently and some have unique mechanics like Law’s Room or Ace being able to do more damage by charging moves instead of mashing them out

PW4 will probably be a bit different from 3 but hopefully they keep all the available characters and maps and just add more shit and QOL improvements

>not a full fledged player character
Any day now he will make his glorious return.

What the hell happened to him in the end?
Another amnesia and the thinks he is a douchy marine insector for realsies?

Can we recruit Pudding and her memory fruit to reconstruct Condorianos memories?

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Where should I play PW3? Switch or PS4?

Making multiple body parts is her main power, user.

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>60% off on Switch
Well, now I know where I'm going to play it.

I loved how Marco could fly in both 2 and 3. Shit like that is fun, as quaking with WB,Croc's counter(R1 button), launching meteors with Fujitora, shooting laser beams with Kizaru or AISSU AIGI

The same as Jonathan. Forgotten and trapped in a fucking filler.
If there is stuff that should be made canon, it's things like G8

PS4, europe has it on sale for like 15 euros, buy the Gold Edition. PS4 has more enemies on the field and should run better without drops

Instead we have canon Foxy.
Though we did get Afro Luffy, so can't complain.
PW4 better have Afro Luffy, or I WILL complain.

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>do Whitebeard’s combo that ends in a charged quake
>Territory Captured

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I think I started around 2003. I was like 8.

Reminder that anyone that says One Piece went to shit sometime after the timeskip is a marinefordbaby fightfag that probably jumped on the series after Naruto ended.

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Robin's only getting started. I bet you she does something else. She's really come a long way.

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>Kizaru will most likely have the new voice actor for PW4
I'm still not used to the new one, no matter how many times I watch his scene to try and accept him.

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In contrast, the shipping cancer that surfaced around WCI was due to Bleach ending with Ichigo and Orihime together. Next series to end will see a new influx of cancer in OP threads.

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Around 2005 or so. I knew about One Piece before, but was busy with other shit. I started watching the anime first until the start of Sky Piea and then read the manga because K-F releases were very slow and other fansubs sucked ass.

>Afro Luffy
Yes please. I would rather have PTS Luffy removed and get Afro Luffy instead

It does miss the sense of voyage and Luffy getting members of the early arcs. We are at a different part of the story, but it didnt helped with the timeskip the strawhat getting cut in half so many times or things like Franky disappearing for most of PH

>because K-F releases were very slow
Fuck I forgot about these guys damn I miss them actually I miss fansubbing as a whole fuck crunchyroll and all other """official"""" translation websites.

I loved the fonts when a character used an attack. It accentuated the experience for me tenfold.

Correct, it went to shit before the timeskip

>It does miss the sense of voyage
Debatable, WCI and Zou gave me the same feeling as pre timeskip. I will admit the set up from FI to the end of Dressrosa was kinda slow but only as a weekly reader marathoned they are good arcs.

She seems a brand new character. Her development is really great

Me either. They should get a new VA or that guy needs to train his voice to a more slowpoke state

Yeah they put a ton of effort into the whole thing not to mention the translation was way better than the shit we get nowadays.

>Someone took the time to make this

Fuck yeah One Piece.

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>I read ALL of One Piece from start to finish with no knowledge of the series at all in preparation to play the game.

I made my best friend do this to play pirate warriors. Dude fucking loves the game. makes me almost want to cry

Cool headcanon bro.

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Saying shit like this proves you don't read the story or are a speedreader which is worse.

You say that like Foxy isn’t the GOAT

It's missing Reverie.

Brand New World is still the best opening.

Man, One Piece is looking fucking kino right now with how its going after the Yonkous. Also I heard there's an arc for the reverie so there's more pirates vs world government action.

But I'm at operation saving Sanji in Whole Cake Island and taking a break because of how much I read in such a short amount of time. I want to keep reading but I can't

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Glad you are enjoying the ride user and yeah the reverie while short(only like 10 chapters) was great.

Take your time friend, One Piece shouldn't be rushed when you're enjoying it. But yes, it's less of it's own arc, and more that it's spliced into Wano so far, but there was a stretch of chapters that were covering the Reverie, and it drops some fucking BOMBS

Dressrosa was unnecessarily long and so was whole cake island was way too long especially Luffy vs Katakuri. I mean we got that luffy was struggling but Oda made it too long it seemed Luffy shouldnt have won in some aspects.

Hypest parts of WCI are Shin Big Mom and Buzzcut Mochi.

Smash Bros Ultimate.

>saving Sanji
There is no saving for Sanji. Even the newer games fuck him up with the "no kicking ladies" policy

Queen and bigmom made it pretty clear how strong they actually are.

I'd argue the thing in the freezer is a bigger bomb drop than Im.

That was during the Reverie.

Opposite actually, it's painfully obvious to anyone who's paying attention and isn't braindead

Yes...I know...What's your point?

Tell me Yea Forums

When does a man die?

Dont forget that people thought Sabo was dead.

Oh, the way you phrased it sounded like you were counting it outside of Reverie.

It's cool. Bummed the big showdown was offscreen.

>Every major reveal always has foreshadowing 100s of chapters beforehand
>N-no you are braindead not me
Whatever helps you cope but its kinda sad you don't even have the reading comprehension to understand a story written for 14 year olds

When he falls in love

When he is forgotten.

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I don't do this kind of shit, I think this is stupid. I can smell that you're an american, this is so american, you're wasting your life, you're a golem, you will die for me, for my own pleasure, your life doesn't belong to yourself, you're not even human. You must suffer, from your birth to your very last day. It's in your blood. You need to suffer, for me, for our kind.

Oda I don’t know where the fuck you are but if you don’t start putting some respect on Smoker-Chad’s name you’re gonna get fucking smoked

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Lmao, take it easy

the narration as Dragon first appears is still one of the best scenes

>act retarded
>get called out
>n-not even that serious
Lel ok babe

I'm a Zorofag, started watching the anime when Usopp joined the crew.
Pretty inaccurate, mostly, but I do make fun of Sanji, and Bleach was objectively good in the first two story arcs.

Your entire "calling out" boiled down to NO U, man

>Makes no real arguments and posts untrue shit and expects a detailed counter argument
You can't make a counter argument when there was never a good point to begin with. If I had time I could post every single major reveal along with the foreshadowing for it but I can't at this time.

>What's the largest amount of time you feel you wasted in prep for a video game?
dark souls, dragon's dogma, terraria minecraft morrowind older atelier games
basically any game deeper than a puddle and doesn't spoonfeed/baby the player
I'm sure there were more but those are the ones I immediately could name

Sure of course you could, and I don't know what arguments you were expecting when I was replying to your classic rabid fanboy non-argument deflection of calling everyone a speedreader when they point out Oda's changed gears several times and blatantly inserted concepts and plot points that essentially retcon and recontextualize previously established things


>Oda's changed gears several times and blatantly inserted concepts and plot points that essentially retcon and recontextualize previously established things
Except he hasn't

I'm English, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, French, and Ashkenazi Jew. which is ironic considering I wasted so much cash on Vita lol.

What a rebuttal

>Lists no examples
>Expects a rebuttal
Fucking kek

can't think of anything vidya related
i got invited to watch avengers infinity war with a girl so i watched the entire mcu series in about a week
the movie was just ok and we stopped talking after she found out some of my political opinions don't align with hers, that was about half a year ago and i still think about her

So what's happening now? I stopped following after the pink glasses man got btfo.

Fucking with all the yonkou now


It's been years since I watched Fishman Island arc but still one of my least favorites aside from the themes mentioned. But I didn't care for Hody or Caribou. I find Princess Shirahoshi incredibly annoying and useless. I think it was too hyped up.
I liked Punk Hazzard, it had Trafalgar, Smoker, Tashigi, I still don't care for Monet or Caesar Clown. The split element island was neat.
I miss the exploration in the series also it seems like the Strawhat crew has gotten so big they have to split the group in half to focus on new characters. Waiting through Dressrosa as long as it was without seeing Nami was a pain.

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Sounds to me like despite your claims you've just got nothing

I have nothing because you have posted nothing. What do you want me to do recap the entire story for you? This is probably just bait anyway so good on you for getting me.


It was fun for an Unlimited installment. I liked the town building elements and unlike World Seeker every Straw Hat was playable.

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I can't wait to see what Oda has planned for her. Every little thing she does makes me smile.

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What do you guys think of Chimeran Ant arc in Hunter x Hunter?

It made me hate the series

The only good part of hxh

It's where the series peaked
Even Togashi has said that it's more or less the end of the series, at least for Gon.

I fucking love every single little thing being explained bit by bit!

dansgame explain

That's like exactly how long it took me to, weird.

I reaply liked him to, he was just an old fuck trying to keep his dream alive.
Is it? I stopped after dressrosa, hows things going so far? Good?
>Now I'm waiting for the supposed Sanji DLC

Why????? You sound like you don't like it?
I also did this but for the ys8, all 7 games in like 5 weeks. I mean they were mostly pretty great but 8 dosn't got shit on Oath in Felghana.
?????? Okay, I was talking about Unlimited World though, don't know how you got to that? P3 is pretty good, it's like the only Musou i've ever finished to be honest.
You're one cruel motherfucker, but you got a good friend on ya, god speed.
I'm a literal anthropomorphic burger user, I can't get any more American if I tried.

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>Berserk post-Golden Age

Chicken butt. but no really I almost did the same thing, except it was for my work mates, but then I remembered I hate them and decided to just rewatch Spider-Man 2 for the millionth time.

what's dansgame
>spider man 2
i always liked 3 the most out of the entire series

He did though.
Haki was a thing, at least for intimidation(one of the first things Shanks does), but not for other things. When Oda realized he made a mistake with logias being overpowered he made Haki variations to be useful against them
The different versions of DF, weaker and stronger, were never thing until the War arc and exploded with timeskip. DFs users were supposed to be rare even among pirates, but now it seems that is mandatory for the majority that is powerful or to be somewhat useful
Awakening was another thing Oda made up on the way to make up for Paramecia, since it seemed the weakest of the bunch and Luffy needed more powerups to compare himself to the monsters of New World at such young age
Luffy had trouble in both FI, PH and early Dressrosa(against Fujitora) and he didnt used Gear 4. It was odd as hell to add that shit middle way and then forcing he "trained that with Rayleigh"
There was no indication that Pell had some mystical or rare df with special abilities, which was to cover that bullshit of his survival
Sabo being forced to the story with a " he lost his memory" for like 15 years
Colored Poneglyphs. For big part of the story there were ones like historical and location of weapons
That point when it was impossible to travel around the world because of seabeasts and they were everywhere. Later they disappear from travels and appear occassionally big ones(like in FI). In the end you could actually ship around because Vegapunk is "fuck logic, I am a genius and make everything I want, marine ships now travel because fucking seastones arent rare anymore"
There was a point Raftel was supposed to be the last island of Grandline but it was hard to reach
There was no New World. Everything pointed to Grandline which was the thing Luffy and other pirates wanted to reach. Suddenly there is a fucking New World nobody talked about for hundreds of chapters

And there is this willpower thing, that became worse over time

I don't get Romance Dawn.

Reverie should be a pic of the International Justice League of Super Acquaintances sitting around their table discussing what pizza they're going to order.

I like 3 to but for diffrent reasons, two I felt was just a well made film, where 3 was really campy, but I love camp and can look past it and still see it's good side.

Explain giants to me. Are they some weird freaks or is it just One Piece being One Piece?

Giants are straight up their own species in One Piece. It's how wildly different humans can fluctuate in size that's the weird thing.

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Anyone who says any arc in One Piece is shit doesn't "get" One Piece. Some arcs are better than others, but EVERY arc has great shit in it.

Thriller bark has zoro's fuckyeah moment, oars goofing around as luffy, usopp v perona, brook's backstory, luffy shoving the zombie back into the ground, etc. Sabaody + Summit War have so many great moments like Luffy punching the royal dude, introducing all the worst generation, Mihawk cutting apart a fucking mountain, ace getting a donut, everything between boa and luffy, YOU REMEMBER MY BUGGY BALL RIGHT? Timeskip Sabaody has the fake fuckin strawhats. Fishman Island has Shirahoshi's gigantic titties, the background for Arlong and Fisher King, Ichika Nika Sanka Yonka and Yonka 2.Punk Hazard has body swap shit, FRANKY'S A TANKY, the yeti COOL brothers, chopper being used as a fuckin phone charm, everything with caesar clown being a piece of shit, Kinemon literally talking out of his ass, etc.

Every arc has great shit, just roll with it and enjoy it. Stop focusing on shit you don't like and just enjoy the fun adventures of the little rubber boy and get hype when it's time to go KICK THE BAD GUY'S ASS!!

Guy in a hat and a fat lady and a boat.

theres literally no pay off to your time investment. entertainment is a dead end as far as consumer investments are concerned. you gain nothing by watching 900 episodes of one piece except 3 months of age added to your life, and electricity/data charges.

I love her in this outfit. Always use her pre-timeskip form in PW3 because of it (and also because it's easier to spam Kizuna attacks).

Speaking of which, I hope PW4 doesn't have an over-emphasis on Kizuna attacks again You basically had to spam them as you needed the ! marks to upgrade skills and the like so you ended up using the shortest animation charge attacks to keep the assist characters coming out as much as possible.

I'm doing this right now in Pirate Warriors 3. I'm almost at the timeskip, but I never watched/read the Summit War even though I know what happens to Ace.

Most people live 75 years, does every second of it have to be bettering yourself?

They're their own race of people with most of them being from Elbaf. Around one-hundred years ago, Dorry and Brogy were the captains of the Giant Warrior Pirates. But they got into an argument on Little Garden and have been fighting it out since. Most of the members of this crew remain loyal to them and are waiting on Elbaf for them to finish their fight (giants live up to three-hundred years on average). But the younger generation that never had any loyalty to Dorry or Brogy have formed the New Giant Warrior Pirates, captained by Hajrudin, who are part of the Strawhat Grand Fleet.

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Wait are you saying you just skipped it? You read impa down right?

Zoro wasn't even in WCI.

>10,000 pirates to kill one big guy
wow what an accomplishment, you beat him luffy!

Didn't skip it. Got spoiled

Well, is really easy to get spoiled in this kind of moments, just like Jiraiya and Itachi dying, Aizen being the bad guy or All Mighty dying,.

Read the damn arc, it's one of the best stories in the series.

That last one is wrong, tho.

I stopped halfway through wano it’s just fucking boring to me. They already fucked my favorite character Sanji over ever since the time skip.


Ya know what's funny, I didn't get spoiled, but he had so many death flags I didn't even flinch when the magma dude straight up punches directly through his torso and melts him from the inside as he's hugging Luffy.

>When Oda realized he made a mistake with logias being overpowered he made Haki variations to be useful against them
Wrong Haki as a way to fight devil fruit users was foreshadowed back even during Baratie and Crocodile even brings it up when Luffy hits him the first time say "there is no way he has" and then laughs when he realizes it was just water.
>DFs users were supposed to be rare even among pirates, but now it seems that is mandatory for the majority that is powerful or to be somewhat useful
Yes in the weaker seas(east west south and north blue) when entering the grandline you see the best of the best pirates so of course they will have devil fruits.
>Awakening was another thing Oda made up on the way to make up for Paramecia, since it seemed the weakest of the bunch and Luffy needed more powerups to compare himself to the monsters of New World at such young age
Wrong awakening was shown in Impel down with the awakned zoan users and while not confirmed it could be said Ace was awakened because when he went to Drum Island the entire climate changed and it stopped snowing(sound familiar to what aokiji and akainu did right)
>Luffy had trouble in both FI, PH and early Dressrosa(against Fujitora) and he didnt used Gear 4.
No he didn't he stomped everyone you must be a anime watcher also why would he use a power that literally makes him unable to use haki for close to an hour on low tier shit g2 and g3 can handle.

It's a great outfit, though I usually stick to TS Robin for the musou attack. I hope the replacement for kizuna is at least as good as style change in 2. That was way more fun.

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I don't even read HeroAca, never finished Bleach nor Naruto. I just wrote things I learned from here.

>There was no indication that Pell had some mystical or rare df with special abilities, which was to cover that bullshit of his survival
It was a rare df all Zoan users have increased vitality.
>Sabo being forced to the story with a " he lost his memory" for like 15 years
It makes sense considering he was shot in the brain but he was also foreshadowed by Ace's tattoo(notice the S crossed out in bones that is shown to be removed when Oda did a cover story of what if Ace Sabo and Luffy all became pirates together)
>Colored Poneglyphs. For big part of the story there were ones like historical and location of weapons
Raftel is part of the void centuries history if that wasnt obvious enough.
>That point when it was impossible to travel around the world because of seabeasts and they were everywhere. Later they disappear from travels and appear occassionally big ones(like in FI). In the end you could actually ship around because Vegapunk is "fuck logic, I am a genius and make everything I want, marine ships now travel because fucking seastones arent rare anymore"
Seastones was never shown to be extremely rare especially for the WG to find.
>There was a point Raftel was supposed to be the last island of Grandline but it was hard to reach
This was never stated
>There was no New World.
Yes there was Zeff even foreshadows this by stating the Grand Line is paradise.
This is my last post as I need to go but stop speedreading.

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"new world" is just what the second half of the grand line is called. its not new, obvously.
raftel is still the "last" island, as in its the end goal.

if youre not first, youre last.

It wasn't a rare df*
I probably made alot of spelling errors because I was typing this fast but yeah.

Kaido turning into just a giant skull and then exploding into a pillar of light to become his dragon form is really fucking cool

But to go through life with that mind set is awful, to rebuttle with another term, it's lonely at the top.

I hope Shintani working on One Piece doesn't mean they won't bring him back for the new Dragon Ball movie.

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I hope Perona poster was right and the SH crew finally has arc-appropriate wear for each chapter.

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Yeah Luffy always having his shirt open and Zoro's default being his Ennis Lobby outfit triggered me a bit.

It's funny how most OP females look better when not copying Oda's style. At least now he usually remembers to give them waists.

Nami finally gets to leave that weird pink top and skirt I'm not sure she's ever worn. I'm mostly excited to finally see Robin's other outfits. Her real Baroque Works clothing, Skypiea, Thriller Bark, Punk Hazard. The beauty that is the Dressrosa clothing will no longer be DLC if it's true.

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no fat luffy webm? you're letting me down guys

How can you stop halfway through when Wano isn't even half over?

>am a luffyfag, sanjifag, and brookfag
What do?

Most kino moment in OP youtube.com/watch?time_continue=54&v=aI9eOA-mzZg

There's only one sort of webm I know how to post. I don't even know what you're referring to.

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>not Going Merry's funeral

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Cute snek

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a true red-blooded american i see


I am doing a Resident Evil series marathon to "prepare" for Resident Evil 2 Remake, playing each and every single game for the first time (except for RE4) and probably watching the movies too
As you can see this shit is taking..quite a long time, something like half a year already (playing only on weekends)

Honestly fuck the Outbreak games they took so much time and they were fucking trash, single-player at least

Guy you're replying to, and no, I read it in one go and it was painful and felt like it never ended. I can only begin to imagine how much it would have sucked to try to read it week by week. I probably wouldn't have made it.

Sunk cost fallacy: The post

Sugar is super cute!

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She's a bitch.

Took me by surprise. Still prefer Greed Island.

Two years and a half years. This is also when Oda had Tonsillitis and was forced to take break every three or so chapters after. Strap in, Wano will definitely be longer.

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As I said, I stopped reading after that garbage. Oda lost it.

You probably couldn't guess my fav. charcters by looking at that


I can only get this hard

Halo 2, read the forums and fluff relentlessly and wanked over it constantly.
I didnt even own an Xbox.

Hey, I masturbated to her once. Which reminds me I haven't fapped today.



I respect your opinion, but honestly bingeing it made it to from an arc I appreciated moments of to one I loved. It had a lot of things going on that meant I never felt bored despite it's size of over a 100 chapters. It flowed pretty well for me and all the things it set up alone make it a substantial arc

Stay the fuck away from Wano then if Dressrosa was too much for you

> Fishmen Island

Hody and his bunch of larpers are basically Antifa going off the deep end.

Plenty millenials read Karl Marx's crap and treat them like bible ya know.

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Alliance was a mistake.

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Wano >= Whole cake >> Dressrosa >>> Punk Hazzard > Devil May Cry 2 > Fishmen Island

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Hoping for lots of cleavage in the STAMPEDE movie.

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They would never miss an opportunity.

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Movie 7 was such a gem.

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Dragon Ball is what got most of the Western world into anime.

>Robin's dress
How can she be this perfect?

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Laced cleavage and thigh sides also perfect.

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Also Tomb Raider Nami.

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It's almost unfair.

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>from start to finish
It's still ongoing though.

Calling Dressrosa garbage is definitive proof you read One Piece week to week.

Nami triumphs by having a loli form during Z.

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Bad taste

Not too hype about this.

>Adelstein commented on the project in July 2017, stating "I am enthusiastic to give my all to make One Piece succeed. I think this project could set a new record for the highest production cost in television drama history. The work's worldwide fame merits this scale of production." Adelstein later stated in December 2017 that the series promises to create "a true One Piece" after he discussed the project with Oda personally. The series will start with the East Blue arc and will "broaden from there."

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Fishman Island