Are these any good? there is a super cheap bundle for sale
Are these any good? there is a super cheap bundle for sale
All the Dishonored games are excellent, including the DLCs. So, yes, the bundle is worth it for Dishonored 2 alone.
Yes they are
Dishonored 2 is soulless.
but if you could only pick one?
Dishonored 2
Dishonored 1 was the best, 2 is still great and Death of the Outsider is cucked. Prey is great but I don't like the combat mechanics even if I can appreciate what they were going for.
Dishonored is fun. Prey is meh. Better immersive sims out there like SS2 and Deus Ex
No, it isn't. I'll concede it has a pretty disappointing plot compared to the first game that is basically just a retread, but the world building and atmosphere are full of soul.
>Death of the Outsider is cucked
It's a great game and you're a faggot if you can't enjoy a good game because muh niggers.
They're fucking amazing.
>Death of the Outsider is cucked
You're embarassing
Prey is fucking fantastic and the atmosphere is godtier.
G.U.T.S. wasn't nearly as bad as I was told, either
is corvo good to use? or should choose the girl for story reasons?
The story is basically the exact same no matter which one you pick. There are only a few line changes. I like to think the canon playthrough is Emily, but you basically lose nothing by playing Corvo first. He has the best power suite, too. If you enjoy the game enough, you can replay it as Emily and enjoy the different way she plays.
Prey does nothing better than Deus Ex, SS2, or Bioshock. No reason to play unless you need another immersive sim
The problem with Death of the Outsider is that they fucked both Daud who deserves a happy ending and they fucked the Outsider who deserves better as well.
And Billy is a shitty character.
It does just about everything better than SS2 and Bioshock. Hell Bioshock and SS2 are barely even in the same category.
Prey is the best thing ive played this year
thanks i just really like corvo from playing the first game
Its a refinement, you fucking retard and it has soul
Prey’s story is absolute garbage. Also Bioshock has more interesting and dynamic enemies like big daddies and various splicer variants, whereas in Prey you’re fighting the same rendition of a boring black goo monster. Bioshock also has more passive abilities to change the way you approach combat.
Completely rapes the setting, makes no sense
>muh niggers
Tranny nigger that comes out of nowhere only to become the biggest Mary Sue of the franchise, overshadowing both Daud and Corvo
Go back to resetera and dilate
bad story but some interesting levels at least.
like others have said, d2 story is garbo. but the combat mechanics are cool
>Also Bioshock has more interesting and dynamic enemies
Visually maybe. The fuck does "dynamic" enemy even mean?
>Bioshock also has more passive abilities to change the way you approach combat.
You wanna elaborate on this?
Kinda surprised you chose to double down on Bioshock of all things, it's a straight and narrow FPS down to its core. Did you just mention SS2 for the namedrop's sake, like your opinion has value because you claim to have played it or something?
I replayed Dishonored 1 and the DLC like a dozen times, but I had to force myself to finish 2. idk what it was, it just didn't have the same magic.
Prey is dope though, buy that shit.
Sure, whatever, but the game is still good. Fucking plotfags.
>Billy comes from nowhere even though she's been in the series since the first game's DLC
>muh niggers
>muh trannies
>muh mary sue
>muh resetera
>muh dilation
rent free
Prey is System Shock 2 by way of Bioshock's Art Deco Aesthetic
I got it during this sale and am having a lot of fun with it. Not ground-breaking but excellent execution.
My favorite parts are the unlockable air-locks and "fast-travel" through the outside of the station. Just oozes atmosphere.
Yes, they're excellent games. I think buying them separate is cheaper somehow.
Im sim market is so severely underpopulated that i'd be fine with just more of the same, but Prey is actually a great addition to the genre.
It didn't revolutionazed anything but at least it didn't fucked up like Deus ex MD and HR
>Tranny nigger that comes out of nowhere only to become the biggest Mary Sue of the franchise, overshadowing both Daud and Corvo
She's not a tranny, what the fuck is this obsession? Also been there since D1's first DLC. One of the few characters in Dishonored to have a fleshed out backstory, upgraded to a more important character in D2 and finally placed as the protagonist. It literally cannot be less "out of nowhere" as you described it, mongoloid.
>Deus ex MD and HR
What was wrong with these?
I've come to distrust words like "deserve"
He was a killer. Hes lucky he had the time to even get old to begin with
Do you actually care for the opinion of someone who can't even grasp basic english?
Hes /fa/ as fuck in this one.
Extremely linear, cinematic takedowns, "witty" social commentary, not much gameplay variety, TPS chest high wall button
New dude sex games are not bad, but they're bloated with AAA cancer that undermines them, Prey managed to be true to it's roots
All Dishonored games are great, and Prey approaches a masterpiece in certain areas, especially if you include the DLC.
How's mooncrash? Not sure about the timer mainly, I like to take my time a bit in these sort of games.
Timer keeps it from being too easy.
Mooncrash is Risky 2 Immersive sim edition
Had the same experience, on top of that Dishonored 2 was disaster at launch it ran like shit.
One thing i like about Dishonored 2 is more difficulty settings.