New Atelier Ryza trailer:
New Atelier Ryza trailer:
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You're telling me this chick gets all this fan art and the fucking game isn't even out yet? how?
I keep seeing PS4 footages but what about Switch?
I know that it'll run worse than PS4/PC but, is it that bad?
I just don't want to spend any more money on PlayStation because of their retarded censorship.
I think I want to cum deep inside Ryza
Garbage game, garbage series. I'll stick to porn.
boners are powerful, user
Cute design, don't you remember all the 2B art before Nier was released?
Also, the Atelier series is much more fun when played in short bursts on a portable device IMO.
I prefer Atelier Heidi
I love my wife Reisalin!
How can you be this cute and funny but also stacked?
her name is literally Ryzen
what even happens in atlier games? is it just pretty girls going around collecting ingredients the whole time?
There is also some fighting but the focus is the crafting yes
what does she even eat
I'll be honest bros, I'd ask her to be my girlfriend if you know what I mean.
Proof that men are quite literally testosterone junkies, easily manipulate with sex appeal. These games have almost no substance to them, very very pisspoor story with barebones gameplay but because it makes your PP hard you give them your money.
You guys are the reason video games have gone downhill. No reason to even make good games anymore, all you have to do is load them up with sex appeal and thirsty virgins will give you all of their money. Fucking embarrassing to be the same sex as you.
Oh shit, fuck Ryza. Who is this bird?
Why did you quote me?
Proof that you are retarded. Have sex
>video games have gone downhill
Boomer tier response and I'm likely older than you. There hasn't been a better time for video games than right now. If you're not into "sex appeal" games then there's literally thousands of other available options for you. FUck off.
>These games have almost no substance to them
Thanks for openly admitting you've never played an Atelier or Manager Khimea game in your life you stupid faggot.
Just wait until the japanese release date. Last time with Lulua they sent trial codes for both the Switch and PS4. I think the PS4 codes were only 1 use, but people were sharing Switch codes in the threads, so you can probably try the game yourself instead of having someone else telling you how it runs.
Get the fuck out of my thread and kill yourself fucking retard.
I quite literally have the alchemist of dust on my vita you autistic manchild
>oh no, he isn't taking his hobby serious!!!
My man. I always wonder these nostalgiafags who just complain how things were better in the past. Dunno about them, but for me there's tons of games to play, more than I have time. Maybe those people should get a new way to spend their time if games make them miserable?
>Proof that men are quite literally testosterone junkies, easily manipulate with sex appeal
You can apply this to literally every piece of mainstream media.
Holy fuck she's stacked.
I thought she was only tights
Btfod by one based poster spouting the truth.
yes goyim... keep giving us your money for a terrible product and let us keep manipulating you. No don't spend any of your hard on money on something of substance, just stay addicted to the good feeling fictional anime girls gives you every time you give us your money.
Thats a good goy.
fanarts actually don't do her justice, she's a titty monster
Shes all around thicc goddess, bless her
oh it's a /pol/fag of course it is
shouldn't you sub niggers be too busy debating who's white and who isn't for the 12564th time
>Terrible product
Atelier have been meh to good, Cleetus
It's staggering that the somewhat respectable Mana Khemia came from this. Remember when thos series was almost known for respectable JRPGs?
Theres no reason to make respectable rpg's anymore. All you need is the very basics and cute girls and thirsty anons will literally give you all of their money.
she's a healthy girl
>That synth and piano
>Fucking embarrassing to be the same sex as you.
go cut your balls off then, faggot
Gods, most Nip games nowadays are so soulless.
>is it that bad?
Come on user. Haven't you seen the Dragon Quest comparisons? PC will always be king.
>all those seething comments
>all of them have third world names
No way to know. Lydie & Suelle ran poorly but then Lulua ran great but this one seems to be updating the graphics a lot more than the last 6 games so it'll probably go back to poor frame rates.
Real talk though, vidya went downhill the moment the west took prominence in the console market. Japanese games were all but sidelined and western games became crazy casualized.
The PS2 games might aswell count as spin offs since they changed the whole formula from their first few games and then went back on track with Rorona.
Also the entire Iris trilogy and both Mana Khemias flopped spectacularly, so you can't blame Gust for going back to their roots when people who look for "serious" and "respectable" RPG adventures weren't willing to put their money on the series.
Anyway, I don't think they are entirely bad games so it I think it's still worth it to give them a chance if you are looking for a more standard JRPG experience, especially the Mana Khemia games.
>Them thighs
>You guys are the reason video games have gone downhill.
Don't worry about it, you have Ubisoft, Bethesda and EA games made explicitly (and with nice mechanics!) for your kind.
Here's some new details:
The synthesis looks super involved, very interested to see it by myself when I get the game. I usually don't read or watch much of these detailed explanations as the system will be more fun to see in action.
Best Ryza in a hot minute.
Personally I like very big barrels
>nice and thicc
>Her surname is "Stout"
They know what the fuck they are doing.
Ryza is fat
>There hasn't been a better time for video games than right now.
>I'm likely older than you
whatever you say timmy
I mean, he isn't wrong in terms of accessibility. New games are hardly the apex of video games but it's never been easier to play any game you want than in modern times.
No she's not. She's got some growing to do before she earns that distinction. She should get to synthesizing pies.
Ask yourself, would you even play this game and/or would it have had as much exposure if the main character was male?
If the answer is "no", it's a shitty game and you're an easily manipulated subhuman waifufag
>That crotch strap
Where's all the fanart of this big titty goth girlfriend?
Holy shit, I love this new artist, those sticks from other Atelier games can fuck off
I'm impressed by the image quality, wonder if they'll include more graphics options for PC other than change resolution this time around.
yeah but why does that upset your autistic ass?
Busty supporting characters aren't exactly new to the series.
Hidari is still my favorite Atelier artist
Gif has it all wrong.
damn she's like double ryza's size
I only use sticcs as firewood
You gotta admit though that MILF Ayesha is great
>I don't care if the game is good as long as it has big tits in it
I don't care if the game is good as long as it has gay black women in it
How are cumbrains any different from SJWs?
>that shading and mound shape on the crotch
Clearly GUST are the developer with the most refined taste.
What a lovely fucking art style man.
While I like Ryza, the other characters look just too animey
Hidari especially in Ayesha was great
Ayesha will always be the most wholesome Atelier.
I wouldn't buy the game if I thought the gameplay looked shit. I like Atelier games, though. Alchemy and combat seem like they might be intriguing revamps this time around.
I don't like it, I prefer Ryza's art style with the thicc girls
Ayesha had such a great aesthetic.
That second quote isn't supposed to be there.
What would double paizuri from her and Ryza be like?
Do people actually buy games for cute girls? I thought that was just a meme
There are 20 Atelier games before this one, we know exactly how the game is going to be.
No I don't need to ask shit because your argument makes no fucking sense.
Do you think God of War 4 would have sold millions of copies if we transformed Kratos into a cute loli? Does that make it a shitty game and it means their fans are easily manipulated subhuman barafags?
Atelier has always had cute girls as protagonists, they haven't done anything new with Ryza. Dumb faggot.
Hidari is a gem. I do wish he'd draw his girls with bodies but I guess we can't win 'em all.
Oh well. While I do like thicc tiddies more than anything else Hidari will always be number one.
The best world in any Atelier. Ar Tonelico worlds are far and beyond but still, for Atelier game Ayesha had things going on. Those posters man. I wish they did more of these
Do you have links for any good art books?
Seems to still be up.
No, but I'll pirate them and buy them when they go on sale. KT publishes Gust games so that hasn't happened yet.
>b-but muh GOW
nice try faggot, but the question was about ryza
Buy Ryza's figure soon.
Is that the guy from FE Echoes?
I really hope they bring the Dusk trilogy to PC. I've played the first one on Vita but I'm kinda done buying games on that platform at this point.
This will be my party in the game
I don't get that excited by Ryza but I fapped to Lila a couple of times. I'm pretty desensitised by porn so if they can make a girl that I can just normally fap to then they deserve my 60 bucks.
I think so yes.
I do think they will port them to current systesm sooner or later. No reason not to.
I still have games left to play on my Vita, it was a lovely system hated by many, loved by few.
Making preset is hard.
What the fuck Youtube?
>Ryza fig
Oh baby.
>*blocks your path*
You missed the main feature and how the hell isn't there skindentation in a fetish porn game?
Yeah same happened to me, for some reason it recommends eastern European kid videos after watching atelier trailers.
The answer it's obvious so I don't know what are you even trying to accomplish with this. Female protagonists have always been part of the series and changing it is going to make the fans mad. Just like how changing the artists constantly and even smaller stuff like changing the time limits mechanics will also make some fans mad.
So the more accurate question would be. Would people change their interest of a sequel from a long standing series that has always used female protagonists and every game without them flopped hard if we changed the sex of the main character?
wow its just as boring as the persona DaN models
I fucking hate the Pajeets who produce and flood Youtube with this stupid garbage
It's the same trailer that they released earlier just on the european account
Drawn by a different artist? not a fan of the dumb anime proportion
Ryza and Klaudia design were on point, the perfct combination of cute and lewd design at the same time
>Toridamono: “The design is totally of my personal taste. Clad in black tights with a fundoshi. I didn’t hesitate much.”
same artist but with his own fetishes
I agree but I don't mind it too much. The rest of the cast looks pretty normal and both new girls look good to me too.
I really liked the green one with the hat.
>release date 1/11/2019
Yikes those designs. Guess Ryza and the blonde were just flukes
I just want to say that I love anime tiddies
Thanks for reading my blog
What a coincidence user, me too
I too happen to enjoy anime tiddies. Especially the big ones.
Really? Very peculiar
What does this mean on
Is it the last Atelier game ever?
Yes indeed. Its very pleasing to the eyes. Especially when combined with big anime thighs and/or big anime butts.
Thanks for all the love and support, anons
no it's about Ryza leaving her atelier behind, it was answered by the devs before
Nah, they explained something about it that I can't quite remember. But they said it will not be the last Atelier.
So... the only real option for this is pirating it on the PC (since it'll be full 60 bucks to buy which is nuts), right?
It is very pleasing. I do hope you're thinking about getting Omega labyrinth life, that game is also very pleasing to tired eyes.
>item rebuild
>using synthesized items again in synthesis will make it stronger
Sounds like grinding, but the Dex required to wield the item will also increase. So I suppose the grinding won't be too hardcore until postgame.
what's going to be censored?
These thighs are so thick it borders on inflation fetish
Anything, who knows. Sony has gone off the deep end in that regard.
Also I'm just kinda over buying anything ever again on my Playstation.
Its great to share in the enjoyment of things once in a while, isnt it?
Is that so? I might look into it, but I will require some more pics to be convinced.
Made for hotglue
It's impressive how some tight shorts and a pair tits can bend the will of anyone so easily.
That is if you have a switch.
Does it have a time limit like the dusk trilogy?
I still like Escha & Logy the most.
I sure do, but I also have some other games that I have started on that I would want to finish first.
It's fine grade S tiddies
Honestly speaking, if you're into expanding tiddies and can handle mystery dungeon gameplay it's a must.
I agree. Games like Anthem or Fallout 76 and companies Bethesda/Valve with paid mods or EA with loot boxes are irrelevant. The core problems are cute girls in games.
That does sound pretty good, I will give it a go. thanks for the recommendation. And the pics.
>Proof that men are quite literally testosterone junkies
I honestly couldn't give a tinker's cuss about Ryza or any of the other sluts, I play these games for the management and gameplay, vapid as it is.
It does infuriate the fuck out of me that it seems we're back to Yuri.
>mystery dungeon gameplay
Ok you sold me also for that pic
Hope you find it fun.
You really haven't heard about it before?
Can you even romance the girls in Omega Labyrinth or is it just making their boobs grow?
PC ofcourse.
Nah they're just friends really. There are no males in the whole game.
Also this pic is apparently from Yea Forums drawthreads.
Where can I preorder it?
In her game, can I tell her that her shorts are a size too small for her?
Thanks, I will probably enjoy it. Im an easy to please man.
I want to try it but I feel like my wife would get mad at me if she saw it
Are the anime tiddies worth it?
half the playerbase of atelier are women, you could just tell her that you bought it for her
I meant omega, I'm definitely getting atelier
Just tell her "I thought it would be cool if you played this and looked at Ryza. Maybe you could dress like her and become more like her?"
Good to hear.
That's up to you, man. How much do you like big 2D tiddies? Honestly the longer you play the game the more you will skip the tits, though the occasional eye candy will still make you happier.
>not a fan of the dumb anime proportion
oh omega, idk, she should get used to eroge anyways
is that a tranny decorating the cake?
It doesn't feel very Atelier.
Don't worry, user. I agree with your post wholeheartedly, and you're very based.
>I'm a very confident person and I consider myself attractive
>you make me feel strangely depressed/inadequate
You can tell that the poster is a woman/tranny not sure on the photo tho, what the hell? She looks like a tranny too
I just cant get enough of her, I need more!
>I'm very curious to hear what you have to say
How come women hate other women so much?
Totori was already pure sex but this girl is pretty damn good too.
You got several people saying you don't know shit and all you can say to try and prove them wrong is that? Very low effort, user
It doesn't seem to have any kind of time limits at first glance. I remember reading something about changing weather but I can't confirm it.
>Totori was already pure sex
10 bucks japs will make a thigh pillow
It has mostly been what was new on Pixiv since my last visit to Ryza tag
Hey, you keep posting and I will give you your (you)s.
I'll do it for a while, though I really should read this VN I'm in the middle of
imagine the smell
Goddamn those are some fine tiddies. Shame she gets overshadowed by Ryza. She really needs some more art.
and thats a nice cute butt!
Quite easy to imagine at least after the act
Incoming number two and number one girl
Well shit. maybe its time to just get nutty so I can get more productive with the rest of the day.
Honestly I nutted earlier to the new loliconder set of Senran Kagura New Hebijo set. It was great
get a load of this faggot
I think that's enough for now
Please sit on my face
Thanks for the dump, Ill be saving this thread for another time.
You should make a dive to the pixiv, it's a great place and easier than ever to navigate even for someone who doesn't understand Japanese.
>Fucking embarrassing to be the same sex as you.
Fuck off tranny. I don't even understand how FtM like you work.
Like, I can at least on same base level understand why male might want to lie to himself and try to become female even if I disagree with it, but I can't for the life of me understand why a woman would want to become a man when she also has life on easy mode. Especially a white woman.
the most powerful Atelier protagonist
Those hanging fruits man
I'm approaching the point where I have to filter these threads because I've fapped to nothing but Ryza for a solid week now
I want to be suffocated by her sweaty butt.
She's got a lot of MP.
Damn, it's like Lulua came and and went, nobody cared, this Atelier Ryza might become the best selling Atelier in a long while.
iktfw bruh, its gotten to the point where I actively search for these threads every day
Honestly, it'll be interesting to see how the Japanese sales are. As far as I know Atelier sales overall have been selling just fine, but Ryza has now so much fanart behind her that many people have seen her. She's the most recognizable Atelier heroine now. Hoeep it translates into sales as well.
Lulua was fine as well, but she got blown out by Ryza very hard.
it's Nier Automata all over again, god bless beautiful anime girls
at least japan knows what sells in their country unlike the US
I like that pic, really makes her tiddies look great
and I want to fertilize every single egg in her body
conceptualize the aroma
They are definitely taking advantage of the 2B effect. It would be cool to see Atelier selling big numbers, even if the reason for that wasn't exactly pure interest.
Fuck you!!! I can't break my only 2 fap per day schedule asshole!!!
How old is she? 16?
>male party members which means it's going to be NTR shit
Big numbers for Atelier title would be around 70-100k first week. Lets see if it can break Merurus first week record, 100722
Imagine being such a pathetic individual to the point of seeing a male character breathing the same air as their favorite anime girl counting as NTR.
I'm confident this is going to be the best selling Atelier game yet
do it
Will Twitch ban this video game. I kinda want to stream it
Meruru holds the record? That game has to be tied with Shallie as the least interesting Atelier game.
oh heck that ass
i need to break my no fap clause too now
More Lila Paizuri
too old
For first week yes. Marie sold 212k in Japan overall. It probably isn't the most selling title overall when you count all regions but there's really no data about that. But for first week Japan sales Merurur is the only one that broke 100k.
I actually liked the town building aspect.
I doubt twitch is even aware that this game series exists
well now you got me going
dont stop
>Ever Darkness & the Secret Hideout
Now that is a shittastic subtitle.
Lulua is a fucking adorable name.
I'm not saying it's bad, Gust is just incapable of making a satisfying conclusion to a trilogy for whatever reason, as also seen in the Mysterious trilogy with Lydie&Suelle.
Elmerulia for you, user.
Maybe insatisfactory, but L&S was still my favorite of the Mysterious trilogy. Though thank God that's over with, I did not like art direction there. So messy with two artists.
Is she actually thick or is it just fan artists pushing their fetish
Obviously not as exaggerated as artists make her out to be, but she's still really thicc, pic related is official art.
Very nice, would beg her to sit on my face.
Cautiously pessimistic. Thick anime girls are a dime a dozen, and have never really been able to carry a game. I don't like the ATB gameplay of FF games and am sad to see it being adopted in Atelier now.
At least there's no horse that needs to be censored this time.
>I keep seeing PS4 footages but what about Switch?
Don't have to worry about that, one thing japanese developers have shown over these last few years is a total disregard for frame rate. Switch will run at a consistent 20-30 framtes (docked) and PS4 will run with a stable 30(!)
>Ywn be Ryza's husband
The most powerfull image.
>New Atelier Ryza trailer
I still have 0 clue what this game is about.
if you want gameplay then you can watch this
alternatively you can read this thread to look at big anime boobs
Harem author, So far no further story ideas than "achieve summer memories", it'll most likely have the same vapid "I'm no good at x" "aww, but you're so good at y" horseshit that you'll have to go through every time you return to the atelier.
So more or less the same.
I mean, I don't think they'd reveal all of the story 4 months before release
It's not really a driving force behind why I buy games, but if the game has cute girls, then that's all the better.
You aren't attemptiont to save Rorona's Atelier from being closed by the Kingdom, You aren't touring the world for Totori's missing brother, you aren't stimulating economic growth through manipulative alchemy, you're just achieving summer memories, whatever that means.
>this is ryzas creator when he doesnt need to hold back
Well we see that Empel and Lila are investigating ruins for some mysterious reason who become your teachers and both of them are odd figures. Empel is implied to be a lot older than what he looks like and Lila looks barely human. Then there's the businessman who owns the water sources on the island and seems to be an antagonist.
There are a lot of threads to go on even now, but it seems like the story will be more similar to the mysterious trilogy where you were discovering some ancient mystery in each game rather than the previous two trilogies where you were looking for solutions to present problems.
i wonder how the devs feeling by having a halfdead franchise and then suddenly you hire an actual hetero artist to do the new designs and then everything goes better
I don't want to piece together any elements from the videos, I'm just going by the summary on the website.
what does she hide there?
I don't think there was much information in the video but there's a lot of hints on the website
Like that spirit user girl too who seems to have some mysterious deals but right now obviously they won't reveal every bit of the story.
Poor little alchemist.
Favorite alchemist?
I'm the only non virgin in this thread. Do you faggots even know what pussy feels like?
she isn't even best girl in her own game lmao
bags of salty milk
This place and many parts of the internet are so fucking miserable these days. Just enjoy your enjoy your anime tiddies.
(I do not condone anything in this image, just posting it for discussion.)
Do any of the girls appear in future games or are they their own world?
How was Atelier Lulua?
Probably Ayesha.
Which game from these series should I get on my Switch?
Some characters appear in multiple games, Escha for example appears as a little girl in Firis, Logy appears in multiple games set in different universes and there's recurring characters like Pamela and Hagel. So far it seems like there's a character in Ryza called Pamira who seems to be at least somehow related to Pamela.
It's a conjoined world with plenty of reoccuring characters, some even growing so old as to be christmas cakes, yet are still being set up for future installments.
>want to go download the Hidari artbooks
>no torrents, only available to download for credits or GP
Couldn't they just remove this shit so that people can download everything before the site is nuked?
>new trailer
>already saw it before
Why is this thread alive if we're not posting Ryza anymore?
I think, I have en like 4 of them
If you mean what game to get first, Sophie is a popular pick. (Interestingly: people whose first game was Sophie, tend to love it; but longtime fans tend to dislike the game, particularly due to the lack of time limits.)
It's more due to the fact that the game is bland, uninteresting and a huge grindfest. It's the unfortunate springboard title that does things differently in a very mediocre way and will take all the blame for it. Ryza will be such a title.
>particularly due to the lack of time limits
It's a shame casual players who just want to turn their brain off and play on autopilot without consequence have managed to get one of the series' defining traits removed, but I guess that's how it is.
Time system is shit. It goes against the very idea of collecting a lot of stuff and creating the most broken shit early by clever combining and finding out what works and what doesnt. It forces you to read a guide and press only the right bottons or you screw up that true ending by one day or one event. Good riddance.
God I want to impregnate her so fucking much
The time system was great an added a sense of progression. More importantly, it also meant you had to think a little regarding your synthesizing and traveling. You couldn't just waste months and years slowly making overpowered stuff early on with no consequence.
The time system were in no way inhibiting unless you're utterly incompetent, and it served to add structure to the game. As long as you planned accordingly you'd have months of free time in the Arland series, extra years in Dusk.
Alright thanks.
Holy fuck, imagine all the doujins we'd be reading on sadpanda ;_;
Wait, so in Atelier Ryza there will be no deadlines??
That was the only reason I never played the other games, I hate when there is something like a time limit or a deadline limiting my freedom, I might actually play this one.
Through dick unity
I don't even know how a game like Rorona would feel compelling without time limits. I see how it would work, I just don't see the challenge in it.
Just make a fucking thighzuri sex toy Gust, you know it would sell
>You guys are the reason video games have gone downhill
How? Where is your evidence when we know these games appeal to a niche audience and don't sell that many copies. AAA and its incessant casualization and treating of the player as if they were a child are far more prominent problems that aren't being addressed.
>No don't spend any of your hard on money on something of substance
Care to give an example?
I wouldn't buy one but ONLY because my dignity hasn't hit rock bottom. If I had nothing to lose though then I would've fucking made my own by now.
If you make good lewd art jumping on the band wagon early for cute characters is a great way to get more exposure and a following. Bowsette was clearly huge for several lewd artists.
I wonder what the hell some people do with their time since there are always complaints about the time system of older Atelier games.