Why is fishing always so boring in vidya?

Attached: fishinggestalt.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

It's also boring in real life.

Play Sega Bass Fishing and then delete this

They don't put gameplay in fishing because none of them have gone fishing

>t. raised by a shitty dad

>two fishing topics within 15 minutes
something seems fishy here

t. literal retard

>he hasn't played Breath of Fire 3 fishing

Fishing in Stardew valley is actually pretty fun

>Why is fishing always so boring

And I'm not talking about the contents of Baldrick's apple crumble

fishing should be automated so you can do it while afk, that way if you need to go get something to drink or poop you are not wasting time

Ocarina of Time had satisfying fishing.

I beg to differ, fishing should be somewhat fun engaging activity, fishing with spear is quite fun in game

fishing it's supposed to be comfy, drinking a beer and talking with your mates in discord or just watching some movie

Boring? I fucking loved fishing in Ocarina of Time as a kid. That fishing spot was magical for some reason.

Attached: ootlinkfishing.jpg (540x405, 26K)

Breath of Fire 3 has the best fishing minigame.

So was this mother fucker lying to you or just a shitty fisherman?

How is it not? I’ve never been fishing.

>dude its fun with your dad

no fucking shit. you're enjoying the time spent with your father, not the fishing itself.

It's always been awkward between me and my dad. I know he loves me but there's this weird tension. Probably because hes so disappointed

Well, you have that person's attention. What is it exactly that you want from them

Soaking bait is boring, throwing lures or fly fishing is active and enjoyable

warframe's (spear)fishing is pretty fun

Attached: DEvqEwuUAAAikv8.jpg (900x614, 101K)

Archeage fishing was pretty fun

yeah pretty much

no aquariums to put the fish in
no rare fish and hidden fishing spots

fishing is boring IRL as well, its equally a relaxation activity and passive hunting; without the real world estimuli to actually relax you, you are only left with the boringness of it

don't you think that if you need a game to do something automatically for you the one that's wasting time is you, by playing?

can confirm

too bad the game isnt that great

bait fishing is boring as hell and that was a lot of peoples first experience