>Game is focused on tension and stealth
>Jump button, dodging and more creative combat
>More crafting and weapons
>Game is bigger, multiple paths (think about God of War)
>AI enemies feel like real people and not just game enemies
>Melee combat has been refined and expanded
>New types of infected, they are a real threat and behave different
>More vertical areas
>Combat has increased emphasis on tension, interactivity and realism.
>Enemy AI references each other by name, and constantly communicates with each other.
>Two different timelines explored in TLOU2.
>New dodge/evade mechanic is a core part of combat and melee.
>Far more creative and emergent moments in combat thanks to big increase in breadth of options.
>Improved stealth mechanics, including crawl, prone, squeezing into tighter gaps, underneath vehicles etc.
>Expanded infected enemies and whole new classes.
>You're not automatically fully hidden in grass. >Extent of your visibility depends on height & density of foliage.
>Much more verticality in combat scenarios now. >She needs more routes and ways to engage.
>Survival aspects are still a focus.
>Different ammo types (eg explosive arrows) now. Each ammo type fulfills a particular strategy niche.
>Animation system is completely overhauled so everything is even more realistic and transitions are seamless.
>Wide linear combat environments are being expanded to be even larger and broader.
>AI system massively improved for added realism.
>No more auto AI telepathic awareness of you once spotted. They whistle to and actually communicate with each other.
>Referred to as systemic check-ins of AI information. They pass information to each other more realistically to let new groups and enemies know of the unfolding situation or of your position.
>Enemy awareness and ability to seek player out improved.

Attached: 1528768765920.webm (640x360, 3M)

Other urls found in this thread: OF US PART II GAMEPLAY/

>Sjw dyke protag
Yeah.... nah... about that

>Now players can dodge, and it’s a core part of the melee system. You can also leverage yourself on surfaces to attack. Combat, in general, offers a lot more options for the player.

>The goal is to create a lot of creative opportunities for gameplay. It creates a lot of exciting situation.

>Stealth is “analog” you’re never completely hidden, and how hidden you are, depends on how tall the grass is and similar elements depending on the environment.
>You can also jump, and that opens more vertical gameplay.
>Crafting involves choices, and it’s expanded where it makes sense. There are different arrow types and more that can be crafted.
>Each crafted item fills a specific niche.

Attached: tloupartii.png (1920x1080, 998K)

>Game is focused on tension and stealth
right there it sounds fucking awful

>5 mins action scene
>10 mins cut scene
yawn , il just watch the movie on youtube and move on . Really you fags have forgotten what gameplay actually is .

Cant wait to ser more politic views in my games :D fuck trump!

The Last of Us? More like... The Lesbian of Us!

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>the axe man swings side ways instead of swinging it in front when Ellie is down
Makes me laugh

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The original game was 12-15 hours long and it had under 2 hours of cutscenes.

The first game was so unfun to play

>The Lesbian of Us Part Chew

>Four foot nine girl takes on people twice her size

yeah totally not a shill thread

>female protag
>"gritty realism"
>120 pound dyke beating up grown dudes
I'm good, thanks though.

I already played Uncharted, thanks

>Player knows how to dodge attack
>Hurr why didn't the enemy track the player
I think it is funny how we have different bars for different games when it comes to this. In souls games everyone hates when the enemy projectiles/weapons track the player, but here you actually want that.

stop shilling this movie game
get off my malaysian fish forum you fucking sony intern

cant wait to watch it on youtube

fuck off shill

uhmmm pretty sure i can finish that "game" under 3 hours but whateverr.

Yeah and it had about 200 talking sections where you slowly fetch a ladder for 5 minutes.

>hold forward on stick to walk down a hallway while two characters talk
I hope you twist a nut you disingenuous faggot

The only thing that makes that footage look ok are the prebaked fake animations they made for this fake trailer. Gameplay is garbage as usual.

I cannot wait for TLOUpt2.
Just look how insecure Yea Forums already is about the first one. It is going to be pure mindrape with the second one.

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>dont mind me user, im just here being the prettiest mocap actress ever, want a spoonful?
what do you do

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How is the combat any different from what we've seen in NuLara??
Only thing they have added is shaky cam and more cinematic sequences.

>right there it sounds fucking awful
Why? They synergize perfectly.

Last of Puss

>expecting any of this to be true
Let the downgrades begin!

>How is the combat any different from what we've seen in NuLara??
By not being complete shit.

>liking The Last of Cucks
Another day with the faggot OP.

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I don't want to play as an ugly lesbian. Nobody does. Hopefully that Uncharted spinoff with the 2 dykes flopped hard enough for ND to get the message

Wow a third person shooter with stealth elements? Absolutely generic.

By being complete sjw, which is shit

Embarrassing shill like holy fuck Naughty Dog, at least try to be more subtle.

This will obviously release a definite version alongside PS5

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Imagine being this triggered over 2 girls kissing. You're mentally ill user

Imagine believing any of this is real after Last of Us 1 pulled the same shit

>scripted 3rd person stealth
>scripted 3rd person bamham melee combat action
What a joke.

Are you that guy from the shadow of the tomb raider team who said the animation in TLOUpt2's demo was fake? Fucking lmao you are so fucking insecure you french piece of shit.

How many years ago did tomb raider reboot come out? This is the same shit rip naughty dog

>I don't want to play as an ugly lesbian. Nobody does.
Some people do. The vast majority couldn't give a shit.
>Hopefully that Uncharted spinoff with the 2 dykes flopped hard enough for ND to get the message
Too bad for you ;^)

Imagine being so low IQ you think a mega AAA dev like naughty dogs would personally advertise to a bunch of unemployed uncels
God this board is full of dummies

>Another failed director is making a game
>Another game with mocap
>Inspired by Hollywood
Can we kick failed directors from the game industry ?

>game is focused on scripting & cutscenes

so hyped

Where did hammer-guy go while Ellie was stabbing and slashing bow--woman like ten times and slowly picked up the arrows?
This is the such blatant vertical slice fake gameplay, it is almost insulting to sell this as actual gameplay.

She's better than the Gears of War chick by a loooong shot.

If you think the gameplay is going to look anything like this, you either have short as fuck memory or you're delusional. The promised features of TLoU1 from E3 never made it into the game and shit was towned down to joke levels.

>Left: Ugly girls with masculine traits
>Right: Cute girls with feminine traits
>somehow right image is for "sick fetishist"
If I ever became the president of the US I would nuke Cali into oblivion and round up every commie for execution. Calarts will get a nuke directly.

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Forgot to add something. I will ALSO round up every jew in Hollywood and castrate them and give the rape victims their time to torture them.

at least 75% of this gameplay was scripted just for e3. Remember 2012's e3 for tlou1 ? most of the combat was scripted as well
The full game won't play like this, unless you like 3 second animation that interrupt your gameplay.

even it will be shit, it will get "mustardpiece" praise by S-o-i and sjw journo

had this game released on pc you would be cumming in your pants right now and hyped as fuck
why are pc beggars so hypocrite?

Nintendoids on suicide watch they're fuckin scared of it getting 98/100

Nobody ever remembers tlou for its gameplay op, who are you trying to trick here?

I'm calling it fake until I see it in the retail copy of the game. They did the same thing with TLOU1 E3 trailer, just for the AI to be braindead in the retail version.


looks like shit

You are hopefully aware that that image was not made by a leftist and obviously so, right?

Usually I'm not one to judge people on their hobbies even if it's something dumb like making shit up to get angry about, but you seem a bit unhinged so maybe take a step back


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>Buying Cuckman propaganda game
lmao, no thanks.

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I have PS4 and I'm not remotely hyped for Last of Us. I hate women though so maybe I'm in the minority.

>implying we wont simply tank the score
Cmon now.

first game was decent and I'll probably play 2 down the line, but this gameplay is 100% setup and I really doubt the final product will look anywhere near this. the same thing happened with 1 and people completely forgot how dynamic the AI was promised it was supposed to be compared to how it actually shipped.

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>press x to kill

I'll never forget how cool the AI was in trailers and how disappointed the final game was nothing like it. I don't care about graphic downgrades, but what I cared about what completely thrown out.

>Game is focused on tension and stealth
Yeah that sounds like fun. I remember how shitty the AI was last time. No fucking thanks

Don't fall for jewish tricks again Yea Forums

SJW's the game.. Nah il pass

>Tomb Raider: The Shadow of the Last of Us
fucking pathetic, and you mouthbreathers drool over it.

I'm gonna buy it second hand if the multiplayer is good as the first one

>>Tomb Raider: The Shadow of the Last of Us

gotta admit i hated the first one but then tried it again and its actually great
part 2 looking insane, especially the graphics improvement

>all these seething Incels

Can't wait to play this on my jet engine at 30fps.

>watch yourself
>grass is barely hip length

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Nice digit for ellie to say nigger in the game

Yep, still has that trademark naughty dog boring and generic look and feel.

I'm excited, I loved the first game.

I am nervous that we haven't seen any gameplay outside this trailer which seemed highly scripted. I expect the gameplay will be at least as good as 1's, but the radio silence makes me nervous

yeah it was such a shame. I was surprised with how well the resource management was handled though, between the crafting, picking what you need for usable items and finding raw materials. it was the highlight of the game to me.

the crafting and scavenging were really cool.

>tfw you've become a performance snob and you have difficulty enjoying games at 30fps, even 60fps has started feeling choppy and inefficient
>Decent odds that this'll run somewhere around 40frames on a PS4 pro

does anyone else know the pain

>jump button is a big listed feature in a fucking action series
What the fuck happened to console gaming?

>no punching
nah, that was the only fun part about TLoU


I'm just gonna wait for the YIFY release.

Now this is shilling, holy shit.
Actual literal shilling.

>jumping is prevalent in TPS

Vanquish did it.

>now play as a lesbian
Literally the only reason I won't buy this game

I only played the demo but I don't remember being able to jump, only evade

>just copypaste the shareholder powerpoint, that'll do
>ok boss!

Reminds me of the 'fight' scene in uncharted where a 200+ lb man gets his ass kicked by a black woman half his height and weight

it would have made for a great survival horror game if they made horror the focus of the game.

Did GTA get rid of their jump button? That's the most relevant tps across every platform.

will be buying it for the multiplayer

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JIDF shilling on Yea Forums. Typical. Get your ISRAELI GARBAGE OUT OF MY VIDEO GAMES

I wouldn't call GTA a TPS considering a significant amount of the game doesn't involve shooting, and can be played in first person anyway. I didn't say jumping doesn't exist in TPS either, it's just not prevalent OF US PART II GAMEPLAY/
go kill yourself

I hope the multiplayer stays the same though
That shit was fun as hell

scripted as fuck
enemies wont be that dynamic. theyll walk around slowly like the first one

Literally what is wrong with lesbians? They probably hate trannys more than your average Yea Forumsirgin.

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