Is it any good?
I remember it got overshadowed by some FF when it first came out
Is it worth the 20 bucks?
Resonance of Fate 4K
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Basically Devil May Cry of JRPGs in that its all about style and having relatively high entry barrier to actually gitgud at it.
Once you learn how gameplay works, you will be pulling off stylish gun-fu attacks and wrecking shit like madman.
Ending kinda sucks but everything else is great.
Absolutely horrible story, good gameplay. I played it on X360, so I assume remaster is even better.
Story is fine before you get to the ending.
quite step learning curve and punishing to lose.
if you dont tilt when you have to redo 1h dungeon its a very good game.
It's shit.
Learn how to play it, then when you become proficient use cheat engine to whittle down the ungodly amount of grinding.
I'm not trying to be an asshole to you, user, but I don't remember it being any good.
It's not hard IF you do the arena along with the main game, as you will earn EXP there. I mean, you do need to finish arena if you want platinum.
Also, OP:
In this game you raise levels of your weapons; you have scratch damage, direct damage and one I forgot. Healing? Leveling up your weapons also levels up your characters. Basically, what you need to do, if you find the game hard, is to swap weapons of your characters (give scratch weapon to direct weapon user and vice versa) and level them.
>Story is meh-tier but has a unique mechanics and fun gameplay
>Loved by turn based players
>overshadowed by AAA titles upon release and never got any traction
>Has replayability
>leaning curve is a steep rollercoaster ride but after a couple of hours its easy to grasp
Its the only game where it slightly made me happy by remembering from playing Front Mission 3 back then
I bought it because I like Tri-Ace and I was enjoying it but apparently I forgot all about it.
Please don't insult FM3 like that. Front Mission 3 is a legitimately amazing game; RoF absolutely isn't.
I don't disagree and I'm not comparing. But what i meant was this was the only unique kind of gameplay that was released in a long time. You already know RTS and Turnbased games are a dying breed.
Hence it 'kinda' made me remember FM games back then
yes,go play
It's... very interesting. Worth a try, and if you aren't sure just play it for 1.5 hours and return it on Steam.
It's not. Story is your tipical jap shit that happens only because characters refure to talk to each other, and it's shit anyway.
Gameplay has some interesting menu action, but it looks retarded, and it doesn't correctly comunicate what it's supposed to be about.
Also, for each random combat you see this fuckers fly endlesly like retards while shooting and it looks bad.
Anything not related to the battles themselves is fucking boring.
>Leveling up your weapons also levels up your characters. Basically, what you need to do, if you find the game hard, is to swap weapons of your characters (give scratch weapon to direct weapon user and vice versa) and level them.
very good tip here
also don't forget to click on the sticks, they change your camera and can help a lot to aim
having at least 4 action crystals will improve significantly your team capabilities, so focus on that early in the game
It's one of my favourite experimental janky jap games. If you don't fall in love with the main characters you're probably dead inside desu
stop thinking is it worth 20 bucks and ask is it worth your time, there's a limited amount of time with which to enjoy all media and there's no point spending it on shlock that just "good"
It's okay. The gameplay could've been more refined. The gun costumization is great and hilarious, see . I recommend it. Its definitely unique and deserves to get a sequel which polishes its shortcomings.
While we are on the topic of Tri Ace, has ANYONE played Beyond the Labyrinth? It's JP only on the 3ds but it has an English translation. I have it installed on my 3ds right now.
Very high initial learning curve that completely flattens itself in around 10 hours. The reason why people claim ood gamplay is because they have an attention span of
It's definitely worth a try.
The story is pretty unique, but it's not as fleshed out as it could be and you have to infer a lot of stuff and read up on lore to fully understand it.
The characters and all of their moments are great.
The gameplay is unique too and pretty strategic too. It's pretty difficult to get the hang of the first time even with the extensive optional tutorial, but it's definitely a game where you begin to understand the more you play.
It's a pretty interesting ad experimental game, like all tri-Ace games. It's by far not their best work and not all that great in general, but it definitely has a lot of SOUL.
The 7th gen was absolutely miserable for JRPGs, but games like RoF are the exceptions.
No but I've been meaning to play it as well. I hope it's good! It looks interesting.
I just wish they had the means today to make masterpieces like they did on all the pre-HD-era consoles again. It's fucking depressing.
it's a dungeon crawler with really GOOD graphic on 3DS
>I just wish they had the means today to make masterpieces like they did on all the pre-HD-era consoles again. It's fucking depressing.
It's in general definitely depressing that visionary and experimental creators are restrained because they can't afford the risk due to the weight of bloated budgets.
Oh, absolutely. HD gaming pretty much committed genocide on Japanese non-AAA studios and the few that survived are a shadow of their former self now. I really hate the 7th gen for that with a burning passion.
It just hurts with tri-Ace especially because SO3 is my favourite game of all-time. ;_;
What adjustments should be made? 2x exp?
stand aside
Wish it had been released in Europe desu I have yet to play it.
the combat is abusable once you get the bullet that shreds the fuck out of armor. it's somewhat innovative though
i like the cast the most. i think they're more charismatic than the typical jrpg heroes
I've played it. It looks good and sounds good, but the gameplay is questionable. The game is about absorbing colors, then using it to damage enemies of opposing colors. The problem is when you have only one enemy to extract from you're LITERALLY stuck in an infinite loop because you can never take the color capable of killing that enemy and it can't kill you either. I dropped the game when I found out about that shit. I think I'll play on a lower difficulty next time
Vashyron is bro-tier
but all we have are raisins
I love that you can end a lot of boss fights in just a couple turns if you style on then hard enough.
And I also love that they can kill you in a couple turns if you fuck up.
Punishing but not bullshit.
Every battle is a new upskirt short every 5 seconds
>Think the game is getting too easy and I've mastered the combat system
Leanne goes both ways? Good to know.
Hey, save it why don'tcha
Nolan North made so many of the scenes in this game for me
>that one overworld encounter with the three giants and their poison bazookas
>no way to escape
>didn't save in a while
It's spooky every time.
That entire scene was kino
emulate that shit
The combat is novel but it does not hold up for the entire game. It's a skeleton of a combat system, it only appears complex because the game does a bad job of explaining itself. Once you understand how it works it is very spammy, shallow and easy. 95% of encounters will be just brainlessly making triangles across empty arenas with only a couple bosses/hunts requiring you to actually think. A sequel may have fleshed things out, but that's not gonna happen so all we're left with is a proof of concept stretched over the length of a typical JRPG.
Spammy and shallow honestly applies to the gun customization system too, it has the appearance of being complex but by midgame you'll actually just stack the one stat/part that actually matters because any other focus is just far less profitable. Character building is basically non-existent, and actively punishes you for specialization since your HP and weight capacity (irrelevant past the 1/3 mark) will be much lower for no tangible benefit due to how skill EXP is scaled.
It's not worth playing for the non-gameplay aspects either. There's very little exploration. Not much to care about in the story besides Nolan North being a goofball in a handful of scenes. Combat animations are nice but you can just oogle those from webms.
Of course, soon™!
i like raisins
What was with Square and just doing weird interesting JRPG ideas back then?
But this was published by SEGA!
Square hasn't really done weird / interesting stuff since the late 90s (they went absolutely insane those rapid-fire new IPs and creative concepts) with a few exceptions like The Last Remnant I guess.
Doesn't work in PC, refunded it when I saw all the fucking drama to make it work.
>Doesn't work in PC
The only issues I can think of are the performance drops and something about save bugs on launch, which have been fixed.
I bet her raisins are very sensitive
the story is great, one of the only stories to deal with boredom. It's the video game equivalent of Cowboy Bebop