MH Thread

Why arent you playing Valfie's game yet?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because GU is boring and IB isn’t out yet so I can’t him in world until then

I've considered it, and I will play it eventually, but right now I wanna pick up a copy of FU instead. I like World and I'm excited for Iceborne but I wanna play some old gen stuff.

wake me up when 5/5U happens

so what was zorah? was it a walking nest for nergigante? isn't it a bit xaggerated that nergigante needed a big nest?

Valstrax is too good to be in world

A big dying turtle

>so what was zorah?
A massive faggot

Cont. From last thread

Splintered Nergigante!

Embeds Spikes into other monsters, infecting them to the point where they become more and more violent and erratic until a Nergigante infant sheds it's monster skin, taking on a few of its host's qualities.

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Say my name

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A boring mess of horse shit

A big fucking gecko hiding under a volcano
Nergigante somehow thought he could take it on

Splintered Nergigante
Never really fought directly, appears randomly as black Spikes jutting out of a monster. As the fight with the infected monster progresses, it gets more and more violent until a Splintered Nergigante infant sheds it's monster shell, borrowing it's moveset and partial skeleton.

>Barroth Nergigante gains thick plates of Barroth ridges, which expel jets of steam after enraged

>Anjanath Nergigante has a more developed pair of jaws and enough rows of teeth to make Deviljho flinch

>Deviljho Nergigante has no current data
>Bazelgeuse Nergigante has no current data
>no surviving research parties

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We have finally come full circle
I finally became, Nerg Magala

>defeat Nerg Magala
>ground starts shaking
>two skeletal tentacles burst from the ground and drag the corpse under
>after a few moments, it rises


>XXfags and listfag literally can't help themselves and start console wars form the OP

wait how is the OP a console war or listfag? he just got banned again on /vg/ for evasion

>It's actually a triple bamboozle and it's just a normal Nakarkos wearing Nergigante spikes pretending to be infected

what are some good tips for using wyvern ignition any speciifc armor/skill/decos to have?
i also want to start being a gunner, i have a great bowgun but i'm not really convinced

It's either people being ridiculously paranoid and thinking absolutely everybody is listfag, or listfag himself using a new technique to try and start shit.

Listfag is obsessed with Valfalk to the point he simultaneously hates World but also talks about how much he wants Val in world to defeat "nerg-sue."
If he's not posting those ">" pictures then he's posting Valfalk pictures.

But I love Valfalk and Nerg

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Nakarkos was a cool fight.

Post cute pics of cute monsters

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>Nakarkos in world never
At least Valphalk/Valstrax/Barufaruku/My dick is basically confirmed

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I want Nakarkos and underwater combat back

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Does anyone have/can make a sad cat Nargacuga?

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Developer conference with complete Glavenus gameplay being streamed on Youtube from Honk Kong on July 28th.

i had a great time last night with kulve siege, if you happen to visit these threads, i want to say thank you. sorry if i carted a few times.

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This is the new age of Yea Forums, where if you ever don't like something about my favorite game you're the (single person) that's been shitposting in the threads for years

>greatest savage arch tempered jagras vs rajang

It's the OP image of the previous thread that's just about to archive

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But that's true. He JUST got deleted on /vg/ right now and had tons of samefagging found out. This has been happening all the time, hence the quality of MH threads rising up

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LBG is a weaker HBG that is only good for status inflicting. It's ok I guess

Whatever you say my schizophrenic friend

Thanks. Anymore sad monsters? I'm building my depressionposting collection.

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Swimlets fuck off

lmao Quentin and XV-kun says hello

So would you say investing in a HBG is a good idea?

Post more subspecies ideas

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>he doesn't remember Lanced Jack

here ya go
Yes. Slap a shield on it and you got a risk-free weapon that can withstand even nergie's dive while dishing tons of damage

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Also that crazy fuck that invades any threads for /u/ bait anime with his insanity

Dont waste your time when you can watch these instead

Any recommendations friendo?

Look at this rat

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Pls no

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But I already played those games a lot
Now I'm hyped for Iceborne instead

Listfag please, keep your autism to yourself. If you get banned again, the thread gets deleted

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I'll care when it's fucking 28

i love paolumu female armor, needs an upgrade

There are two old monsters that hide in ceilings
Khezu or Gigginox
Check the second paragraph

I feel like the Gobul SnS was every tribabs first cool weapon. It was fucking everywhere in the early wii days.

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Why does he look so goofy?

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looks like the usual way furfag bara artist draw their disgusting oc

I came here to make you feel bad.

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It's just the way it is

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Tigrex are born retarded and do not get better over time.

Every dead rath is a sight for song

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You can thank me later for that bros

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Tigrex has always looked retarded. There's a reason people have joked about him having retard strength since 2nd gen. He even screams at you in a loud, agonising pitch whenever you take away his toys.

Looks like he'a excited to see boobs

Posting my idea from few threads ago, but
>a more desaturated Brachydios without the slime organism, replacing its place is glue-like saliva on its tongue
>licks arms and punches you like a normal Brachydios would, fairly harmless
>but at intervals, would approach environmental objects to interact with them and give his punches various effects
>Stones/Brightmoss: High stun
>Vitalily: Licks his fists to heal himself
>Chillshroom: Iceblight
>Puddle pod: Waterblight
>Torch pod: Fireblight
>Parashroom: Paralysis
>Toadstool: Poison
>Crystalburst: Boosted attack
I wanted to make him desaturated so the color on his fists would stand out and make the player know what is currently on his fists. Attack fists to remove stickied object

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Steve vs Niggergante. Who wins?

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>im a free woman, she said
>i can be with whoever i want, she said
>went into the degenerate path of abusive relationships with steve, tigrex and astalos, among others.
>"fuck you daddy", she thought. " at least is better than staying at home and raising offspring, this isn't the 50s"
>fooled around with nergigante until he lose control and harm rathian enough she was too weak to even breathe
>"i'm a free woman" she murmured before closing her eyes permanently

>5 stat monster Vs elder dragon
Gee I don't know

Steve scales vs nergigante spikes who wins?

nerg is the gorilla chad

This is dumb. Nergigante doesn't give a shit about anything that isn't an elder.
Steve already exists for NTRing Rathalos.

The second Nerg gets his claws on Seregios it's over


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I just compared them because they both shoot out scales/spikes.

Yeah, but I guess regios can win if they bring the fight to the air.

Nerg would die from bleeding since Steve is too fast for him to keep up.

Like when he killed that Barroth in the main story?

so a Congalala, but instead of eating, its punching
tb h, there's this lad that did the multiple elements stuffs too

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dont forget her unholy offspring with a chicken, no less

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Barroth was probably being a tard as always and tried to attack him

Guys, is Rathian a slut?

Not really
Even if Seregios is the best monster and the most based wyvern in the series there is no way it could win against an elder dragon, the best it could do is outmanoeuvre nerg and escape

>Nergigante chasing dying godzilla of big mountain
>Barroth near the scale
It explains itself.

not all rathian but the one in sure was that's why she died. i blame feminism

Normal Steve is fucked
Apex Steve violently mouthrapes him

Okay fine, you cunts. Maybe and Elder Dragon was a bit too much for Steve. How would he do against a Bombergeuse in the comparison of monsters that dislodge scales to attack?

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I knew I wasn't being high when the Rathian and Diablos carcasses appear at different places of the Vale, I swear I was seeing things

Bazelgeuse is elder dragon level

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Nergigante wanted to eat him (He also wanted to eat Xeno, that's why he was hanging out in the elder's recess)

Ok I can accept that, but I still think an Apex Seregios could win.

Steve would probably win because he's more maneuverable and Bazel can't really do shit to anyone that manages to get above it


Feel like Steve would be able to correctly identify the threat that is the scales and will contantly fly above it to attack Bazel's non-bomb covered top

Steve can't beat Deviljho, and Bazel ties with Deviljho though. Steven would land on Bazel and Bazel would do what he does best.


Is Soulseer CB a good alternative to Mantis?

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Yeah, I think he's a very intelligent wyvern. I kinda like Astalos too, but he's seem more violant than smart.

Bazel would only wreck Seregios if Bazel flipped over
I guess the exploding porcupine strategy might scare Seregios off but I don't think he's retarded enough to get a mouthful of bombs like Deviljho

But Bazelgeuse's Stand [ FORTUNATE SON ] can't hit you if you're on his back

Who's the bigger retard, Jho or Tigrex?

Seeing how he's heavily inspired by intelligent birds like parrots and eagles yeah he's probably very smart
Astalos feels more like eternally angry at everything than smart

Both are incredibly retarded but Deviljho has the excuse that his only goal in life is to feed, Tigrex is just dumb

Tigrex. Jho is just always hungry all the time which leads to putting things in his mouth that he shouldn't. Tigrex is an actual special needs child.

damn now I want a seregios x bazel turf war, and one with him cucking rathalos

Jho atleast has the grug that Tigrex doesn't have

Astalos strikes me as more brutal and smart than stupid
Most of his attacks are pretty precise besides the big crash landing attack

>Steve pulls a spike assault
>IT AINT ME divebombs the ground
>Steve either pulls out or hits the ground with Bazel and hears the screams of the the Viet Cong
Bazel really only has those two tactics. Either bomb it from up high, or use himself as a bomb.

Both are at least smart enough to understand that things die if you throw boulders at them
I hope so

I'm 60 hours in and still using SnS
Beats being an IG shitter.

An undead lao shan

Well.. true
Now that I think about it unlike other monsters he actually does aim his strikes instead of flailing wildly

Do not bully my son.

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>and hears the screams of the the Viet Cong
>Tfw the trees start speaking Felynian

The cuteposters are the worst parts of these threads. Nothing meaningful, just tons of fucking stupid pictures they've reposted 400 times.

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Yeah, it's a similar kind of vibe as Zinogre minus the pride. Astalos won't strut around to charge up he'll just beat your goddamn face in and get it over with.

and the local shitposter isn't?

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Can confirm. When I TA'd Lightning Wushu, Astalos seems to have a longer staying time than other wyverns.

>Normal monsters go apeshit when they see you in their turf
>Zinogre just stretches his neck and looks at you smugly
Good I can't wait for that overconfident bastard to come back

>My dick is basically confirmed
Sorry user i dont believe you any source to back up that claim.

Started a new save and I've been using a Gunlance, pretty fun weapon but I like to mix things up and use a secondary weapon. Going to use the charge blade, though I don't know which one I could use, should I aim for raw instead of elemental?

>Started a new save

So I can progress through the game with a new set of weapons, it's just not the same fighting big monsters with a new weapon that I never used before.
I'm not really focusing on farming and aiming for min/max build so starting a new save isn't much of a bother for me except for the fucking cutscenes, holy shit capcom, I enjoy your work and all but seeing it once is enough

Only time I ever did that was in 4U to force myself to finally learn bowguns, I cleared village and guild all the way through to the end of HR solo and then went back to G Rank in my main file and made a set

You know they will fucking ruin it by having him roar when the battle starts

If we were talking about base mhworld I would agree but I have faith in iceborne

Core Gravios
>lives so deep down he has miniature volcanoes covering his body
>splashes lava everywhere
>volcano shell periodically explodes from catastrophic heat pressure, then he burrows down to gear up again

>Raptor that roars so hard it summons a random Drome, along with a contigent of different types of -preys

Fuming Nerscylla
>Nerscylla that has adapted to the volcano better than most
>shoots blinding smoke out of its' stinger
>spins red-hot web strings and places them around the arena like piano wire, if you're blinded you can only see them when you're right if front of them

Dancing Rajang
>Rajang who never skipped leg day

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It's pretty fun to proceed through the weapon/armor trees again and not having tons of materials ready to craft whatever you want whenever you want.

Fuming should wear laviosoth skins that give it light immunity to lava as it spins fishing nets in the lava.

>Had a dream that Nerscylla was in World the other night
Feel like pure shit just want her back

Massive missed opportunity not having her in the Rotten Vale, they should've made a couple new low tier bugs/crabs in the Forest or Coral Highlands to justify adding the skeleton

>Dreamt that AT Nerg had a unique moveset
I didin't want to wake up fuck

You know he doesn't really care, right?

>Core Gravios
Nope, no more of him.

Gravios is banned from monster hunter


you mean removed

Holy fuck AT Xeno is impossible on multi

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He's banned, I banned him

Then do it solo.

I'm referencing an old meme you newfag

Not Kut-Ku, no buy

Fuck you

Does world has unique or semi-unique sounds for each weapon in a weapon type? Like I remember the gore LS sounding different than shaggy LS, or the bell sounds for dalamadur HH I think

no, World got rid of that mechanic for some reason

Is it possible to solo the AT Event monsters like Xeno and Zorah?
What do you even get from it?

>HHs never play a small snippet of the monster they're crafted froms theme.

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They had to pump their resources to bloat Ancient Forest and Zorah more I guess

Some do but right now most weapons have the generic Iron/Bone model so they got generic Iron/Bone sounds

Listen to the Lunastra weapons or the Teostra harp. Luna stuff all sounds like wind blowing over the edge of a glass.

At least the Khezu Horn plays Khezu's theme whenever you're not using it

I really want based jet dragon in World, and things like the cookie leak and 15th anniversary poster really imply it will happen, but I still feel doubtful.

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>bird up

is there a way to compare sounds? I know kiranico has a model viewer with sounds for the 3ds games on that site

>"Hey, partner! It sounds like a Rathian is in distress!"
>"let's follow the scoutflies"
>ancient forest, go to rath nest at the top
>cutscene plays, shows rathian and rathalos
>shadow flies overhead
>steve knocks 'los into the rocks, growls at rathian
>proceeds to mount rathian in front of you and the rathalos
>"woah, pard! I didn't know about this part of seregios ecology!"

AT Xeno is actually one of the better ones i found in multi
AT Luna on the other hand...

Every wiki for World is shit sadly, guess no one bothered because you get the bare minimum info from the in game hunters notes now.
You just gotta compare the sounds in-game.

AT Luna is pain in the ass no matter how you play.

Luna in any form is fucking pain in the ass

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>ntr in monster hunter

Well yeah, no one will bother using athena's ASS now because its doable to search for skills in world

>all the monster hunter traditional wikis got bullied by fextralife wikia users except for the main monhun wiki who stopped doing equipment posts ages ago because they liked kiranico
>dumbass dark souls faggots are terrible at compiling information and their monhun database is shit
Really sucks bruh.

You need a set capitalizing on artillery damage.
I did it with IG while playing a big game of the floor is lava, but it's easiest with HBG. If you get the skill that negates the floor damage then it's not that hard.

I'm not a real big Nerg guy but even I can see that's pretty one sided for Nigger


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Athena's still has its uses, and still gets updated I'm pretty sure
It's a lot easier to build sets with what you want in World but Athena can present options you hadn't considered to squeeze a little bit more in.

I don't understand how anyone finds fighting Teostra and Lunastra enjoyable

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And new monsters nobody would care
For every Tobi-kadachi, they could have brought back Zinogre



Teostra is fine, Luna is a bitch which is fitting.

Teostra isn't that bad just a bit annoying, AT Lunastra is the one monster I just refuse to hunt after I got the full set.

>Seregios proceeds to scream louder than the Rathian the entire time

Tobi is an early game monster while Zinogre would be fought later in each rank

gif is self explanatory
is challenging

>Hey hunter, check out how hard I can piss!

Teo pre-world is super fun

>Endless homing supernovas
No he fucking isn't.

I know, I can do better. I'll make a full length ntr write up later, watch for it.

Teo is a pathetic joke of a monster, especially in world where he's gimped to the fullest
Lunastra on the other hand is a fucking whore

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Uhh I'm not really clear on what you meant by that. Which part of his supernova is endless and homing?

Ah yes, back when that attack was actually dangerous

He means the ranged explosion he does when rising to his hind legs
I think

Doesn't that have a set range or something? I don't I've ever been hit by that

Honestly it still is, he just doesn't do it as often because of how they separated his Fire and Cheeto modes

In the previous games I'm pretty sure it appeared next to you, don't remember

G Rank exclusive shit.
>Runs a few steps forward and turns
>Knocks you over
>Runs a few steps forward and turns
>Knocks you over
>Repeat fifty billion times
Wow. What a fun fight.
Even Kushala Daora with his black wind shit isn't this obnoxious.

Luna is a lot of fun to try and master with SA. You have to be pin point with your I-frames and positioning.

It's much slower and telegraphed

Who do you think win between a fighter aircraft and a bomber, boyo?

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The pre 4u monster's secret Hokuto technique: running

>Gimping yourself by using SA

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Well it used to be a G rank only move didn't it? We'll see what happens with it in Iceborne.

True, they could give Teo back his cancerous glory in G-rank

I don't know man, he doesn't chain stun me so much if I just stay on his hind legs. He's still a fun fight with that bullshit charge thing, but I think the homing supernovas you said is a non issue compared to trying to actually break his face which is fucking impossible without killing him.

They should bring back elemental breaks

You can stay by his neck and break his face easily that way

I was seduced by the sheer retarded status output of taroth paralysis and then decided to learn the weapon properly. It's a lot of fun.

>The Fivers Nightmare

name my band

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They should expand on shit like water washing away mud armor in one hit or Brachy's slime. Like maybe doing enough Ice damage to a Rath's wings will sometimes prevent takeoff the same way a broken wing does, shit like that
Yet they keep removing special interactions that Poison used to have

where are jaggi and baggi

They needed to make elder seal worthwhile
Fuck elder seal

Elder Seal is so much worse since it doesn't have a lingering effect
If it prevented them from hitting full power for 60-120 seconds (depending on the strength of the elderseal on the weapon maybe) like Poison did then cool, but nope you just get a free flinch and then they immediately enrage again.

>halfway through iceborne, get a notification from handler
>"Hey, pard! There's some golden scales that showed up, let's go!"
>special assignment, Old World Rivalries
>upon arriving by wingdrake, hear a Rathian cry
>"Partner! The scoutflies have got something!"
>follow scoutflies, they lead you to the Rath nest in ancient forest
>cutscene, lone rathian sitting in nest, licking between her legs
>hunter hides, watches seregios land
>approaches rathian, she let's out a low growl and turns, lifting her tail
>seregios mounts her, close up of his scaled member, meant for locking in place
>both monsters cry, seregios noticeably louder
>oh shit, it's a rathalos
>"Hold up Pard, let's watch for a second! Looks like we're about to see a turf war!"
>rathalos flies away after watching, drops a wyvern tear
>"Must've known he couldn't take that seregios... or maybe this isn't the first time?"
>steve finishes with rathian, allowed to hunt him
>"Wow, pard! Didn't expect to get such intimate notes today! Try to capture that Seregios!"
>female hunters can 'capture' him

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feel free to stop anytime

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>mommy nargacuga is captured and turned into a hunter sex toy

i wish i was a neet so i could be playing monster hunter


It's good enough to be snipped into a copypasta, I actually worked on it this time. NTR is a based fetish.

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>NTR is a based fetish.

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>"Mother is strong and powerful"
>Laughs in Deviljho

You're literally worse than the listfag, kys.

>self insert as the guy being cucked
>self insert as the guy doing the cucking
>self insert as girl
It has something for everyone.

All wrong, it is perfectly known that Seregios burns with hatred for all Raths and only wants to end their despicable existence by killing them all

*by fucking rathians and breeding the rath species out with strong Seregios genes

If you see shit coming at you from somewhere ( a butthole or thrown by a monkey) and dont move you're into scat.
If you're getting NTR'ed and you don't do shit but take up camera space, you're a fucking cukhold.

In short, NTR is a shit fetish no different from liking scat.

post subspecies ideas and r8
>Gelid Mizutsune
>Mizutsunes who have adapted to the frigid cold, thus giving them appearances more similar to arctic Foxes
>In battle, they're slightly less "elegant" than their original species, but make up for it through Iceblight
>Instead of sliding around using bubbles, it instead skates on the ground using it's ice abilities to make tracks of ice. These same tracks can make hunters slip on them as though they were dealing with Bubbles.

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Hunters are almost always employed for protection, "research," or to control overpopulation.

Seething rathcuck. The Japanese love NTR, so it's basically canon.

>pvp game mode, hunters vs poachers

it was the reckless killing by the ancient civilization that caused fatalis to almost perishes all wyverians and humanity for good. hell even fatalis was putting bodies of both onto his body as armor just to show them how disturbing it if for them, after the battle, wyverians and humans decided to cool it with the holocaust and decided to hunt only when a monster is about to threaten to their villages and for population control

>Sable Jyuratodus
>Instead of making it's home in mud, this monster instead dives deep into gigantic pools of tar, coating itself in the liquid
>This makes it susceptible to fire, though this is also a risk for hunters, as fire can easily set both the monster and the hunter themselves ablaze

>had awful hunts on AT Xeno on any melee
>requires a fuckton of res like blight and fire res
>try HBG full spread dps
>10 minute hunts all the time
Christ Glutton is broken. How is Pierce?

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>self insert as the guy doing the cucking
>projecting yourself as the guy cucking when you are just sitting there watching it happen
someone should bring this guy a golden medal for this mental gymnastic

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If you're not good with Glutton, it's faster and safer.

>Fire Res
Just grab the Heat Guard charm
There's no gun as good for Pierce as Glutton is for Spread, and the changes they made to Pierce made it kinda suck on monsters that don't have a massive weakpoint, but it does good work on Bazel

I did play GU but I stopped because even though I hate to say it it has no soul. It's commendable just for the sheer amount of content it has, but it never grabbed me so I ended up playing a different monster hunter instead.

Oh, forgot to add on:
>all future 'wyvern eggs' gathered from the nest are now higher tier 'seregios eggs'
>rathalos still coded to defend seregios eggs

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Good. Rathian can fuck off

the guy she tells you not to worry about

What's an alternative if I'm unlucky and have no Kulve Glutton?

It's khezu, confirmed by that retarded IGN guy
I wish it was giggi

I really hope Frontier gets retooled into a switch game. Too many gone to waste if they do nothing about it. Plus its extra funds for their next MH game and they already have most of the work done already

When you read/watch vanilla porn do you self insert as the guy fucking the girl even though you're still just sitting there and watching?

Black Khezu

>what it feels like chewing 5gum Mizutsune

Kjarr Horn/Taroth Horn/Nergi/Jho for spread, Kjarr Water/Taroth Support/Legi for pierce.

>Violet Brachydios
>Uses waterblight instead of slime
>When it goes into rage mode the water becomes bubbles
>Constantly slips around when in rage mode, but it's still just as much of a threat to you as a regular Brachy, if not more

i just love to see guys getting cum on their face by big hairy men

I agree somewhat, but there are quite a few monsters in Frontier I don't want anywhere fucking near mainline.

It'll be a spin-off like GU anyway. Shit, an MH MMO on switch sounds like a big seller even

what are the best skills and armor for LBG and HBG?

Should I buy the game on PC?
Is it good?
What should I know before buying it?

>Abominable Nibelsnarf
Nibelsnarf variant that shows up in cold environments. It acts a bit like a Zamtrios, and it slides on ice when he's charging at you. When he blasts air off it can freeze you.
>Tropical Gammoth
Hairless Gammoth that uses mud instead of snow. His tusks are pointy instead of blunt, and he tries to skewer you with them. When he slams down on the ground he causes a wave of mud to shoot out.

emulate p3rd to see if you like the gameplay first

>Vampiric Brachydios
>Pale blue sickish looking Brachy
>Coats itself with a reddish looking dripping slime, it's actually abrasive fluid made from ground crystals, iron and whatever
>Fingers form big piercing spikes on his knuckles
>Fighting style revolves around 1-2 punches with his coated talons with dirty boxing moves, inflicts bleeding while coated. Coats tail with abrasive and uses it aggressively.
>Drips the coating on the ground that works like steve shrapnel or narga spikes

>there are quite a few monsters in Frontier I don't want anywhere fucking near mainline.
Sadly, Velkhana is is mainline already.

Velkhana's too bland to be a Frontier monster.

It's just listfag. Ignore.

this, it's incredibly obvious

is it the fate of all pseudo-generals to turn their resident shitposter into a boogeyman you can use to dismiss all criticism?

I like fighting Nuclear Brachy

>my NTR shitpost
>worse than king autist that has annihlated a general and caused these threads to be fucked for weeks

he might be referring to the insane aoes from what little gameplay we've seen

Once gamescom passes us by it'll be two years of listfag shitposting. He's been at it for almost two years.

Sweet summer child...

>console elitist
why can't this fanbase just be a normal one?

I mean, yeah
Who actually likes Velkhana

It used to be.

Explain the likes of Shah Dalamadur then.

Because half of them are the same person.

Based, the Hero we deserve.

Sounds like every fanbase on Yea Forums

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FU was a long time ago.

We still have normal threads. Furfags always existed in MH threads.

I mean what we have right now is better since last 2 years was nothing but console-warring shitposting from one guy, but now he lost all his spam cause mods got tired of him. He still spams, but does get deleted all the time.

tl;dr its better than last years of MH threads

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What took everyone so long to get rid of the guy even? I didn't catch up to the whole ordeal but I notice the threads being way too clean than usual last week

Someone finally got fed up enough to go to irc.

I wanted to see more real gameplay of it.

we don't know how many monsters were explain what exactly?

Luna/Nerg is the 2nd best Spread and it comes with built in Guts
Downside is you don't have the leeway to slap a Shield on it like Glutton

MR Rath looks cool

>>Disgusting how this game approved the merciless killing of living creatures #vegan

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>tribabs complaining that they're using grandpa armor

man the scoutfly cage and slinger really clash with a lot of the armors, at least they're modeling the slinger to be made out of monster materials now

Every female set looks exactly the same

>A couple of stealth MH threads were had, listposter didn't show up and everybody realised the spirit of the old threads was still alive, oldfags and newfags alike were getting along and having good discussion
>Next time the list showed up in a thread filled with the usual shit like the "I don't think about you at all" image and various bingposts, people decided to just report him
>Mods actually do something and ban him so all of his posts get deleted
>Half of thread vanishes, including the aforementioned list, "I don't think about you at all", and bingposts
>Everybody immediately realises that most of the arguing was just this one guy samefagging (with a mod actually confirming it later on)
>Now nobody takes any of the console war shitposting seriously anymore, except for maybe a handful of ignorant people who don't know the story, because everyone knows it's just one very sad individual

That's almost exactly like the classic

But why?


who cares what the girl armor looks like


an autist with way too much time on his hands, he's also the one who spams epic shill threads and the "Demake 2" stuff

The demakeposter is a completely different guy. He even has a youtube channel that he shilled back then

Still funny tho. He got the same treatment (spam gets blocked, constant deletion etc.)

Really hope he makes it to Iceborne.

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Is there one that shows the male, no one plays a girl in mh.

>t. ntrfag

Sadly not yet, usually the MH twitter tweets the other version some time after.

He will
Glavenus spilled Rath blood, now nobody can stop Seregios

Nah, NTRfag posted a low quality image, i would never do that

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I like that the armour is going back to grandpa styles. I didn't love how it shifted in gen 3.

>Fighting any AT
>It’s going great
>Oops haha clipped you with a move which is now a one shot just because
It’s all so tiresome. The other 90% of the time fighting them they just feel like the same monster but with 3x the HP. This is such a lame system.

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Yeah Hyper monsters really were a mistake...

You lack the skill to play, then. Find something else more your speed.

If it's Nergigante's slam just roll to the right

>*cheat engines u*

Honestly I think the bloated HP is necessary to balance out how many skills you're able to have at one time. The actual monster difficulty and damage is fine, I think. It's meant to be challenging. Member 140GQs?

I hated Gen, a lot.

I miss apex
All these world Babs feeling like tough shit because they cheesed AT don't know the horror that is apex Zinogre

It’s not. Nergigante is a joke even on AT. I didn’t get all the bitching about the slam. It almost never hits me.

Yeah too much Gen3 and forward looked like a fuckin Mecha suit.
I mean one or two are fine, but not everything.

>fighting an @
>taking things calm, i have a lot of time and i rather hunt slow than rush and be reckless
>gets cornered and now uses attacks that flinch and stuns you

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That’s quite a reach. I’ve been farming them all day. But some of the stuff just gets a huge eye roll out of me.

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Dont you dare compare an actual challenge like Hypers to sloppy jobs like ATs.

I wonder if this is irony.

Hypers and ATs are both shit

Shame about the last three. Things were never the same since 4U.

Every time they do this sort of shit it's so stupid. Apexes and frenzies are stupid. Hypers are stupid. Tempereds and ATs are stupid. Just rip off Frontier's hardcore mechanic already, goddamn, it's literally infinitely better in every concievable way

hope he and val can make it

I think apex fucking sucked. Wystones and bouncing were shitty mechanics.

>some of the stuff just gets a huge eye roll out of me.
Again, you lack the skill required to play.
Its not a bad thing, there are plenty of other games to play that cater to players with slower reaction times.

Just get them out of the apex bro

Quit projecting user.

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I didn't mind, it added a bit of pressure and the bouncing wasn't that bad was it? Maybe the weapons I used just weren't affected badly by it.

There are spots where the monster doesn't deflect you

I did for like a hundred hours. It wasn't a good mechanic. Deviants were legitimately interesting. I prefer Hypers and AT to Apex though.

Which rig do you all like from a general design standpoint, the Kushala or Gore rig? Or basically, which of these two dragon skeletons looks more appealing to you?

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I admit I'll never forget the first time Redhelm oneshot me by dabbing

Gore by a longshot
All monsters on the Gore skeleton are 10/10, whenever I see that a dragon uses the kush skeleton I just completely lose all interest I had

Any other gunlance bros looking forward to trying wyrmstake blast witha wide gunlance? I can see it turning out really well. Also fuck Capcom for not bringing back blast dash. They could easily implement it as using the clutch claw while using wyvern fire turning you into a wire-guided rocket

I feel like the Gore skeleton makes for less generic designs so I'll go with that. I like a couple of the Kushalas too, though.

There are spots where you don't bounce but it make some weapons that are mostly overhead strikes a nightmare on some monsters, made some moves like Lance's charge basically unusable because the bounce is brutal if the monster turns the wrong way, and was generally a pain in the ass because you had to put your goddamn weapon away to use Wystones instead of it just being a passive buff or some shit

Winterpelt Nargacuga
>A nargacuga that has adapted to cold environments
>A special ability of it is that it can blend in with the snow, making it harder to track
Reaper Ahtal-Ka
>A subspecies of Ahtal-Ka that is silver, rather than gold.
>Instead of using mechs made from manmade materials, they instead control titanic beasts made from the parts of multiple monsters. Some rumor that these are the corpses of weapons made by the Ancient Civilization before, others believe they kill Elder Dragons on the brink of death and use their parts to advance their mechs of bone.

Kush skeleton is cool and has a couple of cool monsters like Vaal and Alatreon, but every single Gore skeleton monster is really good except xeno'jiiva

Reaper athlal Ka could use some light electric abilities so it can shock the dead muscles in motion

Kush is a gay faggot that doesn't use his wings for slapping you around.
Gore acts more like a proper dragon using all limbs against you, as well as having stronger limbs unlike kush.
Kush has the shitty nose bump stunfest with the teo line and the 360º claw swipe that hits you fucking ANYWHERE around them. Gore has the manly slam, wing attacks and can get up and stay on two feet to push your shit in when needed.

>LBG is a weaker HBG that is only good for status inflicting. It's ok I guess

Post your cross over wish list anons
>Resident Evil
Lean S Kennedy overlay armor set
LBG that is just a gun(special animations to make it look right) or a rifle of some sort if they can't be bothered to create new animations.

God Eater with pic related as cossover

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I need Gore in World. PLEASE.

Make it REmake Jill and a grenade launcher bowgun and I’m in.


Don't worry, the cookies have spoken, he will be in Ocebornt

>Grigori talks to you as you fight him

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okay. be specific.
impossible scenario: They add a monster from DD
more likely scenario: armor and weapon set

what is DD's iconic gear?


what's wrong with tigrex?

He got a few extra chromosomes

I want a monster hunter game on switch that isn't GU

Breath of Fire
Kaiser Dragon would make a pretty cool monster.
Could give a Peco skin for your Palico or Ryu layered armor idk.

Seems like the perfect game to give a nod to in MH since they’re never going to revive the IP.

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too fast for MHbabies

He’s a special boy.

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Metroid crossover where you have to commit genocide

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babygrex is cute

Give me Rie layored armor and Duel blades

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Waterpods DO wash away multiple mud parts in 1 hit. Not sure about water weapons though since i just use raw

>Has special lines if you wear elder dragon armor sets

fuck savage deviljho

This jagras quest is sweet. Today I got a guard, a mind's eye, a crit boost and 3 critical eyes.

Also a good option. Rei is based. Another idea would be to have a Weretiger monster whose event unlocks Rei armor. There’s a few good possibilities for crossovers from that series desu. I just wish Capcom would remember it exists but also not do so by making a shitty phone game.

Gore has, what, five monsters on it now? Even with that small amount the overlaps are getting to be too much. Maybe it's just developer laziness, but any more on the gore skeleton and we'll probably reach saturation point pretty fast.
I feel like Kush, overall, has more a more modular skeleton. No matter how you feel about Frontier they've done far more with a Kush skeleton than the Gore variants have done with the gore skeleton.

I am playing it though.
Its more fun that Worlds.

I have both before you start you insecure shitflinging.

they should add a variation of health booster but it sprinkles water to put off fire, blast, mud on monsters like barroth, maybe poison, too. but if you have thunderblight you get damage and everyone who is also within the area, staying too much within the area will give you waterblight

"Tales of" cross over
Luke from abyss would be cool

Regular Rath armor always looked shit, either go silver sol or bust.

Whats the go to SnS in GU?
Do you make one for every element or is it like in Gen where one was better than the others?
Whats a good armor for them?

>what is DD's iconic gear?
Probably the armor that Savan wears in the prologue.

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which monsters have the Gore skellington?

>FU G Rank armor

but I am in 60fps


"Brute Elder Dragons" are all fun fights.

Shaggy, Valfalk, Nergigante, that one weird fucking king monster from Explore, and Xeno'jiva.

I am, but playing it just makes me want to play World again.

That's a pretty varied selection considering three of them are related

I'll buy a Switch,don't worry. With this,Smash,and tons of other stuff.

>chump 5 star vs giga gorilla hedgehog strengthmog CHAD elder dragon

yugioh, make kushala all white or black to resemble either blue eyes white dragon or red eyes black dragon.
Weapons could be dark magician staff that works as insect glaive and has a kuriboh as the insect.
Flame Swordsman's sword as GS
Gaia the fierce knight lances as dual blades or make it a lance and create a shield based on the armor of gaia
Armors could be dark magician and dark magician girl

I really love both but Kushala has been one of my top favorites ever since it was first introduced

At first glance it looks varied user but when you start breaking it down Gog is probably the only unique one there.
Shagaru, Val, and Nerg share 80% of Gore's animations and attacks. That last 20% is dedicated to either unique movement(like Val in the air) or unique modifiers(like Nerg with black spikes.) The overlap between the magala skeleton monsters are bird wyvern bad though where the status effects and a couple unique animations are all that set them apart.
Like I said before, Gog is probably the most unique, and even then Xeno'jiva pulls some of his unique attacks causing them to blend.

What do you mean? Pretty much all of the Nerg skeleton monsters are extremely unique (except shagaru and chaotic obviously but those are basically variants). Pretty much the only thing which is consistent is the idle/mounting animations, a bite attack or two, and creative usages of the wings, with the exception of Nerg and Xeno which reuse some basic physical attacks. A monster like Valstrax or Gog really shares almost no attacks with any other monster, and have completely unique fighting styles and appearances.

How the fuck would Nerg have eaten Zorah? The thing is the size of a fucking mountain, Nerg is a mosquito in comparison.

The same way sharks eat fucking blue whales. One bite at a time.
Nerg can't do math though so he didn't know Zorah was a walking tsar bomba.

No shit. Apex Steve snorts meth.

capcom needed someway to tell you their precious black-coded dragon is like really strong and cool for western cucks who play it while tyrone fucks their girlfriend

I find it disrespectful as fuck when zinorge starts walking around charging up calmly while I'm attacking

Thinking isnt Nerg's greatest strength
Despite being senile and basically dying Zorah still swats him away like a mosquito everytime he comes to bother him

>Dancing rajang

Nigga we fightin titans now?

>Nerg Vs apex Steve is essentially buff ghetto guy Vs crazy meth addict

Are the 3ds games still alive online?

when are they gonna add the bug monsters. those could be horrifying to fight against. then we can Starship troopers role play

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I have pretty much done everything there's to be done MHW. What other MH games would you guys recommend to play while I wait for the Iceborne? I see a lot of people talk about GU, but I'm not sure if the hate for it is just console war fags or is there something actually wrong with it.
I have all the current gen consoles so that won't be a problem.

You can find someone
However they're in super ultra end game

I think the Switch version of the GU pretty much killed the 3DS player base.

The games worth playing are

Fighting bugs in MH is less space horror and more SICK MECH FIGHTS. Except for Nerscylla who is fucking spider-man, but she's a spider so whatever.

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I just hunted this asshole for the first time in the GU, and holy shit he was annoying as fuck.

>third corner horner in KT hunts the last day
Why do people think this is acceptable?


HH players are mentally ill
Leave them be, they think they're useful

Wacky hitboxes are a pretty common recurring problem in GU.

Because Capcom didn't bring back Double Notes, aka the "ATTACK THE FUCKING MONSTER YOU IDIOTS" mechanic

A good HH player is really useful and they don't just toot in a corner.

I like a HH player who actually fights.
Also the people joining me with ~300 defense bug me too

It's not a GU thing when it's Garuga

This , make sure to emulate FU, and if you are very curious then try out Portable 3rd and Freedom 1. Freedom 1 should really only be played for curiosity's sake because it's very unfun and has no unique monsters, weapons, etc. Portable 3rd is fun but it has no monsters that don't appear in other games.
GU hatred is mostly console war. It's not the best game in the series (Personally I think World and 4U beat it out), but it's still top tier. It has a lot of flaws like bloating, bad balance, tedious bullshit at times, so on, but the core gameplay and sheer amount of content is enough, I think. FU is very glitchy, shitty hitboxes, poor graphics, but if you can get through that it's a really fun game, probably the oldest one that still holds up, and it has basically all of the content that appears in the even older games.

it's not the hitboxes, it's the instant attacks

The HH changes in Iceborne seem like a good kick in the ass for players to play their songs on a monster's face

lack of anticipation in the animation. carts me everytime

I fucking miss the MH stories threads

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It's was not the hit boxes but the asshole kept running around like a headless chicken high on meth and screaming his head off every time I got within 15 meters of him.

I haven't played the demo yet, but unless you have to actually hit monsters to get echo notes I think it'll probably make it worse if anything. You'll just get idiots running around placing down buff zones on the other side of the area instead of fighting, all while thinking "I'M HELPING".
Good changes for people who actually know how to use the weapon properly, though.

>15 AT Xeno hunts on SOS
>only 1 succeeded
holy fuck

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just solo him

Multiplayer is hard mode in this game

AT Xeno is 100 times easier to solo than in a group.

>get a deviljho
>just eat everything with said deviljho

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Finally it's time to use my most brutal most deadly most legendary move... RUNNING FORWARD SEVERAL TIMES IN A ROW

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It's so much easier to control what the monster does when you're playing solo, in multiplayer, especially if you play with some who uses a ranged weapon, the monsters just charge around all the time and do random bullshit. Not to mention the bullshit HP scaling.


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I would love a another MH:Stories game. I just want to friend the cute monsters.

AT Xeno is scaled based on 4 players even on solo


Unfortunately it flopped like shit in Japan, we only got it by the skin of our teeth in the West, not to mention they didin't even care enough to release the updates in the West

Only ex-Behemoth and Ancient Leshen are pre-scaled

only Behemoth and I think Ancient Leshen are

Either way, when you're alone you don't have to worry about degenerate troglodytes making you fail the mission

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my bad. Thanks for the info

Why did they fix Garuga with Deadeye, and yet they made Rathalos even worse with Dreadking?

They have to make Rathalos difficult somehow when he's fucking pathetic so their idea is to turn him into a tumor

Plus monsters in arena quests, I think

I've been playing MH since FU and I've never, ever used ranged weapons. They're basically World's easy mode, right?

they're every game's easy mode

Honestly if you're not GS sniping lvl3 charges (none of that TCS bullshit) you might as well use cheat engine.

I cleared the whole game with a hammer and then tried the bow and it was just so brain dead easy it felt like a joke.

Why does nobody play GS in multiplayer but me? I have yet to see another GS user in World.

There's a reason why the only weapon that can't sheath fast enough to avoid Nerg's dive
It's karma for using bow

>The only weapon that can't sheath fast enough to avoid Nerg's dive is the bow*

add valor sheath to world Capcom.
do it

Based as fuck

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>Where to?
>Rathian's nest, Mephistopheles requires more Yian Garuga

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Leshen is not scaled

How do we stop cuteposter?

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ancient is

I have no idea, I've been wondering for a while, he hasn't acted like an asshole or anything which is why I haven't said anything but I wish there would not be so much spam

Deleting my folder with hundreds of cute monsters, obviously.

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Like a vulture presumably. Eating away after he died. But nerg is too dumb to realize Zorah was going to blow like a nuke when he died.

HBG is better for status then LBG right now since there's almost no LBGs with good rapid fire statuses
WTB God's Archipelago

ban him?

How do I learn this power.

I second this.

On my defense i mostly start posting cute monsters when the threads start slowing down so they don't hit lower than page 7.

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forcing a thread to stay up when there is no more to talk about is what attracts all the worst part of the fanbase (ie furfags) just let it die and wait for another thread to be made

Yeah, i guess you're right about that.

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Do people still play the 3DS one?
I got a 3DS recently but I don't wanna jump into it if I'm gonna play alone.
Did plenty of that back with the PSP already

Apparently they still do but don't expect people in Low Rank or High Rank.

Still alive and well, but most on G-rank and some are hackers


Nigga I run GS all day. Fuck you mean?

>Winterpelt Nargacuga

Call him a furry

>Cuteposter is singlehandedly keeping us all together, thus keeping consolewarring shitposting bay

He's doing god's work. I hope he never leaves us.

that's almost a praising here in Yea Forums

You're probably asking about 4U but if you have a hacked 3DS it's now possible to crossplay patched 3DS XX with Switch GU. Who knows if Capcom might eventually crack down on that though.

capcom already forgotten that the 3DS exists

Post your favorite armor sets

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How come me, a hardened fucking veteran in MH games that have played since FU, that can kill FU's White Fatalis solo, that can do any 140 monster solo and fight two hyper monsters solo at the same time and still win can cart to a fucking LR MHW monster? this cannot be, the controls, the fucking camera, the god awful terrain the butchered gunner weapons something is not right in this game because I cannot cart to a fucking LR monster, I don't even cart at fucking G rank monsters for fuck sake.

Why I can't be efficient at this game? Is Monster Hunter, I'm good at those, so why is this game fucking me over when I have done much harder things on the past?

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Ok furry

Am I the only one that wants Astalos in just for the sake of the armor set?

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How do I get this??

Calling someone gay doesnt do shit if that someone is actually gay

Get gud lmao

It's a mod

Ran this for a long time despite it not having amazing skills, it just looks good.

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BUT I'M FUCKING GUD ALREADY!!! MHW is just a fucking mess of a game.

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If you cart to a LR monster in MHW you should just sell your PC/console, buy a deck of cards, and just stick to solitaire.

here we see the massive baby in its natural habitat, throwing its toys out of the pram at the slightest change or inconvenience

Or its just different and you haven't adjusted to it.
My statement stands. If you don't like it don't play it my negro

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I can't, I have to do this, is MH and I have to go as far as to do whatever the fuck Iceborne's endgame is solo, but it feels extremely awkward, is like if I'm not playing MH and are playing other fucking game similar to it instead, is so odd, not even the god awful 3U underwater piece of shit combat hit me this bad.

You might be right, I cannot adjust to your zoomer game yet, but I have to, I need to do it.

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>not because he's the best fated four
>not because he's an alpha cool bro who calls Steve over to double team Raths wife
>not because he has one of the best themes in the series
>not because his fight is pure fun incarnated without any bullshit
>not because he sends your bitch ass flying when you slip up
>not because his deviant is a great challenge

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Look up the new ledge strats.
Shooting from ledges has fixed recoil regardless of ammo type
Reloading midair from ledge has fixed reload times regardless of ammo being reloaded. This opens up tons of new ways to speedrun with lbg and maximize damage since you don't have to put in any deviation/recoil/reload mods. Pure close range.

Is glavenus the only returning monster with a subspecies or can we expect green narga, nigrex, stiggy, etc.

Red Khezu, baby.

Attached: khezu.jpg (400x240, 105K)

>focusing all in close up boost
>spread ammo for wide multiple damage
this is smart but risky, im sure i wouldn't be able to pull this on my own.

No one was talking to you

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>Frontier's hardcore mechanic
What's that?

Deviants before Deviants were a thing


When are we going to get the nuke option on HBG?

Wyvern Ammo?
I wish they'd bring back Seige Mode, I don't even care if it forced you back to the old "reload to cycle through ammo types" shit since the guns now are all Limiter Removal'd by default

I miss siege mode too. I loved using it in 4U throughout G rank. Sub 1 molten tiggy in multiplayer was my best achievement. Everything just melts with pierce/pellet siege mode.
Im trying lbg more often now and attempting these speedrun strats like since i have nothing else to do

New Khezu subspecies idea; Earpiercer Khezu
>roars do damage even if you are not close
>can't block the roars with a shield
>earplugs don't work either
>roars will make your character twist in pain on the floor for some seconds
>It will, with 100% accuracy, do a powerful electric jump over your hunter while it twist
>no music
>not even if there is other monster
>all the other monster in fact also twist in pain alongside your hunter it never lose a turf war
>HP equivalent to the one of Lao Shan lung
>blue sharpness weapons or lower bounce on all the body but the tip of it's tail
>it's weapons are the best of the game but won't give you pale bone/steak because fuck you and you need 3 of those

Attached: 1490330924343.png (333x345, 15K)

>Dying in low rank
>In this cakewalk of a game
You only have yourself to blame
You and your chromosomes

you dreamt that AT Nerg had a different moveset to regular Nerg, thats a retarded dream

Is the game's fault, I'm good at any other MH game, fuck MHW.

If Val makes it to Iceborne I hope they buff his dragon plasma bolts.

Even Newfags are better at the game than you oldfag HAHAHAHAHAH I played 4U and beat g rank myself and MHW is no problem for me old man

Remember when people had trouble avoiding Niggergante's dive?
Good times

Fuck you Zoomer, I won't use your stupid fucking slinger and shit, I'll surpass this shitty game even if it is the last thing I do.

Attached: 1531862712251.jpg (326x326, 13K)

Zeniths are a much better comparison than HC
You can turn any quest into its hardcore version where the monster has slightly different visuals, most of its attacks are upgraded, and it has higher stats. Everything else like ATs and shit pretty much just increases stats, Hardcore actually adds visual differences and moveset differences. Pic related is HC silver rath. Beating the hardcore version of a quest usually gives better chances at rare drops and shit, new drops, more points, etc.

Attached: hardcore silver rath.jpg (1024x504, 66K)