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Other urls found in this thread:


Netflix is saying they're not taking from the books. Reading comprehension.

>this is the best writing p*land can produce

>geralt is shaven until TW3
>suddenly everyone expects him to have a beard

You'd think Yea Forums would be the first board to understand that the translation is always worse than the original

the writer is an angsty woman with a dyke haircut who wishes that she was a teenage boy
of course she didn't read the books, user

No one played the first two games

Why do writers seem to have so much contempt for their audience? Everything they do is so passive aggressive.

>t. EOP
I have read many books where the translation is superior.

I'm really sick of this "Company makes snippy comeback" meme.

But they both are better than 3.

that was a bold claim but you're not wrong

Attached: im a lowly stupid human that cant do anything right.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

this isn't even that, it's just two social media interns jacking each other off

>posts a passage of the book where Geralt is about to shave
Are you aware of your own stupidity?

even in 3 you get forced to shave that one time pretty early in the game

>I'm really sick of this "Company makes snippy comeback" meme
But user, aren't the companies so relatable? They even post the same memes we do ("we" being normalfags on Twitter.com)!
The Sonic Twitter page is the only one able to post good jokes.

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Im not even a genreshitting poltard and this makes me mad. Like YASS WE GONE BRING DOWN THE PATRIARCHY WITH OUR CHILDRENS SHOW QUEEN SLAY like fuck off

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>He doesn't remember Garfield Kart

>posts a passage in the book demonstrating geralt has a beard and doesn’t even own a razor

Because audiences are stupid. As a writer, your job is basically to navigate through a stream of idiots to try and show them the merits of your writing. Unfortunately, since they are stupid, that can be hard to do, especially if the belong to close-minded monogroups, like men, whiteskins, cissies or breeders.

>whiteskins, cissies or breeders
The fuck?

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Made me chuckle

The two intern bros that run the netflix and xbox social media accounts are roommates and lovers
They came up with this sick internet burn to get cool guys to viral it on internet message boards

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It's a marketing gimmick to humanize the brand.

The only corporate shill account I like is this one twitter.com/NoNameBrands

>posts a passage in the book where Geralt openly states that his bear is annoying him and he wants the razor to shave it

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>contains numerous beans
That's bretty good.
>Geralt openly states that his bear is annoying him and he wants the razor to shave it
Now that's just rude, what did the bear ever do?

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because when your making a product just to make money and no artistic expression you get mad that your cashcows start to question things and making your profits lower.

You have to blame the translation into English. You think jap games have it bad when it comes to decent localization? Nearly every non-English book, especially from before WWI, get a lot of the author's writing form lost either from the languages having completely different structuring or the translator trying to change the word selection themselves in order to make it more readable for a modern audience.
Look at Don Quixote, there's been 8+ official English translations and most of them are neither accurate nor captures the humor being portrayed in the book Grossman or Starkie's translations are the ones to read if you never did.

Netflix is SJW shit.
I'm sure they have a checklist for things like "Gay character, strong female leader or antagonist, hey maybe make another character a fucking vegan for some more points!"
I fucking hate them.

>nigger just exposed he never grew a full beard
As someone who has, that shit can be annoying. I'll shave it, but later let it grow back.

You need to imporve your own life instead of getting mad about hypothetical SJW shoe quoatas, cuck.

>I'm sure they have a checklist
There has to be some quota thing at Netflix, otherwise I cannot think of a single reason to cast blacks in this series outside of them playing Zerrikanians or some shit.
>he posts, as he gets mad at user on a basket weaving forum

have sex

>grow your beard out in Witcher 3
>Yennefer comments on it why you decide to grow it out and that it suits you
>it implies she has never seen Geralt before with a beard
Shitflix is still bad though

>he never grew a full beard
Your assumption is laughable, as all my coworkers call me Bin Laden because I'm the only one that actually stuck with a full beard for years.

Everyone knows what facial hair feels like you no accomplishments weirdo

Then why is that user so obviously ignorant you stinky poohead

Thanks for ignoring my post just so you could feel better about yourself for a few seconds more.

I'm sorry, can I please suck your dick to make it up to you?

yeah maybe you shouldnt make claims about what you are and arent following if you dont have a massive amount of knowledge about the source material. maybe you shouldnt of made bad casting decisions on names alone, like putting a hot witch and replacing her with slingblades daughter. Maybe you shouldnt post about all of your shitty diversity meetings.

people like the witcher because of the games, nobody gives a flying fuck about the books.

Attached: slingbladesdaughter.png (1441x1239, 1020K)

Why are there niggers?

Member when Geralt made it a point to always be clean shaven in the source material? I member.
Seriously though, the witcher is a book series first and a game second and these threads are off topic.

Because nobody was sensible enough to nuke Africa before the jews could sell them cheap in the 16th century.

Why the fuck is everybody acting like beardless Geralt is something that has never been seen before?

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Nobody played the first two games.

blackwashing of established characters
>hurr it's fine durr
borrowing a nice little change in design that requires only for him to forget his razor to be immersive

Faggots don't even understand that if not for bitter petty kurwa, niggerflix would make Cavill look exactly like TW3 Geralt, simply cause that's the face of the brand now.

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It will be an absolute shitshow

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Its not the books

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>With the damn books

Just like you left the red haired, white-skinned Triss at home right?
The white-skinned Yennefer that looks older than Triss like in the books.
The fact that Dryads are actually a little green writte nin the books(and Tabletop game)

He couldn't shave his beard before because he had just gotten his shit kicked in and leg shattered and spenth weeks if not months stuck in a fucking forest.

At one point in one of the books Geralt gets beaten the shit out of pretty fucking hard and narrowly makes it away through a portal, lands in the domain of the dryads and they nurse him back to health because he's Geralt of fucking Rivia. Dandelion finds him there months after the fact and obviously, he didn't have his razor with him when he got fucking destroyed and the dryads didn't have any he could use to shave, so he asks Dandelion to lend him his

Usually, if your audience is shit it's because you're writing lowest common denominator trash that only attracts retards and human garbage, so it's a reflection on their lack of talent and makes them upset.

>The fact that Dryads are actually a little green writte nin the books
That's not true. The books only mention the colour of their hair and clothes and the tabletop isn't canon so who cares.

Do you want an honest answer?

Because in order for any piece of media to be put out today (emphasis on TODAY) it has to be safe, crappy garbage that isn't fun to make. If you are an artist your life is a living fucking hell because you aren't allowed to make quality and innovative products, you have to make cheap trash, which creates anger and resentment deep inside.

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Nobody read the witcher
And nobody played the first 2 games either


i did

Most projects are adaptations or sequels. Most writers now are either less talented, less passionate, more constrained, or, more often, a combination of the three. Writers (like most Hollywood 'creative' types) are entitled fucks who can't deal with the fact that they are objectively inferior to other people in their profession, so they get really passive aggressive when you compare their derivative work to the original because even they know they aren't as good as what the series/franchise/whatever was before they got their disgusting hands on it.

I finished the second one and gave the first one a fair chance.

I want to but they run like crap. At least TW3 works.

Let me explain to you how normies perceive franchises:
MGS > there is only MGSV and MGR
Persona > there is only P5
Witcher > there is only W3

Diablo > there is only Diablo 3, there's a Diablo 2 but that's like the dark souls of diablo games so they don't play it

Hell, this even goes for actual normie franchises:
Assassin's Creed > it started with 2, right?
Battlefield > it started with 2, right?
Call of Duty > it started with MW1, right?

Lauren, the showrunner will sure make this a masterpiece

Attached: Witcher showrunner Lauren.png (998x970, 291K)

>Brings Magic [...] to Fantasy

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Do you think they know about legends?

so best sellers are best known among general population?

It's not about what's best known.
It's about the fact that self-proclaimed fans of a franchise only know 1 or 2 titles of it.

witcher books are for teenagers/young adults think of them like harry potter but you audience is right wing by western standards

yeah but they shit on feminism and deal with racism and xenophobia by showing it is natural

Every single one of them has the look that their face like they're forced to be there, like someone from pr or higher up told them to hold those signs they just printed or your fired

she' not wrong

zoltan jokes about geralt getting pussywhipped something hard in the last book

I fucking hate outrage culture.
>hurr i will say something that people won't like so they get angry and give us more exposure!
Scratch that, I fucking hate normalfags.

Maybe if MGS2-4, Witcher 1/2 and the early persona games weren’t contrived garbage with no appeal or subtlety they would have played those games

reddit/soys and

i did, i played witcher 1 before witcher 2 came out and i played witcher 2 before witcher 3 came out :)

I really wonder what kind of subtety you find in w3

Media like this is effective when conditioning Americans because sharts are taught to learn through repetition from grade school (hence why advertisements are so effective on them) so by constantly pounding the same message into their small brains over and over again, they'll gradually begin to accept the message the show is trying to convey as objective truth because they're like dumb cattle animals.

He means normalfags, retards.

Delete this

>why is he missing the beard?

>why are there suddenly blacks?

god i just want someone to shoot up the writers room and murder whoever greenlit this whole thing and i don't even like the witcher

>witcher is full of racism and xenophobia
>strong independent womyn too
>Geralt is pro-choice
>some retard on Yea Forums who's never read the books think the showrunner is talking outta their ass when she accurately describes the books

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Hey that guy you were replying to was a faggot but that doesn’t make W3 shit

Is the one on the right an actual normal human? She looks like she is part Downs syndrome or something her face is as wide as a football (American)

Geralt's lack of a beard is the least of this show's problems desu.

It can be based on books and have niggers at the same time, not really a contradiction

>it's not based on the books because it's not a 1:1 copy
I guess the games are also a completely original IP that just happen to share the name.

i took it as them saying fuck the books
>not based on the videogames
>now not based on the books
It's literally just a shitty show using witcher characters

Unironically, this.

Most people didn't pick up the Witcher until maybe 2, but normies only played 3 because of how heavily it was marketed

Less than 5% of people who played witcher 3 played witcher 1

No wait, I did my math wrong. .5% Less than a percent

Rose or squarrl?

Older Normies know about Snake Eater.
Zoomers only know about MGSV