I'm currently Gold4 Started prev seasion and have all oeprators. the game is really fun and hardcore since you only need a few shot to kill someone 1 to head.
Why don't you play Rainbow Six Siege?
I played it at launch when it actually felt semi-realistic, now it's just meme shit with ebin rainbow gun skins and every new operator has a wall hack or some kind of silly futuristic bullshit.
yeah but the game got much better and balanced
Because it's shit, just like your English, you fucking gook.
its not shit and i have ESL maxed out.
Lost it's charm on the way there. I don't hold it against it, it grew and became more appealing to the masses (and I don't mean this in a derogatory manner) as a resolute, but I came for the nice jazz concert, not the pop carnival.
okay, retard
Fuck post-Y1 Siege.
I don't care if the game had problems at launch, it was at it's core the exact game I wanted. It went from feeling like a natural evolution of Counter-Strike to feeling like one of the CoD games with specialists but slower.
Why do tacticalfags have to suffer so much? No other game on the market captures what Y1 Siege had. Games like Insurgency can be tactical to an extent but the maps are wide and open and the gameplay doesn't really pressure you into doing objectives. Ready or Not is going to exist but let's be real, shit won't be what we expect and the multiplayer will never take off because it isn't an "esport". It's gotten to the point where I'm excited for Modern Warfare just for that 2v2 mode they showed off.
yeah but Y1 the game was more fun and better paced, also graphically better.
i'm with you, it was great. i wish games didn't remove old versions of the game when they 'update' it with new maps and such. all these patches, they have obliterated the game that made them successful in the first place. i'm fine with only 10 ops and a half dozen good maps or whatever. the core of siege is that every round has the potential to be completely different to the next. now it's just cookie cutter op setups and tactics for each site
I've put 370 hours into this game and I'm still only silver tier.
is kaka
high elo is just CoD but with heroes and 1 taps
zoom as fast as u can to abuse shit netcode lmao only teenagers and third worlders play this poop
cus u are shit
The current season isn’t very interesting, waiting to see what the next one is like.
Shit game for low iq zoomers
wow reflex wins in a shooter game wow
the should have stopped releasing maps/operators after the Chinks/Ela release.
It was ok for some time, than it got worse, but they still released waifus from time to time. Now it's global abilities, bugs that take forever to fix, unbelievable toxicity and pic related. Was fun while it lasted.
I played it when it was a Raimbow Six game, but stopped when I saw they were turning into Call of Counterwatch