II > III > I

II > III > I
Prove me wrong

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rei 3 is best rei

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devil may cry

3 > 2 > 1 because 3 has best girl (sakura suzuhara)

Dark Souls unironically

This post must be about Danganronpa

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How do you like 1 the least?

Mental illness

>2 the highest instead of the lowest
>1 better than 3
Your tastes are backwards, man

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>2 is greater than 3
Go back to school, you fucking dumbass. Go ask /sci/ for help on your homework next time.

Why did II love Gendo to begin with it?

Best timeline

Misato is best girl.

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Mass Effect proves you right

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dead space

This image is older than most Yea Forums users


Kingdom Hearts, Danganronpa, Halo, Smash