Who is the best chaos god and why is it Slaanesh?

Who is the best chaos god and why is it Slaanesh?

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that's a weird way to spell Nurgle

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>wanting to suffer from space AIDS instead of becoming a literal orgasm

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Slaanesh is a literal tranny that makes orgasms boring.

Nurgle is a joyful family man with a lush garden.

Also didn't the Great Horned Rat replace him/her/xer?

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Khorne #1

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>being a degenerate instead of having a qt eldar waifu

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>green is best!

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That's not Tzeentch.
But to be fair you need to have a very high IQ to worship a god like Tzeentch

Just realized Nurgle is literally a boomer

>Encourages Strong family values "papa Nurgle, grandfather Nurgle"
>Has a lush garden that he probably mows every Saturday
>Only Chaos god we know that has an actual wife

How can the other gods compete??

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Tzeentch's servants are puppets that are afraid to lose control.

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Trick question: there is no good Chaos God because it's heresy.

That Eldar woman looks rather happy for someone who is supposed to be tortured for as long as their soul exists.

Nurgle, also

Fantasy > 40k

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Don't believe Emperor's lies.

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>Showing affection towards chaos or anything nonhuman.

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>don't believe emperor's lies
>believe our lies

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Fantasy = 40k >>>>>>SHIT>>>>>AOS

There is also no "good" god because every god is Chaos good.

Well, that Sororita is no Eldar but she doesn't look very comfortable.

>Also didn't the Great Horned Rat replace him/her/xer?
it's just Slaanesh in a fursuit

I think space hulk tactics is on sale on psn

real Tzeentch worshippers don't worship him at all. 200IQ chads like Ahriman are his favorites

>whuzza laanezh
>sounds puny
>gork iz bezt
>or meybbe mork

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If Warhammer lore is so good, why are the games all complete and utter garbage?


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You know, I wish they'd expand Slaneesh's shtick. The sexual excess is pretty much a staple, but what about all the other myriad of ways to be a deviant? Noise Marines are my favorite units from their god because they break the monotony of TIDDIES N CLAWS.
I just wish they made his excess theme a little more broad. Something like Sigvald for instance.

>This heresy

So do you prefer a firing line or an astartes speartip?

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>Fantasy = 40k > 40k M42 >>>>>SHIT>>>>>AOS

They do, it’s just that all of the writers focus on TIDDIES 9/10 times.
Slaanesh’s definitions of excess cover everything from being a fat fuck to being a glory hound.

It's beena while since I read it, but I recall Fulgrim's description of the Emperor's Children stuff being pretty good for describing the excess of going into her domain would be like. Lots of cutting, drinking, descriptions of overpowering smells, all of that.

Yeah, maybe I should've specified that it's something I wish the fluff and the games reflected a bit better. Lorewise, he totally covers those other domains, but they never really focus on that side. Same with the types of units he's given, he's been in need of some new stuff and minis for quite some time.

I... still find it kind of heart warming that he saves her out of love. Of course he is still handing her some of the vilest shit he can brew, but he knew that his waifu can handle it so its fine.

I hate Warhammer fags so much. You guys are fucking retarded and your fandom is dead

Thanks for the bump, asshat.

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So I heard there's an update/DLC for Mechanicus (the XCOM-like game). It is out now?

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Ah you mean Malal, right?

Ahem, actual god coming through, move away warpborne babs

Chaos is objectively better in old fantasy though. It just works much better. You are (sometimes) rewarded with insane powers by forfeiting your being to appease the four. In 40k you are just a marine that looks retarded.

forgot pic

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Ok so lemme get this straight
There's a space dragon inside Mars who might be the Machine God

The emperor has been playing 40000-D chess since before the Horus Heresy

The eldar created a God who was actually a trickster God who might also be one of the Chaos God's

The emperor, who's being fed thousands of psykers daily, could respawn if the Emperium would just let him die

And there's a chance that if shit gets too squirrelly on a planet due to ANY chaos god fucking around, it can cause a black hole that opens up unclosable portal to the warp that can create the embodiment of despair that not even the chaos gods want?

Why don't we have an endless amount of 11/10 games from this setting? Why the fuck are we propping up faggotry like TLoU when there's THIS to work with?

Slaanesh doesn't discriminate between different forms of pleasure one seeks. The perfect khornate contributes to the excess just as much. Also consider that most people are boring and would probably give up to the physical ecstasy before discovering more complex pleasures.

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>buying my first army today
Wish me luck fags

>Why don't we have an endless amount of 11/10 games from this setting?
Because the developers are NEVER competent enough to pull something like this off, except for turnbased bullshit.


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>buying an army when this exists

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>a fucking army

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>Yes Inquisitor, this thread right here.

I'll just use a fly swatter easy win

Wrong thread, Inquisitor. You’re looking for the Fire Emblem threads.

not so much relating to the soldiers and fighting but in the books, as fulgrim starts to fall to chaos, the artists, sculptors, musicians etc on his ship start to create increasingly dissonant, abstract and degenerate art as they go mad.
It would be a cool thing to express in the legions armour but probably hard to make figures for

Some swatting is to be expected, yeah.

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I like my battlesuits big and my bitches blue

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>retarded vat-grown manchildren with millenia long daddy issues
>end up looking retarded when taking heresy from strangers and warpspawns

That's part of horror of slaanesh though.
Eventually all that excess starts to dull and you have smash it all together and get more and more extreme.
It's why they go from a intense but mostly okay interest in sculpting to making art out peoples guts while getting some mad CBT

>a good reason to serve chaos is ____?

protip: there literally isn tone. there is no happy or even neutral ending for a servant of chaos, even a great one.

>here is no happy or even neutral ending for a servant of chaos, even a great one.

Better than living as some disposable piece of meat in the Imperium.

Because life in the Imperium is terrible.
I agree, though. I would choose a terrible life served for good than the opposite.

Hot demon bitches. Also everyone ends the same, no matter what they worship in life.

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All hail Horned Rat

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>living as a disposable piece of meat that gets his soul and mind fucked in the process of service
Great argument for Chaos, heretic

More like horny brat, lol.

a) be a piece of meat in no fun allowed zone that can be tortured or die at any moment
b) hone your skills and live a long life of satisfaction and then experience pure bliss as you are being killed
Not a hard question user

Why wouldn't you side with Slaanesh? Which other God gives you busty futa space marines? None, that's who.

>Bipedal creature
That's not Slaanesh sweetie

Did someone say rat?

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That's a lot of tiddies.

What's step 1 to getting into warhammer lore?

Gee I wonder who's behind this post?
On a serious note though the life of Chaos only serves Astartes and other warrior types that are "tl;dr: live fast die faster" without any long term plan which Imperium offers

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Akshully, making others addicted to weirder and weirder fetishes should be probably enjoyable forever. Like you can switch to anything between near-vanilla to the most extreme shit at will, mix and match and so on.


>tumblr nukes lewds
>now Sadpanda down
>even e621 got nuked

no just chaos god would allow this.
sorry Slaanesh but im leaving you for Nurgle.

how come Slaanesh units dont appear in any of the games?

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>>even e621 got nuked
What? When?

As long as it makes my penis hard it qualifies, my choker-bound kin.

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>e621 got nuked

earlier this year like half of the stuff randomly got taken down

Stuff such as?

There are so many more interesting ways to go excess or trying to achieve perfection too
Wasnt there some slaanesh warrior in fantasy that wanted to be the perfect duelist and he dedicated everything to getting better and better because to him the duels were the ultimate perfection? and slaanesh isnt just about deviant sex she is about trying to achieve perfection in your craft and also love and regular art too
I would really like more stories like that

You seem to think that Slaanesh is all about sex.
He's not. He's about excess.
Sex is just one medium for excess. Pain can be too.
Just look at the Dark Eldar.

Papa Nurgle is literally the best chaos god.
Sure, you get hyper super space aids cocktail, but you literally can't feel any negative effects and you're always happy.

And, most of all, Papa Nurgle loves you.

This If you are actually interested of wh40k and are willing to commit then you can try reading Horus Heresy books imgur.com/sh3Jxl7

Because no one making games actually understands Slaanesh and would just make it dicks, drugs and sex lol and game like that wouldnt sell so its out
At least we have noise marines in DOW2 and those are fun

post cute eldar girls

fuck off Girlyman

There is no such thing so cant post it

Only if you insanely luck out. Although shouldn't it tap into excess somewhat as well?

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Hello tranny

Only for you, user.

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Here you go user.
From the freshest codex, most beautiful eldar girl

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All Chaos gods tap into each others slightly, like how khorne warrior goes excess on his killing and masturbates about his killing skills is slaaneshy
Thats why Chaos undivided is the best choice, worship all gods




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>Not Tzeentch

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Pedophile shit

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>tfw you realize modern society is basically a worldwide slaanesh cult

40k fags are almost as annoying as jojobronies

Praise Sigmar

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>people aren't being total prudes so that means they are slaaneshy

Have sexual intercourse.

Nah. You get the aids and you feel it too. You just learn to accept it. You feel the despair but this also brings you hope. In any way you are fucked and die in agony.

You know that's fucking horrible for her right? It's not something she enjoys, since ultimately all the horrible cocktails she's forced fed will be used to kill her people.

Imagine being trapped in a basement, which is in a smelly bog, and some fat, unwashed asshole made entirely of the foulest shit around just feeds you his diseased dick cheese for all eternity.

>Slaanesh’s definitions of excess cover everything from being a fat fuck to being a glory hound.

That'd be a pretty cool short story - Imperial guardsman winning battle after battle, impeccable soldier, but always chases the glory, and gets it. Promotions, leadership, status. Slowly succumbing to slaanesh without even realizing it.

>Sadpanda down
>atf down
fucking europe ruining everything for everybody else again, i fucking hope they get daily trucks of peace for this bullshit

very cute

I... want to buy these and I don't even play warhammer


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Isn´t Slaanesh being written out of 40k?

A coin for the raven god

why do all the slaaneshi succubi have to look gross
how are you supposed to get a boner if this bitch has tentacles and an eye on her belly


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At first you get a boner for a hot woman. Then she needs to be getting fucked for you to get a boner. Then she needs to be getting gangbanged and bukkaked. Then you get to the point where she needs six tits with dicknipples to make your dick even twitch

I've been a deviant for more than 20 years now and the best of what I've started with still gets me hard. Whether you are a basic animal driven by the most primal of urges or a gentleman savouring the best the civilization has to offer depends entirely upon your strength of will and taste.

Slaanesh is for meme
Nurgle is for serious domination

They are intangible concepts given depiction

Like, you know, Gods.

Slaanesh says no lies, everything is true
Existence is suffering. Why fear despair and pain when you can enjoy it? All that is is Slaanesh. And when you die, you aren't anymore.

There's no moderation in Chaos, Slaanesh doesn't offer you vanilla fetish shit with a hot woman. You get your brain broken and you like it.

>Have sexual intercourse.

You can't fool me follower of slaanesh

Laughing God is an OG Eldar Deity. Everything about the Eldar, excluding Slaanesh fuckery, was created by The Old Ones when they created the Eldar themselves.

The Eldar pantheon are physical and warpy constructions made by the Old Ones so both them and billions of Ancient Eldar could fight the Necron C'tan alliance during the War in Heaven. Dragon of Mars is a full, unguarded, and scary powerful C'tan trapped in Stasis deep under Mars.

>he actually worships the chaos gods instead of just using their power without the gay shit

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Unsharded* excuse me

>Laughing God
He's talking about Ynnead

Since the universe is fucked, Chaos is all that exists. In reality they are winning one way or another, as long as there are worshippers and expand themselves into reality and which it will happen, even if the Orks won, as they are suceptible as any other.

Except Tyranids, they're dummies. Or Necrons, they worship the C'Tan which are the manisfestation of physical rules of this plane of existence, and thus, they are alien to the Warp completely.

No thanks, Have a nice day sir.

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The thing is in 40k being a deviant is to be in the realm of madness that's why the multiple tits and cocks

delete this shit

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you can kill people and wear a cape and have a demon sword that talks to you and a cool helmet with as many horns as you want

>why yes i worship a corpse god because he cares about humanity how could you tell

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Because Games Workshop are fucking idiots

As you are about to die you blow the best load of your life. Such is a life in the service of Slaanesh.

That's because you are a WEAK WEAK CULTIST and you need more imagination

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That's the thinking man's way.

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>Or Necrons, they worship the C'Tan
More like because Crons have no souls, except the special snowflake Retcon Kings.

>AoS actually has much better rules right now compared to 40k, especially if you play chaos
>shit like this makes people avoid it like the plague

What a gay comic, but what can you expect from age of shitmar.

Calm down Ahriman.

I understand more than you can possibly know.

>Necrons, they worship the C'Tan
not canon anymore

>Worshipping chaos
Jannies we've got heretics on isle 9

I'm pretty sure you never truly die when you're in thrall to Chaos. The Eldar have to specifically guard their souls from Slaanesh, for example.

>>AoS actually has much better rules right now
>most of armies are the mess and armies with battletomes are way above the rest
>Oy vey, buy our special spells goyim

Horned Rat

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Loyalists are blind to the truth. Chaos is all that exists. Every step you take is an offering to the true rulers of life. And even in death there's no escape.

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>summoning actually viable instead of dogshit
>daemons have fun and fluffy rules instead of boring garbage (compare the Changeling's profiles in both games, for example)
>melee weapons have ranges instead of retarded shit like a whip being considered an assault gun in 40k

Read armybooks or whatever they are called for 40k, codexes, I think. Avoid meme wikis.

By the Emperor, I wish that was me.

Isnt summoning broken in AoS? (Never played a game like most most of /aosg/)

aos has shit lore and aesthetic

>>summoning actually viable instead of dogshit
Summoning by default is retarded concept for Warhammer games

>>melee weapons have ranges
So melee doesn't even exists

We should find some eldars to get our dicks sucked brother.

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>Summoning by default is retarded concept for Warhammer games
So daemons should just be removed?
>So melee doesn't even exists
Ah yes because a model with a gigantic sword and a model with a tiny knife should have the same melee range

Miss me with that gay shit. Seriously don't @ me, I'll knock you the fuck out.
>I'm not a fat smelly NEET/fembutt, I just worship nurgle!
Hard pass.
>I'm wellard mate honest I'll chin ya nan blood for the blood god xd
Designed to appeal to nerds and zoomers who wouldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. Even worse than the trannies.
Patrician choice; plebs, trannies, niggers, kikes, jannies and zoomers need not apply. Fit women always welcome.

Oh fuck, it's Lucius. Quick, board the doors and windows before HE finds us!

>not worshipping chaos undivided
Imagine not doing this

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>So daemons should just be removed?
Yep, why not? Unless you fighting them in the Warp they are temporary creatures
>Ah yes because a model with a gigantic sword and a model with a tiny knife should have the same melee range
Don't see a problem here.
Both AoS and 40k are overloaded by models for such size of table. SImplifications of some aspects are unavoidable

Tell me about Tzeentch.
What's his masterplan?

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Imagine the smell and plagues.

>remove one of the oldest and most important factions in both games

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What a group of beautiful ladies! I wonder if any of them would like to join my party.. :)

>>remove one of the oldest and most important factions in both games
Oh holy shit, you meant remove daemons as the faction?

Why can't they just come up with their own hobbies? Serious question.

Removing summoning from daemons is like removing FNP on nurgle units
Might as well not even exist

>not getting a bonner for edgy titty tentacle-loving girls

To be fair Vienna also has pretty females who play Warhammer.

They used to have sexy as fuck models actually, with 6 titties.

I think f*moids complained and Games Workshop made them all uggo so it didn't threaten them anymore.

Fuck w*men.

>the healthy-looking Undivided one at the head
I guess they are the master race, after all.

>Removing summoning from daemons is like removing FNP on nurgle units
What a newfag

>tfw my femoid friend has a unit of diazmonettes
must have just been the uglies who complained

a rational person who actually cares about the argument would explain why I'm wrong instead of posting this dead-end

People that aren't fans of 40k think that Slaanesh Deamonettes are supposed to look somewhat attractive. They're not. They're supposed to be uncanny valley imitations of humans, with harrowing faces and mutated limbs. Yes they're mostly naked and there's the occasional tit or row of tits but they aren't supposed to be seen as sexual.

I thought Lucius was supposed to be beautiful.
I know he started cutting his face but I thought he’d look like scarred handsome

It always is, I just judge them as a collective because I'm lazy.

The Imperium doesn't have any plan beyond desperately trying to cling to territories they no longer have the power to hold. Everyone in 40k is a fucking idiot who has no idea what they are doing. That's why you join the Purge and choose to put everyone in the galaxy out of their misery. Life is shit, death is freedom.

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>a rational person who actually cares about the argument would explain why I'm wrong instead of posting this dead-end
Daemons existed well even before GW introduced summoning in 6th edition of 40k

because they're only supposed to be attractive to fucked up slaaneshi cultists; the kind of people who think that getting your skin peeled off feels just as good as a handjob

You don't stay beautiful for long when you live in the Eye of Terror.

>posting the biggest joke in the entire setting

I don't see how you're supposed to viably use an almost entirely melee-only army in 40k without deep striking them though
They absolutely need summoning

Lucius is fine, the fuck are you on about?

>I don't see how you're supposed to viably use an almost entirely melee-only army
Flamers. lots of flamers and usual deep strike
>They absolutely need summoning
Nope they don't

>Flamers. lots of flamers and usual deep strike
And if I'm playing, for example, Khorne daemons?

>None of them resting their elbows or using their fingers to pivot their painting hand

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>And if I'm playing, for example, Khorne daemons?
Khorne arty

>his power is dying
>constantly loses despite being a "master duelist"
>most EC players hate him and want Eidolon instead
>doesn't even have a plastic model

>expecting GW to actually nerf chaos in the lore
>dies once every few centuries when constantly seeking out worthy opponents
>citation needed
>implying he won't get one soon when typhus, ahriman, abbadon, and kharn all got new models fairly recently

Does it really say monkeigh at the bottom?

whats the best W40K game that I can enjoy on youtube?

>>expecting GW to actually nerf chaos in the lore
His power is literally to die. He exists to fail.

Just read one of the novels if you want story user, they're short.

It's extremely surreal to see someone defend lucius the jobber

Nah, turns out Sigmar trapped her somewhere.

He is beyond beautiful. You just can't handle his splendour.

Not Sigmar, but faggy-family

His whole thing is striving for perfection, Slaanesh resurrects him because of his obsession with perfecting his skill embodies it's ideals.
I think he's a fun character, I've never given a shit about power levels.

Everything in excess is Slaneesh. So too much vidya is slaneesh.

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Based and secondary Total Warhammer fag who never actually touched tabletop pilled

>also has pretty females

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Projecting much?


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The best way of experiencing Warhammer.

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>no rebuttal
>image saved from Yea Forums

It would be interesting to see a population breakdown of how many people who are "into" 40k actually play tabletop vs people who just read the novels/play spinoff games.

Keep seeking perfection, puppet.

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Tabletop is boring as fuck, to be fair. If you're somehow still playing it as an adult, unironically - and I really do hate to say this - have sex.

>>no rebuttal
Doesn't needed, since you brought zero arguyments to support your claim

They have, you just don't know about them because you're so self-centered you have no awareness outside your personal bubble.

Eidolon is an even bigger joke.
>Go help Blood Angels fight some bugs and fuck up so badly because your an egoistical retard that Horus' boys have to come save your ass. Then Torgaddon calls you a retarded idiot in making you seem like a joke in front of your own men.
>Fuck up again and insult your horribly bipolar daddy who can't control his moods and get your head cut off.
>Get your head sown back on which leaves you in constant pain and unable to speak or walk properly.
What a cool guy.

Just ignore him, he probably plays AoS

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I would think the majority lies with people who don't play tabletop. Tabletop is fucking cool and all, but I'm not shelling out good bucks for plastic. I'll stay a Warhammer newfag for life.

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Your wounded response says everything, sweetie ;)

He was handsome until Garviel Loken busted his nose in a duel. Lucius kept losing his shit ever since.

No one on tg actually plays the game, and it's all about "my chapter is better than your chapter"
Except right now, it's all about "the new sob are ugly"

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Your argument is self defeating but half correct, I don't know about them - because I don't care. If they have their own hobbies god bless, fuck off and do those, why ruin ours?

>"the new sob are ugly"
Let me see some proofs

This makes or deletes 40k from the good tier franchises

Well hello /r/tg/

>this thread

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>Let me see some proofs

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Chaos Space Marines under Nurgle feel no pain from their diseases and are generally more tolerant towards any harm. Their resilience isn't only physical

Not him, but here.

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Post your models
You DO paint, right user? You're not a secondary, are you?

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Your father never loved you.

Is that a Repentia?

Eh I think I get it. Weren't Repentias torso naked berserkers? they were awesome and metal.

Not even Games Workshop knows that

>All Chaos gods tap into each others slightly

More like all chaos gods tap into Slaanesh.
Isn't Slaanesh the youngest, but also the other chaos gods fear/are wary of her because they all empower her.

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>the other chaos gods fear/are wary of her because they all empower her.

left one

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>Weren't Repentias torso naked berserkers?
Not anymore.
Also, they are literally all trannies now who have their own version of genseed

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>Slaanesh is all about perfection and ball to the wall sensual experiences (whatever that means to you and it)
>lol sex drugs

umm sweaty

Attached: 8f62b35b02[1].jpg (473x248, 70K)

>now who have their own version of genseed
Don't spread misinformation on Yea Forums, the posters here are dumb enough to believe things without proof

I would prefer to be a secondary than sharing gametable with people like this

Attached: 1563812833269.jpg (1080x2160, 660K)

AW SHIT that looks bad indeed

The former ones were brutal. Emotionally stunted warriors that don't even care being clothed or prepared for war or not. They're penitents, not that shit.

They all tap into one another, not just Slaanesh.
Chaos God hates something or uses violence? Empowers Khorne.
Chaos God has a plan or changes something? Empowers Tzeentch.
Chaos God destroys or kills something? Empowers Nurgle.
Chaos God obsesses over something? Empowers Slaanesh.

>who have their own version of genseed
citation needed

Leave bobby g alone
He woke up after a ten millennia nap and the galaxy is a shithole

I don't even know what to say to you
So, you don't care about models, since you don't own them, but you do care about them, since you complain about people who like some shitty new models? Which is it?

Y'know people blame this one on modern sensibilities but GW has always had difficulty modeling women for some reason.

Attached: 99800112015_DEPrisonersNEW_01.jpg (600x620, 29K)

The alt build for that model isn't as bad
I could use this as a chaos cultist with a little bit of conversion

Attached: SoBBulletinRepentia-Jul22-Repentia4-7fjr6[1].jpg (1000x856, 243K)

Nurgle is hands down the best chaos god.
Noise marines are cool as shit though I have to admit and if I could be one of those I'd possibly go slaanesh over papa nurgle.

It was mostly commercial art where the artist (or someone else) had tagged it Do Not Distribute

Been playing 40k TT since very late third ed user, i'll admit i've never touched fantasy TT.

>without proof

What kind of shitty artwork is this?? Where's the dick?!?

Repentias were never sexy. Death cult assassins, on the other hand...

I'm new to the setting, but I remember reading somewhere that Slaanesh is currently the weakest, but with huge potential

>Chaos God destroys or kills something? Empowers Nurgle.

Explain that one to me. I thought Nurgle was the god of pestilence and disease. Disease isn't necessarily destruction and isn't his aim to infect things so they infect others and not to kill?

>So, you don't care about models, since you don't own them, but you do care about them, since you complain about people who like some shitty new models? Which is it?
I buy what I like for collection and just noticing that your tribalism is irrelevant, since primary fanbase is tainted


>muscles mean they are spess mahreens now
I'm not a big fan of the new models but come the fuck on man.

What does that have to do with geneseed? Do you know what geneseed is?

Nurgle is also the God of despair, entropy, and decay in general. If something falls apart or is irrepairably broken, then it also empowers Nurgle. He's called the Lord of All because ultimately everything succumbs to entropy.

Slaanesh takes on whatever form the viewer finds most pleasing, guess you aren't as into futa as you thought.

Post models to prove it

This. If you had to chose all the chaos gods other than Nurgle will abuse and discard you at a whim.

You get Nurgle high and nothing matters.

Really bad how they did Jaghatai Khan a disservice. Genghis Khan was such an innovative and wise/flexible leader. They turned Jaggy into a vroom vroom bike marine.

IIRC chaos sm 3.5ed nurgle is change through ruin and decay as opposed to big T "change" and "evolution" and yup Slaanesh is still young but has great potential

Did she get like a two inch deep inquisition symbol carved into her skull?

>I buy what I like for collection
then post them big guy

Ah followers of nurgle

>Repentias were never sexy.

Attached: Sister_Repentia.jpg (397x760, 45K)

"no xenophilia
dirty monkey"

Maybe? It could just be made to look like a tattoo once it's painted.

that's the ecclesiarchy symbol
post the actual model now

Or what?

>you have to drink all the cocktails
>woman forced to marry a chinese. webm

Or no one will believe you

What? The Khan is objectively the best, most likable primarch in the entire HH series. He's what happens when you leave characterization to a single author's viewpoint and vision, unlike Horus who has been written by six different authors and is just a tangled mess of cliches.

Imagine the smell.

who cares what women think

I too remember my first time playing when I steamrolled my opponent due to having researched the game heavily before hand. Oh wait, no, the opposite happened. Much like every new player I've seen since who gets their shit pushed in the first few times they play while they figure it out.

>post the actual model now
Models are from first years of 21 century.
And yet still they are more attractive than la-creaturas

Attached: 99110108110_RepentiaSquad01.jpg (920x950, 162K)

>will believe you
About what?

I only offer blood and souls to my Lord Arioch.


If we're being honest I would rather just be a tau farmer and not have to worry about getting mind raped or literally raped by demons.

>sekret boys klub. NO GURLS ALOWED!

Attached: UFXGWT6.jpg (502x466, 34K)

owning models

But sex and drugs are the best things in life.


Attached: DeathGuard.png (720x600, 730K)

That's so 12 millenium, the hot thing right now is striving for the perfect shitpost, the one that can make another user rage so hard he actually kiss his sister and make the enws

>owning models

So do you own models or not
Literally the absolute worst character in 30k/40k

Wet blankets like you who have to remind everyone how serious the source material is are the absolute worst part of the community. We know she doesn't enjoy it you fucking twat, it's just a running joke.


Attached: 1452472496199.jpg (749x900, 219K)

>I killed my pilots and we got lost in the warp during the HH because nurgle is good at visions now :DD


Attached: 1556336862246.png (967x481, 574K)

Fuck mutations !
Fuck the g*ds !
And most of all !

>So do you own models or not
For what reason?

Every chaos god has two faces of the same thing, both feeding the unified concept. While Nurgle is the god of rot and disease, he is also the god of resilience and hope. He feeds on despair from which hope grows. From decay new life emerges. When khornate warrior slays his foe a putrid rot and decay sets in and millions of lifeforms prosper. Due to this Nurgle always fluctuates in strength, he is the strongest in one moment as his pox is killing billions and the weakest later when all is lost only to repeat the cycle anew.

Because I am gatekeeping

He's ok when he's just jacking off in his plague fortress doing nothing.

This is a funny image. Do you mind if I save it?

Attached: 1488557017622.png (550x952, 183K)

You already fucked up ->

you're mixed up
tzeentch is hope (change)
nurgle is acceptance (stagnation)

all I'm reading is "I can't paint"

His whole thing is being a wanderer and ending up at random places every fucking time, this is a great excuse to have him end up in our irrelevant 1000 pts battles but it kinda suck for THE chosen champion of nurgle

Chad Hands > Virgin "warriors"

Attached: ih.jpg (519x720, 59K)


Excuse me sir but this killbox is Imperial Fists only, tonight's dress code is yellow yellow and more yellow.

Its all yours my friend :)

Ynnead is about to dab on Slaanesh when GWS move forward with 2019ing it. I doubt she'll remain where she is.

That's Typhus though.

s-shut up...

Oh no I mixed them up, I'm the faggot today.

Go hold hands with Yvraine, that should make you happy.

Slaanesh so cool that GW is removing them from all their games

Attached: FzhZciK.png (1024x2122, 1.07M)

IH fans are dumber than a sack of bolts
>when you see it

Attached: 1447362360536[1].jpg (1125x712, 182K)

>Many rows of breasts

Attached: Pleasing-To-Slaanesh.png (403x403, 159K)

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Holy shit, imagine laying claim to the products of a corporation as a fucking nobody. "ours", massive cringe.

You been in a coma for a few months, buddy? They made new models more the Keeper of Secrets, the Masque, and Steeds of Slaanesh, and introduced 2 new herald units (Contorted Epitome and Syll'Esske)

>Ynnead is about to dab on Slaanesh
kek at the deluded craftworlder

member that time when they tried to make a Warhammer Adventures book series for children?

Attached: 800px-Warhammer_adventures.jpg (800x512, 51K)

>Steeds of Slaanesh,
Fiends of Slaanesh*

Oh zog how many teef for xtra fasta?

oh no no no

You mean that androgynous purple warp entity with one breast and one horn that feeds off of the souls of dead eldar?


Attached: 6C82781F-737C-4819-BD04-C8EB828C0E59.gif (811x555, 2.22M)

Dark Angels here to dab on all other chapters.

Attached: 2693.jpg (1280x720, 202K)


If you has to asks, den you's not got enuff.

Attached: boss iz always roight.jpg (510x510, 68K)

Havent they been shying away from tits? All the new slaanesh demon models seemed to have less tits than before


>sidelined and replaced by nurgle but rat in AoS
>Ynnead is foreseen to destroy Slaanesh in a great final battle
>they made an entire novel series of strong female eldar who don't need no Craftworlds or Commorragh, only needs one more sword to do the ritual
>book of the final war with chaos suddenly has extra pages that point to Cegorach dabbing on everyone
They're killing off Slaanesh bro. It's le 2019.

It's Slaanesh because everything falls underneath his domain. You can be obsessed with anything. You can want to do anything perfectly. You can want to fight somebody with perfect style, you can want to perfect a plague, you can want to craft the perfect scheme. Slaanesh isn't just sexsexsexsex, it's the quintessential human desire and at the core of our being.

>All the new slaanesh demon models seemed to have less tits than before
I swear that Yea Forums users who talk about 40k don't actually pay attention to 40k and only know about it from hearsay

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>Something like Sigvald for instance.
>he expects 40k to be even half as good as Fantasy
Curb your expectations.

>slaanesh gets #metoo'd
That's hilarious.

>literally just released a big update for slaanesh daemons in both games

Attached: 1c8[1].jpg (640x645, 61K)

>I'm so desperate for attention I just have to be part of the club too

i don't see it

focus on the razorback

Slaanesh is just sleeping beauty to Archaon's Prince charming in Age of Sigmar though.

ynnead is a slaanesh daemon you dolt

m8 Slanesh just got new models it guarantees they will not touch her for the next decade you mong. Ynnead is a meme and will be dabbed on by model buyers and GW will dispose of your B plot Eldar shit quicker than you can say new Ynnari models.

Imagine Archeon getting bored of AoS and jumping into 40k to show it's pathetic chaos worshipers the true meaning of end times.

the vehicle has the iron warriors slogan on it

Their lore was my favorite until they completely retconned everything

I wonder what kind of a chaos god the emperor is going to morph into after all those milenia of trillions worshiping him and thousands of daily sacrifices

>5' vs 6'

Non, he's only channeling the psychic energy he's getting into "miracles" but he won't ever become a god if anything there might arise a separate god that's his reflection in the warp but the Emperor will not become be him.

>A faction that just got new models would never get killed o--

Attached: breton.jpg (833x600, 424K)

Will slaanesh accept me if all I want to do is smoke weed all day?

They weren't killed off in WHFB you retard they just didn't make the jump to AoS(a completely different setting and system might I add) just like a ton of other prominent factions.

they just got a new model

Attached: 9n5fs8jvuk821[1].jpg (1000x1000, 97K)

Yes but you would have to BLAZE IT 24/7/365

nice Bretonnian Lord you got

They look like flagellants, so I can't complain.

based and pleasure(pain)pilled

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The Truth isn't one but Universal.

Attached: 1528401887884.jpg (960x522, 222K)

>Lots of cutting, drinking, descriptions of overpowering smells, all of that.

Attached: 1466002908122.jpg (234x215, 5K)

>chaos brapfags

Attached: brap posters.webm (640x480, 2.6M)

You had an artist who was obsessed with her painting having the right colors. So she started doing things like collected urine and shit for yellows and browns, having sex with men to whites and killing them for their red blood, so on. All while never actually cleaning herself because that wasn't painting. I felt it was a good way of showing their madness to try and make some kind of perfect experience.

God bless Japan.

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Attached: giv.png (778x512, 45K)

Nah, that'd be Tzeentch. At least you can expect for someone to backstab you at some point. Plus, you get some rad magic and don't have to carve off pieces of your flesh

She also got Lucius into face mutilation.

Fandom is what?
Sorry, couldn't hear you over the sound of TV series being announced.

What's her name?

I want me an ass carousel.

praise papa

Serena D'Angelus

>chosing Heresy when our god Emperor sacrified himself for our sins

This model is fucking garbage holy shit

I find the tabletop game interesting, because it mixes medieval melee with tanks, but painting and storing the figurines puts me off. I find it so boring, isn't there an online version.

Oh GW....

>Not with Malice


Attached: WhatsApp Image 2019-03-25 at 01.34.39 (1).jpg (864x1152, 108K)

ehh... I really feel like that was inevitable after he got cut.


Attached: Necoho.jpg (233x205, 14K)

Where'd you get the flowers from

Well he only started doing it to himself after he met her and they had a lovely talk at her gallery. But yeah the first cut eventually lead to it.

OP here. I know almost nothing about Warhammer but love these comfy threads where I can read bits about the interesting lore. So I guess I served Tzeentch and not Slaanesh.
How is it even possible to not have a mindblowing game with all this cool as fuck lore?

Attached: ahriman.jpg (810x1170, 168K)

greenstuff world

Attached: WhatsApp Image 2019-03-20 at 00.25.44.jpg (1280x1262, 146K)

based George Costanza God

People like you get sacrificed to summon Keepers of Secrets.

We shall deny Nurgle their flesh to fester and rot.
We shall deny Khorne their blood and skulls.
We shall deny Tzeentch their destinies and fates.
We shall deny Slaanesh their pleasure and pain.
Death to the Dark Gods!
For the Renegade God!
Let the galaxy burn!

Attached: Greater_Daemon_of_Malal.jpg (719x542, 120K)

Literally who.

>two heads
contradiction daemon

>dunks on your space marines

Attached: D2BD30F9-7751-4FC5-9A08-1EFA706C0EB1.jpg (730x1000, 511K)

Warhammer threads are without any doubt the best and comfiest threads on Yea Forums. Every time.

based malice, all hail anarchy incarnate

Attached: 400px-Lord_malal_by_morporg-d78ectd.jpg (400x523, 34K)

Not if I sacrifice all those philistines first to Ascend.

slaanesh is his own wife

Attached: w40sl.jpg (690x960, 89K)

One would say he is a chaotic god

>40k threads are comfy
>Dawn of War threads are always dogshit
Really gets the noggin joggin

be gentle Yea Forums

Attached: herald on disk.png (598x598, 699K)

Wait what? Can you explain this, because this is big if true.

Looks familiar.

Attached: tyranid-warrior-prime-alpha-beta-bone_1_6e24e21251b9967607b74c833db9af33.jpg (400x300, 20K)

>he only chooses one Ruinous Power to worship instead of going Chaos Undivided and celebrating the concept in and of itself

Hey guys just the most based option coming through, shitters need not apply

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Literally who?

That's quite the setup.


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>not using the moonman head

its both

I dig it. I'd like a bit brighter green on the flame but others might disagree.

Yeah thats the thing. People Tzeentch likes are the people who want to fight against the inevitability of Fate and Tzeentch, by extension. Mostly because he enjoys their suffering and feeding them false visions.

So she would give me more and more obscure vidya that I enjoy but I lose interest in old ones?
or how would that play out?

Attached: 221.jpg (680x324, 48K)

She's an Eldar deity, though.


Attached: SHUDUP.jpg (900x1125, 369K)

Eldar slave race

It took me a while to make a good tyranid bullet spam/Genestealer rush army, and I thought my trigon would actually be useful, boy I was wrong.

This is a false flag. This is far too obvious to not be bait.

Honestly i just wish they didnt have the dyke haircut like fuck why a shaved head every time?

It's edgy and these people live off of attention.

Everyone knows that the Skaven is just one gigantic gay orgy.

Attached: FuckinGayRats.jpg (485x384, 187K)

>why a shaved head every time?
Do you even know what a repentia is

Age of SigMarines needs to die.

>Horned Rat
>Not Horny Rat

Attached: WhenTheyFinallyTouchTheDongliz.png (700x789, 373K)

fuck off

>Says the fag rat


Based. But not canon.

raptor god > malal

>The emperor, who's being fed thousands of psykers daily, could respawn if the Emperium would just let him die
Wouldn't Terra get fucked by a Chaos rift because of the failed webway project in the golden throne that gets suppressed by the emperor's presence?

>We'll never get a 40K FPS game in the manner of BF2:Modern Combat wear you can body-swap between NPCs, playing as Harakoni Warhawks jumpjetting from one level of a Hive to the next, killing heretics, renegades, xenos, etc

Attached: 1563995476209.jpg (827x604, 69K)

>Wouldn't Terra get fucked by a Chaos rift because of the failed webway project in the golden throne that gets suppressed by the emperor's presence?

Truth is nobody knows what would happen

I just want an FFG ruleset, like Dark Heresy, based rpg.

is age of sigmar THAT BAD?

The game itself is fine, especially compared to the dumpster fire that is 8th edition 40k

All the dark realities of Renaissance Era realities have been replaced with space marines.

You mean ground marines

Sorry, i meant the SigMarines.

So what do you guy think about the upcoming Necromunda game?


Attached: GBdBSq_XfE0.jpg (1920x949, 201K)

No, but folks will never forgive GW for building it in the base of the shitfest known as the End Times, no matter how much improvement they can do to both gameplay and fluff.

Not enough strong independent women.
Aren't chainswords a bit too heavy for the average human thug? As well as plasma pistols being not that common and somewhat pricey?

>Aren't chainswords a bit too heavy for the average human thug
IG sergeants carry them

So, are Norsca = Chaos?

No faggot... commissars run around with them all the time.

Attached: commissar.png (491x937, 658K)

>IG sergeants carry them
Haven't thought about it.

But commissars are badass.

Most of Chaos recruits comes from Norsca, but there's fulff claiming the ones living at the South of the region are a bit more chill, even trading with the Empire when there are no Everchosens around.

I could never really understand how a chainsword could properly cut through a man, i know the teeth are sharp and hard as fuck, the motor has more torque power than a gay arm wrestler at a handjob convention, but the fucking metal frame that surrounds it all its thick than the width of the teeth themselves so somehow the metal frame cuts through them magically.


Norsca is the people. Chaos is the religion. Norscans are just more to appear and follow a Chaos Horde since they worship it in their homelands and see a call to Chaos somewhat of a holy war/crusade.

Those chain blades aren't moving 10 mphs faggot.

>that nigga trying to write his 500 word essay in the club

I ain't gotta explain shit. It's 40k.

The teeth don't extend over the metal frame holding the entire mechanism faggot. You can't cut if your teeth can't reach.

I'm fairly certain that that's a painting. With human skin as the canvas.

Human body is soft. Once you get a wound started the flesh will give way and you can push the frame in there and keep going.

Word Bearers are my favorite but I'd honestly worship Khorne. Just fighting, struggle and honor. No disgusting pus, no scheming lying bullshit no degenerate masochism.

I cant see it, more focused on the AT battle brother with the opaque metal slab in front of his face. Truly the Emperor's finest

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Is Tzeentch the most /fa/?

Attached: sorcerer.jpg (596x1003, 175K)

Lucius is pretty good.

>Being russian and noticing joyreactor on Yea Forums
Oh for fuck sake. I thought I could escape those.

Attached: 3Agu74lWLg.jpg (1600x900, 166K)

You god damned 5oys have never used a wood cutting chainsaw before. The metal box surrounding the teeth with stop the teeth from digging any further. The chainsword teeth have to be huge, larger than the width of the chainsword frame itself.

>/tg/ thread on Yea Forums
you guys are cool

Attached: 1512038341240.gif (267x200, 1.56M)

There's a little viewing hole on it that's hard to see
t. has a similar bit to that

I prefer to think that there is just a really interesting litany of purity on the back, that he just cannot get enough of

I have used a lot and I understand what you mean, but
>Human body is soft
The edges of the wound will cave in when you put pressure on it and the teeth can cut deeper and deeper until the frame fits inside the wound too.
How it's supposed to cut space marine armor makes no sense though.

>no visible genitals

Based Fantasy Flight Games made the entire First Edition Black Heresy adventures center around him.

Still canon, user. And even present in fucking Age of Sigmar, along with Zuvassin.

>Black Heresy

Attached: 1563197287499.png (481x394, 157K)

I can't help your lack in taste.

is that Nubby

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Real talk Yea Forums would you fuck a Noise Marine?

Attached: 2586ac6972177e0ab5f3b0123e5f4c52.jpg (474x670, 72K)

"Real talk Yea Forums would you *let yourself get fucked by* a Noise Marine?"

>implying noise marines aren't power bottoms


Attached: 384264 - Chaos_Space_Marine Demien Noise_Marine.png (707x546, 427K)

>tfw no noise marine "gf"

Attached: dx75w9-91080d7c-2e22-4f0b-a44f-753eebf7b2c0.jpg (650x900, 231K)

I remember some guy on /tg/ that explained his slaneesh's renegade guard regiments and it was the coolest shit :
> Comes from a planet that is heavy on discipline and the military life style
> Regiments boast as being the best ever in doing military parade for the Emperor
> Gets recognized as being the best in their system in celebrating the Emepror
> Still, they are obsessed with reaching perfection and they keep practicing and innovating in new ways
> Each time, their intentions of celebrating the Emperor gets lost in favor of doing the best parade ever
> Slaneesh's slowly gets them until they literally suffer to ecstasy each time they succeed a good run
> Any aim of pleasing the Emperor is gone, they are just parading for their own love of parading

I'm surely saying this wrong but man was it original.

Sorry but 40k is completely and utterly gone at this point

Attached: warhammer_40k_large.png (410x476, 271K)

Are there any warhammer games that are actually good?

GW has been trying literally everything when it comes to merchandise, they even made a children's book ffs. Why do shitty plastic dolls matter?

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Fantasy? Total War: Warhammer 1&2 and Vermintide 1&2
40k? DoW 1&2 +xpacks, Space Marine, Regicide, Battlefleet Gothic 1&2, and Mechanicus
There are also the older PC games but I'm not sure which ones still hold up

Kinda, supposedly the Tabletop itself is fine, but the setting/lore (Warhammer's best feature) is total shit.

If it has cocksucking lips and fuckable ass it's G enough.

>but the setting/lore (Warhammer's best feature) is total shit.
That's an understatement

Attached: rafael-teruel-brokk-grungsson-kharandon-overlords-by-rafater-close-up.jpg (1497x1497, 564K)

Pretty good I like it.

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Fuck the chaos, Any other /Drukhari/ bros in here?

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This is Slaanesh we're talking about user, she'd also have a 3-foot long tongue and her anal walls would those have those onahole bumps and would vibrate

All I need is the GREAT HORNED RAT

Attached: TTW_2_DOOMWHEEL[1].png (1080x544, 373K)

What the fuck is that lol , is there an steampunk faction now or something?

I know close to nothing about age of sigmar

Fuck off closet Slaaneshi

>finally make 40k tv series
>its about fucking eisnhorn, the most boring character written about, bargin bin sci-fi walter white
>not cain
>not helsreach and grimaldus
>not 15 hours or dead men walking
>not lords of silence

Attached: images.jpeg-4.jpg (348x145, 6K)

And since it's Slaanesh she would very likely be an actual female but with a cock. And everything would have ribbing, tentacles and special muscles to interact with an intruding object.

Yes. Steampunk dwarves to be specific.

Attached: Apr29PreOrderBrokk-423x500.jpg (423x500, 33K)

Tell me lads, when the fuck did Warhammer Fantasy become so absolutely GODDAMN FUCKING SOULLESS.

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And don't forget the spiked prehensile horsecock

You know exactly fucking when

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I'd like Gaunt. It has a cast of interesting characters and it would be easy for normies to understand.
It would be pretty damn hard to do Lords of Silence justice and I'm not sure there's an audience for gross disease monsters riding around in a gross disease space ship. If you don't know any lore you would be just wtf is this shit? I'd totally watch it though.

How could I forget. Also fuckable nipples. But we should probably stop now.


Attached: b567cea62d20dbe01c04c152406c7e03--slaanesh-game-workshop.jpg (500x504, 36K)

When you grew up and realized it was cringey kids garbage all along

t. never played tabletop or played it too much

How is that skellington going to hit anything when it's Oscar Pistorius runner blades are so much longer than it's sicle hands?

Ever heard of orgasm denial?

Attached: SlaaneshChampion.jpg (1500x2055, 1.32M)

This looks horrendous.

If you put him in a sensory deprivation chamber will he try to kill himself?

I used to paint with my dad in the late 90's but life got in the way and it's really quite expensive when I can just play Dawn of War for a few hours instead. I should get into it though since I like the craft of it, just sitting and chilling while painting and gluing them together. It's nice.

Eventually that will get stale too, I imagine.

If all of the Chaos Gods had a fight, who would win?

Attached: 1563383035346.png (519x522, 396K)

Depeneds on the time of the fight.
As of right now it would probably

Khorne>Nurgle>Tzeentch>Slaanesh but all their power levels shift when their associated emotions and states are more popular.
GORK n MORK are both considered to be on par with the strongest of the chaos gods at all times but they only wanna fight each other.

Emps soul is split up so that he can't form into a chaos god as easily otherwise he would btfo Chaos gods due to the imperial creed.

Tau have got a lesser Greater Good god running around in the warp (its supported by all the warp sensitive races they've incorporated and the aether cast consider it an abomination of their beliefs)

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Probably Khorne or Nurgle.
Khorne being the most murderous and Nurgle the oldest and everything decays eventually so he gets power from everything.

A series about space marines CAN work i reckon. Make it about a kid or teen guy going though the years long process of becoming marine
>kid is a simon or luke type , but a tad younger, stuck in a backwater shithole or factory
>taken to become a sm
>show his personal journey from a nobody to the emperors avenging angel
>many centuries later, dies in the end
>only 10 epsoides or so.

Hes the god of entropy. If every human died, the gods would be serisouly depowerd, but not nurgle, becuse everything eventully dies or breaks

>Tau have got a lesser Greater Good god running around in the warp
That's not even worth noting
There are a ton of lesser warp gods/entities fucking around

>Jesus is probably hiding behind a rock in the warp with Mohammed and Buddha

its kraken teeth bro
cut thru ceramite bro

They would have to take some liberties because the tryouts are fucking brutal and many more kids die than survive. That wouldn't go down very well with most viewers.