If they have all this diversity, lgbtq and mental illness stuff. why not a character that is a feminine male...

If they have all this diversity, lgbtq and mental illness stuff. why not a character that is a feminine male. They have macho body builder zarya And if we can have a blue chick with a big ass in shiny tight latex, a handsome cowboy, A gamer girl and chubby mei why not add another not someone who's simply just feminine or a crossdresser it would have no deal with his orogin story tho

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*add another one who's*

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Femboys are got damn degenerate, that's why.

I dont mean the weird sissy kink people. This has nothing to do with sex i just mean a feminine male character moira also has her deal with wearing male clothing like ties and her david bowie skin

degenerates rule this planet



Why is ex dead then


I never even thought about it but he's so fucking right. They need to fix that shit asap.
I was just on my way to post a gerudo link doujin image just to realize sad panda is permanently down. All is lost, nothing matters.

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OverWeight is already full of gays, dumb drangonloliposter.

It was just an idea for feminine male character. Theres nkthing to be foxed. Im just saying they have so many token characters and they missed one

>waah why doesn't ______ have more faggot pandering
Maybe because the core audience is straight males.

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Hey, i follow this guy on Twitter.
He makes good porn

Umm LĂșcio?


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straight men need to grow a thicker fucking skin

Are trying to justify to yourself wanting a femboy in the game? HAHAHAHA holy shit what a weak willed faggot

Also Moira.

Do you need to grow thicker skin if you think shit stinks?
>just brainwash yourself bro
Day of the rope soon, subhuman faggot.

For your consideration

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what about zen boys?


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because youre a tranny faggot now go dilate

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If they do that then people are just going to get mad that they don't call him trans

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No its why is every fetish in this game except mine