Ryzen up

Who here finally upgraded from their 2005K ?

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I'm gonna upgrade from 3470. I'm still wondering which version to get, 3600, 3600X or even go for 3700X.
Last time I got non-K version and I regret it. Still had a good run.

For gaming only the 3600. There is literally no difference between the 3600 and 3600x. On;y get the 2700x if you do more than gaming, it is a waste of money otherwise.


How about emulation?

Zoinks. Get a $400 GPU you dumbos.

CPU is more relevant nowadays. My current CPU is more of a bottleneck than my 7 years old HD7950, which is able to run games at 1080p on console settings very decently.

Single core performance on Ryzen 3 is just as good as the Intel 9900K so should be good.

Lol, go from a 2500k to a 3600 and tell me there is no difference between the CPU alone for gaming.

I upgraded from a FX-8320 to the R5 2400G, had that for about a year and now I'm using the 2400G for a smaller ITX build and replacing it with a R5 3600 and RX580


Pentium G3258 to i5 4690k its not bad but cant OC much with this shitty cooler ihave. Need a big boy watercool

>Buying AMD

Attached: 1542657474415.jpg (400x400, 31K)

>hardware wars
go back

Do you feel like you fit in now?

Explain why I should build a gaming PC instead of playing consoles forever

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speaking of cpus my current cpu (fx-6300) is bottlenecking the shit out of my gpu. is there any suitable upgrade for someone on a pretty light budget? should i save my money and buy a ryzen board or should i buy a cheap 8350 just to lessen the bottleneck a bit?

But you stole those games, Tyrone.

Went from 1700 to 3700X.
Gotta say I'm happy I have a beefy cooler cause I haven't been able to turn PBO off

depends on your needs. 1080p 60fps? keep the 2500k. want to go higher with a 144Hz refresh rate monitor? a upgrade would be needed or you will stutter like hell (depending on the game ofc).
post more info if you want some advice. Ryzen 3xxx is amazing and best bang for buck by a mile tho, also you can at least upgrade 1 additional time on existing AM4 boards

give it back, jamal.

You're way to low IQ to build and maintain a PC so it would be pointless anyways

I'll just leave this here

3770k here, still going strong. Ryzen 2 is temping because of the core count alone, but I think I will sit out another year or so and see what Intel has to offer. This years lineup is going to be utterly trashed by AMD.

Generally you want at least a higher range GPU, having a budget one might cut you off from some games.
While CPU performance generally stays a problem even after an upgrade, it comes from bad optimization. Having a bad one will fuck you over though.

2600K with a RX 480 and still have no reason to beta test new chips. No point doing a half measure upgrade when I can easily hold for DDR5 and 7nm EUV or 10nm Intel. Single core is still king and multicore is still hardly used. No I don't code, I don't encode movies, I don't use photoshop so 4/8 is just fine for several more years.

save your money for a cheap ryzen board and get a 3600x/3700x (or 2600x/2700x, since those are really cheap now if Ryzen 2 cpus are really that out of reach for you).

Unless the 8350 is dirt cheap, it isn't worth it since it's not really an upgrade for gaming. I went from a fx 6350 to a 2600x last year, and it was a huge improvement.

>60 pr above fps in every test
my i5 2500k will die of old age and i'm using the freaking iGPU, probably gonna get a 2600g or 3600g for the integrated gpu... playing old shit anyway.

I got my 3700C in the other day. Going to install everything tonight after work, can't wait!!!

Not sure what I'll do with my old 2500k though.

You can't run shit on intel graphcs at 1080p.

3600X has almost no better performance and cost 50 dollars (+25%) more than 3600

good goy

t. SEETHING 9900k owner

only people who recommend 3600X instead of regular 3600 are those who think the X in the name makes the former option cooler

This shows how little you know. You must be a brainded console faggot toddler. You can run a high end card with a low end CPU and get shit frames. I was running a 1070 with a FX8350 and getting about 30-40 frames in a game like PUBG. I upgraded to a 3700x and now I'm 120fps+.

DO NOT post in threads about PC specs again and stick with your fucking weebstation.

recently built my brother a budget PC. Got a 2600 for 120 buckerinos. It certainly gets the job done for 1080p.

how shit is the R3 1200 because i could probably get that and a cheap motherboard within the next week

You’re a good brother user

How good would a $500 PC be? Could it play most modern games?

yes if it's still 2008

With new parts? Garbage. Although with some used price/performance parts you could make a decent PC at that price.

For that price you're not gonna get better than an Xbox One X.

Chip in another 200 dollars

>people praise the 2500k
>Resale value is shit

Upgrades to the 2600x last fall but I'm not sure it's fully optimized. There are some apps that have hiccups.

>only average FPS
>not showing lows
low would be nice to know, this bench looks like a 10yo made it

Thank you for your loyalty Intel shareholder comrade.

>le poozen is the 2500k meme
>zero OC potential
At 7nm, the architecture is already old and busted. AMD only won in non-gaming benchmarks, and it will get its shit pushed in by next year's Intcel offerings.

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mh check out Ryzen 1600/2600 with a cheap b450 board like MSI mortar, which is praised as the best budget board right now. the first and 2nd gen Ryzen need fast RAM with tight timings but RAM prices are dropping for the rest of the year.
well GPU...check the RX 570/580 8GB for silky smooth 1080p (at least) 60FPS at placebo Ultra settings, more for 'e-sport titles' like OW, CS:GO, Dota2/LoL, Rainbow6 and so on.

>Ryzen 5 2600 ~135$
>Sapphire RX580 8GB ~185$
>MSI b450m bazooka(cringe af) ~107$
>G.SKILL RAM DDR4 3200Mhz ~65$ (on sale right now but shit timings)
thats 497$ but without a power supply, case, monitor or peripherals