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Other urls found in this thread:

This, but ironically.

Yes, kill nazis.

Hellyeah!! Nazi scum.

>how do we make something look futur-

dilate and have gay sex


Imagine being offended whenever someone kills Nazis

>those fucking helmets
>that annoying black girl
>that anthem hub area
>that constant forced NPC coop even when solo
>"hey sis i hate nazis did i mention that"
>"yeah nazis are shits lets blow their heads off hahah i got his brain in my mouth fucking nazi shit"
thank fuck you can refund what was i thinking

Imagine being so edgy you're literally mad about killing nazis

>it's a fucking BORDERLANDS CLONE
levels, bullet sponges, loot boxes, and best part?

imagine being so much of a dilating cuck you pretend to enjoy shitty vidya if it got natzie killing

The suits also have a triangle, roughly where their vagina is. Very fucking strange design.

kys swede subhuman

>fighting that first boss with the lasers
>npc keeps going down
>losing lives
>it's got fucking lives

This was supposed to be it woke bros, Drumpf was supposed to be done.

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>ancient jewish atlantean technology
Hold your fucking horses!

Nazis never did anything to me, nor would they have ever. So, I can't see any reason to be opposed to them.

i would never think about it if it wasn't for a cuck putting that in my vocabulary repeatedly

Nazis would have banned video games and shut down Yea Forums

I just want to know how the fuck they went from their last glorious game in the series to this steaming pile of dog shit

Heroes then.

seems like western character design reached its peak

el goblinas, la creaturas...

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Do they get naked?

You are just mad you aren't badass as Blazko killing machine sis.

Wolfenstein was about killing nazis for 30 years. Suddenly right winged retards started screeching about leftist propaganda. /pol/ eats brains

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Maybe because they were being political with their tweets about their previous game that flopped?

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Times change. People have realised in hindsight that the nazis had the right idea.

Please tell me that she just inserted large dildo in her ass

>games about killing nazis all the time
>no one complains
>fill your game with contemporary propaganda and be openly political on social media
>people complain
>your sonclusion: they must all be nazis
Stop being disingenuous just for once in your life.

Doomguy is BJ's grandson
That means one of them is Doomguy's mom

Attached: 4L_SqE54fdC.jpg (960x1280, 88K)

no she was punching a punching bag

Doomguy is BJ's great-grandson, it means one of them is Doomguy's grandma.

>p-pls don't kill p-poor nazis pls :c

Love to

i played the first one (remake, not the good games) and i lost my shit when it was revealed the jews had a vault of star wars tier super technology that the nazis stole and that's the only reason they took over the world or some shit
i finished it but never gave it another look

the fuck happened to Wolfenstein? RTCW was A+ mp and sp and then we have these games

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devs were infected by the social justice virus

Only played it for a little bit before my partner ate shit and we had to restart but the gameplay element of it is actually really fun.

Not as overtly anti nazi as some probably assume. "Nazi" in this game means something closer to "cartoon demon". It's impossible to take seriously.

Those cutscenes though... my god are they bad. Cringe-inducing from start to finish AND they're unskippable if you partner wants to watch them.

All in all though, it's fun. I like it.

Somebody show the gif of them dancing

>RTCW was A+ mp and sp and then we have these games
A+ is way overselling the game. The dungeon portions were tedious.

Imagine how much OP must have failed at life to feel personally attacked by people mocking and killing nazis

Was widdly babby afraid of some skeletons? aww..

>western games

I mean I don't like nazis but I guess u have to now because it makes the left seethe

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God those models look fucking terrible

Lesbian couples finally have a game they can enjoy.

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Real shit? Man I wanna play on hardest difficulty and that's not gonna roll if a co-op AI is standing around taking bullets like the dumbass fallout 4 companions

Does it like run out of lives and stop respawning or game over your shit?

guess how i can tell you have a bmi over 30

It might get better I dont know I refunded it, but that first boss fight I barely scraped through mainly bercause the NPC sister was dying all the time. I had a heal i could use occasionally, and I could hold down a key on the character to revive it but it was a few seconds while gettting lasered by a stealthing boss, and yeah there's a shared life system, you get like 3 lives between you. It may be that i suck, but it seemed it was harder than it needed to be, because of the NPC being there, when I just wanted to play it solo.

okay we get it you hate jewish people

>you pretend to enjoy shitty vidya if it got natzie killing
Holy fucking strawman. At this point they're not even living rent free in your head, but they're also paid generously for it.

More like thinskinned

Ah cheers for the insight. I'm second guessing it now, reckon I'll watch some public gameplay and see how it plays out.

>Defending Nazis
Looks like you need punched

Did they draw the hair in ms paint? The absolute state of liberal gaming.

>they are living in a word ruled by nazis after they won ww2
>they fucking hate nazis and badmouth them whenever possible
people who have never experienced war and fear for their lives:

To be fair it was not a problem any ohter time apart from that boss, the sister was not a hindrance except when it came to that guy but also i think if she loses all your lives by dying too much thats it for both of you

>play as two butchy-implied lesbian sisters
>can't play as a horny nine month pregnant Anne Frank shooting Nazis from rooftops during the day and riding Peter's cock non-stop at night

What a waste

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They need to remind us again about how they are killing nazis and how fun it is.

>Not as overtly anti nazi as some probably assume. "Nazi" in this game means something closer to "cartoon demon". It's impossible to take seriously.

As someone who has been called a nazi, a fascist and a bigot sometimes for having some moderate opinions, no, that is not it, stop being so innocent.

Still, the characters barely feel human, they are like complete sociopaths that take pleasure from killing other human beings. Fighting the nazis is always the focus in Wolfestein games, but because they are the enemy and not because killing some nazi footsoldiers makes their pee pee hard.

Maybe if the game would touch the subject that those girls were born amidst all that hatred and didn't realize that they had grown into monsters as ruthless as their enemies, then the narrative would have had some conflict, but no, they are painted as righteous and killing their enemies is regarded as a fun game, no war is like this unless it is propaganda, no matter how much you hate your enemies, they are still human and you will still feel even a little bit of empathy.

>"Nazi" in this game means something closer to "cartoon demon". It's impossible to take seriously.

>stop being so innocent.
>Still, the characters barely feel human
>goes to explain that nothing can be taken seriously and is like a cartoon

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Wtf are those things

Wtf I love nazis now


Reminder that only War of Rights lets you prevent the Nazis from coming to power in the first place (by playing as Confederates and winning the war, thereby saving pregnant Anne Frank)

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Offspring of 2 polish ashkenazi jews

>As someone who has been called a nazi, a fascist and a bigot sometimes for having some moderate opinions, no, that is not it, stop being so innocent.
lol holy shit, how fragile

Why are there almost no games where you can kill commies?

Why is she so hot?

Only BJ is Jewish (and he's only half-Jewish to begin with)

>Times change. People have realised in hindsight that the nazis had the right idea.
user, a bunch of hispanics on /pol/ =/= people in general.


Being barefoot and pregnant is literally the most natural state a young Jewish girl can be in

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Exactly it was mindless fun killing nazis
Now they use the same setting but instead of the mindless part they try to take modern "problems" and slap nazis onto it. Its how the people writing the game see themselves
>young, beautiful, strong and brave women fighting for equal rights and defeating the nazis in the process


One day soon, there will be left wing death squads of lesbian dykes, programmed by VR mind chips to see every white male dressed as a nazi

>/pol/tard cares more about Twitter than about games
Considering it's you fags who popularized the Twitter screenshot threads, I'm not surprised in the slightest. inb4 something involving trannies, you gay cuck

It was a young strong man before so what's the difference?

its the script


They look cute.
Also Wolfenstein kinda makes Nazis look good. I mean colonization of the moon? Super robots? As early as the 60s? Seems pretty nice.

>jews had a vault of star wars tier super technology
We do, though.

There's no such thing as half-jewish. Kike dogma states that race is passed down from the mother. So if his mother is a jew, by jewish belief he is jewish as well, even if his father was a somalian.
I don't make the rules.

Yes but BJ is the original character. The two new protagonists have no reason to exist. Their sole purpose is to represent the writers political agenda

>There's no such thing as half-jewish.

According to the Nuremberg Laws, there is.

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>>and be openly political on social media
NEWFLASH: killing nazis is inherently political from the start Einstein

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>all of that used to crush any dissent
Pretty good except for that one small detail.

Kikes believe their kikery is passed that way, literally nothing else matters.

>allowing someone elses opinion to influence yours

what a cuck, lol

Those are some terrible visual designs

I literally don't care about killing Nazis. The New Order and the Old Blood were very good games, as were classics like RTCW. TNC and TYB are just fucking terribly written and designed, and they shove those terrible designs and dialog down your throat


Why is everyone bitching about dumb shit and not the real bullshit here?

because bethesda employees would rather shift discussion to superficial shit so you don't recognize their abhorrent business practices

you see this is some actual bullshit

Since when was killing Nazis controversial?
They used to be up there with zombies as enemies that no one gives a shit about mowing down.
We live in clown world all right, but not for the reasons alt-righters believe.

Worst game ever. I got it free with RTX 2060 and I didn’t even bother playing more than 5 minutes. What a hunk of garbage.

>Kill Nazis: Sweet Man
>Kill Commies: Douchebag fag
The absolute state of westerners

You're surprised satanists use a hexagon in their magic design?

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It was never bad in a historical context but they're glorifying it in such a weird way


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>Kill Americans: Hero of the world
holy fuck based

Jews having ancient sci-fi technology was the best thing desu, it was campy, funny and cool as shit

10/10 would burn it with fire

Meme. Outdated, too.

>New Order
>grimdark authoritarian world dominated by nazis, no hope or freedom
>you just try to survive and fight back in this sad world, even if it means little, even with the sacrifices

>New Blood

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its the idea of it. the message they are trying to convey

Not if the reason your doing that is to win the match. Nazis themselves are political, the act of killing one is not without context.

>killing nazis BAD

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>dont question, dont lift the veil, dont look whats behind the curtain, just consume
you like the new star movies didnt you ?

Everybody wants the wacky borderlands feel because we're in the era where grimdark and serious isn't as cool

There's no lootboxes
You get skill points to put on passive shit like more armor or improving stealth, it's not like a borderlands skill tree really
There doesn't seem to be anything you need the paid gold for, might as well not be there
If you follow the mission progres, you will always be the "right" level so as not to even notice there is a level system at all

There are shit things about it but borderlands it is not

>This level of writing


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Wolfenstein has always been about killing Nazis. Why are you retards spazzing out about it now?

What are you even talking about, you stupid cunt? None of this has any relation to the topic at hand. You're literally just spouting memes that have been repeated a million times already.

Star Wars was never good.

Or OR they just want to try something different.

This is tongue in cheek, the sisters are completely inexperienced and are bullshitting themselves to sound tough to experienced resistance fighters. One of the sisters cries and pukes the first time they encounter le nazi

>missing the context that the sisters are inexperienced and are merely putting on an act
Disengenuous shitposting as usual.

It's a pure coincidence that RAGE 2 and The New Colossus went in similar directions

Leftybros.... I'm not feeling so good....

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unlike women, men are actually strong
also, being able to do shit like this effortless is always lame as fuck

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no, they wouldn't have banned video games. they would have disowned jewish stakeholders in the industry, enforced some rules on what can and can't happen in a game and they would have made a few propaganda games glorifying themselves and german soldiers, engineers and mothers of many children.

Jesus. I could write better than that and I'm a literal autistic faggot.

>equal to a single player easter eurojank with no mod support and getting shit on by a roach meme game.

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I'm brown and I would prefer to fight for the nazis over any modern democracy. At least Hitler respected transcendent values somehow. And the legalization of abortion is more evil than anything that the nazis did. Seeing the wretched beings that created this game claim moral high ground over nazis is pathetic.

I think it's because the "I FUCKING LOVE KILLING NAZIS" people are the same people who accuse everyone who disagrees with them of being a Nazi.

keep in mind that you are supposed to look at all-time peak to measure the success of the game


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Childhood is thinking nazis bad. Adulthood is realizing they were tricked just like the "allies" to kill their fellow white man while (((they))) made money in military sales

Truth is nazis winning would have ended up just like we are now. Hate to black pill you all but trans kids. Gay rights. Would still exist but for different reasons

However nazis being the only villain when history has given us much worse. Why not cartels? Gangs. ISIS. So many other factions of pure evil

The fact game devs still need to use or reference nazis is a look into how dumb and uneducated in history or present news they are

Trans and chux

>Wolfenstein was about killing nazis
There's more to a game than just the enemies. They also have things like weapons and level design.

I'm not mad about killing Nazis, I'm mildly annoyed with how pushed to the forefront of the dialogue and marketing it has been for the past 3 games. Like fuck man, imagine if Doomguy constantly spouted how much he hated demons and fuck demons and kill demons 24/7. It'd get annoying real quick. Same here.

Its funny when alt-right fuckheads make it explicitly clear what topics are close to their hearts. Normal, healthy brained conservatives didn't get butthurt because normal, healthy brained conservatives don't associate with Nazi propaganda. The tweet literally could have been supportive of Trumptards, since it was saying killing Nazis would make America great again. Using his slogan to support the good guys in the game, but you fucking idiots just had to be the victim and see yourself as the Nazis and give the game away lmao

>Adulthood is realizing they were tricked just like the "allies" to kill their fellow white man while (((they))) made money in military sales
user teenagers don't count as adults. You'll grow out of it though don't worry.

Mmm yes imagine a game where the enemy was ISIS
>haha i fucking love killing muslims sis

I am deeply concerned people like this are able to freely walk around.

Isn't that basically the recreation of MW

so is the co-op actually good?

I don't give a fuck about anything else, need a new game to play with the wife

also how's the switch version run? (feel free to quote and react to that question as much as you'd like I won't stop your fun)

>revisionism and acting like you behave in good-faith
this is just sad, im going with 4 years, maybe 6 tops

Attached: 61% tranny.png (798x464, 28K)

I dont much care for jews and their evil genetic behaviour

>so is the co-op actually good?
no. Enemies are lootershooter tier bulletsponges.
>also how's the switch version run? (feel free to quote and react to that question as much as you'd like I won't stop your fun)
runs ok but looks like ass

In what context are you using these words lmao
Do you even know what they mean, or are you just acting like a parrot?

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It's an old video game tradition.

Good premise bad story and gameplay

Are they bulletsponges on normal difficulty? If so that's REALLY fucking disappointing. I don't mind it looking like ass on handheld as long as it isn't choppy running.

But that bulletsponge thing really gets me, fuck. So lame.

Enlightenment is realizing the Nazis were bad for chimping out so badly that they single-handedly discredited racialism and for this alone, they deserved to be stomped into the ground

Attached: George Wallace.jpg (432x540, 43K)

Yeah crazy how the Jews convinced Japan to join the Nazis and then bomb Pearl Harbor you fucking retard

>all the mental gymnastics replies just proving your point
The right is really dumb, god damn

Acshually I think the bullet spongeyness is due to enemies having different armor / resistance to different weapons. Rather than level. Because if you are fighting things too high level, youa re in the wrong place.

Considering they responded to a post about Nazis being idiots with an image about trans people I'm assuming no

stop pretending and contribute

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No as in they have no idea what the fuck those words mean

i bet thats what happened to you

I mean this genuinely out of care for your well being, seek therapy.

People that talk about trannies 24/7 are more likely to be trannies in denial.

I wonder if some people on this site actually believe this. I mean flat-earthers and Scientologists exists so you never know

I guess that would make Bethesda Nazi's in denial

just want to help hitting the percentage quicker and, with luck, help encourage to increase it.

Nope, political ideology =/= sexual pathology.

>Shut down this cesspool.
Oh no. How terrible.

sorry, im not a weak social justice fag who needs help "adulting eks dee", go back to social science future street splatter.

Why don't you start with yourself then?

Would that make a gay person who constantly shits on straight men a straight man in denial? Because Bethesda's there too

do you hate normal people because you know that deep down, you will never be accepted ? the sooner you realise this the sooner you can act on it and

>>ancient jewish atlantean technology
I saw a weird spirt science video about how the martians and the jews sunk atlantis
Is bethesda's jews admitting this is true?

Why would I hate normal people? I'm not some basement dweller Nazi, nor a tranny in denial lol.

that's a big tongue

You clearly have a lot of mental anguish about things even if you can do well at your job and "adult"

because im not a reject, try keep up with the convo. are you on the spectrum that you cant understand simple speech ? being a tranny and an autism is become a chicken or the egg type dilemma.

Killing Nazis isn't the problem with the narrative. Even Starship Troopers is less obnoxious and that's a fucking satire.

>nazis being the only villain
Fake news you fuck, try russians and Al Qaeda.

It's shitposting.

This is irritating in itself. i think the idea is there are different armor types that are more or less effective against different weapons. But I don't know how the fuck I'm to tell, some enemies die like fodder, some take a lot of killing, then I just switch to different weapons and randomly one of them will seem to hurt them more.

explain what national socialism is without using google and why is it bad witout appealing to emotions

>imagine if Doomguy constantly spouted how much he hated demons and fuck demons and kill demons 24/7
It'd certainly offend all the demons out there.

Is it at least fun like Shadow Warrior 2.

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he means you are trying to change the meaning of the tweet by going "but what if we were on your side"
when you consider the dialogue in TNC its pretty obvious that there's no two ways about it
all they had to do was not turn the game into some sort of political commentary on contemporary events and keep the mindless killing nazis part and no one would have been pissed

it would also annoy plenty of the players. It's why good characters don't constantly fucking run their mouths about how awesome they are

>machine games cucks actually made this
it is not half bad

you want nazis to die, i want useless filler to die

It's weird isn't it how the narrative of the game coincides with modern ideals? I mean why not an alternate world where africans found some secret ancient sci fi tech, and took over the world? And in that situation, the characters would hate niggers, and say so repeatedly.

You're very smart.

I mean you're clearly in denial about it.
>are you on the spectrum that you cant understand simple speech ?
LMFAO that's very ironic my ESL friend. Are you from South America? I know they're the biggest /pol/ shitters.

traitors die before the enemy, would do me a great deal of service if you complete the deal by your own hands.

>Nazis are the only villain
We had a decade where the Russians were the bad guys in literally every game

I want Nazis to realize that their ideaology is dumb and stop being Nazis. I want fictional Nazis to die because they're not real and I want something to shoot at in a video game

>it would also annoy plenty of the players.
nah only the demon ones

Yeah and people got tired of that pretty fast, just like the last time every game had nazis as the villains.

Nice projection there, safe space.

Traitor to who? Some angry lard sitting behind a computer? Lmao

what a sad cuck, too afraid to even kill your enemy. i hope the next challanger of peace finds you

Its a cycle, give it another couple years and we'll be back to blasting gopniks in every single shooter

>As someone who has been called a nazi, a fascist and a bigot sometimes for having some moderate opinions, no, that is not it, stop being so innocent.

What are your moderate opinions?

It's a shame we'll never get the chinese villain decade

>irrelevant blabber
keep coping, you will never be a women, no matter how deformed your dick is.

Why won't somebody think of the poor nazis??

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>what are your moderate opinions
People who disagree with any of my beliefs are subhuman and should be culled :^)

>Kike dogma states that race is passed down from the mother.
well just because they say that doesnt make it true
You race comes from your genes and chromosomes, if you have a half jewish man that has a jewish mother (X chromosome) and a white dad (Y chromosome) and he has a baby with a white girl (XX chromosomes) then depending on what sex the baby is determines the race
If the baby is a boy it gets a white X chromosome and a white Y chromosome the baby is white
If the baby is a girl it gets a white X chromosome and a jewish X chromosome making the baby half jewish

Once again, please seek therapy.

I think our immigration laws are outdated and should be updated to fir the current economic climate. This means a significantly smaller number would be allowed green cards.

Also, that GTA Liberty City Stories was more enjoyable than Vice City Stories.


Think of all the dev time that could be saved since they only need to make a single enemy model

Yes nazis winning because of Jewish tech is called irony

Wanting a white ethnostate. You know, moderate stuff.


So when Trump wins in 2020 will we get another Wolfenstein?

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>I think our immigration laws are outdated and should be updated to fir the current economic climate. This means a significantly smaller number would be allowed green cards.

I thought the economy was doing well and we had the lowest unemployment in decades. The trend has be moving positively for a decade are we suddenly back to recession or some shit?

>Also, that GTA Liberty City Stories was more enjoyable than Vice City Stories.

You can fuck right off you nazi

The more you mention trannies, the more likely it becomes that you're one in denial.

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whats wrong with white ethnostate
please answer

porn when

Reminder that if you are a straight white male you are a nazi to them.

Pic related is actually in the game

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THis is way more accurate.

the same as with jewish ethnostate

/pol/es were centrists and got fucked
no better argument than that

being an ally to trannies is the same as being an ally to nazis, irrelevant excuse to hold off the execution.


So nothing?

gay people exist because they are gay

nazis exist because they hate gay people and jews

bUt I lItErAlLy cAnNoT tElL thE diFfeRenCe??>

poles were centrists if your political compass defines everything that isn't an absolute political extreme as center

Over the years our immigration laws changed to fit the needs of the nation. Back in the late 1800s, during the peak of the industrial revolution for example, immigration was expanded massively to fit the job needs of the factories. When it was no longer necessary, the immigration laws changes. This would happen every couple of decades until the 1960's, where it was changed one last time, and any attempt to change it was fought tooth and nail for some odd reason. The current climate no longer facilitates the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of low skill immigrants coming in when there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of low skilled people already here struggling to get work

freedom of sexuality, not freedom from consequenses

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They would never do that because it would be anti-semetic

way to disregard the entire gay nazi community, bigot

quick, post a picture of an optimal solution to help 41% because 100%

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>irrelevant excuse to hold off the execution.
And what are you going to do, summon your anime ju jitsu and kill everybody?

>"fuck you mammon"
>banned for anti-semitism

This is unironically true.

"I would like to take away these people's rights"

"I think all people should have equal rights"

"certainly there's a compromise we can agree on"

Boogie is a great example where he blamed the fucking Charlottesville protest for Heather Hayer's death because apparently protesting against neo-nazis to the point that they kill people is the libs fault

Radical centrists are fucking brainbroke

not nessesary, if you wont off yourself, your allies will do it for you.

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>49% positive on steam

Its over.... Trumpler won.... They're taking away our rights trannybros...

>not freedom from consequenses
It absolutely is freedom from 'consequenses' unless you live in a third world shithole. If you attack a gay person for no reason in a first world country it won't end well for you.

>if not millions of low skilled people already here struggling to get work

Lowest unemployment rate in 50 years, my dude

Nazis have been enemies in video games for almost as long as video games have existed. Why is it only controversial now?

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maybe the fat cow should have stepped aside

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>jews having vault of super technology
>nazis stole it and thats the only reason they took over
basically invalidating the entirety of deathshead's speech in the final level of TNO about how you are literal barbarians who are ushering in a new stone age at the price of freedom
literally why

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>killing some shoguns forces in dynasty wars means you agree with the shogun for whom you are fictionally fighting for

Adding real world politics to vidya is fucking dumb, you're just a smooth brain who doesn't realise that just like genghis Khan is now a historical curiosity so too will Hitler be. A video game with genghis Khan wouldn't be political even though he was a dictator who murdered buckets of people for his beliefs so why would that change merely because the event in question happened more recently

You are the Nazis now.

Your English is terrible. You're clearly from some third world shithole, so why do you care about trannies so much? you probably couldn't even afford to play Wolfenstein.

should have kept it to yourself if you dont want to get punched shitlib

freedom of speech/freedom from consequenses, saying your a fag means when you get treated like a prison twink, dont go crying about it.

lmao as if you retards care about free speech and don't just want to ban everything you don't like too

Makes sense, our unemployment rate is actually super low and unskilled immigrants are not actually given green cards for work.

Faggots deserve to be put to death, unironically.

So do Nazis.

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Why would they cry about it? You'd be the one sent to prison.

Don't forget
>Main selling point is co-op
>Need a fucking Bethesda account to use it.

They're desperately trying to pull a UPlay and I hope it fails horribly.

Alt-Right Neo-Nazi White Supremacist Bigoted Hateful Poopie Male Pissbabies = Absolutely Owned

Any egirls in this thread wanna ditch the MIGApedes and the discord trannies and send me feet pics?

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this is 100% a troll, or user just admitted he wants to fuck dudes in the ass but angrily

devs commentary and that likens their political opponents to enemies in game
nobody cares about killing them in CoD WWII

Nazis are the most oppressed minority

Attached: Zjh6PI5.jpg (640x429, 45K)

you can always tell if a NEET peak social interaction is a mirror when he projects. im not like you fag, thats what makes me suprerior

but i thought ACAB and are on the side of the alt right ? how can they possibly side with the people they are bigoted against ?

are you forgetting when antifa nearly killed a gay, vietnamese (non-white) journalist?
Doesn't exactly sound like a "nazi" to me

Attached: MAXIMUMCENTRISM.png (900x462, 66K)

I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

>Communism murders even more people than the Nazism (albeit it takes them a little longer)
>I can't tell the difference

You literally can't, they're both the same stinking piles of human shit

Attached: NKVD.jpg (1417x945, 885K)

Fucking all media is wrapped in 10 layers of irony these days. Nothing's allowed to be serious.

cope as another communist shithole collapses and larpers get a bullet

Attached: execution_german_communist_1919.jpg (1600x900, 301K)

I have no clue what this paint meme means

>you probably couldn't even afford to play Wolfenstein.
why are you shaming poor people for being poor

i thought the left cared about those who don't have privilege

user think for just a moment, try it us population is 327.2 million
>According to the 2016 Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, the United States admitted 1.18 million legal immigrants in 2016

so not counting illegals and lets round it down to 1 million to make things nice and easy
in 327 years your population will double
the average persons life is around 80 years so within 4 generations your ancestors will have to deal with double the ammount of people with the same amount of space
which means double the demand for housing, double the demand for jobs, half the amount of personal space on the street, more and more nature being destroyed to house people, etc.

Do you really want you great great great grandchildren to have to live through that hell, and every generation before that has been getting progressively worse each time?

We're full

stop generalizing people based on their beliefs

not that guy but it's a bad ad hom against you, implying you'd celebrate your post about a typo with the language he used

Of course you don't brainlet centrist.

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No lol you just don't look at any media.

antifa, getting rid of nazis one disabled veteran, pregnant woman or gay journalist at a time

>one antifa shitbag NEARLY kills someone
>right wing terrorism is booming and killing more people every year than any other type of terrorism and still growing

"I literally cannot tell the difference."

>single leader government who maintains absolute authority


your like the retard in school that tries to join an ongoing conversation and keeps asking what im talking about. nobody wants you.

cope harder with your paint memes bro ill be here all day

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whats wrong with a jewish ethnostate
or a japanese ethnostate
or a chinese ethnostate
or a korean ethnostate
or a black ethnostate
or a white ethnostate?

Ahh yes poor Ngo who works for Quillette, whic is totally not a crypto alt-right website.

why are you speaking to yourself ?

That's not even the first typo he made. 90% of the time someone rushes to defend Nazis their English is piss poor, it's just a pattern I've recognised. It's like they're all idiots or something.

Hahaha! Yes, goys! Consume Nazi killing products! Pay no mind to those children being bundled into a van! They're going on an island vacation!

Attached: D_AxzOZUIAYaoYD~2.jpg (848x1072, 177K)

>killing contributing members of society
>killing co2 producers that cant compare to a well raised cow
wow, what a hard side to pick, eat the bullet.

>ill be here all day
of course you will be

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the problem is not with the actual existence of one although by being a strictly white nation as opposed to a historically white nation you're begging the questions of 'what about immigration' and such
the real problem is that there's no method that's both pragmatic and peaceful known to man that would allow a new state of that nature to take form, and the implication there must range from bad to murderous.

kill yourself you subhuman SJW swede faggot you lost and your game failed 2 times now

Quillette is such a milquetoast website, its amazing how people call it "muh alt-right website". I never knew such cold and bland takes could upset people.

Attached: (((WARSKI))).png (393x540, 24K)

He's already been beaten up in his cell once, he won't make it to trial. Trump and the Clintons won't let it happen.

i'm just here to moderate buddy
don't be so flippant, mocking a typo or 4 is as pointless as doing what that Nazi Pissbabies guy did for your argument

how many headmates do you have ? go back to your fucking tulpa forum

that's right user, thank god he's the literal only one doing those things right

>I want to kill millions of people because they are of a different race, sexual orientation or have differing political views
>I want to kill millions of people because they were born with more money than me, have a better job than me or have differing political views

I honestly cant tell much difference

A lot of doctors and engineers died in Christchurch, that's better than any /pol/ mouth breather. Hell, even janitors are above the average /pol/ NEET.

>maybe a few times a year, some lone wolf far right nutjob shoots up a mosque or synagogue

>meanwhile, radical muslims shoot, stab, blow up, torture, and run over literally thousands of people each year
>acid attacks/stabbings are nearly a weekly occurrence in parts of europe

yeah bro, it really is those far-right wingers that are the REAL threat

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Tranny, Tranny,
Where will you be?
Why in the head of Yea Forums,
Rent free!

>We're full
We are legitimately not. Once again,

Also lol IU can't tell if this is a joke. You're assuming that in 327 years no changes in the rates of legal immigration! Work visas are for a temporary time period and they go back after that. Hence why after 30 years we're not 50% fucking immigrants.

This is why people think you're racist, just FYI. You have come to the conclusion that immigration is bad, and you've decided your feelings are more important than facts and will make up whatever dumb excuse and change goalposts to keep that same worldview. When it's not actually unemployment, and it's not actually about unskilled workers, and when you have to reach for a scenario super far into the future of some hypothetical situation where literally all the same standards of how we do things are still in effect for no reason then people are going to start wondering why you're still against legal immigration and some will make the assumption that it's about not letting brown people in.

I gotta say, I don't make that assumption. If you are actually racist as fuck well done on hiding it behind semi-reasonable positions with plausible ignorance deniability, because there are legitimate racists that also do that. Hence why some people are calling you out, because they are less willing to give the benefit of the doubt than I do.

Reminder that the people defending these games and who made them want you died, your family dead, have everything you own destroyed, your identity ruined, and your country being a slave to Israel

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I'm not sure what the fuck you were implying. Dude referenced Epstein I commented on Epstein. Do I need to reference literally every pedo on the planet to appease you

>>right wing terrorism is booming
Is islam left or right wing user?

Why not just admit that you’re a nazi and you feel ofended that there are so many game about killing your people?

Once again, unemployment is fine, and low skilled workers aren't given visas. And we also have super un-populated areas in the middle of the country if you're talking about literal geography full.*

Make the white ethnostate a state on mars
Would you have any problems with that?

>Slave to Israel

But the libs are the biggest critics to Israel. The ones who like to PUNCH NAZEES are the ones who hate Israel for fucking with Palestine.

Why not admit the game is bad despite it agreeing with you politically?

>by being a strictly white nation as opposed to a historically white nation
You clearly don’t know history if you think there’s a difference.

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>doctors, lawyers and engineers !!

so why are likes of you pushing niggers, sandniggers and pooinloos into my cunt? we have never even done any colonizing

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the only troubling part about it is that the definition of nazi is getting wider and wider, to the point where talking to someone on the far right in a public forum makes you as bad
this wouldn't really matter of people weren't getting hurt for it


>mfw you're admitting to being a nazi

eat shit

Both Dems and Reps are cocksuckers for Israel


Great debating user, Shapiro would be proud

Your life is almost certainly less valuable than those victims, so you shouldn't talk.

I dont care about unemployment I care about population numbers
I dont want the population to double

world population in 1960 was 3.032 billion
world population in 2019 7.53 billion

>completely ignoring the "these are not fine people" tweet that 100% takes what Trump said out of context like a fucking retard

dont pedestalize my shithole nation, it didnt take EU to start taking our guns, the goverment was doing it before them, id take a smaller magazine every day over not being allowed to fucking carry a round in the chamber.

its long been cucked, any foregin influence just speeds it up

Only the politicians

Technically Islamic terrorism is right wing as well

How many of those attacks are Islamic?
And how many of those attacks are actual attacks, and not a “Shooting a gun within 3,000 ft of a school is considered a school shooting?”

Lmao of course you're some slav shitter.
Tip: Nobody gives a shit about Estonia.

>trump recently bashed on super woke liberal AOC for criticizing israel
please tell me how this fits your snowflake narrative

Oh now I'm not batshit insane! How nice. My best friend Thoth warned you about the space jews

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>he believes wikileaks after they denied China has death camps in the desert, and said that the Russian patchless ghost army isn't real

im alive, they are not. logic dictates the nature of my life has deemed it fit for me to live, over some bowing mosque fags.


So yes you would oppose it
thanks for being honest cunt

meant to tag

killing people is bad


Crazy how I've been hearing this for like 10 years and yet I've never actually seen this happen. It's almost like this is a strawman argument made by extremist right wing assholes to defend extremist right wing views used to give well meaning idiots a quote to parrot that sounds nice but doesn't hold up.

>posting losers
lol :)

Is Islam left or right wing user?

actually no, i wouldn't at that point provided it doesn't incur violence or demand violating constitutional rights of americans (i'm not sure if your plan includes a bill of rights or some similar structure for your proposed martian nation or whatever). but you should know it'd succumb to the exact racial divides every nation always does even if people share a complexion. hell you could import all germans and eventually you'd have blocs of people with ancestry in berlin vs. frankfurt vs. bavaria etc and therefore be pointless
i'm not your guy, i don't like that stuff either, i just think people need to exit this ethnostate fantasy world and start sounding sane
i meant a nation made racially homogenous by policy, specifically, since that can't be done anywhere on earth without incurring violence of some kind which is universally a pretty shit thing by now. what i do know of history tells me that colonization can create successful civilizations many generations down the road but at a massive human toll in the fore, and i have no horse in the race besides wanting peace

nazis aren't people

>jewish game about fighting nazis
makes sense to me

I actually wouldn't oppose it. It's a stupid argument that's just meant to be a gotcha, which is exactly how you played it out, well done stupid.

Correct: they're above people.

Technically, killing trannies, zoomers and lefties who post about 2meirl and adulting so hard eks dee is filling their request of dying, so it should be counted under charity.

We should have listened

I believe in clown world after playing this game.


There's no difference between you being alive and dead when you contribute nothing to this planet.

Tell me how both parties almost unanimously voted to give Israel billions of dollars fits into your narrative.

we arent talking about the savages whos only value to this great nation was the blood and shit that fertilised the land for us.

Germans saved my people from commie fucks, when the rest of the world turn a blind eye on soviet atrocities.

what do islamic scriptures say about the zoomer user?

The statistics differentiate between political right wing extremists and islamic right wing extremists so you can put your gotcha away

but I don't like moderate democrats :^)
so wtf you're telling me /vpol/ should support slay queen AOC who is trying to fight against non leftie dems???

yet im fit to live over millions of "people", cope as your pets niggers die and i live, drink, sleep and shit in luxury of capitalism.

Haha you're an ageing boomer, how does it feel that you'll die out soon and nobody will remember you (for anything good)?

>Make a good game where you kill Nazis
>Nobody complains
>Make a bad game where you kill Nazis
>People complain
hard to believe, Jim

this shit is literally Ghostbusters 2016 levels of bad what the fuck where they thinking?

Attached: Excalibur_Reaction.jpg (1273x717, 207K)

Israel is still an ally because 30% of the country is a fucking evangelical death cult and they want those sweet sweet votes

>above people
>lost the war

pack em, bleed em and meme em

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which one happens more in America user
also Islam while idolized by some on the left is right wing

are you a Cossack?

>even janitors are above the average /pol/ NEET
I wonder who is behind this post

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Even a bacteria can kill a larger organism.

If a bunch of white people want an ethnostate so bad they would rather leave to an entirely different planet then by all means GTFO

daddy used his fortune to live a good, comfortable life without giving you a freebie handout, didint he ?

sounds like the organism was shit then, no wonder most anti-sjws are literal cave dwelling neckbeards

lots of mad /pol/tards in this thread

Except you forgot there's still a ton of other Muslim doctors and engineers contributing and making bank, while you probably wallow in some third world shithole and your only escape is posting on /pol/.

more like very far right, just look at some of Saudi Arabia's policies

It's basically just the video game equivalent of inglorious Basterds Considering how popular that film was it's no surprise someone capitalized on it

Yeah but we're just talking about two sets of people. Nazis and not Nazis. And the Nazis were so stupid they focused all their money on dumb ocult bullshit and SUPER TANKS and shit like that. And decided that fighting a war on 3 fronts was a good idea. Nazis are idiots, fascism is unsustainable and requires an outsider and war to keep going. It just so happens Nazis are really bad at war

grade a education right there, third rate 6 people in a class tier wisdom

absolutely based

>most nazis died off
>blacks and indian population growing every year

>doctors, lawyers and engineers !!

mr goldsteinberg will be happy

wasn't Wolfenstein always about killing Nazis though? One of the bosses was mecha Hitler or something

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And don't forget China and Israel. Nazis are a long, long dead joke in 2019.

>even janitors are above the average /pol/ NEET.
nice try trannyjanny

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Your picture does not imply what you think it implies.
Hint: nowhere does that text imply that all white males are nazis.

>nazis everyhwere, its an epidemic
>they keep murdering, we have to kill them all
>lmao nazis so weak, they let poc replace them all peacfully
>most nazis died off

The sources you’ve posted are utterly nonsensical. The first one, for example, spends the first several paragraphs commentating on Trump’s government shutdown (?) in an article about right wing terrorism. And if you look at the study cited, it was produced by the ADL (partisan organization) and uses pejoratives (incel) throughout. Further, it claims that 315 people have been killed by white supremacists in the last ten years, but only provides a single source for one murder (Charlottesville). The fuck were you thinking when you posted this?

Yep, still more valuable than you. Thanks for agreeing with me, I guess.

>nazis are the glorious ubermensch capable of leading the world into a most prosperous that it's ever been
absolute state of /pol/tards

So you're actually a retard and think all legal greencard holders get to stay, and that population apparently never hits a cap and just keeps growing, and that in 300 fucking years there wont be changes to immigration. Like I said the two coasts have more population than the entire middle of america. We have more than enough land and resources. We are not full. No wonder people think you're racist as fuck, you're starting to lose your goddamn mind about immigrants in the face of facts telling you it wont be like that lmao

>gays: exist
>beat up gays for existing
>get in trouble with the law
Neither do you, you retarded Nazi faggot.


Yes, all of that is correct.

I can't wait for the DLC where they go to buy foam.

seriously why would anybody take wikileaks seriously after they hacked our election

>Shit they aren't buying our game

Attached: yungblood.jpg (2049x1661, 322K)

>Wolfenstein: TNO comes out
>nobody is bitter about killing nazi
>Wolfenstein: TNC comes out along with tons of virtue signaling in the game and marketing
>people are bitter?! WTF!!!
>Wolfenstein: YB comes out along with even more virtue signaling in the game ()
>Why are people bitter about killing nazis!? WTF!!!

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I know you can't probably can't actually read, but the sources are included in the links.

Yeah don't worry, it just implies the Trump and all the supporters, by extension, are nazis. Stop defending this fucking garbage you tool.

bang for your buck value id say

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Authoritarianism is usually pretty effective at war. Democracies rationing, drafting its population, and curtailing certain rights are all pretty totalitarian in nature. Nazi Germany was really good at fighting, but were shit at diplomacy (mostly for ideological reasons) so ended up at war with everyone. Like the western powers wouldn't have given a shit, and would have even backed him up if he was just targeting the Soviet Union, which nobody liked.

yes i'm absolutely sure it had NOTHING to do with the fact that TNO came out in 2014, before /pol/ infested Yea Forums with its absurdist propaganda :^)

>being against Nazis makes you a Communist

The source is what I was referring to in that post.
>leftist intellectuals

I posted many of them for a reason you retard. Half are studies.

>it was produced by the ADL (partisan organization) and uses pejoratives (incel) throughout.

Oh you could have just said you were alt-right in the first place and I wouldn't have bothered arguing with you.

>Further, it claims that 315 people have been killed by white supremacists in the last ten years, but only provides a single source for one murder (Charlottesville).

Oh yeah I forgot idiots and alt-right fuckheads require to be spoonfed information and data when it comes to anything that criticizes the right.

>According to FBI data, 150 Americans were arrested for planning to engage in acts of domestic terrorism in 2017

eat my shit.


>Make the writing worse to be about current day politics rather than world building the idea of what if the Nazis won WWII
>Make the gameplay worse by having less emphasis on overcharging your health and more about boring fucking stealth where if you get caught everyone spawns behind you
>Remove BJ as the protagonist and switch him for girls no one asked for
>Force a shitty new RPG damage system to pad out the game's length
Wow why does no one want this game?

Attached: wolfenstein.jpg (2500x450, 161K)

they keep the mouth breathers distracted with kill matzhee circlejerking

ACAB and they are all on my side, brotherhood of patriotism trumps a fag and a jew

Actually it's implying actual nazis would laugh at the living jokes who identify with white supremacy today.

$10 says he says FBI stats can't be trusted

im not white lol


it does. Communists were the only ones who were actually against the Nazis on an ideological level and not just dragged into fighting by political pressure and/or being actively invaded

And your typical liberal cries out, to know one's surprise.

you wouldnt kill anyone you 50kg pussy

Hot take: radical muslims are on the far right of the political spectrum.
Not that you retards actually know what you're talking about.

Well, they already look the part, at least.

>Literally has an AnCom flag as their logo
>”What do you mean I’m a communist? I just want to bash the fash (ie. Anyone that disagrees with my marxist political views)”


Attached: Suuuuregood+luck+with+that_11b3c3_7014181.jpg (1200x1441, 130K)

They are.

If they weren't brown, nazis would love them

Yeah I'm positive the whining about a "wall" is by no means connected to a certain politician who is obsessed with a "wall." You're a genuine fucking idiot.

Why do liberals all try to act incredibly obtuse


Have sex, wh*tey.

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No I was just quoting you


who wanted this?

the first game was honesty top notch
second one was rather meh

now he has daughters? meh x 100

will there be a third main game?

Killing nazis is an american pastime. If you don't enjoy it you don't belong.

>>Further, it claims that 315 people have been killed by white supremacists in the last ten years
>According to FBI data, 150 Americans were arrested for planning to engage in acts of domestic terrorism in 2017
These are not even close to the same thing, and it’s embarrassing that you think so. Either find an ACTUAL source for the 315 number, or admit that you posted bullshit.

>Source(s): Dude, trust ADL

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who knew the brave soldiers fighting nazis in ww2 were the biggest sjws of all

being a hypocritical clown doesn't make you superior to anything on this planet

>blacks don't know how to statistic

They slaughtered the Romans and many great Empires and you expect me to sympathise with them?

Attached: A brief history of the German Master Race.jpg (1080x2605, 963K)

>Imply thing
>People call you out on it

>And if you look at the study cited, it was produced by the ADL (partisan organization)
ad hominem please argue against the data not namecall
>provides a single source for one murder (Charlottesville)
it directly references the sources for all murders
I keep forgetting just how ignorant you people are, it's like trying to teach a banana slug to read a scholarly article.

>the people you hate and refuse to let into your country and the same as you because they are on a similar political spectrum
>the trannies that diddle kids, antifa that attack a guy carrying the US flag and not our fault, no, we wont condone them, but just because they are apart of our group doesnt mean we share the blame

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>blacks grow up in broken neighborhoods filled with drugs, crime and violence
>still commit far less suicide than wh*Toids
lmao the absolute state

All these replies are larping faggots, acting like all they need is some external force to break them of their vices and then they will be succsesful ubermen

Pathetic projection really

Die already grandpa

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>American Asians having a high suicide rate
Nice try
The only reason that black don't commit suicide is that they are too busy getting killed by other blacks

Attached: suicide.jpg (900x493, 44K)

Hello kraut and tea.

limit your numbers to pairs to make them understand

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but 2014 was all about the evil terror movement called gamergate

The wall is fucking stupid and Donald Trump is a convicted conman though, I don't see what the issue is here. Those are OBJECTIVE facts.

The FBI stat isn’t even relevant to his claim. Unless you think “number of potential terrorists in the US” and “number of murders committed by white supremacists” are the same statistic.

Wolfenstein threads are BACK babyyy

Success > attempts.

Let me guess, this source doesnt actually detail the supposed "violent acts" of right wing extremists

They probably threw paddock in there to bolster the numbers

That’s because most of them are shot before they can kill themselves

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The good guys won like they always do and always will do. Enjoy losing.

>t. Obese wheraboo hick

Ok Cletus

fucking 70 IQ subhumans

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Why are you happy about the mentally ill suffering?

>yeah just let me ignore that they're straight referring to him as a nazi
Here you go being purposely obtuse again.

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exactly, which sparked /pol/ into infesting Yea Forums over the next few years
gamergate turned a bunch of nerdy white guys who just wanted to be left alone playing games and look at anime titties into literal sheep for alt-right propagandists

she literally got brains in her mouth though

The right rejects the value of human life. All suffering is good.

uh oh, dont you know Clown=Honk Honk=Heil Hitler ?

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wow this is a really good thread!

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Ok boomer

The correct version of this would be
>i want to preserve my culture and people, prefferably through non violent means

what's with the James Bond style'd font?

I prefer my protags to shut the hell up when they're not in a cutscene. I don't need to hear "God I fucking HATE demons gonna kill em all demon shits" every 5 seconds.

no they're actually saying actual nazis would consider donald trump to be a fucking joke

"On this day in 1945, Gen. George S. Patton tells reporters that he does not see the need for “this denazification thing” and compares the controversy over Nazism to a “Democratic and Republican election fight.”"
We didn't go to war because of opposition to nazism, but because of pearl harbor, the soldiers weren't fighting Nazism, they were fighting the Axis.

>its another /pol/ assholes invade Yea Forums thread

Ironic how the left are the ones who applaud killing babies

So then he's even worse than a nazi? Incredible. Thanks for proving my point.

let me rephrase that, it wasn't gamergate itself that turned a big portion of Yea Forums into alt-right sheep, but rather alt-righters taking advantage of the anti-sjw sentiment at the time which in turn converted those people

There are less than 29 cases referenced in the entire endnotes section, you utter fucking moron.

>le optimistic nihilism face xDDD
Christ you niggers are pathetic. Take a shower and get a job.

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>And by non violent means we mean genocide

Americans aren't white.

The mentally ill tend to make for poor company.

>leftism is so weak a pair of 2d titties trumps their whole status quo.

What culture?

That's how anti-Nazi rebels would talk though.

Woah one general said that so it must be true

Competence is only a virtue if it's being used for something good. You aren't worse than Hitler even if you are clinically retarded

Killing nazis in the Machine Games' Wolfensteins is kinda weird. It's not because I don't think they don't deserve it, it's just because of how the game frames killing. I view killing as a necessary evil, a means to achieve some other objective. In most media, killing is treated neutrally, and usually for purposes other than just killing. In Wolf though, a lot of the characters seem to really, really like killing people and take a lot of glee from it. It would be one thing if this sort of sadism was mostly directed at the nazi high command, the guys who've been socially manipulating everyone else into douchebaggery, but it extends to common footsoldiers who really don't know better. I guess this is why I found BJ a lot more likable in Old Blood than New Order. It seemed like the killing wasn't the primary purpose.

You can swap bubbles and it would be same. Ohh sweet irony.

a dead dog might bring me a moment of sadness, but il live, a dead dog that belonged to me brings me a great deal of sadness, a dead rat is an accomplishment

>He doesn't enjoy old buildings and salted chicken breast

Save it for the cutscene then. I don't need to be reminded "NAZIS BAD" every time I gun down an SS member.

I Understand

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>what is literally the first reference on the list
Jesus christ are you in middle school? Are you actually this stupid or has brainwashing made you incapable of thinking for yourself?

>being told to go back where you came from is genocide

we're saying we need changes to immigration now and you're saying no
we will say we need changes to immigration 100 years from now and the left will still be screaming no
we will continue to say we need changes to immigration 200 years from now and the left will still be screaming no

why should I believe your side will change its tune when it still hasnt

this land is my land, this land is /pol/ land, this land is fortunately, only for the white man.

BJ is hinted to be some Jewish spirit of vengeance, so it makes sense that he comes off as really sadistic and merciless towards nazis.

it was very weak, true
and it often attacked people that didn't need to be/shouldn't be attacked, we'll see if in the coming years that'll change

That wont happen
Source: Dude trust me

the "alt-right" didn't even exists at this point


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Inglorious Bastards went over your head

>le xd omg incel

>violent seizure of legally owned property, and deportation to a country incapable of supporting tens of millions of migrants with all their assets stolen isn't genocide
wow why didn't I think of that!

>DUDE nazis kill hundreds of people!!!
>okay, maybe not hundreds. But the FBI says that there are terrorists in America! That means nazis, right?
Look! 29 nazis that killed someone! Like I said, hundreds.

this retardation hurt to read.

>we will say we need changes to immigration 100 years from now and the left will still be screaming no
You were living under a rock during Obama's presidency then - or were too young to understand anything.

And that goes away unless you turn into a genocidal nazi?

Real nazis actually allied with the muslims against the jews

Again we didn't go to war to stop muh nazis, we went to war because we were attacked by their allies and their subsequent declaration of war. Their ideology had nothing to do with it. You know who we did go to war with because of ideology? Communists.

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it went over practically everyone's head which is why it was so popular.

>wanting to fill everything to capacity
let the quaint little towns exist, let people have some form of abundance instead of using every last scrap of resources, this isn't an RTS you're optimizing. I bet you pretend to be worried about deforestation and global warming too but you say shit like this

Nope, thats ethically wrong and messy

Something, i cant quite put my finger on it, but something is different between the way western european countries are culturally from somalia and this culture plays into their respective effectiveness in conducting ways of life being conducive to well being

maybe they shouldn't have children they can't support how is this my responsibility though

>i've never read a scholarly article in my life and I need to be spoonfed sources
KYS subhuman.

sjw still coping 4+ years, zoe quinn should have been harrassassed, brianna "wo"man should have been lynched at the closest tree.

Kind of ironic considering the transexual suicide statistic is misconstrued about those with gender dysphoria that are never treated and are not in an accepting environment.

>Good Guys
>Killed over 80 Million in the name of Communism
>Created the federal reserves
>Created social security
>Gave women the right to vote
>Let Israel enslave all the west
>Opened up their boarders for third world invaders
>Removed the gold standard
>Create several monopolies that dominate the markets
>Create drones in the form of consumerism
>Take away your own rights to bare any arms
>Constantly break the bill of rights
>Forever leave your kin in debt to foreign countries, Banks, and Jews
But hey. At least we (mostly the soviet union) stopped Germany from taking a bit of their land back

the term didn't, but shit like antisemitism and homophobia has been around /pol/ for a while
>inb4 it was just memes dude

TNC was the first one where it was marketed about how awesome it was to Kill Nazis, and how cool and attractive it made you to everyone around you. ANd see how cool everyone is for also killing nazis? Soooo cooool!

That, combined with the political climate (It's cool on the internet to call anyone you disagree with a nazi) made for a really awkward feel to their campaign.

It’s literally another ADL article produced with the same methodology and purpose for the previous year.

You look like a real fucking moron and continuing your hyperbolic diatribe isn’t going to change that.

For the love of god please think farther in the flow chart or else you are just giving lefties ammo

The response to what you said is

"What about people born here? They are citizens right"

Know your opponents arguments please

it was the retard fucking stormfags trying to recruit people, then the fucking T_D redditors arrived who will believe anything and they found the ultimate audience

the alt-right has always existed, it didn't get a snazzy new name until 2016

Based Commies. Stay BTFO

Yeah Allies are the good guys. Did you not go to school? Retard.

Read a book and understand what caused all the ancient cultures to disappear


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I feel like anons don't know what detaining means but I do agree it's not Genocide

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You would have an argument if governments implemented foreign holidays, traditions, ethics, food, music, literature - all while forcing out the old ones and forbidding locals to breed. It's not happening though, which means it's nothing but hysteria.

please sauce this video

Hypothetically, if everyone was perfectly accepting and these distrubing stats still remained, would you admit that it is an issue with treatment and handling of dysphoria and that perhaps we shouldnt conform to the wishes and reality of the mentally ill?

The ADL isn’t “scholarly.” It’s an international political organization with no connection to academic institutions of any kind.

Wanna know how I know you have never read a single book in your life?

You're blaming them because you take their bait? Are you fucking retarded or what?

that's not true I read Go Dog Go last night

But he read some infographics! same thing right.

us should set up a minefield at the border and cameras, bets on the lucky horse that gets passed the boarder and harvested for organs like they should. atleast that way, they contribute something tangible.

Its a problem of culture being pushed

Im not one of those idiots crying white genocide because interracial couples are on tv, but rather in a massive proponent of simply admitting the way whites run shit fucking works and by extension, phasing out harmful cultures, culture that are not as conducive to well being, a good example being poor black culture. You can argue that said culture was the result of actual hsitprical systemic abuse, but that all the more reason to stomp it out

what if we handled our problems on a case by case basis instead of acting as if one extreme doctrine or forced compromise will always fit every challenge

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>its not okay to post on Yea Forums if you also browse /pol/
>it is okay to post on Yea Forums if you also browse resetera, twitter, neogaf, reddit and tumblr.

So basically you just want to censor anyone who disagrees with you

yet it still manages to format it's reports properly, all right wing acts of terrorism are sourced properly, this is probably why you can't read it.

Which one disappeared? Europe still exists, the Middle East still exists, Asia still exists and they have better living conditions than ever before.

The Allies screwed over the entire world you filthy kike.

Idiot. They saved the world from the bad guys. Go to school moron.

The romans, Egyptians, Ancient Greeks...

It was around since it's inception, the board is called politically incorrect, what did you expect

Because they are the only acts of terrorism that arent covered up, same with the vast majority of hate crimes commited by blacks. Its called censorship not that someone as brainwashed as you would notice that.

Honestly why do you care about homophobia, are you gay?
And why do you care about antisemitism, are you jewish?

If not why would any of that offend you since you arent the target

Italy, Egypt and Greece still exist.
What's your point?

>if reality doesn't match my worldview it's because of a conspiracy i have no evidence for and can't prove
Glad we finally got to this point

>yet it still manages to format it's reports properly
Yeah, fuck me for not thinking middle-school report formatting is impressive.

>all right wing acts of terrorism are sourced properly
Hahahaha. Aside from the other 286 missing cases, maybe.

Most of them.
Culture isn’t simply a piece of land that’s been named. All culture now is having all culture be the same brown people in a large dirty city working 9-5 with no traditions

Not even the same poster, which is obvious from the typing style.
>leftist intellectuals.

the people who live there arent genetically descended from the people who used to live there

how do you feel about native americans getting genocided and replaced by white people? judging by previous logic it shouldnt matter since america as a landmass still exists right?

See Actually think about what your teachers tell you, instead of accepting it
This image is just proving my point tranny. If the Axis had won, the west wouldn’t be filled with ugly mutts.



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There is plenty of evidence
We are already at the point where its illegal to point it out
But sure keep calling everything a conspiracy, nobody would be that evil unless hes a nazi hurr durr

>same brown people in a large dirty city working 9-5 with no traditions

You clearly don't understand anything about history then because cities used to be much dirtier and people worked far more hours without any rights. I guess they had traditions at least like burning people on crosses for fun, right?

Yes I expected those kinds of viewpoints and it'd be fine if they were entirely contained within their safespace
However, since their ideology relies on propaganda and exploiting the uneducated masses, they shit up Yea Forums and other boards

Why the fuck do you think there were daily subnautica threads about the protagonist being slightly dark-skinned complaining about white genocide and virtue signaling and whatever other buzzwords they concoct?

my point is my no metric are we full or even at peril of becoming full. we're full is a dog whistle that doesn't mean anything you dumbass

You gave precisely zero arguments

Disregard the systemic genocide that was carried out because im sure you doubt that

Adress the idea that hitler was clearly aggressing on surrounding countries. How do you defend this in the 1930s a time where people where civilized nations were finally learning to cut that shit out

> Over the past 10 years, 51% (216 out of 427) of domestic extremist-related murders have had a primary or secondary ideological motivation, so the 2018 proportion of ideologically-related killings is somewhat lower than average.
The reading comprehension of the "master race"

But, judging by evidence from /pol/ meetups, you are the ugly mutt.

Sorry bud, someone educated's words have value, some teenager online's don't.


They also used to have way less violent crimes and rape, but now atleast they arent full of evil white people

Places have carrying capacities, why do you want a larger lower class? Do you at least believe in a country having a main and encouraged spoken language? Or is it just a free for all of diversity?

no, just reminding people that there are actual shills here so don't respond to bait threads like this

The Native Americans still exist and they're doing better than they were in the past, I don't see the issue.


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I don't believe someone would discuss something like that on a regular public forum. And considering how you fucks love to make up shit to generate outrage, including fake infografics and such, this just can't be anything but a fake.

Holy shit no they didn't you stupid fucking moron. They barely had a justice system in the past.

Detroit's been 80% black since the 90's and hasn't changed. Your graph means nothing

Is that white people's fault?

>Statistic starts in 1992
By that time even blacks were already fleeing the violence
Why dont you show the statistic of homicides by race?

>I dont see the issue in genocide
well atleast you're consistant

What are you even talking about you drooling idiot?

They literally create fake statistics without proper sources and use pejoratives in their writing language, but it’s okay because you agree with their message?

>barely had a justice system in the past
objectively wrong

>Source(s): ADL
Try again with actual data.

Incel's not a 'pejorative', it's what they call themselves.

could be fake but ops like this is just low effort bait to make pol seethe, and it works every time