Will we ever see peace between these two epic communities?
Will we ever see peace between these two epic communities?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yea Forums is now reddit so yes
No because tribalism is a fundamental human instinct.
90% of Yea Forums users browse reddit so I don't see why not
the mods will see to it
Unironically /r/gaming has better discussion there than here.
Though I browse both places.
Why bother, Yea Forums's practically reddit 2.0, old Yea Forums died a long time ago
A very large amount of posters overlap anyway. There is a fucking r/Yea Forums there.
reddit is a literal parasite on Yea Forums, using it solely as a content farm and off-site chatroom where they can say nigger and not lose karma.
Yea Forums simply wants to exist and talk about on-topic.
>Asking for peace with redditors
Get fucked.
Redditors need a bullet through the head for the amount of autists they have combing through every greentext anecdote on Yea Forums to screencap and post on leddit for internet points.
The people saying Yea Forums is reddit are probably the same people who unironically go "based,cope,seethe,ect" and pretend they're not part of the problem
I have the sneaking suspicion that the vast majority of people who talk up old Yea Forums weren’t actually even there for it.
Start posting cute and funny to purge the redditors.
It's a master-servant relationship we lead and reddit follows like sheep looking for da dank memes
this. sure we pretend to hate reddit but its all a farce because in reality everybody uses reddit.
They are the same
Will we ever see a cure for your down syndrome?
t. redditard
Be honest. Everyone here has a Reddit account.
Yeah, just look at the screeching whenever there's smash related news, with newfags claiming that this proves how far Yea Forums has fallen when multiple threads pop up, then proceed to reveal they don't even know what japan time was
I have the sneaking suspicion that, you're a fucking retard.
okay, retard
Already knew you were a redditor just from that.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
I also used to think this, but I can't deny anymore that pre-gamergate and pre-trump election Yea Forums was infinitely more preferable to what we have now, as strange as it would sound if I told this my 2014 self.
No. Go back.
>Yea Forums is full of redditors
>reddit has r/Yea Forums
any rivalry between them is just banter
Yea Forums is literally where redditors go if they want to say the n word without the loss of muh karma.
How should I shill my YouTube channel on reddit?
Here’s mine which I haven’t used for years.
Colonialism too, and apparently this place is being colonialized by reddit.
only for r/dankmemes and r/Yea Forums. who the hell has time to read through all of this shitty website for a few bits of good content? better to just have reddit serve it to you.
Here's mine:
Nah, not really interested in anything beyond shitposting and making an account is too much bother, also cannot be bothered to understand the layout
Brawl was exciting because no one knew it was going to be complete fucking shit. Then they got me again with wii u/3ds because I thought there was no way they could fuck it up again but it ended up being even worse. Ultimate is basically a glorified port of wii u smash and you'd have to be a complete fucking cock sucking retard to fall for that shit again. Everyone who plays ultimate should be shot in the head.
>cute and funny to purge the redditors.
They actually moved on to Reddit because you can discuss games there instead of a million waifu threads or OH NO NO NO NO or “what did they mean by this?” Shit
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh
How is Reddit a necessary part of most people's lives? You just outed yourself as an insecure loser.
>I'm a redditfag so everyone else must be one too
Nice projecting, nigger
I'm calling out all faggot ass redditors in this thread. Get the fuck back and stop trying to seed this idea that everyone enjoys reading your cuckold stories on your website. While you're at it, tell your dedicated autist squad to stop taking random greentexts of some faggot on Yea Forums,/pol/ or /r9k/ or whatever and holding it up as if it's gospel so the guy can jerk himself off at how many internet points he's getting for showing off mundane shit somebody on Yea Forums said.
In short dilate
I have two from 2010 and the last time I commented on either one, it was to shit on Metroid fans well before M:SR got announced.
It's also the fact that the internet is more accessible and more popular now compared to back then, doesn't help that both youtube and reddit keep on referencing Yea Forums causing people to flood the site shitting up the place, as if it wasn't shit enough.
Nice bait.
im not going to lie, i use reddit for a few of the games i like, music, cute dog pictures and for shitposting.
If you think shitposting on Yea Forums is funny, just try it on a platform full of people who will literally froth at the mouth if you disagree with them. I have been banned from like 10 subreddits for simply saying things that were 100% true.
this. the smoothness with which 'ironic' SJWism has transformed into a very real vocal minority in the past year has been impressive to watch. they finally did it.
Every single time redditors start getting uppity and keep trying to claim everybody here is actually using their garbage website.
I swear redditors are the same people on Yea Forums making all those shitty literal who twitter screencap threads
Also, upvoted because good comeback friend!
Can’t wait to get that free karma on r/Yea Forums thanks to you!
I remember one of the posts I made about trannies was once posted to /r/Yea Forums and some random faggot was getting karma for something I had said.
Fuck reddit
fuck niggers
fuck jannies
and FUCK trannies
whoa...can I get a banana for scale dad?
Awww poor baby got his karma stolen!
Seems like you visit some weird subs, user. You seem butt blasted. Where did Reddit touch you? Who there hurt you? You can go get your karma back whenever you want, if that’s what upset you. With your attitude you would fit right in!
KILL ALL REDDITORS AND NINTARDS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>t. nigger who steals shit and puts it on reddit
Redditors are disgusting vultures who cannot create original content unless it's mundane woman faggot shit like saying how they baked cookies in the shape of Kratos or some shit. That's why even the unfunniest /r9k/ screencaps making tendie jokes are the height of comedy for these retards and they have a whole board just for it
nintendies == reddit
Couple years back when I used Reddit a lot of the users there tended to sleuth through your posting history to win arguments. Do they still do that?
Go back
>Do they still do that?
Of course they do.
Tits just right
>I am a talentless waste of space that doesn't even know how to cook
>b-but at least I know how to shitpost!
Holy fuck, you're definitely going on r/cringetopia now, faggot.
based is just this. for 4channel
They still do it all the time, and it's a very good incentive to never get involved with that site aside from lurking. That shit is the most disgusting thing I could think of, and I'm glad this place is anonymous.
Uh, no?
We are one and the same
>waaaaaaaaah I don't want people to know I'm a racist incel online
Yikes, not a good look my dude.
yep. they even have this addon called masstagger that basically is run by sjw's and flags people for posting in certain subreddits.
Its their very own version of a gold star.
this is literally not true at all, for real
How to make reddit semi decent
>remove karma and the voting system
>make it public, cut all ties with big tech and corporations that can influence it
>allow casual racism, unPC language
>remove popular posts homepage. let people form their own opinions by searching
or just close it
You are automatically a racist incel there anyway for not having their insane leftist opinions.
Nothing I see on here is even worth stealing, my guy.
As I said, you seem hurt. What did Reddit do to your asshole? Prolapse it? Or did you do that to yourself while mixing your guts with a dragon dildo while slobbering over a husbando thread? :^)
Im the baaaaaad guuuuuy
Dunun dununununununun dununununununun dununununununun dununununununun dununununununun
Based. Daily reminder than when you speak to someone who claims to love reddit you're talking to the kind of people who obsessively crop Yea Forums for fake internet points
trannies, redditors, and nintards deserve to die horrible deaths while it's being recorded and then be posted in Yea Forums rekt threads
I have an account so I can downvote everyone I disagree with, and if I post there and get one single downvote, I downvote everyone in the thread and the topic
Imagine if the posts from here were made to leddit instead.
>Arguing about a game
>Guy you're arguing with digs up your post history and sees you in a speedrun tranny Benjamin Franklin hate thread
>Gets you banned and downvoted to oblivion
Lol I do hate Reddit so much, but not as much as i love to say the nigger word and insult western vidyas with female characters in important roles
This. Reddit is a fucking echo chamber of controllee thinking.
you need to get the fuck out you tryhard cunt
If you go on reddit you deserve to have your nails ripped off by pliers tbqhfam
fuck ledditors
>Prolapse it? Or did you do that to yourself while mixing your guts with a dragon dildo while slobbering over a husbando thread? :^)
You have some weird homoerotic fantasies my dude. I can honestly say that I havent thought about prolapsed anuses for like 3 years and not since seeing some random gif on here of one.
If you don't want people to know you are an obvious cock garbling faggot you should probably not be so obvious with your projection.
>allow casual racism, unPC language
I think it's allowed there. You can make your own subreddit where the rules allow it.
The problem is, that there are entire communities (other subreddits) dedicated to finding these communities that allow racism, and harrass them and mass report them to admins until they force them out somehow.
It's the community that's fucked, not the rules.
Come to r/japancirclejerk bros, we're the kiwi farms of weeb Reddit
>3 years and 500 comments ago you said X
>Now you said Y what do you have to say for yourself?
I don't fucking know. Maybe I changed my mind in the 3 years?! user they don't only do that shit for finding out where you post. They try to find an out of context comment to invalidate an argument. Even stupid shit.
reddit literally advocates sucking dick and getting fucked in the ass at least a few times to know you're not gay.
Just for r/Crackwatch and porn sites. I have negative karma anyway so i cant do much
I actually browse that place for laughs. The only decent place I like and resonate with.
>Losing argument
>Pull up someone's post history
>Find out they posted their steam account in a game begging thread in 2011
>Look at their current game history
>Find out they own Nekopara Vol 1-3
>Proceed to base your entire counterargument against that
I don't understand why Yea Forums users hate reddit so much. It's just objectively a better place to talk about things without shitposters and trolls in every thread.
The only difference between Reddit and Yea Forums is that instead of downvoting, you just say “have sex”, “dilate”, “cope”, or “go back”.
It’s literally exactly the same and you’re all in denial at this point. Quit fighting over a fucking box canyon and get out of blood gulch you stupid queers, all of you.
Fuck the conch
have sex with downvotes
Lol imagine. That'd be fucking patheti-
>It's fucking true
have sex, dilate, cope, go back and downvoted
My friend showed my a "funny" reddit thread and I couldn't stop noticing that comment chains were literally faggots trying to chain gay ass jokes together starting from who was upvoted the most.
go back
Sure. And what are the differences between “new” and “old” Yea Forums?
It took me some time to realise they weren't actually being ironic, they legitimately find this shit funny.
Is telling someone to go fuck themselves also a downvote? That's what I'm about to say to you for not understanding that no matter what someone says on Yea Forums, people are still able to see your post and not get censored
Created once to search source of image, because nobody helped me on Yea Forums(nel). Got downvoted, after that never touched reddit again
Only if you want to talk about things that are controversial yet also apolitical.
Otherwise you're going to be silenced for not being a Hillshill and male ally. Good luck discussing literally anything there nowadays.
That’s... actually... kinda... epic...
You know what’s funny? It’s actually significantly harder to piss people off over there than it is here. I don’t even have to be clever over here to piss you retards off.
Oh and I didn’t read any of your post because fuck that, so I’m gonna assume you just threw one of the Yea Forums canned insults at me.
embarrassing my closeted homosexual friend
It is the most retarded thing I've ever seen and I have no idea how someone is supposed to follow a conversation through that. Maybe it's not like that all the time but jesus christ. I unironically believe even with all the pepefags and wojakfags tarding out, people on Yea Forums are still more coherent.
go back
Thank you for the downvotes, I rest my case. ;^)
Some nigger was shilling a private server for an mmo that had a keylogger in it and I tried to post and warn people about it and even provided proof but the fuckin nigger mod deleted it. Reddit literally supports posting fucking viruses.
And then?
>It’s actually significantly harder to piss people off over there than it is here.
man redditors really are braindead
>reddit spacing
oh no no no
the difference is that reddit will auto hide posts that are downvoted and puts them at the bottom of the page. extremely unliked posts on Yea Forums are MORE visible than regular posts and the order is unchanging.
You're a literal fucking intellectually dishonest faggot for not mentioning this
Wouldn't you like to know nigger
>Seething to the point of hurling insults
See? EzPz>oh no no no no
Oh look it’s Yea Forums comment No. 26
redditards are dumbfuck niggers with no brains. what do you expect?
I hate reddit too.
Edit: Thanks for the silver kind stranger.
Edit2: Gold? Wow, thanks a lot! I never expected this to blow up! You guys are awesome.
Edit3: There are way too many replies for me to go over, so I will stop responsing now, maybe I will check back in the morning. All I want to say is that community is awesome. :)
Redditniggers cannot cope with reality. Any insult is a "downvote" to them with their simplistic worldview.
Hey man chill with the downvotes, you’re fucking up my Yea Forums karma
>someone replied to me so they must be seething
redditors everyone
It peaked with the "Have Sex" movement.
... I'm going to miss exhentai. This is truly the end of an ERA.
Edit 4: Thanks for all the support! This has been funny and all but I've been having a tough time transitioning so if you could donate to my gofundme that'd be great :)
the best part about old Yea Forums was you could post a game and get a bunch of people to play it with you. now the TRANNY NIGGER mods ban you for advertising. CAN'T GET PEOPLE TO PLAY VIDEO GAMES ON THE VIDEO GAME BOARD UNLESS IT'S SOME FUCKING TRANNY NIGGER MARIO BABY FAGGOT RETARD SHIT!
Damn I wish I was a genius like you guys so I could properly enjoy your waifu threads and shit that isn’t about video games, kinda like this fucking thread for example. Please don’t make me report you for off topic posting.
Can you post the full pinture please, that's just the thumbnail.
shut the fuck up dumb fuck nigger
Seething incel.
Anyone remember when we could make super deep throat threads on Yea Forums?
Why did you put reddit in there twice?
Why are mods so incompetent
>it's fucking real
>literally jewish gold stars: the reddit version
I hope not I hate those faggots. Anyone who uses Reddit when they they could use a general or board on this site should really leave unless it's literally Yea Forums 2.0
Post cunny before the thread gets 404’d
>The people saying Yea Forums is reddit are probably the same people who unironically go "based,cope,seethe,ect
This and comfy.
I agree, go back faggot
Reddit is to Yea Forums, what Fakku! is to exhentai.
Yea Forums has probably a decade left at best before the US starts jailing nerds for existing.
I came a lot
Based c*nnyposter dabbing on reddit mobilefag threads. Keep up the good work
cute and also funny
lewd children are so hot
>Yea Forums
>8mb max file limit on /tg/ with most other boards capped at 3mb
>only supports, .png, .tiff, .jpeg, .gif, .webm files
>9999gb max file size
>supports basically every format
when will this godforsaken site update itself to 2019 standards? fucking pain in the ass converting and resizing stuff to webm's because Hiro is a lazy shit
this is an actual legitimate complaint. im tired of googling image resizer every time i try to upload something slightly over the extremely small file size limit
I wish we could copy and paste images in like discord
moot added .mp4 compatibility but it only lasted like 2-3 weeks. forgot why he pulled it and why they never added it back.
Reddit livin in ya head, RENT FREE.
No shit Sherlock
God tier artist
>unironic redditors ITT
>not even shamed for it anymore
It's all so tiresome
I have 57k reddit karma. how much do you have?