Look at the user reviews. All negative because "MUH SJW WOMIN" "MUH STRONK WIMIN" bullshit
Games are such a fucking mistake and it makes me want to give up my passion for the medium entirely sometimes.
Look at the user reviews. All negative because "MUH SJW WOMIN" "MUH STRONK WIMIN" bullshit
Games are such a fucking mistake and it makes me want to give up my passion for the medium entirely sometimes.
Other urls found in this thread:
do it retarded faggot
>not an fps but a shitty looter shooter with rpg mechanics
>people don't like it
woooooooow fucking nazis review bombing games again!
>jap game gets female protagonist: "CUTE! CUTE!"
>western game gets female protagonist: "REEEE FUCK OFF WITH YOUR POLITICS"
explain this to me Yea Forums
>another forced outrage
its all so tiresome
the game is unironically shit though
Westerners do not know how to make cute women
Why does such a mediocre series make incels so deranged?
You answered it yourself
The modeling of all the characters is horrid
If this game is catered so hard to girls, shouldn't it sell well with female demographic? It should be a multimillion seller since there are many girl gamers right?
>not an fps but a shitty looter shooter with rpg mechanics
is this some new youtube mem i'm not aware of? It's an RPG game with more active combat, it's basically Doom RPG, but in new Wolfenstein universe.
Because companies realised that they can use fake wokeness/ the outrage response to it, as a deflection from real criticisms.
77 is a shit score it doesn't need to be review bombed it already flopped
We will never know
Based user score.
okay, retard
>shoot enemy
>enemy doesn't take damage because it's too high level
it's trash
>microtransactions in a single player game
Most of the people who even play fucking shooters like Wolfenstein are men, Women don't play shooters and if they do it's probably some shitty battle royale game that appeals to casual faggots. What were they thinking trying to make a wolfenstein game that appeals majorly to women? What a clusterfuck.
I think the problem is the blatant political agenda being thrown in the face of players just wanting to play vidya.
>What were they thinking trying to make a wolfenstein game that appeals majorly to women?
BY having a female protag? I thought real men prefer playing as female anyway?
You only think there's a blatant agenda, because you're brainwashed to think so.
Stay delusional forever faggot.
FPS is the most girly genre in gaming. Literally zero effort involved but moving a mouse and clicking.
>All negative because "MUH SJW WOMIN" "MUH STRONK WIMIN" bullshit
the normies a rewaking up
go kill yourself discord tranny
Making women ugly is part of the political agenda. Making women insufferable with dialogue is part of the political agenda. They want you to hate women.
what do you suggest consumers do, not fight back against the political takeover attempt by marxists?
The fact that killing Nazis is now considered "political" and 'controversial" is pretty telling of how close to fascism our society has become.
Name one (1) swedish game that's not cucked.
Girls don't like it when people directly appeal to them. Its like one of those monsters that come toward you but freeze when you actually turn around and gaze upon them
Spells stein likes its some fucking jew.
Why do anglos do this?
It's sittin at a 77, and that's below average for metacritic. Seems like it's just a bad game OP.
>call everyone who opposes your batshit agenda a 'nazi'.
>make propaganda about killing Nazis
That's just metacritic which is BS to begin with. Any asshole can leave a review for a game, whether they played it or not.
They literally created it cause of "MUH STRONK WOMYN". Action -> Reaction. Fuck´em all.
but you're the ones hating on women, how delusional can one be? off yourself
>19 critics
>41 ratings
>invaded by threatened men
Pathetic manbabies, it has women in it thus its propaganda!
Sounds like a toastie roastie.
Looks like a pretty similar pattern to all those people assmad over Far Cry New Dawn which was pretty damn good overall. User reviews are trash for literally any sort of controversial game.
mad as fuck redditor SEETHING because people are finally fighting back against your religion
Game is already beyond saving because microtransactions in a single player game.
It doesn't feel forced when nips do it
I thought about it for a bit and normally I hate developers putting political agendas in their game, I also hate people that act like they are nazis and this game pisses them off so I'm good with it now.
Not disgusting race mixing lesbian bulldykes
jap game: pretty girl with cool powers and a unique background
(((western game))): actually just a generic male character but they call it a woman to pretend women and men are the same ("equal")
>no one complains about all the other games about killing nazis
>game about killing nazis which is cramped full of propaganda gets complains
>look at all those nazis!
>WTF WHY DON’T YOU LIKE MY Kill Nazis and Ruin our Children’s Future #369,573,973 YOU FUCKING BIGOTS!
Get the fuck over it, grandpa.
Nazis were the good guys and Communists were the bad guys.
Actual WW2 vets think you're human garbage
Then why do they all suck at them?
Technically Minecraft
>human garbage
how to expose yourself as a redditor in one easy step
>Ruin your grand children’s future and the world
>condemns people for trying to make it better
Factually wrong, women like strategy games and RPG's more.
There is a difference between a strong woman and ''look, this is a strong woman''. I know you're baiting with this for (You), but many people don't know the difference and they never will.
I bet you're that type of person who also say 'RPG games'.
What are they gonna say once this game flops?
Because they make the women ugly and act like a generic feminist retard.
Usual stuff. White supremacy, orange man bad, misogyny, racist nazis, sexism.
If the girls are actually hot, we would be fine, but no, they look ugly as shit
wow, that's not even subtle
For years the media portrayed gamers are being mindless and prejudiced. We merely laughed at old media for trying to demonize us. Then the Zoomers lived up to that image and will not stop making the wrong decisions.
When you have people calling everyone right of them nazis killing nazis because political. They aren't talking about fighting people 80 years ago. They are talking about committing acts of violence against people today.
Isn't this the series where the jews were making super technology for many millennia despite the fact they didn't even have a law code until they were enslaved by babylonians?
>Then the Zoomers lived up to that image and will not stop making the wrong decisions.
>Anyone that says Nigger is a Zoomer and is making the wrong decisions
Fuck off you massive faggot. Go back to Resetera where you belong.
>wow incels, you think journalists reviews are corrupt and reviews are fake and pushing an agenda? DUDE WHO CARES!? Lmao its just games kiddo
why did everything flip around
>Ever taking the user score seriously
It's a self-selecting group of the biggest reactionary retards on the internet. Guaranteed most of them haven't even played the game
>Durrwhat are neo nazis. Nazi is just shorthand for fascist anyway. Grow up.
The jews just failed a moon landing this year their tech isn't as good as goyim had 60 years ago
So you're okay with coming acts of violence against those whom you politically disagree?
Look, we all know that USA took all the German scientists after the WW2. That is a fact, not some conspiracy theory.
>play it solo
>NPC sister is always there
>shared lives
>it's like a constant escort mission
shame because the shooiting is meaty
Problem is you have people calling anyone to the right of Marx a neonazi as well
Liberals do this all the time.
>YouTube can do what they want. You are a private company.
>It’s just a clump of cells guys. You’re taking away women’s rights
>African Americans and Muslims are just oppressed by the man. They should be exempt from murder
>It’s not rigged, you’re just losing
They don’t have any principles or any type of consistency
Nazis/fascists are not human so yes of course
Commie basedboys BTFO
I’m more worried about the fact that there’s a god damned leveling system in a shooter. This isn’t Borderlands like fuck
Hitler was a nonsmoker and a vegetarian. People who do not smoke and don't eat meat are literally Hitlers.
Politics is 100% self serving and about winning, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Left or right, they'd have you swing from a tree if it benefited them
Not everyone that disagrees with you is a Nazi.
And you are just justifying killing minorities, gays, and jews.
Are you going out and fighting the fascist or are you waiting for the state to do it for you?
I mean, the problem is that the reviews with actual valid complaints are now mixed with culture war trash.
Reviews are trash anyway. Just watch gameplay and decide for yourself
>Announcing mass reports
dumbass. Thankfully someone else will be reporting your post dipshit.
I don't mind that I'm OK with looter shooters, I get it if you wanted more traditional shooter like previous titles. Problem there is there's no loot anyway. It's just the regular guns that you can upgrade and some rubbish skills to level. I suppose if you stick to level appropriate areas you will not be up against higher level stuff you can't kill anyway.
No? Almost no men prefer playing as women.
>Start a /pol/ bait thread
>Be surprised by /pol/ commenting
The very brightest of bulbs
>FOX News
The problem is they marketed a Nazi killing game to the biggest generation of Nazi sympathizers that America has ever seen.
It's a looter shooter where you buy in-game "gold" with real money, it shouldn't be called wolfenstein at all
>taking anything but the user score to mean anything
the games shit. the last game showed clear signs of tanking the franchise, and lo and behold the franchise tanks further with the next release. it's not surprising, there's only so long you can ride your retarded current political tie in marketing without a solid product behind it. the old wolfenstein games hold up as games, not as shoehorned garbage that got by on excessive marketing m8. they'll remain forever classics and good games, and these games will end up in the great video game dumpster forgotten as they deserve to be.
youngblood literally is too cringey to continue for most mortal people within like 1 min of char creation, it's crazy how terrible the writing actually is, the designs are ugly, the gameplay is the most stupidly designed terrible shit they've done to date. there's no excuses champ
>Games are such a fucking mistake and it makes me want to give up my passion for the medium entirely sometimes.
I wish it wasn't sometimes but all the time and that you actually did it instead of saying you would.
However this is also how I feel when it comes to censorship and """ethics"""
well obviously, they don't have no von braun.
>Yea Forums is wrong again
>Game with politics is trash
>Game would still be trash without politics
>Point out that the game is trash even without the politics
>People claim you are just butthurt that it disagrees with you
Is there a word to describe this?
Wolfenstein The Old Blood was 76. The New Order was 79. Or thereabouts.
I'm sure people voting 0 or 10 have a lot of worthwhile, well thought out opinions
It's not just "killing nazis" it's virtue signalling like fuck all the way though the first couple of hours, it's cringey as fuck
gamers were a mistake
It's the newest thing with large corporations
remember EA using fags as a shield?
>Implying the user reviews aren't from a bunch of people scapegoating as "toxic masculinity gamers" so these people have ammo to use
Wolfenstein: Antifa
i can't believe theres mouthbreathing retards out there who don't know the difference between when a game has political themes and when a game is pushing a political message
>77 average score from "professional" critics
>for a big name game
>for a game that panders to politics hard
Can you imagine how bad it is if even the shills can't stomach giving it the usual "9/10, you shoot guns at enemy soldiers" score.
Hmmm. Maybe because the Japanese characters are actually cute, and put in games because the devs unashamedly like attractive women cuz they aren't western sjw fags who think sexualization is oppression and that they're literal rapists if they put in hot female characters.
Gee, that sure was a tough one.
I have never played an Arkane game I didn't like so I won't play this one and ruin the streak.
can you imagine how big of a onions boy you need to be to buy this? they even pulled all marketing for it because they knew it was an awful game. but you just know theres some redditor out there whos going to buy it because that jewish pete heinz guy got on stage and regurgitated antifa catch phrases lol
German here, actually pissed. Not because of the blatant contenporary political critique which is as subtle as a brick to the face (while the punchline is that the evil nazis are too stupid to write well). But motherfucker, it's not like a concrete wall did a very good job at splitting germany before.
Why do people like this get to change the cultural landscape? I mean political leaning aside, you should at least have the chops to create anything well crafted before you start preaching through your """"""art"""""".
>game makes dude the wall lmao joke about nazis
>forgets soviets built the wall in real life so they could rape germans harder
Classy nu-swedes
Japs are cute, westerners are ugly.
It's not even attitude, no one had any problem with Meryl from MGS, for example.
Make the girls cute and that's enough.
TNO was well recieved because it played its scenario pretty straight and focused on character drama while maintaining a grindhouse feel. BJ was a deconstruction of the shooter hero. The only way someone could become such a killing machine was by massive trauma, BJ was vulnerable while slaughtering his personal enemy at the same time.
This is what these swede-cucks lost. The characters have no personal stake in the conflict aside from the pure joy they seem to feel from killing Nazis. TNO BJ did it out of hatred, not because it was some fucking game for him. Another rule for cool characters: Don't make your character exclaim how cool they are to the audience (apart from Duke Nukem)! it only makes them insufferable.
I think by now it's clear that tno was a flash in a pan. Put played out 80's aesthetic and cringy dialoge on top of that and you have perfect shit Sandwich.
>20 hour long "rpg"
nobody cares
"But the wall didn't work! The DDR was empty after one month because all the people fled!"
citation from a new swedish history book.
Girls don't actually give a shit about the feminist thing nor about ugly girls, and even less shooters.
Girls tend to play games with heavy character customization like RPGs or MMOs.
It's also why they like Sims and Animal Crossing so much.
Think about all those tumblrinas and Mass Effect.
Even they who are SJWs keep making fanart and fanfics of the original trilogy stuff, while no one gave a fuck about Andromeda.
If Meryl or even the Boss were new characters today, there would be just as much screeching about stronk womyn by people who would never play the games anyway
Honestly OP the only passion you have us your undying love for penis desu
I’m sure glad we decided to put shitty American politics into EVERYTHING.
it's always forced when the Japanese do it.
They were in a Japanese game and not written by some Blue Haired Women's Studies major so probably not.
You faggots can't force a male audience to buy anything. Why don't you ask women why they aren't flocking over to buy millions of copies of the game?
>go on the store page
>see micro transaction option
>before you can even buy the fucking game
what a joke
>killing nazis is so much fun
>yeah sis i fucking love killing nazis
>brb need to dilate
>ok cool sis dont forget fuck nazis
>haha yeah sis nazis suck
>communism though, that fucking rocks
>yeah sis communism rocks nazis suck fucking A
that's an "oof" right there
Japanese female protagonists
>Are cute and dress in cute clothes
>Act like girls and sometimes even like some boy
>Still retain all characteristics of a main character, like being the driving point of the narrative
Western female protagonists
>Ugly on purpose and dress like men
>Act like men and at the same time hate all men
>Have next to no personality and can never struggle because they are a propaganda tool so they just steamroll the narrative
I wonder why one is more well received than the other...
People are more angry because its a shitty cashgrab. All that time wasted working hard on this shit, they could have done the 3rd game amazing.
I really like the New Wolfenstein series but I hate where it's gone. TNO wasn't subtle about politics either but it was at least graceful and kept to it's era. I'm not bothered by Grace in TNC either since her character is very relevant to early 70s America. TNC was an absolute shitheap with the gameplay balance, level design and story structure, so many cool moments but very little holding it all together with an anti climatic ending to boot.
>Games are such a fucking mistake and it makes me want to give up my passion for the medium entirely sometimes.
Wait. If you still have passion for videogames, why are you on Yea Forums?
Get out, and come back once you have passion for trainwrecks, dumpster fires, and casuals being conned out of their money.
Yea Forums starts from the conclusion that there's a Jewish SJW agenda to corrupt Western society through video games and works back from there. This informs their every stance. Japan is considered safe from (((their))) influence.
Japan makes the girls cute (and sometimes funny)
Why is it that the game glorifies killing Nazis, it is its main selling point and is featured in numerous promotional campaigns? I'm 100% sure that if they tried to sell the game with the slogan "kill niggers" it would spark controversy. Why is it okay to do this?
If there weren't plenty of good reasons to kill Nazis already then I think your terminal dishonesty is reason enough.
Western women aren't attractive in general.
I say in general, because you've got Blizzard Entertainment who are pretty good with their female designs. You also had Naughty Dog for a while, but they were struck by the DRUCK.
I honestly don't know why. Random western modellers and artists in the indie scene are perfectly good at making attractive characters.
Maybe making a character realistic inevitably makes them ugly, and the West for some reason is addicted to realism? I do not know.
Anyway, that's where the divide lies. It's okay if the girl is cute.
this game got the rating the last one deserved
You know just because they're thoroughly, cartoonishly incompetent doesn't make you any less worthless, right?
I said it in the other thread, glorifying killing nazis feel so dirty and gross, because they are human in the game, killing them should be a struggle for freedom, not some sport, it feels sick.
The older games had the nazis be those same cartoon villains, comically evil, but BJ was never shown as a sociopath who gets a hard-on for killing nazis, he did it because of duty, revenge and hatred, and now his daughters follow the same path? This to me fucks up BJ character even more, even after suffering his whole life because of the war, he would then make have his children do the same, become ruthless killers even though the nazis didn't do to them even 0,1% of the amount of ill they had done him?
I know that trying to make sense of this story is useless at this point, but not because the story is some cartoon, but because the developers are so set in making propaganda that they forgot everything else, including the fun, because not everyone gets off from killing people they hate or are meant to hate, empathy is a human feeling we have for anyone, even our worst enemies.
the last one bombed so hard despite all the paid reviews and marketing that they canceled the marketing budget for this game so none of the reviewers bothered to shill for it lmao
Look at a picture of Aloy from Horizon Zero Dawn, and then look at a picture of literally any girl from a Japanese made game, and figure it out for yourself. I play games to escape to a fantasy world, not to see the same ugly disgusting gross pig girls I see everyday in my hometown.
The point of the image was that they were/are retarded golems. How is it surprising they hate the ebul natzees?
How were the sales for each of them?
The vast majority of the negative reviews aren't even political, they are mostly about microtransactions, writing and DRM.
By the way, what the fuck is this gold bar bullshit?
Tell that to the Holocaust survivors. There's literally nothing wrong with killing Nazis.
>include 2 year old children in Dresden in "Nazi"
Yes, there is nothing wrong with killing islamist terrorists so everyone in Afghanistan should have been carpet bombed.
Not every German soldier was a nazi party member you clueless fuck.
Wolfenstein is just a bland concept. Shooting nazis already became boring after leaving the moon base in New Order. Can't imagine how bored people must be to actually buy Colossus and Youngblood affter that.
Does the game actually have SJW shit in it?
For historical sake, which no one even cares about anymore because their education is shit. Both Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany had full authoritarian control over the country. If you spoke out in an way in Japan or Germany you pretty much died, tortured, or jailed.
All the dumbfuck twitter users tweeting at Trump or some other leader from a comfy USA couch on their smartphones have no idea what it's like to insult say Xi in China, Kim in North Korea, etc and would be fucking good little drones in those countries.
Anyway keep up the freedom fighting on twitter against Trump, totally brave freedom fighters of USA. I'm sure you would be as quick to go to China and protest Xi.
Yeah but that a minor problem compared to just how bad it is as a game
It's a series that shouldn't even have a story. I don't know why do they keep trying. Almost half of Wolfenstein 2's run-time was cutscenes.
Any justification they try to come up for the endless carnage is going to be shit because the whole point of having nazis as the bad guys is that they seem irredeemable at first glance. If you think too much about it it becomes depressing.
Wehraboos have really bad reading comprehension.
You do realize other people died besides jews right?
or maybe its cuz the game is mediocre as fuck.
Sorry that it hurts your feelings you sensitive shit.
Westerners don't know how to make likeable females sense all the writers are unlikeable females themselves.
Wars are always tragedies. Anything else is propaganda.
>muh clean wehrmacht
Based retard
I don't give a shit I just wanted a fun video game, forced ai co-op and RPG elements do not belong in FPS games like WOLFENSTEIN I was worried at first in tno with the upgrade system but this is fucking terrible
You can be as mad as you fucking want, I'm not going to buy your shitty white girl wish fulfillment game.
Your power fantasy company isn't entitled to my money.
You know there are war heroes in Germany that didn't join the nazi party and played jazz for hitler right?
muh black and white world is so easy
>muh germans were the bad guys
Based anti-white commie.
>I thought real men prefer playing as female anyway?
Low IQ posts
Based men fighting back against SJW cucks and not being traitorous faggot fucks like OP.
Fucking die OP, you revolting cunt
Yeah, Why did we stop killing nazis and imperial japanese. We should have killed every last one because killing fascists is great. Why did we leave some of the civilians alive? We already burned all the civilians in Tokyo, Nagasaki, hiroshima etc to death. What a great time and totally justified.
We can also kill every north korean civilian because that country is evil authoritarian too!
Are they implying that Stalin and other Soviet leaders who were responsible for the Iron Curtain retards (besides the obvious reference, ofc)
You know the Wehrmacht was fully involved in the holocaust and all sort of atrocities, right? You know they were fully aware of what they were doing, right?
To claim Nazi Germany soldiers aren't guilty is just obscene denial of history
>comparing civilians to war criminals
Based retard
Did americans know that we fire bombed tokyo or dresden?
And don't forget that they just did THAT so they could put a plaque on the fucking moon kvetching about muh 6 gorillion.
Every single German Soldier was a warcriminal!
You could get half of the far left in USA to kill children of republicans if you riled them up enough and gave them no punishments. But, yes, I'm sure it was just a random point in history where Japanese and Germans got the idea to be evil for a few years and nothing to do with government control. Blame the people especially 60% who never joined the party.
I've not played nu-wolf, I always thought it was a tongue in cheek silly kind of game about slaughtering comic book villain nazis, sounds like it's all got a bit up it's own ass.
'buy' it on steam
you'll refund it within the time restriction, it's just really painfully mediocre
77 is a really generous score for obvious reasons, otherwise it would be sitting at a 62 right now
Yeah, they should've laid down their weapons.
I'm sure that would have stopped the soviets from raping everyone and the Americans from carpet bombing civilians.
Unconditional surrender is best surrender. I'm sure the righteous all knowing allies would never abuse it. They are the good guys!
>Uneducated beta male saying stupid shit again.
You just lost your right to post, know your place.
Don't invade someone's country, commit countless atrocities and expect no backlash when your ass is getting chased back into your country.
Every death or rape of German civillians lies on the shoulders of the Nazi party and everyone who supported their ideology.
The Wehrmacht was an organization that openly and willingly committed war crimes, not as mere accidents, but as a foundational part of their ideology (Vernichtungskrieg). Joining such organization does makes you guilty of the atrocities of Nazi Germany.
And no, the fact that not all soldiers were personally involved in every single instance of war crimes does not exonerate them in the slightest.
Based historically illiterate retard believing in debunked far-right myths
I just said you're not allowed to post anymore.
Was genociding "lesser races" part of the U.S. armed forces official mission?
This. Same for what muslims do to european women and children.
Joining any sort of socialist movement makes you guilty of atrocities too. Look at communism which killed far more than the Nazis did.
Unironic cringe
Anyone who is literate in WW2 history would find your posts embarrassing
Good. Fuck off and kill yourself, you fucking imbecile.
Actual WW2 vets are busy being punched by Antifa for being Nazis.
USA was literally founded on genocide dumbass
All nations are founded on genocide.
looks like shitting on trump is not cool anymore
same point
What the fuck is your point? I don't see anyone here claiming NKVD members were innocent. Stop deflecting, retard.
there is an agenda, but nobody is using games as the "backdoor". It's just one thing to ruin along the way, dicksucker tranny retard.
You're grasping at straws now. Thanks for admitting you have no argument
No, not the same point.
The point is everyone is fucked up. China is "cleansing" Xinjiang right now. What the Nazis did is what the Jews did in Israel the same century.
The whole "nazis are the darkestevil and not human but monsters" gets old.
So, is this game good? I picked up TNO recently. I'm on chapter 10..so not long ago. I spoiled myself though. Is the second game even better than TNO?
>trying to make it better
>from the comfort of your parents basement
Does USA recognize the armenian massacre?
>muh basement
Nice try commie.
I don't give a shit about made up nonsense like the Armenian massacre or the Holocaust. Please fuck off with your fairy tales.
Christ almighty
>The point is everyone is fucked up.
Is this the excuse Nazi apologists use now? That's weak, and low effort.
There's a neoliberal agenda to destroy all divisions of race, sex, sexuality and nationality, but video games is just a very minor part of it.
Its not complicated politics has rotted out western dev offices.....asian devs dont have diversity so they dont have the inherent insecurity that comes with it....
Why do people actually believe humans several centuries ago were intentionally spreading diseases?
It's almost like people aren't little immature neurotic leftists loser like you OP. Maybe, just maybe, the majority of sane people don't think National Socialism is the 21st century of Satanism that you think it is. Thus, they don't consider it the ultimate evil, and are getting sick and tired of having leftists politics shoved in an unpleasant game. When you think about the premise, its very juvenile and antifa. Imagine making any game where you base it on some revenge fantasy against a defunct political party you don't like. Imagine if, instead of Nazi, you were killing Imperial Japan soldiers, or Napoleon soldiers as inhumanely. When you take such a concept and actually make it serious, with ugly female protagonist, why would anyone want to play such an unpleasant game?
Even more so, you call every sane European person a "nazi" if they care about their racial interests. Again, heightening the lame and disgusting premise this game is based upon.
Far leftists don't belong in video games. Or on Yea Forums,or in this world to be honest. So yeah, piss off.
Yes, the Nazis are not some faceless demonic entity that was uniquely evil in the history of earth. USA army was massacring filipino villages and later bombed North Korea to the stone age.
deal with it faggot
I'm fucking tired of it too. And it's because of people like you and the faggots that made the previous game.
>and yet they still lost the election
Are they Russian too?
Neoliberal ≠ da joos, SJWs, muh "cultural marxists"
Neoliberal = Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Milton Friedman
The Second Game is Absolute Shit. TNO is pretty good.
One of the letters you can find is a rejection letter to an author who wrote “The great wall”.
"Cultural marxism" is just part of neoliberalism. Why do you think big companies push all that degeneracy? Because it makes more money. Tell me, why can't a company spread globohomo in a liberal nation (and overseas)? You know, there's freedom of speech, enterprise and all of that.
Westerneers are forced to make their female protagonists the ugliest possible, otherwise the social justice whores will whine
That used to be correct. Although it seems the definitions have changed.
>nazi apologists
Yeah, I'm gonna speak to a little bigoted neurotic loser like you. You are aware that there is no such thing as "nazi" right? The German Workers Party never referred to themselves as such, its a western term invented by a American Jewish journalists to attach a stigma to the NSADP. Long before the great evil sins committed by Germany. It would be like seriously and unironically referring to the Soviet Union as the Commie Russia.
The name is National Socialism.
Not an argument
While the U.S. was responsible for plenty of evil during the 20th century, nothing it did even compares to the atrocities the nazis brought into this world.
Weak Nations can't resist international companies. It's why the emphasis is on >nations don't matter, to the elite. Google/facebook etc "election meddling" in USA, imagine other countries looking at that and wondering why their entire social fabric and idea communication is now controlled by some USA companies via no transparency algos
Why do Wolfenstein threads always derail into political debates?
>why does a clearly political game make people talk politics?
The definitions didn't change, that's still the usage among educated people, academic journals and so on.
Only now some braindead /pol/tards started using the term for their bogeyman, unaware the term already existed and had a defined meaning
That’s a Neocon, user.
Neoliberal would be LBJ, FDR, and Woodrow Wilson
This is actually offensive to every german that was sepperated by the borderwall and especially the berlinwall. I still remember the celebration when it finally fell and how I claimed my own piece of wall with a chisel.
Yes, because the USA gov wasn't insane. Doesn't change the fact that shit has happened throughout history from every fucking identity you can come up with. "nazis" are not some unique demons, they just had some unique demons in charge.
This guy is right Turns out cultivating a population with a cult like consumerist behavior is rather profitable.
I don't know if neoliberalism is the problem though, we know the US government benefits from the extensive data collection big tech engages in, so I don't think more regulation would solve anything.
Why does killing Nazis concern you? Are you a Nazi?
This is the shit storm that could bring this game bad press. Developers willfully ignoring the suffering that the Berlin Wall represented so they could make a shit political joke. So insensitive.
Why did Wolfenstein decide to become a microtransaction movie game where you kill anyone right of Sweden on a political compass?
Exactly. Communism and neoliberalism aim to the very same thing, Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism.
>Woodrow Wilson
The guy who brought women's right to vote and the Federal Reserve? Fucking based.
Here we go again.
We are going to have these threads forever at this point.
Pick up a book
Yes, I am actually.
How about you look at the religion of the people who are responsible for gutting the Republican party of European nativism and strong libertarian principles. Spoiler warning: It was a marxist ashkenazi. And its thanks to this Jewish dominated activism that made the Republican party turn neo-con.
Ashkenazi Jews are a genetically distinct population with different cognitive and behavioral traits from the average European. They are overwhelmingly represented in top positions in western media and thus most western entertainment can be considered a reflection of Ashkenazi Jews cultural values. They are far more prone to neurotic behavior, certain genetic disorders, and a "activist" personality, often being drawn to "progressive politics" and feel very insecure over nationalism. You see it in Japan with Jake Adelstein.
We should have killed all the POWs too!
Even the people fighting and dying versus them had more sense than your dumbass.
I thought New Dawn was fine, being open world it's a bit less jarring to me than what I imagine it's like having RPG type systems in a Wolfenstein seems a bit odd
What is your goddamn argument? Do you even remember why this discussion started?
Obviously you've never heard of the term Neo-Liberal Globalism.
Yes, the demonization of all "nazis" as some demons that it's great to glorify killing. As if you just lost the entire point of history lesson behind ww2.
You mean like taking back a bit of land they used to own?
Of course I have, idiots misuse terms all the time
Why does killing homos concern you? Are you a Homo?
>Blaming Americans for a problem prevalent in North America and almost all of Europe
Not only that. And liberals are totally eating it.
My whole argument was that the Wehrmacht was guilty of what Nazi Germany did, and its members cannot be exonerated by pretending they were a mere apolitical military. Every historian agrees with me, you, on the other hand, have no argument.
>*Any point is made that you can’t argue against, not hint of being a Nazi at all*
>”Are you a Nazi?”
Sorry. Its not just an opinion. If you unironically use the word "nazi" or "fascists" to refer to anything your little tiny leftists brain doesn't like, its easy to automatically blacklist you, and identify far leftists who deserve a beating. It's not an opinion, there is no such thing as "nazi" as the NSDAP never referred to themselves as that. Its a nonsense word, and any sane person would realize that using nonsense words makes them automatically lose the argument. The only ones who don't are far leftists, but their hatred of the "nazi", comes from a genetically inferior mentally ill brain engage in a far leftists cult. To you, da "nazi" and "hitler" and "racists", they are just the 21st century version of demons and satan, they are what you call anyone who opposes you as "evil". That's all. Problem is, what happens when people don't believe in your imaginary demons and satan?
I think it speaks volume that you can watch a bunch of 1950s American movies, and sometimes, a "nazi"-type character would appear (like some ex-SS soldier) and yet, even they are not portrayed as some evil monster, despite the fact that these movies would have been made and seen by people who actually experienced WW2 and actual real "national socialists"
LMAO... They only thing they did wrong was loose.
Lol cry more fag
no it's totally coincidence to smear everyone as nazis and push kill all nazis
Lmao nice self portrait. You got rekt.
>haha walls dont work you bigot
>also orange man bad
Nice shirt queerboi
>My whole argument was that the Wehrmacht was guilty of what Nazi Germany did
That's the most neurotic Jewish posting I've seen in awhile. You can see that mask of complete and utter hatred of Europeans just slip.
It's like you understand that National Socialism really was just an expression of Germany cultural heritage, but you are too much of a little bitch to just flat out say that all of Germany needs to pay for its crime of National Socialism because of how much you inherently hate Germany and Europeans.
western female protagonist games
>MC has unlikable personality
>is extremely serious, usually no sense of humor and acts like she has permanent "sandy vagina" or PMS
>only exists for the sake of virtuesignalling
>ugly, lesbian or "empowered" to the point of looking down on everyone
>boring designs
>the game takes below 6 hours to beat
japanese female protagonist games
>cool & beautiful or cute & funny
>makes you want to protect her
>eccentric/colorful outfits and hairstyles
>the game rarely takes itself too seriously
>a story campaign of over 10 hours plus additional several dozen of hours for bonus content like extra bosses, endgame minigames and other 100% completion requirements
Because the nazis were horrible people. You retards seem to forget that nazis doesn't refer to right wingers, or even alt right, it refers to nazis.
But... germans WERE the nazis! I don't think californian journos van understand german history apart from hitler bad. Most of us don't even seem to be able to.
And thats worse than killing white people? You are a coward.
>You retards seem to forget that nazis doesn't refer to right wingers
Have you looked at the current political climate?
You're not even trying to hide it anymore
Your pathetic views have been buried by history, you will never see nazism rise again, you will never be relevant.
Recette is best empowered FemC
Start off owning a business
Scam people out of money all day every day
Follow idiots into dungeons to steal all their loot
Has a bitchin fairy
Destroys local BIG BRAND store
Is worried that thugs will steal her cuteness
I wish there was more games like Recettear
Name 5 of these movies
isn't it a possibility that the game is just a shitty cashgrab?
You think this guy is white?
Thanks /leftypol/.
It looks like nazism was more dangerous to the system than communism. Interesting.
He probably thinks he is lmao
No they weren’t. They lost a war and got blamed for it. Next big war’s losers will get the same treatment. Napoleon was the devil before Hitler.
Yeah, but white supremacists aren't Nazis. The Nazis were specifically Aryan supremacists. They viewed the Irish as subhuman.
>people that buy the game are not satisfied
>hurr they have no right to voice their opinion and if they do they're [insert insult here]
Get fucked, you piece of shit.
>They viewed the Irish as subhuman.
So did anglos.
>It's like you understand that National Socialism really was just an expression of Germany cultural heritage
oh wow, what were you saying about the mask slipping?
>Germany needs to pay for its crime of National Socialism because of how much you inherently hate Germany and Europeans.
i cant imagine another reason people might have not liked nazi germany. Nope they were perfect litle snowflakes just being awesome until the evil jews came to destroy them and all of europe.
it scares me that you may not see that as satire and unironically believe that
>it makes me want to give up my passion for the medium entirely sometimes.
Please do this.
The irish are Aryan. Gaelic is the second most conservative indo-europeon language after Sanskrit. The anti-Irish bigotry is anglo thing.
See Celts and Aryans by Myles Dillon and the works of Dumezil.
You realize Wolfenstein is like 20 years old right?
>Because the nazis were horrible people.
So? They weren't evil, and a response to the awful horrific garbage that was happening in the 1920s.
>You retards seem to forget that nazis doesn't refer to right wingers, or even alt right, it refers to nazis.
Says the fucking retard who bought the "Nazis are da demon" foundation myth that you westerners suck up so much. Go outside the West and everyone doesn't even demonize "National Socialist" Germany anywhere near as much. It's funny that you even go "its not talking about the right or the altright" when the whole point of leftists abusing the word Nazi is to make it that everyone unquestionably considers everyone on the right to be evil, the same way you unquestionable consider National Socialism as evil. Sorry, but even any mature examination of WW2 would see things differently.
Also again, its interesting that the portrayal of ex-soldiers from Germany in 1950s American movies are hardly portrayed as evil.
>until the evil jews came to destroy them and all of europe.
>I think there is a resurgence of anti-Semitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. And I think we are going to be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the centre of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.
thats because the concept of whiteness wasnt the same even less than 100 years ago. Their views dont fit our view of whiteness, but they very much conformed with the notions of the time. To say the nazis werent white supremecists is pretty misleading if we are trying to be honest about things
They desperately trying to attack on easy prey after MK11 blew them the fuck out. This board is pathetic.
>Implying they didn't start it
Germans got blamed for WW1 when it was the Serbians fault, but WW2 was all on thrm
ls it just me or is /pol/ dying? Seems like everyone has turned against them.
so do you openly identify as a nazi? You seem to buy into the ideology so i wonder, do you get mad when someone calls you a nazi or do you were it on your sleeve?
I watched the Giantbomb QL and this shit looks awful. I couldn't believe they were saying it's good but then they're leftist fags so of course they have to support this shit no matter what.
Wow. This is what the left thinks is good political narrative in a video game?
Corporations turned against conservatives. It serves them right. Even Marcuse spoke about the lie of liberal democracy on One-Dimensional Man.
>Men are dusgusted by the idea of "Female" characters who look like men, behave like male feminists, and want to be men
Why are you surprised?
The japs actually do FEMALE characters.
The west create male characters and call them females.
I'm not the one who you replied to. However, anti-semitism predates nazism by a long shot. Die in a fire, cunt.
The killing of nazis isn't the controversial part of nu-wolfenstein games idiot. At least try to keep up with the debate instead of proving you didn't pay attention.
>Also again, its interesting that the portrayal of ex-soldiers from Germany in 1950s American movies are hardly portrayed as evil.
Name 5 of these movies
you can dig up all sorts of terrible things done by other cultures and rulers, but it doesnt change the fact that what the nazis did in the holocaust was pretty special, at least for modern history. Nazis werent just portrayed as bad, they did some terrible awful stuff that cant be denied.
but really though, why are you trying to defend literal nazis?
Holy shit whoever wrote that review is based. You however are cringe.
wats /POL/?
I have no idea. I think both of the girls are cute and would wife both were it legal. Also I think its really cool that they're doing an open worldish thing with this spinoff.
With some exceptions.
>ls it just me or is /pol/ dying?
Boy, leftists sure are funny with their COPE. They get BTFO with their dumb "le nazi are the ultimate evil" myth despite spamming dumb shit, Wolfenstein is failing because people are starting to find the concept far leftists and they think they are winning.
It actually makes my heart happy that one foundation myth "nazis are evil" is dying. You even see it on youtube. I guess this happens because leftists call anyone they disagree with as "nazi", which causes white normies to unironically reconsider National Socialists Germany as being the ultimate evil.
ok then lets change the question. If i were to ask you if you wre an anti-semite would you say yes? I guess im just confused by people who actively promote nazi shit down to defending historical nazis but then get mad when it gets called out
>our game flopped
>yes, but I stopped racism!
The ironic part is the same leftist faggots that say games pushing blatant political messages are fine would have a fit if the political message was something they disagreed with.
Absolute hypocrisy.
Part of the marxist method is playing with semanthics to get people like yourself confused and derail the argument.
The labels literally doesn't matter, not even Right vs Left matters anymore.
All that matters is nationalism vs globalism, and ideas must be discussed withim these propositions. That is to say that the people who you call actual leobilberals are indeed contributing to cultural marxism.
Point is, anything that leads to globalism is cultural marxism, as that's what this kind of marxism was designed for.
>It actually makes my heart happy that one foundation myth "nazis are evil" is dying
Why don't you tell others you're a nazi then? Why do you hide it behind anonymity? It's because your life would be ruined if you openly said you're a nazi, because absolutely nobody sympathizes with you subhumans.
the fact that you think the general populace is changing their view of nazi''s shows how entrenched in your bubble you are. hardly anyone thinks that shit, jsut your discord servers and corers of twitter. If you walk up to a random person on the street they will likely laugh in your face for asking such a stupid question
If National Socialism isn't evil, how do you think you can shame anyone for liking National Socialism? After all, its a very German ideology. Its no surprise that the highest amount of modern National Socialist sympathizers in Germany are from East Germany. Its also no surprise that they voted for a AfD, AND its no surprise because East Germany was unironically more similar in spirit to National Socialists Germany then it ever was to West Germany. Even the vindictiave Allies understood that National Socialism WAS Germany, so denazification was as much as attacking numerous German cultural institutions and shaming Germans.
Far leftists are so stupid. Its like watching them try to shame someone for being "racists" when they know there are genetic differences in IQ between races. At that point, anti-racism is the evil and immoral belief.
Not him but wtf was your point with that reply?
Yes. I don't like Nazism because, apart of being obviously crazy, they hated Catholicism.
I haven't seen such downright slanderous attempts at an organized defense force for a game's leftist political agenda since BF1. Shit's ridiculous. I wonder how much money that cost them.
Was I the only one appalled and disgusted when the trailer showed these two girls dancing on a corpse of a nazi soldier? Why are they conditioning people to feel like it's glorified to kill a nazi and celebrate it?
Exactly. We're all right wing. Woke Capital killed the left. I find funny how there are libtards who think they're left wing because of universal healthcare. Yikes.
Are you merely pretending to be of simple mind?
Paradox makes good non-cucked games
Half the left-wing shitheads today think Hitler built the Berlin wall.
idk if its you, but im in this thread arguing with someone about the precise definitions of white supremecist, and nazi, and somehow its the other guys that are trying to play the semantics game? sure buddy.
>nationalism vs globalism
if we are talking economically that ship has sailed. It is litterally impossible to be an isolationist and have a modern economy with all the shit we like to have available
Hotline Miami. It's anti-nacionalist, but still quite redpilled about man and violence.
Not him.
>It is litterally impossible to be an isolationist and have a modern economy with all the shit we like to have available
Completely true. Hence my point, there's no difference between the proposed final ends of communism and neoliberalism.
>they hated Catholicism
sounds like bullshit to me. Hitler was Austrian and raised Catholic. The pope at the time was friendly with Nazi Germany. The wikipedia page is full of unsourced claims and sounds like a bunch of poor revisionism .
>Forced coop
>Bullet sponge baddies again
>Stealth is even worse since shit is way more spongy
It fixed none of the issues from TNC and is just another shitty shooter. Disappointing. Let’s hope none of this shirt appears in the new DOOM.
>Game flops
>gamers explain why they didn't like it, always cite that they don't want SJW propaganda
Your days in the driver seat are coming to an end, roasties. You will be surprised how quickly these publishers will abandon their "wokeness" if the choice comes down to appeasing "manbabies" or going out of business. Cope.
As long as they avoid making any parallels to contemporary politics while pushing a woke left wing message then it should be hard for them to fuck up.
>The wikipedia page is full of unsourced claims
>To say the nazis werent white supremecists is pretty misleading if we are trying to be honest about things
See, this shit is why anti-National Socialist sound profoundly retarded if you actually understand the context. First, you're wrong, the concept of "whiteness" has remained the same for a long time, because race is a useful construct with numerous physical correlates. I don't know where you get this dumb idea that the Irish were never "white" or that Nat Soc never saw them as "European" because your confusing the layman understanding and the actual scientists understanding. Not a single race anthropologists back in those days EVER considered Irish to not be white. Its in fact, their racial classification based on skull traits are consistent to what you'll see today.
Also, the other reason is that, no, National Socialist Germany were not white "supremacists" or even "white nationalists". How is that misleading jackass? How is clearing the slavs from their land to repopulate it with the German volk in anyway "white supremacy"? Sounds more like German supremacy if anything. Or German expansionists. The real problem with Hiterism. Isn't that why the war began officially? Not because Britian got hurt feelings that Germany had ideas that were a little mean to brown people. Or do you think the average German belief that Europeans seem to be better at creating civilizations is a form of "white supremacy". Well, there's 2 problems with that. First, there is objective evidence that Europeans do make better nations, and two, every single European nation thought that too.
so is that a yes or a no to openly identifying as a nazi. You dont have to go on anymore about how misunderstood the people who murdered millions of innocents are, just give it to me straight. Do you like the term being applied to you openly or not?
>At that point, anti-racism is the evil and immoral belief.
i guess theres another one, do you openly identify as a racist?
That's not me.
>It is litterally impossible to be an isolationist and have a modern economy
Nationalism does not necessarily imply isolationism.
Globalization (economical term) isn'tr globalism (sociopolitical term).
Nationalism is the set of ideas whose purpose is to define and protect what we call national identity, which implies race, history, religion and culture. Japan is for the japanese, Germany for the germans, and so on. None of this implies they can't do business on a global scale.
>Why don't you tell others you're a nazi then?
Mate, I live in a country where Waffen SS veterans are commemorated. What must you think its that taboo here?
I don't remember video game magazines having a political debate when Wolfenstein 3D was released, nor people sending mail and having political discussion in their readers section.
>Everyone with different thoughts from me is a fucking NAZI!
hello rebbit
>black """"""""people"""""""""
>put women
>put blacks
>put nazis
Succes again our crappy game gets attention and would otherwise be unnoticed. Garbage everytime and ppl eat it up and foam about it.
But I didn't bought it tho? I don't buy anything that requires Steam or on Steam itself.
except how the economy is organized. Neoliberalism is perfectly fine with supplying the first world with cheaply made luxary goods made by third worlders living in litteral shit being paid slave wages.
Communism would ideally like to supply the world with luxary goods by cutting into the profit going to the top thus allowing more to go the workers all along the supply chain, as well as those workers being the ultimate owners of the machinery used to produce the goods they are selling
of course thats about as idealistic as it gets and we arent even remotely close to that being a reality, but in theory theres a big difference none the less
> holocaust was pretty special, at least for modern history.
Could say the same about Murrica's nukes.
Or mudslimes never ending terrorism.
Or niggers constant genocides.
Or soviet and chinese horrors.
The fact that you consider the holocaust to be "SPECIAL" is just a product of propaganda you've been immersed since childhood.
Grow up.
surviving the eagle was ez pz whilst in perch mode, the bear on the other hand had a combo stun claw attack very few could block.
But u are in a thread talking about it.
>Neoliberalism is perfectly fine with supplying the first world with cheaply made luxary goods made by third worlders living in litteral shit being paid slave wages.
No, not at all. Poverty was reduced worldwide.
its not politics, its developers probably doing this bullshit like what happened with disney, they got caught starting the race bait shit for the little mermaid to drive marketing, now that they can blame everything on gamergate they no doubt do this shit themselves to create marketing buzz.
Welcome to the cyberpunk future we all so desperately wanted by putting corporations in control, and just like in cyberpunk, every place in burgerlandia is slowly turning into an innercity as well, just consume goyim
Because I like to point out that /leftypol/ is actually a neolib bastion. We're all right wing, the key is finding out whether we are globalists or nationalists.
Non sequitur
Current political climate shouldn't factor into the theme of a series that's been around long before. Do we condemn ancient greeks for allowing slavery just because the "modern world" decided it was bad a few hundred years ago
Why should someone get to own my equipment and supplies just because they work for me? They agreed to be compensated with money, not ownership of my business. Communism is one of the dumbest concepts of all time.
Do you identify as anti-white? Do you identify as an anti-racists? Do you identify as communist? You haven't answered my questions.
>i guess theres another one, do you openly identify as a racist?
Racism is a nonsense word invented by leftists to slur others. How can I identify as something that isn't real? However, yes, I do openly talk about genetic science in front of others, and how there are genetic differences between racial and ethnic groups that influences IQ and behavioral traits, and the studies and evidence that points towards that fact. I openly talk about HBD and IQ science. I openly talk about how anti-racism is built on a pseudoscience. Science is science, just how evil do you have to be to think people shouldn't be allowed to speak about science? And I'm not the only one either, by your definition, Robert Plomin, Richard Lynn and Rindermann are also openly "racists", so I have good company.
And I openly talk about how anti-racists and far leftists are wrong both morally and objectively. Far leftism isn't a valid political ideology, its a mental disorder caused by genetics, a host of maladaptive behavioral and psychological traits. Your political opinions do not deserve to be taken seriously. After all, you act like you're in a cult. You think genetics isn't real, you engage in gene denial and believe in the pseudoscience of racial equality. Anti-racists are evil and deserve to be challenged and thrown out. Modern day creationists. A danger to humanity. Never forget, that far leftists have successful murdered geneticists for their belief in genetics.
People like to compare the distribution of wealth to cutting a cake. Obviously the rich get a bigger slice.
Left wingers would like the slices to be more equal while right wingers want to make the cake bigger instead.
I just thought that was a neat analogy.
You answered your own question
SJW's are unironically ruining my videogames.
Leftists abusing the term shouldn't have any bearing on a franchise that's existed long before the abuse started, and I thought it was self explanatory that me saying "nazis bad" meant in general, and not "literally every nazi worshipped satan and ate babies twice a day".
>Left wingers would like the slices to be more equal while right wingers want to make the cake bigger instead.
Exactly. It makes no difference in the end. And liberals like to make the cake bigger by importing debt-free third worlders to the West and then there's the whole charity act on Africa.
Get off of my hobbie faggot, you are one of the causes for why shit like Wolfesntein Youngblood exists.
The game sucks tough.
what? Europa Universalis is a very good series.
Not that guy.
It literally doesn't matter what the theory of communism is, which I would call utopical idealism at best.
The point if, in both neoliberalism and communism certain social revolutions must happen in order for their ideology to become a reality. In both cases, terms such as family unity, God, tradition and patriotism must lose their meaning, or at the very least diminish in importance, which is a massively evil proposition given that our civilization was built with these concepts as its cornerstones.
The result of such is the destruction of national identity in favor of a more broad, maleable identity, in fact subversion of identity is their goal.
The communists do not acknowledge the average blue collar worker is just fine working for someone else is he can still afford provide for his family. So the communists will make sure he can't even raise a family so that he joins the revolution.
Neoliberals are scumbags who define a society's success primarily in terms of economical progress. As such, it's inevitable that national identity will get in the way of their materialistic utopia, since people with strong national roots have strong moral values, religion, and traditions which for them are at the very core of what they are, and such things get in your way if you are neoliberal because you don't give a fuck whether people are building Christian Churches or Mosques, because you want to import cheap labor from shitholes at the detriment of any kind of national identity.
Then kill yourself you pathetic faggot or get a work
>30 dollars
>less than 100k copies sold
wtf bros, how are those nazis going to learn when nobody is buying our game?
That's not even that beneficial to the economy and I would argue the long term costs outweighs the short term benefit.
I think the interest on importing foreigners is primarily ideological rather than economical in nature.
The EU basically feeding Africa also worries me. They are helping consolidate the corrupt leaders that don't feed their own people.
Reminder that Yea Forums is the only place on the internet where Jes and Soph are detested. You're literally the only community that has a problem with them.
Characters like Jes and Soph are important the same way Rey was a good example of a role model for young women. There's nothing wrong with shaking things up and having someone as the main lead that they can look up to, in a sense, and follow throughout the series. Characters that are not misguided role models to have. And you're delusional if you think that BJ will never come back after this game.
>game stars bjs cute af daughters
why? They are cute
>a role model for young women
You've got to be a special kind of child/emotionally stunted adult to go looking for role models in a grindhouse tier series
>That's not even that beneficial to the economy
It is benefical to the bank companies. They also make work force cheaper. They also create division, which in turn creates mindless consumerism. You're a retard if you think it's just about muh destruction of the West.
Now unpresident Tantrum is bringing back the death penalty. He's butthurt that everybody with a heart wants him to die in prison.
Still not achieving that reading comprehension. Lurk more.
almost 20 years ago
Fuck off roastie. How is unrealitically strong, masculinized female characters good models for young women?
The only thing such characters will do is make them become entitled little cunts who think they can do everything men can, when in fact they can't.
Either way, this entire reasoning is bullshit. Videogame characters aren't supposed to be role models. They are cool for the sake of being cool, and that's it.
The fact that young women can only think masculine archtypes are cool and do not value feminine qualities makes for a very, very sad reality.
You're clearly the angry one.
>It's exactly the same if those in power have the same ratio of capital compared to lower classes or if there's an equal distribution of it.
The cake analogy is stupid enough because it doesn't take into account the relationships of production and the diverse conflicts of interest, but you had to one-up its idiocy didn't you?
>this is the shit that people are defending
Look at this fascist playing at taking our rights.
>All negative because "MUH SJW WOMIN" "MUH STRONK WIMIN"
These aren't the reasons I see in the steam reviews.
You probably know the answer but women play phone shit like candy crash and angry birds.
Too Retarded Didn't Read.
>Be white men
>Get attacked for being white men who doesn't make sex with your asshole
>Get attacked for respecting your national identity, traditions and culture
>Have your women subverted into hairy malewanabes who hate you
>Either way, be called a villain
>You are not even allowed to feel angry
As an asian I think it's utterly absurd the kind of ideas that have taken over the west lately.
I will not be surprised if these men get actually angry and decide to wage war on people like you.
This is like South Park but with girls and 3D graphics.
I'd like to see how you'd react after killing someone for the first time.
Do people barf and giggle?
>God, tradition and patriotism must lose their meaning
they already are, backwards beliefs like that for dumb white people who live in trailer parks
This and thanks.
>See, capitalism is not fundamentally racist—it can exploit racism for its purposes, but racism isn't built into it. Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist—just because it's anti-human. And race is in fact a human characteristic—there's no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangeable cogs who will purchase all the junk that's produced—that's their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevant, and usually a nuisance.
Noam Chomsky.
Look at this fascist itching to burn people alive.
So this is what these people are defending? Seriously?
Not him, glad we agree, neoliberalism = communism = globalism. Even Marx knew that religion had a social function.
>the failing Wolfenstein.
Go to bed Tantrump, you're drunk.
Theres more to nu-wolfenstein than shooting nazis. If that's what you think is the controversial part then you really aren't paying attention.
Nice try FBI.
>Delusional leftist "meme"
>Drumpf is a Nazi!!!!!!1!
Holy shit you don't belong here.
Holy fuck it's just so bad.
I think they're going for something over the top but with a touch of campiness and they're just trying way too hard in all the wrong ways. The last game had a similar feeling.
You must be 18 or older to post here.
The Nazis were horrible people... Yea, Okay Jew.
What fucking genius decided that Wolfenstein of all games needed looter shooter mechanics?
Does it look like I fucking care what you faggots think?
>Do you identify as anti-white
Not him but most white people are trash
You're fucking retarded.
Do leftists say things like this on purpose in order to radicalize white people even further?
>backwards beliefs like that for dumb white people who live in trailer parks
Exept every other people in the planet value their traditions, their religion and their own race. But let me guess, the white race, as the superior one, has overcome these limitations already and is striving for the transhumanist utopia? Isn't this racist?
I will tell you what your ideas will actually accomplish: the destruction of your own nation. The results of it are already at your door, whether you see it or not:
This kind of thinking is what is causing high divorce rates, low birth rates, increasing suicide rates and ultimately is what is leading europeans to replace themselves with immigrants.
People without roots are empty, fragile shells.
They don't care. They know they will get away with it scot free. They have the media, the banks, academia, everything.
Aww... the little commie doesn't know what Fascism is.
Keep in mind a lot of people here aren't white and genuinely hate white people because they're not white. Racism isn't some white only affliction.
I dunno it's strange. Theres a moral panic about white supremacy and the far-right and yet they keep pushing and prodding and openly celebrating white people becoming a minority in their own homelands. At some point they should be self-aware that their own words and actions are responsible for the growing problem they complain about?
why do you leftypol trannies want an anti white safespace?
>Theres a moral panic about white supremacy and the far-right
That's just an excuse to keep parasiting federal money and to evoke empathy on the average normie. They live on closed neighbours and, in the off chance things get too ugly, there's always Israel.
>build your franchise around a squarejaw bull of a man, turn him into an icon
>people play the game for him
>wonder why your game bombed when you took him away
The last game had fucking this in it. What you see there is mild as fuck compared.
Literal fucking typo goddamn
Nice falseflag
And yet that's what you do. HUEHUEHUEHUE!!
pfft Haters.
Why do gamers and incels always have to lash out in the most petty ways like reviewbombing?
Because it's a harmless way to express discontent.
These girls just look like complete psychos. At least they had some conflict at the start like taking a human life ought to be a difficult thing to do and at the end after brutally killing him they become manic lunatics.
Would you have preferred if incels actually rose up?
Is Trump the single biggest asspain America had over coping with the election outcome? Just get over it already.
He really is. I'm not American but the sheer rage he induces from authoritarian leftists makes me like him when I otherwise wouldn't.
Whole game is these two cunts non-stop talking like dumb bimbos.
Jesus, what the fuck where they thinking with the meme co-op for singleplayer.
Fascist. Tantrump is a FASCIST.
Sounds like it was made to appeal to the most obnoxious woke Twitter users
Fucking do it then, worthless faggot.
because the marketing and devs are political in the west, i.e. TNO
>they're NOT "good people," drumpf. take that! #RESIST
>it's good ol' nazi killing like the old days when they weren't everywhere! - "but the nazis aren't everywhere right now?" - shut the fuck up nazi
>hiding dialogue where the MC is ostracized for being white in the ads so that they can keep hiding behind the nazi card until you spend $60
If only that was true.
I just wonder why they thought they HAD to kill the dude. In any other assassin game you would probably avoid them or have a reason to attack like for their clothes. Here, they just murder him for no good reason.
They could just go in guns blazing like a surprise SWAT kinda thing but just killing the dude feels incredibly psychotic.
Maybe western females should take the hint and be cute than.
they are incels, they are retarded
>Because it makes more money.
It probably doesn't make more money which is why small companies don't do it.
It's always mega corporations with near infinite funds and fed res backing that does it.
It's a NAZI why do you care? Kill them!
More like "not buying it" bombing.
>western females
You gotta be a true incel to call them "females"
Devs probably abandoned any effort to make interesting social commentary in order to appeal to the most vapid emotional impulses of the left. This scene is just a window into the psyche of your average Twitter lefty.
Can you spot the difference?
You will never be a female, tranny.
or maybe it's just a shit game that two female protagonists can't save
HUEHUEHUE. Enjoy your ban. Try meeting someone outside the Klan.
>feels incredibly psychotic.
The left are psychotic they have no ability to empathize.
For example, Fags have more disposable income and don't have a family or religion, so they can give everything they have to big corporations.
A lack of any social identity leads to massive consummerism and depression, and it makes general population weaker to fight back against the neoliberal corporate ruling class.
Seriously, what the fuck is going on in this game. The two girls are literally crazier than Bay's Optimus.
I just can't imagine BJ just constantly hype himself up with each kill. This shit is closer to Hatred than RTCW. Back then they were just evil soldiers you had to kill because this is war and they are nazis and they have to lose. What's up next game, nazis in torture tables ready to be picked apart to our own pleasure?
Like imagine how jarring it would feel to play a war game where you constantly congratulated yourself like a psycho every time you kill a nip or a commie.
Seething tranny, you have no power here.
You think there's a place for us with the kikes? LMAO
Fair enough, useful idiots will be killed when they stop being useful.
Why is Censorship considered Freespeech by leftists?
>What's up next game, nazis in torture tables ready to be picked apart to our own pleasure?
I could see leftists defending such a game. They embody all the worst qualities they claim to hate about the Nazis.
Of course people feel threatened by billionaires saying "i will kill all men".
Clearly you are the seething one. Also very triggered. Aw.
Psshhh.... Right?
They can get away with that because the image of a Nazi has been smeared throughout the years and it's ok to glorify killing them because you've been conditioned to think that they're the bad guys so they deserve it.
Now imagine if a similar thing was done against any other party, nation or minority. People would riot. That's the kind of double standards we have right now.
I mean they've written themselves into a corner with this setting, you just can't timeskip this much and pretend nazis are still moustache-twirlingly evil for it to be okay to kill them in droves.
Could've made a funny meta-point about you being conditioned to kill the enemy, while you're actually the terrorist and making it worse for a nation that is making great strides in science and, as i imagine, quality of life.
Whaever, they should just finish it with BJ and return it to the dismantling the occult nazi scientists, solid effort, but their writing staff is just not up to the snuff.
It's a HOMO why do you care? Kill Them!
Reminder that you were born a male and your delusions of being a woman is just a fetish.
None of the reviews say that, the game is just shit.
Because the only reason the post anywhere to to police conversations men are having.
Get fucked you stupid nigger.
If you unironically believe that thee Holocaust happened in 2019, you're by far a huge fucking faggot.
In this context it's actually justified for the Nazis to genocide any rebellious people because their enemies seem to be completely genocidal towards them. This is a classic kill or be killed situation with no clear good or evil side.
>This is a classic kill or be killed situation with no clear good or evil side.
Does the game actually reflect this?
Name one redeeming trait a Leftist would posses that helps the gaming industry?
Babby's first gay Tarantino fanfiction
Because shockingly most of the fat neckbeards on here are fuckin weebs.
Western models look like real life. Which is what most here have given up trying to appease
accessibility and easy mode so more babies can buy the game and enjoy it
Micros in a single player. Good God get me off this fucking planet.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.
Someone fill me in on this game's "controversy" Is it because they're women is the issue?
see this clip The girls don't care if this guy is a conscript or deep into the ideology or whatever. They have already decided to kill him regardless and after brutally slaughtering the guy they manically celebrate and it doesn't seem like the intent of this scene is to convey anything deeper than the shallow emotional satisfaction of killing nazis.
Actually I disliked it because of it turning into a Borderlands game with a leveling system, a hub and quests, and microtransactions. I could care less about the characters.
What is this thread about exactly?
You shouldn't have accepted them at all in multiplayer-oriented video games. Not even in mobile games. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.
Reddit doesn't allow you to say niggerfaggot you despicable bigot. Therefore reddit is a better place.
Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.
shut the fuck up tripfag
Considering how long it's been, a lot of people grew up in this society and now many likely have just grown used to it. Killing them for it is as completely immoral as killing all communists in the USSR. They become murderers more than liberators at some point. They just cause pain without helping anyone.
Fuck no, it's not thag clever.
Get fucktard back to pol/.
Which one of ecelebs said that it's a Borderlands game? You just get XP and buy perks and sidegrade weapons with cash, which is great combiend with Arkane level-design.
Hell, you're even encouraged to sneak about and "higher level" enemy won't be unkillable, it's just probably he'll kill you first.
Only if you're an actual Nazi and it can be legally proven and not some liberal screeching. Then ya bud you're getting this dick. :)
>over 200k subs
>less than 1k views in 24 hours
I know your channel's dead, but shilling it here isn't going to help.
>resorts to memes
you can't even tell me what's it about can you? Want to know why? because you have no fucking clue either.
>Killing them for it is as completely immoral as killing all communists in the USSR.
This. Even though communism is arguably a much more inhumane political system in practice than Nazism ever was, it would very strange and sickening to see anyone relish in the brutal slaughter of a random soviet soldier.
LMAO. How entitled can these reactionaries get?
> Game jokes about Trump
> Female Protagonist
> Isnt supermodel tier/ most of their clothes are on.
Righties are all about keeping a thick skin and respecting free speech right up until you disagree
I never said that they should be deplatformed or anything. I just called their writing shit and I won't buy their game, and that's about it.
>Yea Forums - Video Games
Guess what you're doing wrong?
>Games are such a fucking mistake and it makes me want to give up my passion for the medium entirely sometimes
Please do, nigger.
Criticism is not censorship retard. Why are you leftists such disingenuous vermin.
The fact that people even refer to this blatant piece of political revisionist propaganda as a 'game' shows how brainwashed people already are
>a WW2 vet
Are you retarded?
That's obviously a fag who got paid to rape dirtfarmers in the middle east.
>Market game as an angry liberal white girl power fantasy.
>Expect other people to buy it.
Is there a way to be so fucking unbelievably stupid that even retards call you retarded?
> it makes me want to give up my passion for the medium entirely
do it whining tranny
It's an AAA game. They expect all their titles to be bought by every demographic of the market.
Coz I don't hate women, I hate feminism so I bomb reviews for shit like Nu Blood and not nip games.
Racism isn't allowed on Yea Forums either dummy, report all these triggered fascists and confederates all day.
Keep crying loser, no one gives a fuck what you think and your ugly lesbian simulator flopped.
Lol, Hungary is a thirdworld shithole. Clean our toilets and die.
imagine not being white, why even live?
>Which one of ecelebs said that it's a Borderlands game?
ME. I guess I'm an eceleb now according to you. Should I do some litty reacts my dude?
>Make a game for a specific audience.
>Expect everyone to buy it anyway.
Oh okay, so I was right, calling them retarded is an insult to retards.
Women don't have hobbies and blindly follow what Chad does in an effort socialize with him.
This is why 20 years ago they laughed at nerds playing games, now that dudebros play Battlefield and streamers make big money all of a sudden girls are gamers too.
A small minority of fat/ugly/"lesbian" women understand they have no chance of getting close to Chad short roofieing him and decide to shit on everyones fun by claiming it's sexist.
This is universally applicable by the way, look back the last 200 years, women have done this with every single male dominated hobby except golf, purely because are too fucking stupid to understand how golf is played.
>muh confederates
Reddit incarnate. Why are you Amerimutts obsessed with them, the american civil war ended 154 years ago you dumb tranny freak.
More zoomer outrage culture.
Giving women the right to vote was a horrible mistake.
So how long are we gonna have these threads with a bunch of trannies crying because people aren't buying their bullshit?
39% of Mercans are fully brainwashed.
I'd rather live in Hungary than the UK. At least Hungarians know their people won't disappear in only a few generations.