How tf could the same guy who wrote such an interesting and natural feeling character like Arthur be the same guy who...

How tf could the same guy who wrote such an interesting and natural feeling character like Arthur be the same guy who wrote le ebin memer Trevor in GTA V.

The quality of writing is day and night.

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RDR always had a more serious tone than GTA

Its not hard to be pretentious

GTA isn't supposed to be serious

i miss him bros

You know, they DID try to write GTA with a more serious sone with TLAD.
But people (including Yea Forums bitched and moaned that it was too serious and not fun enough, wich led them to change direction with V, and make Trevor cuck and then kill Johnny Klebitz ias his introduction, to signify that the writing team took the suggestion from the community and made a whacky character to counteract the criticism towards the "too dark and serious" tone TLAD had.
Isn't this what you wanted?

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I’m tired of everyone overrating this shit character. Does everyone like Arthur so much because he has little actual personality? At least with Trevor they tried to give some interesting character traits and nuance how he feels, Arthur is just a whiny, sentimental self insert for the player.

>Does everyone like Arthur so much because he has little actual personality?
Yes. He's a boring generic man who follows orders from everyone and doesn't have his own brain

OP here, I loved TLAD even more than the main game. You don't really have biker games that often. It also felt like a prototype of RDR in hindsight due to similar story... or it's essentially the same story (gang leader goes mad).

And always has such valiant inner conflict and doubt at every turn, thus absolving him and the player of any real responsibility.

>OP here, I loved TLAD even more than the main game.
I did too.
It was interestingly written, had a protagonist that while not super interesting personality wise, had an interesting backstory (being a jewish biker), a good band leader inspired by figures such as Charles Manson, a fucked up love life and interesting gang member, involvement with drugs and crime and inability to keep it all in check etc etc.

But you know what people said?
You know what most of Yea Forums said too?
"too serious".
"too edgy".
"too tryhard".
What the fuck was Rockstar supposed to do?
they follow the money, always.
If people tell them TLAD was too serious and dark, then of course you're gonna get edgy mc clown shoes Trevor.
It's a simple, natural reaction to the criticism, an inevitable consequence.

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>when Trevor looks out over los santos and says “I grieved for you”
>when Trevor trips and starts yelling at Franklin
>when Trevor says to michael “no one gives a shit about me”
All good moments and superior to anything in rdr2 in terms of character.

Bullshit and you know it.
Yes, Trevor had some nice MOMENTS, but MOMENTS don't measure up to an entire game that is for the most part very well fucking written.
You can't save an entire character, and more than that an entire game that is horrendously boring and bland, with 3-4 emotional and decently written parts for a character that otherwise acts like he's straight out of rick & morty.
Get a grip.

>people who think rdr 2 is "quality writing"
read a book once in your life you fucking faggot

that's literally every gta character since san andreas

V is well written most of the game. These moments of higher emotion are actually believable because of how everything else is written. RDR2 comes across as a lot more forced.

I wouldn’t totally say so, the characters in V weren’t so sentimental about doing what they did. Michael knew that he wanted to rob shit, Franklin knew he was getting in bad stuff and I wouldn’t say they were super whiny about it. Arthur on the other hand, has that same annoying self doubting quality of Niko but is much, much worse and heavy banded with it. So why does everyone like it so much?

Not trevor or michael

Look, he just has a nice voice, okay?

Arthur is the only well written character in RDR2, and most of the time he's just emulating Geralt of Rivia

>V is well written most of the game.
simply wrong

in what way? he's nothing like geralt

Trevor is le crazy character designed for GTA kiddies to rampage with. I hate everything about Trevor, his shit dialogue and personality

>le wacky ebin man

He's a fucking drugged out psycho and the only reason he's remotely entertaining is because you get to see things from his perspective.
He's a monster.

And Arthur is le misunderstood outlaw with a good heart. It’s a much worse, more overused template for this kind of game.

Arthur Morgan is also a monster and yet the game tries to convince you otherwise, that’s why the writing is so bad.

I did and RDR2 is well written? Actual writers which job is writing and now it better than you praised it same as RDR1?

Most protagonists of Rockstar games are monsters.
Trevor is just very badly written.

the other characters in GTA were better, Trevor was comic relief which the GTA games always had lots of

>how can the guy who wrote The Book of Eli also write After Earth
That's how writing works.

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>Arthur is the only well written character
how is being a cuck well written
honestly angelo is the only well written character in the game

Trevor is fine. GTA characters always had an over the top quality to them, and considering he's lowest of the low trailer trash junkie, his personality is fitting. Most other GTA characters are crazy too, but they tend to have their shit together much more than Trevor, and most importantly, they usually have an actually good side to them - Trevor does not.
GTA 5's writing is mostly good. The more serious moments with Michael and Trevor are really well done.

I also really enjoyed the constant escalation of their conflict in the background as they were continously forced to work together. The main issue with the game is the ending. There is no real conclusion to their arcs. No real resolution or payoff. Everything just works out, all the bad guys get killed and Michael & Trevor suddenly don't mind eachother. Michaels family just comes back. It's far too convenient and optimistic considering the themes and the tone of the game. Hell, the premise of GTA 5 from the get go was that Michael essentially got bored of his perfect life and got himself in deeper and deeper trouble to the point where it started spinning out of control.

If GTA 5 ended on a more depressing note - doesn't even have to involve the death of any of the 3 protags honestly - I think it'd have been a much better story. But as it stands, it was just fine. RDR 2 is far above and beyond it, that's for sure. The character arcs are much more pronounced and meaningful, the story tonally is consistent and the dialogue is much better too. The dialogue in both GTA 4 and 5 felt really weird at times when a character would go on a lenghty rant about something, as if the writer was speaking directly to the player.

I'm gonna come out and say it: Michael and Franklin are much more well written and very underrated GTA protags.

Michael midlife crisis angle allowed him to be humorous, but without the lolsowhacky crutch that Trevor had.

But Franklin especially is the most well written of all 3 of them, because he's the most subtle.
Because what almost everyone fails to realize about his character is that he's a miserable, empty fuck that can't relate to anyone else in his life and doesn't feel like he belongs either among the rich, or the ghetto niggas.
He doesn't smoke weed because fuck the police, he smokes weed because it's the only thing left that makes him feel good.
He's completely empty, when you switch to him at his house he's always doing the most mundane shit or being completely alone by himself, spacing out.
He's either miserable, high, or a combination of the two.
He shares the most with the average alienated youth here on Yea Forums, but it's the same youth that will completely miss the point of his character because "lol he's a nigger can't relate".
Such a wasted, underrated character.

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The beauty of Trevor as a character is that he seems like le ebun Narwhal meemster at the start but is revealed to be a cold, calculating hipster by the end.

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lol okay

Doesnt he rape and kill his little meth cook mates cousin for no reason? Trevor was fanfic tier chaotic evil and a shit 2edgy character

That guy was a cuck though so it doesn't count

Retard. Michael and Franklin are the worst protags in GTA history. Michael is a pathetic boomer cuck who thinks he knows everything when he was just some bank robbing faggot who cut a deal with the feds. Franklin is a whiny faggot busta who was basically everyone's bitch and could have been written out of the story entirely and nothing would have changed. Oh no muh free multimillion dollar house, woe is me

Trevor is better written than most of them because it’s not constantly apologetic about his actions.

It's like you're half self aware but your brain just can't reach the goal.
>Michael is a pathetic boomer cuck who thinks he knows everything when he was just some bank robbing faggot who cut a deal with the feds
Yes, that's the point of the character, his entire life and what he thinks he knows is crumbling all around him.
>Oh no muh free multimillion dollar house, woe is me
Yes, the exact point of Franklin is that no matter how rich he gets, it makes no difference.
His past friends from the ghetto can't relate with him anymore because he never related to them in the first place, and now that he's rich he's essentially a criminal shut-in that would rather spend his time alone than to hang out with other people.
The only 2 people he hangs with are mentally deranged weirdos that are also completely alienated by society, and he ends up very likely killing one of them, too.

Yeah he was a bitch but I'll never understand why they put that in the game

I love Michael. I don’t get the hate. I think he was such a realist and wasn’t too edgy or sentimental. Just knew he has to get shit done and wanted to be with his family. And knew a part of him just loved the criminal life.

>His past friends from the ghetto can't relate with him anymore because he never related to them in the first place, and now that he's rich he's essentially a criminal shut-in that would rather spend his time alone than to hang out with other people.
Who cares. That's his fault for being a retard who cant see the good in anything. Nobody relates to franklin because he relates to nobody

You need to go outside more if you think people smoke weed because "fuck the police".

because it's cringe

>hating trevor
He was the only good thing about V

>I love Michael. I don’t get the hate. I think he was such a realist and wasn’t too edgy or sentimental.
It's because he's a huge hypocrite, and wasn't loyal.
But people miss that it was completely intentional and it's part of his character.

As good as Arthur is Dutch is actually the most well-written character in the game and one of the best vidya characters of all time. Hosea, Lenny, Charles, Abigail and Bill are also well-written characters.

Oh I forgot John who is obviously great as well. Micah too I guess, he isn't very complex but he's still a well-done villain who you fucking hate.

there are no hidden depths to dutch, he is just a caricature cult leader.


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I don't recall CJ doing that much

>waaaaaaah why does nobody like me, I just cook meth and act crazy, murder people and be a freak

GTA is literally satire

I liked it

Explain to me how Franklin isn't just CJ without the charm.

Poor Arthur
I Feel sorry for him.
He was like a western samurai
Pic not related

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Remember that chick Franklin is obsessed with who gives him shit for trying to leave the hood when she does exactly that by marrying a doctor? The one you get a bunch of optional emails for and who shows up one time in the story?

Because CJ fundamentally doesn't have any personality.
Franklin is subtle and most of his personality is seen in his mannerism and secondary dialogue, rather than his main dialogue.
Wich you can see as lazy, or too obscure for most players to pick up on, and that's a fair point, Franklin is the kind of character that isn't for everyone, and that's his biggest weakness.

But CJ? CJ is just a shittier, ghetto version of Claude and you know it.
SA isn't remembered fondly because of CJ, it's remembered fondly because it was an amazing game with a shit ton of things you could do in it.
CJ isn't well written, and was never a memorable character.

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yo, is gta 5 FUN?

hey since its a gta thread basically

anyone know how to set a custom gtao crew emblem in the creator?

GTA V was so fucking retarded. “I wanna make movies” midlife crisis man, watered down CJ, and mommy issues memetard team up for no good reason for mediocre hand holding heists. The CIA vs FBI shit was so out of place and awful. Map that’s at least 50% barren ass mountains. The only good thing GTA V had was customization but even that was gimped in single player.

You don’t understand what pretentious means.

Anyone who claim to find Arthur interesting is bullshiting hard.

Because the point is that everyone around Franklin is a bunch of hypocrites.
They have this idea of "community" and "keeping it real" but they don't really know what the fuck it even means.
They're just trying to drag him down.
In a sense, it's a criticism of the attitude of most characters back in SA, sorta making fun of it.

Franklin is just present day CJ. A disney approved Kendrick Lamar to CJ’s Dr Dre

Blame that faggot Lindsay who decided that everything needs to be online and nuked every DLC for GTAV singleplayer. Almost every major online update has code and links to shit that was tied to singleplayer updates, but we never got it because that fag Lindsay pushed Shark Cards.

The writer got co-opted by leftists sometime after GTA5 and felt the need to virtue signal all over the game.

Nigga please, if he was walking around acting like yet another ghetto thug you'd be whining that he's cliché and it's been done too many times before.
They tried something different but didn't frontend his personality, instead keeping it to details you gotta go and look, and you misunderstand it for bland, or family friendly.
Ultimately you just want to complain no matter what.

You want him to "keep it real" when the ENTIRE FUCKING POINT of this character is that everyone around him wants him to "keep it real" but he doesn't give a shit about any of that.

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Bullshit. Don’t you remember TLAD’s cool multi racial protagonist biker gang vs the mean racist biker gang?

>CJ fundamentally doesn't have any personality.

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get the feeling that whoever wrote Trevor fucking hates Grand Theft Auto and its fans and just wanted to get back to writing cowboys

True, it was mainly Sweet who kept going on about "muh hood tho" as far as I remember, pretty much everyone wanted to do more from what I recall, Sweet was the only one fine with the way things were. Smoke wanted to sell crack, Ryder was a crackhead, CJ and the sister and her pretty bro tier bf were all for making something of themselves.

A lot of people bullshiting you then

His character is entirely defined by the much more interesting characters around him. He’s purely a plot device.
“Hey Franklin, wanna make some money?”
“Fuck ya homie!”
“Dang Franklin why you leave the hood??”
“I like weed and money. Fuck ya’ll!”

So pretty much the same as CJ then, only in his case he only goes along with Sweets hood shit because it's his bro.

>Don’t you remember TLAD’s cool multi racial protagonist biker gang
Holy fuck, the entire point of Johnny is that him being jewish was definitely not normal, and other members weren't ok with it.
Same for the black dude.
It's literally a plot point, how did you forget about it?

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>if he was walking around acting like yet another ghetto thug you'd be whining that he's cliché
Lamar was a ghetto thug, 50 times better than Franklin and would have made a way better protagonist

Based niggggggggga

He would've made a FUNNIER protagonist, not a better written protagonist.
Unless you want every GTA protag to be a walking joke.
Then you complain about Trevor being just a joke, shitty character.
Like i said before you just want to bitch, you have no clear direction on what you actually want a GTA protagonist to be like.

If GTA3 and SA came out today you'd be bitching that Claude and CJ are both too bland and just meant for the player to self-insert.

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Trevor's the best GTA protag he's so funny

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I actually like Trevor
I like literally all the GTA protags except Michael and Franklin

Rockstar writing sucks. Vice City was the best where the protagonist just wanted to take over and we didnt have to be subjected to stupid, unrealistic doubt and inner turmoil every step of the way. It’s not that people never experience these things, but rockstar protests since SA always have to be portrayed as such decent people who find themselves in horrible situations. It’s annoying and has gotten old.

This. GTA is supposed to be modern satire.

>Vice City was the best
Vice City basically had no writing, tho.
It was just a copy paste of Scarface.
The writing team essentially didn't have to do anything.

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What happened with that rumour of gta 6 being about cartels or something and taking place over a number of years again?
Considering rdr2 and gta5 they should just stick to ripping off movies.

With the exception of Arthur and maybe Dutch none of the characters reach their full potential. You never get to know any of them on a deep level in fact most of them are literally whos that i forget even exist half the time. Such a huge oversight.

The entire point of RDR2 is Arthur being well aware he's a horrible piece of shit. Even high honor Arthur is a lowlife monster that kills people for money, only difference is he doesn't insult everyone and doesn't shoot civilians.

A lot of characterization takes place in camp interactions. I did only realize in my second playthrough that you can go fishing and hunting with the other members and that even the mini games like poker have fleshing out dialogue, I also only found out in my second playthrough that the camp has a dog.

RDR2 is really fucking massive and to get all the stuff you need to invest hundreds of hours.

This. RDR2 is so poorly written they put a bunch of irrelevant idiots together in a pathetic "crew" and none of them are even good and they all die stupidly. Sadie had potential, I don't even remember the rest

>V is well written most of the game
Only if you like terrible and grating satire 100% of the time.

Why is it that whenever an extreme character is written, critics think they are some kind of expert on writing?



They are extremes. Sometimes in life we have extremes. We can't just conform everybody to the same depth. They don't all need complex dialogue with deeper meaning, or intricate characters with huge flaws and complexes that manifest through the story or have some huge arch in the character's development. Sometimes people have simple motivations and are dumber than a box of rocks. Sometimes people are delusional, or think they are know-it-alls. It's not that the author thinks he's some amazing writer, rather that the flaws of the character are far more visible to everybody. They contrast other "normal" characters and it's complimentary.

Trevor is a crazy fucking lunatic. But he tortures a guy and lets him go free. Why? Because it appeals to his own sense of warped justice. Or maybe because he's an idiot. Or maybe the liberal shits who wrote him are trying to push a political agenda.

Why does Kreia seem so cryptic? Maybe she's been popping adderalls like crazy and does nothing but sit alone contemplating her existence to the point it makes her talk like a retard. Is she deep? Who knows, who cares. Who said she was deep? Why do you try and connect a cryptic character with depth? Do you get irritated because you don't understand her so you blame the writer for your stupidity?

A character is a character is a character. Go talk to your mom. Now write her ass down on a piece of paper describing everything about her and all of her flaws. Then look at the piece of paper and say "This bitch is horribly written."

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It would have been better if rockstar learned a thing or two from Bioware and included loyalty missions Mass Effect 2 style to flesh out the characters. Rockstar could have just deleted all of the side missions that are so boring and don't even fit with the tone of the game and replaced it with that. The game would have been so much better for it.

you're a faggot

so basically everybody is bullshitting then?


Arthur was a fucking onions boy beta orbiter.

you'd be surprised how many chads were actually out-chadded by other chads

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I agree with you. There is nothing interesting about this character. His dialogue and personality are extremely bland, basically just a self insert. I think people like him just because the voice acting is good.