
Actual good Japanese games worth playing
>Ninja Gaiden
>Street Fighter
>The Evil Within
>Gran Turismo
>Gravity Rush
>Resident Evil

Animu tiddie fanservice garbage that is just fapbait for incels
>Final Fantasy
>Tales of
>Dungeon Travelers
>Omega Quintet
>Senran Kagure
>vast majority of traditional JRPGs
>every fanservice animu, moonrune untranslated garbage
>every VN
>every eroge

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>Western gamer
>resident evil

Are you fucking retarded?


Nigger you fucked up, those are some weebshit games.

Do you really think Yea Forums cares about gameplay more than a chance to fap without having to alt tab into actual porn? You must be new here


>Thinking Resident Evil and Sekiro are western

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Japanese != weeb you mongoloids.

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if Gravity Rush that isnt even japanese and DMC V are weebgames, then RE2 and Sekiro are definatly weebgames

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>western "gamers"

Imagine being so insecure that you have to gatekeep games

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>forgetting the most kino jap game series

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I have kino taste

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"Western Gamer" doesn't mean being like my Grandpa who spent his younger years in the Navy being shot at by "god damned Japs" in WW2 and subsequently refused to do any business with any Japanese company for any reason whatsoever for the rest of his life.

OP destroys the autist

Can you really look at Gravity Rush, compare it to RE2 or Sekiro, and say there isn't a significant difference in weebness? Hell I'm playing Sekiro right now and even though it has a japanese style, setting, and developers, it does not feel like a weeb game to me. Maybe I'm crazy but weebness seems to me to be a particular over-the-top animu nonsense aesthetic, which Sekiro doesn't do that much - it's quite grounded - and so is RE2.

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western gamers are really, really, REALLY insecure about gaming. their games have to be realistic and "mature" (only in a violent sort of way because scantily clad women make your game "weird" and certainly not mature in a subject matter sense)

Its alot like western comic books and the people who read them.

i don't feel that DMC 5 is REALLY weeb.

Gravity Rush is entirely inspired by Franco-Belgian comics you retard. It's literally westaboo.

>Street Fighter
>Gran Turismo
>Resident Evil

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So what are some Japanese games I can enjoy with zero probability of being called weeb?

>Actual good Japanese games worth playing
>cuhrayzee shit
>fighting games for niggers


anything that's realistic and violent

>Game that is literally all about how cool ninjas and Japan are
>Not weeb
You underage newfag shitters who use words you don't know the meaning of should hurry up put a bullet in your fucking skulls already

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If someone dosen't know the lore and the fucking story instead of the fanservice shit that you complain right now, you are a fucking idiot.
Have sex

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Fair enough, I had no idea, never played it. Took one look at its artstyle, saw it was made by japs, and made a hasty conclusion.

Funny enough, the bandes desinee style is one I'm intimately familiar with, and even knowing that's GR's design inspiration, I don't really see it, at least in screenshots.

Maybe I'm blind, maybe I draw my own conclusions as someone who studied art and aesthetics for years.

I literally said that it does not feel weeb to me, despite those factors. I'm judging it as I see it, not based on a goddamn bulletpoint of facts removed from the experience.

Why are "muh weeb" fags so insecure?

Weeb games are anything with anime or anime-like character design, Japanese or not Japanese.
In that sense Sekiro is definitely not weeb, neither Yakuza or Resident Evil are.
DMC and Nioh are the borderline though.

holy shit all this cope
Media and games are usually products of their culture, but some much moreso than others. Sometimes games (or movies/shows) are made to be more universal, and sometimes they are loaded with tropes and cliches that match the fashions and peculiarities of the native culture. If you see something that looks like a boomer sitcom for network television where characters spend all their time acting completely retarded, you'd probably avoid it, right? It's the same thing for people who avoid games with pastel theming and 10-year old girl protagonists. They see it and think "well that game is probably going to be full of tired anime cliches and childish characters, so I'll pass."


feel free to name all those non-realistic western video games bro ill wait

>Weeb games are anything with anime or anime-like character design
No you triple nigger, that's not what weeaboo means.
And Sekiro is plenty fucking anime, especially with the usual berserk ripoff in terms of style and art direction.

These kinds of threads always filter out the stupid newfags who are also probably underage, e.g.

Weebs get so mad when you point out what jap games are weeb and what jap games are not weeb. Weeb games are cringe ones like persona or ones with anime girls on the cover. Stuff like Zelda, Resident Evil, Devil May Cry or Metal Gear solid are not weeb.

But Berserk is 99% western in style and art direction

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Weeb game - Jap game that incel basement dwellers play.
Non Weeb game - Jap game that normies will play.

It literally that simple to distinguish.

So if there are weeb games and non-weeb games from Japan what are the borderline weeb games?

>the weebshit is all playstation

Me on the bottom.

Metal Gear Solid is borderline weeb game.

Rent free.

>But Berserk is 99% western in style and art direction
Seriously, kill your fucking self.

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>the evil within
Only the first one is good, the second one is knockoff TLOU

But that wasn’t the complaint. RE2 still isn’t western

>Catherine but no smt anywhere
>resi & sekiro western
Make the changes necessary and repost in a month user you fucked up

Fucking kys you shitstiring (you) whore

>Sekiro, a literal “Nipponese steer forded a mirrion Times” game, isn’t weeb
People deadass forgot that being a weeb refers to someone who’s hardcore into all things Japanese, not just anime.
You seriously think that the only quality of a Weeb game is anime art style. Fuckin a, newfags

t. user calling videogames weeb when the term is specifically made to describe a type of person

Thats not what weaboo means you fuck nut.

did you know that when it snooows your eyeese become large and the dark that you shine can be seeeeen well babyyyyyyy I been to a kisss from the rooooose on the grave oooooh the more of it it just stays that the feeeeeele yeahhhhhhh and now that your rooooose is in bloooom a light from the moon on the paaaave

Completely serious. Maybe you don't know what style and art direction means.

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But that’s literally not what that word means
Just because it’s the only context you’ve seen it used by others doesn’t mean that’s what it means.
It’s like people labeling anything they find funny “ironic”

Sekiro is based in japanese myth and culture, for sure, and as such, may appeal to weebs. This does not make it a "weeb game", since it is not specifically designed to appeal to that crowd and that crowd only.

Or maybe you’re too young to remember when anime wasn’t moeblob but still distinct from western cartoons and animation
You are literally too young to post on this board if you don’t remember

A weeaboo isn't just someone into Japanese media or culture, it's someone so fanatically into it that they proclaim it better than everything else regardless of circumstance and curses that they weren't born Japanese themselves. I swear, whatever happened to lurking more?

Why are some people so insecure about games they are playing?

The people around you don't give a shit about your taste in games and you can just enjoy whatever you find fun regardless of their origin or art direction.

Except it literally is since it’s all about the glorification of being a ninja/samurai, doing fucking fancy katana sword-to-sword shit (which isn’t realistic in the slightest) and indulging in obscure Japanese mythological references
Again, I know you may have seen the word “weeb” only used in reference to anime styled things but here’s the issue. There is a world of difference between something geared towards “otaku” and something geared towards “weebs”
For instance, it is not a mistake that the game includes the full Japanese audio alongside the English. Any game that has the option is likely a weeb game because it’s specifically catering to people who have a strong dislike of potentially inaccurate or butchered translations by dumb gaijin

I genuinely can't think of a single jap game worth playing. All Nintendo games? For children? Pokemon? Rehashed children games. Final fantasy? Cringe weeb shit. All other games? Cringe weeb shit. Literally not a single good game? Really?

>comparing your shitty point and click fps faggotry to japanese a action master pieces
>having to include japanese games in the "western" section to make westshit look better
>listing a bunch of no budget niché games for the japanese side as if they were a fair comparison to hundred million$ budget western franchises

why are westcucks so fucking low?

do you seriously not grasp the concept of exaggeration and hyperbole on fucking Yea Forums of all places?

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Well you do make a really good point with the inclusion of the japanese audio in the western release of sekiro, I'll grant you that.

Now have a (you) for including an actual argument aside from hurr durr that's not what the word means you must be underage

I understand it's what brainlets have excessively relied on that has gotten us to this awful point in time where no one knows a damn thing about anything.

This is retarded. The onions face should be used for western game players. Also, using Playstation instead of Nintendo games for weeb games is pretty dated now that Sony is treating weeb games like garbage while Nintendo is treating them well.

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Somehow Sekiro the "muh samurai" game placen in feudal japan is the least weebish thing in comparison to all of the weeb catalog

Explain to me why a female fighter needs to look like this except your tiny virgin penis wanting it.

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why does a female fighter need to meet your standards for looks?

Distracting the opponent and ease of movement. She clearly uses her legs alot based on the pose, so having the least restrictive clothing would be in her favor.

Women in videogames only exist to be sexualized, tranny with mutilated penis :^)

scientifically accurate

The west is the side who is waging war on both male masculinity and female femininity and the games being produced in the west reflect that. Censoring female sexuality is part of demonizing both female femininity and male masculinity. Anyway, I didn't say she NEEDS to look like that.