What? This horror game has jumpscares? It sucks, then

>What? This horror game has jumpscares? It sucks, then.

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>It's another "Either a game has a creepy atmosphere or it has jumpscares" false dichotomy

How do we end the "Jumpscares bad" meme?

fuck you meth egoraptor

If a horror game has to rely on jumpscares to be scary it's objectively shit.

Correct, but if a game relies on both good atmosphere, story and jumpscares, then it's ultra-kino.

Are jumpscares the puns of horror?

okay, retard

The illogical meme distaste for jump scares has caused an over-correction where they're not used nearly enough nowadays.

>the horror game is a bone chilling slow burn

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All the best horror games and movies (except Rosemary's Baby) have at least one or two good jump scares.

By rewiring human instincts.

>Hate jump scares because they startle me
>Argue that they're a mark of low quality in how cheap they are
>Convince the masses with my powerful persuasion
>Can comfortably play any game without getting scared anymore
A-yup, I'm thinking I'm based

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Oberstein did literally objectively nothing wrong ever at any point

But using a jumpscare is pretty much the same as kicking people in the groin to make them scream. It is simply exploiting instinctual and basic reactions.

You ruined horror games, you absolute cocksucker

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Neither did pic related.

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>It is simply exploiting instinctual and basic reactions
Welcome to any form of entertainment ever, retard. Video games are exploiting your human instincts to give you dopamine too.

The emphasis was on the fundamental, basically the instant fundamental reaction that would be the same for everybody, unlike with most video games where people won't have the same experience and targets the steady build up of different experience.
Jumpscares basically targets a factor that pretty much can't be resisted since it is tied to the flight or fight instinct and how fast they occur.

yall dub'd this?

Yeah, so what? Jump scares by themselves in a vacuum are preying on your instincts, sure, but they're just an ingredient of a horror game. They're provided context with atmosphere and the story and the fact that you are playing a game where you normally don't want to die.
>but it's not fair ;_;
Who gives a shit? Who plays a horror game for it to be "fair"? Nigger, I play a horror game to get SCARED. And jump scares are a good part of the equation. Not the sole part, but an important part.

fight-or-flight response is more a physiological reaction, meaning is a body system designed reaction.

Jumpscare could be easily done by anything even a sock puppet.
If you want a jump scare you could simply have a friend randomly come into the room and pour ice down you or randomly toss a dead rat ontop your face.

Yeah, and if I wanted to cum, I could just jack off to my imagination, but I would still rather fuck an actual woman, preferably of the most attractive woman possible. Again, there's that "context" I was telling you about that you love to ignore in your shitty argument.

Then I guess getting kicked in the balls is also a part of the horror genre.

Name 3 games that do this

In other words, you'll want your friend to randomly provide real life jump scare.

There is no difference between someone opening the door while you're shitting and yelling "BOO" and the best jumpscare ever put into a video game.

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Guess you want people to randomly kick you in the balls

Die Kaiser!

Garbage arguments all around. Your arguments only make sense if the game consists of you clicking an exe and it having a jack-a-box jumping out at you. The jumpscares are part and parcel of the game. They are embedded into the game, part of the climax of sequences that have had great atmosphere leading up to them, part of a story that you are invested in, part of a game that you don't want to lose to. They all prop up the jumpscare much higher than some random dipshit screaming at you in the street, and the jumpscare, in turn, props up all the other elements in return.

Begone, plebs. You have ruined the genre for far too long with your pussy shit. If you don't want to get scared, don't play horror games.

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the only reason people complain about jumpscares is cuz its cheap, when you could just get scared by the scary atmosphere and story.
just more sophisticated.

Your 'argument' doesn't say anything of substances. All you did was shoehorn jumpscare into it and claim that that explains it.

I don't have to pick one, though. I want to be scared by all three of those elements together.

So get your friend to yell BOO and kick you in the balls

Your false equivalence has already been addressed in

It's not false equivalence, it is literally part of the horror experience by your train thought. Hell it even enhances it since it also provides the pain that the horror victims also suffers.

Agreed, he was basically the only character that didn't let emotion get in the way of his judgement.

He betrayed his homeland and then helped kill countless of his own countrymen just because of his pride.

Is this game a jumpscare game? I would say no as monsters turn up suddenly but never leap out from around the corner kind of way.

Also, post a scarier game, pro tip you can't.

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Jumpscares are only good if you have time to prepare and the game does a good job at making you suspect one is coming.

Let's take SH3 for example: the mannequin? The whole room sets offs your alarms immediately. SH3's especially horrifying because the load times are empty silence while the soundscape is incredibly noisy and busy, but from the getgo it establishes this dynamic (the literal first door you go through you go from eerie silence to powerdrill massacre), so from then on, it's only your fault if the soundscape catches you unaware.

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>as monsters turn up suddenly
It's a jumpscare, then.

even if they are just wandering around and corridor you run around a corner to see them stood there? running into a monster here is like running into a guy in MGS or Splinter Cell.

All games made by the Penumbra theme (except for the Penumbra puzzle game) have a few sequences were the enemies are deliberately placed to startle you.

You're retarded

t. Didnt play the second game

I did

true but the bulk of the monster encounters were not jumpy.

No one is saying that the bulk of a game has to be jumpscares. Merely that the existence of SOME jumpscares add to the game.

fair enough, I assumed the OP was trashing them as per his greentext.

This is the actual answer. Only 14 year olds think getting startled is the same as getting scared.

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What is an actual example of Horror done really well without jumpscares and other cheap tactics??

A lot of RPG maker games, actually. Things like Yume Nikki, .flow, etc. Yes they have a couple jump scares but the meat is everything else.
Maybe Stalker too.

>think he's a traitor as soon as he orders Kircheis' gun to be taken
>in the final episode it comes out that he did literally nothing wrong

but fuck him for egging best boy Reuenthal on with that fat cunt Lang

Is there any way to counter the scary atmosphere in games? I mean you can adapt to jumpscares over time but how you deal with dark atmosphere in games? Getting high or drunk won't help.

I listen to podcasts or watch Tucker from my laptop as I play games that are 2spooky.

whats the best gaiden storyline and why is it the mutineer

>not remaining loyal to your ruler and their lineage
Despite how mentally fucked the royal family was, there is no dishonor in his actions.

>Ruins you wedding for no good reason

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The actual quote was absolutely critical information.

>spergs out and fucks his assistant
>immediately proposes to her

Is everyone in this series autistic?

Here's the actual answer to your actual answer:

He literally had to wait like 5 more minutes for them to leave the room and it would have been fine.

>Yes they have a couple jump scares
Then that's not what he's asking for, based retard.

During a war, every second is critical.

t. oberstein

Read the rest of the post. They are there but they aren't the main attraction. If you knew anything about these games, you'd know that the general atmosphere is horror and will make your skin tingle. They just happen to have a single jump scare through out the whole game. They are not overdone, and they are done at times where you don't exactly expect them either. If you can get past the idea that there is ONE jumpscare, then you will enjoy the rest of the horror that the game has to offer (if you can enjoy RPG maker games).

He got best boy Kircheis killed and made Reuental a traitor

No one is saying that jump scares have to be the main attraction. But by admitting they ARE an attraction, you defeat your own argument. Enough of the meme that jump scares are bad.

>and they are done at times where you don't exactly expect them either
>Implying this isn't bad news for the anti-jumpscare manlets


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actually based

Fuck Julian


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