Fallout 3: Five gameplay DLCs

Fallout 3: Five gameplay DLCs
Fallout NV: Four gameplay DLCs
Fallout 4: Two gameplay DLCs

Why is this allowed?

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Fallout 4 should have had more gameplay DLCs but Far Harbor (which was great) and Nukaworld (which sucked shit) combined probably had about the same or more as 3's 5 DLCs. Same applies to the 4 NV DLCs.

same amount of content*

more like 2.5 gameplay dlcs really

just kill the franchise, I liked it better dead than the bastard zombie it is now

Because people keep buying it, user

man do i love old world blues

If fallout 4 even had just 3 DLCs on par with Far Harbor it would be redeemable

honestly far harbor kinda sucked
nuka world was better

Why is this allowed?

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How the fuck could you think this

Why did Nuka World suck so much shit bros? I've literally never met anyone who's liked it. There's always some people who likes a Fallout DLC for some reason.

I can't quite peg why Nuka World was crap. Was it pushing the Nuka Cola shit too hard? The hype around Nuka Cola and focus on it seems like real-world merchandising bullshit more than it seems to be an in-game importance. It's just kind of there as a consumable and that's that. Focusing on it as a DLC was like a fucking Blamco DLC because you can eat the mac and cheese now that I think about it.

i liked exploring the new buildings but thats it

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confirmed what I said using howlongtobeat.com
comparing the main story + extra's average
3's DLC took a total of 22h and 22m to beat
4's DLC took a total of 34h and 18m to beat

>playing and enjoying the flaming trash-heap that was Fallout 4

Far Harbor was literally the best Fallout game bethesda has ever made.

it felt fucking empty and boring, the story was retarded, everyone but the mariner was a sack of shit, and it's another "blow up something cool or let cool people die" bullshit choice

so it was an at-best mediocre game then

I'm fucking pissed that they bumped the price of the season pass up to a full AAA game for that meager content, and the season pass now costs more than the GOTY edition with the prices in my region.
Fuck DLCs, fuck Microsoft for enabling it and fuck Bethesda for taking advantage of it.

just pirate them, they're treated like mods in bethesda games. You're not a console pleb, right?

>I can't quite peg why Nuka World was crap.
Probably the fact that you were locked out of ~40% of the content if you weren't playing a specific kind of evil character.

so it felt like fallout 4

I liked the new enemies it added like the ants, gatorclaws, bloodworms, and crickets but overall it was just a borefest that didn't offer anything else exciting.

who cares; kys