Yea Forums BTFO again
Yea Forums BTFO again
Other urls found in this thread:
how many times have you made this thread
how many times are you going to make this thread again
is this really what you want from life
Good thing I don't play videogames
>mobile shitware
>candy crush
>52% of women
>vs 95% of men
Come again?
>most gamers are woemen
>also video games need to change to appeal to woemen
>52% of the 14 women who answered our survey specifically about gaming on FB says they've played a videogame before
People who make false correlations needs to be executed immediately, these retards are worse than the total fuckwits who believe it.
the fuck is wrong with you
phone "gamers" aren't real "gamers" if that makes any sense
they don't get the culture of the hobby and dabble in surface-level garbage and don't intend to delve deeper into it
talked with people in the industry myself, they tend to share the same view
How many times are you going to make the same thread? I don't even come to Yea Forums that often and even I have seen it at least 5 times. In before 500+ replies I guess.
Seriously, why does this fact trigger Yea Forums so much?
Mobile games aren't real games
Women dont understand kino games
How can this be possible when the current state of gaming that we are desperately trying to fix is noninclusive and hostile to women?
it's misrepresented data and it harms the industry more than it helps
It triggers /pol/. They breached containment long time ago and now spreading their cancer everywhere.
Mobile and Facebook apps aren't video games
does this mean that they now say nigger more than anybody else?
>look at this game where i post my cleavage and get thumbs up points
Because females are cancer in its purest form.
YAAAAS, we did it girls!
too bad for you that /pol/ isn't the only one that hates SJW propaganda
*hits pipe*
who cares
giga nigga, stop posting this bait image if you're black and play good vidya then post new one with date stamp
>women are huma-
Why do you make this thread every day?
>mUh SjW pRoPaGaNDa
Have sex you dumb incel.
internalized misogyny
That's how they get you user.
Most people read that headline and assume it's 52 out of 100 for all gamers.
Not women
No one should as it doesn’t state what percentage of gamers are women or what percentage of men are gamers. This article hopes to trigger retards which they did into thinking that more women are gamers compared to men
Yea Forums is just mad these women don't have any interest in their console anime and PC shooting games and that they play on socially superior platforms like the iPhone.
>”TwO pLuS tWo EqUeLs FoUr”
>”Have sex incel”
go back to whence you came, discord tranny
Jesus fucking christ.
And there are genuinely "people" that get mad at the "Scenes women will never understand" threads. Estrogen filled girly men and women don't react like people do, they are very knee jerk and reactionary to the point of self destruction, often forsaking self interest to do as they're told or to spite someone that made them mad once, even if it guts themselves in the process.
What is this? I've seen it a few places now and I wish to know more
mobile trash aren't games
>What is this?
I mean, where you expecting Women to understand “Scenes women will never understand”?
>2.5 billions of women play video games
No but they sure like coming into the threads to whine about incels, even though I'm certain the virgin population here isn't the majority anymore
>women are gamers
>only use apps on Apple phones
Imagine being so uninformed of what gaming is
get an eastern European wife Yea Forums.
Just remember, females have neither morality, conscious, empathy or accountability. Females being "soulless" and not even human is not just a meme, it's reality.
>Most people read that headline and assume it's 52 out of 100 for all gamers.
Or they read one sentence below where it's outright stated.
Please strangle me with your huge hand and put me out of my misery
This is the future of all white women. You can resist all you want white bois, but it won't change a thing. So either get outbred and go extinct, or willingly submit to the BBC. Your choice, cucks.
Using incel as a pejorative is literally SJWspeak :^)
>m-muh discord
Rent free.
>m-muh incel
Rent free.
but we are all cute girls here
>rent free
nice trick, really got me there
you have to go back
Jesus christ
I'm black but I'd never touch a white girl with a black dick tramp stamp or obsessed with BBC. Them bitches crazy
>marry an Egyptian woman who actually worships Egyptian mythology and is ok with Christianity; worships it too
>Fembro through and through
>hates the political climate of the world and just wants what's right
>laughs in the faces of SJW's and their views as she proves why their wrong
>likes Herb Alpert
I don't know where you've been, incels. There's Men and Women and below that are NPC's
Just know actual people are out there instead of throwing shit like this around
I'd say anyone willing to forsake every quality of an individual because they're obsessed with a singular one is usually crazy as fuck.
It's on thing to have a preference but if you're passing up that college graduate doctor girl that's the sweetest person you've ever met because she isn't rocking E cups you're a fucking moron
Wow, it's only the 100th time I'm seeing this exact thread this week.
Fuck off you dumb nigger OP. Find a new hobby.
>he thinks he's in good company
go back
This unironically reads like those soijack memes.
I feel bad for you, bro. I hope you get better and stop being so effeminate.
Someone gets it
White women are the most persuasive
Have you noticed that most of these activist groups are full of white women? Idiots, the lot of them, so easily fooled
I actually know a good handful of white women that are sharp as hell, but they honestly don't care since they did life right
You fucks dont know how to read English
It is 52% of Women are gamers, not 52% of gamera are women
Huge difference
Even mobile statistics are unlikely to be that ratio. It's basically all bullshit
>Yea Forumsirgin
>gacha board
Women barly play any vidya outside of the utter outmost layer of the casul games genre.. Pubg, lol, fortnite,wow and sometime dayz.. Girls in majority rarly play anything else than those casul games tho you might meet like 1 girl for every 5k men in other games.. So the article is fucking wrong, it doesent take into account any other games than that disgusting outer layer
Surprised the father didn't disown her before that
>someone unironically drew this
Were you offended?
Lack of guidance, strict or otherwise.
What the fuck are you talking about?
(Watch this become a copypasta lol)
I'm the last guy who'd ever be effeminate. Dude, I quit my job as a tech company and became a freelance IT since it was full of fucking incels and how they'd look up to me for hooking up in the fashion I did/bashing me for getting a lady as a white guy (fucking hip bearded incels, fuck those pathetic virgins)
I'm sorry that you didn't succeed by finding a life partner to love, but don't take out your eternal struggle by calling me fucking soijack, you little cocksucker
But every race has a cluster of idiots that give the others bad names
If I could, I'd wish for the idiots to be bound to a NPC fate while the good ones succeed
Basically helping natural selection but ×10
If it's women, they've probably moved on to the next attention giving trend. Star Wars and Marvel movies are the new thing.
This need to rant about your life and the way you described your "wife" tells me you are a giant effeminate.
How the fuck can you use the term "fembro" and then pretend you're anything but a pussy? Sit down.
Gaming died 10 years ago. Of course now females and braindead cucks "play" the garbage that are modern games. Men find new worthwile hobbies.
Go kill yourself faggot.
More like 10 decades ago.
Kek. You are alright, Leaf
That's how I describe her: She always has my back, no matter what, and I do the same for her
We're both Top Dogs in our community, she's not a fucking tool who knows right from wrong and we both pull our load in our lives
Oh and before you tell me to sit down, have you even come close to having any friends?
That's right, you haven't. So how about you go back to whatever degenerate place you came from and continue jacking off instead of actually meeting someone
Why do you losers fucking obsess over this fucking trash. Christ, grow the fuck up.
what did OP mean by this?
>he doubles down again
What are you still doing here, then?
get lost cuck.
It only triggers underages, so I guess you're right, it triggers Yea Forums.
They can't stand thinking of women as equals. They're constant "victims" of something movies and TV shows told them about "duhh if you like games you're probably a sexless virgin who likes star trek" which might have been true 39 years ago, but they've never dealt with being ostracized but they think they have.
>starts posting images instead of fighting back
That's what I thought, bitch
Know your place
Says the guy who got cucked in front of his crush by the school chad
Shut the fuck up you söy addicted faggot
im 12 years old and wat is this
>Of course now females and braindead cucks "play" the garbage that are modern games. Men find new worthwile hobbies.
Yeah! Hobbies like posting on Yea Forums!
Most leddit post I’ve ever seen in my life, go back you failed abysmal normalfag.
I'm sure they have. They just misidentified the source of the problem. Obsessing over anime and video games wasn't the cause of social ostracisation, but a consequence. The cause was poor social skills that never improved due to retreating into escapist media. Now they wear their ostracisation as a badge of honour inextricably connected to the "sacrifice" they made to be a "true" fan, and they hate the fact that there are people out there enjoying the same things and still leading fulfilling social lives, because then, what did they suffer for? And if they knew the answer to that question they could finally grow as persons.
Holy projection Batman.
It would be a lot easier for you if you were to get off Yea Forums and have sex, incel.
An adult woman having a fulfilling sex life with partners of her choosing and escaping from her controlling conservative dad. So of course it triggers Yea Forums on multiple levels.
Looks like I struck a nerve
What's wrong? Did you finally realize you're wasting time here? Did you finally realize that some random guy on the internet is actually making you think about what you want to do in life?
And btw, if the only thing you can say is a pathetic discord level insult, then you're beyond salvageable
Oh really? I'm the incel? You need to reference fucking comics and pictures to portray what you want to say
In terms of brain power, your parents failed you
Here's an example of: Everyone I don't like is reddit
Post one (one) (uno) pic of you and your ((((((((((((((((((wife))))))))))))))))))) if you're feeling so cocky
What's wrong with this, exactly?
why does every single person who posts pokemon related pictures is such a huge cuck?
Same reason as most news articles: they provide half truths for ad clicks and nothing more.
Now I can find love while gaming.
nice of you to go the extra mile of cutting out the date of the article.
Thank Christ, maybe then all you fucking crypto fascists will fucking leave. Go. Scram. Fuck off back to the_donald where you came from.
I can count on one hand the amount of women gamers I've encountered. Two were e-thots (one trying to be a streamer LOL) and one actually played games, but only a handful and not very often.
Women are not interested in video games, and when they are they do not play for very long or branch out. It's just not a passion for then the way it is for men. It's like men and makeup or chick flicks, only the fucking dregs of the gender even know anything beyond surface level about it and when they do, they don't care very much.
Why? So you make revenge porn of her?
After how all of you proved that you're bigger losers than those lowlife employees that I used to work with, you don't deserve shit from me
>why does every person is such a cock?
>pussies out
>Like Asians
Asians hit the wall the hardest lmfao.
>I can count on one hand the amount of women gamers I've encountered.
You've been hanging out in the wrong places then.
Imagine posting on a Chinese cartoon forum bragging about your pathetic life.
Go back, you pussy sóyboy
>Remove people who exclusively pay mobile shit and nothing else
>Suddenly less than 5% of women are gamers
Lol I know this garbage post is bait but. Between meeting randoms online, irl clubs and tournaments and all the games with voice chat I play it is a shockingly low number. They really just don't have any interest in gaming
Damn, I think we're seeing a mental breakdown in real time.
nah, on the contrary they dont have anything to complain, they are the mayority and they overpopulated their favorite genres, more reason to leave other genres alone.
You call it pussying it out. I call it not being an idiot
You honestly think I don't know what this website can do? Fucker, I've been here since '06 when I entered college to become a Software Engineer and I know that this site can be vile
I'm not gonna post a picture of her to a bunch of strangers and then have her face plastered on porn, which, by the way, is fucking illegal
Excuse me for being protective of my wife, but that's what a man does
I wouldn't expect you to understand
Pathetic? You call over $100k a year, a woman who loves me and being at the top of my game pathetic? Sure pal, continue posting here and not doing shit with your life
See how far that gets you
Top fucking kek. If your life was good as you're saying it is, then why are even here faggot? Because it isn't, you're just a larping, seething, impotent little incel, and that's all you will ever be.
If I don't count male phone gamers why should I count female phone gamers?
Like we said last time, Candy Crush doesn't count.
Seething cope lmao
>Supposedly married "top dog"
>has nothing better to do than brag about him, his life and his wife
>on a shitty anime imageboard
>in a low-quality board for videogames populated by idiots
yep, sounds like a textbook loser who failed at life to me. what a pathetic display
Because I like this site
I like browsing Yea Forums to see what's new because Kotaku and co. are terrible at news coverage and what games are good or bad
This site is niche. Too bad it'll be shut down in a few years and all this will mean nothing
I succeeded in life, will continue to do so AND still browse Yea Forums
None of you can stop me
>uses a Twitter gif
Yeah, no
Maybe things are different in America.
Also lol if you don't think girls avoid games with voice chat for good reason
No, it's really not
How would you know, American?
Because most of them are just hyper normies
It really sucks
Yes, in America, maybe
Eh you know
Please tell me what country you live in where the average woman is apparently not a huge normie.
Probably isolated, like all the male Yea Forumsirgins
That number is more than half so I'm not going to put any further thought into it.
I live in a Western European country and playing video games IS normie
Nowhere near normie enough to have most women do it, or most gamers being women outside of mobile shit.
Stop kidding yourself, faggot.
I never said it was most women. I'm just saying I know at least a couple dozen women/girls interested in gaming, from DaS to 4X to the usual Zelda stuff.
Maybe you just don't know many people in general?
> interested in gaming
Nice vague wording. You know that you're talking shit.
>Nice vague wording.
Who play video games, on the reg, as a hobby, due to having a genuine interest in them. Better, mr. pedantic?
Pick one retard.
so everytime someone says majority of gamers are racists and spread hate its women, it all makes sense now
No, cause I know you're lying.
The "52%" is more close to 20% and most of those are mobile shitters and other causal gaming shit.
>how to easily trigger Yea Forums with a single image
Will Yea Forums ever learn to not be triggelypuffs?
>computer says no
>No, cause I know you're lying.
Why do you think your statistics invalidate my experience? I just told you, you're just looking in the wrong places. You're also not likely to run into Nazis in your day to day life but Yea Forums is crawling with them.
Go back to facebook
Don't reply to me again tranny.
Whatchu gon do about it bitch
Steal your dilator and call you "he".
Thanks, appreciate it
Never seen such a beautiful pair of faggots
Excuse me, we're having a moment.
me on the right
mobile still doesn't count, you faggot
If you're female, what is your favorite videogame?
Cheating, riding the cc, exploiting orbiters and cruising through life on easy mode while constantly crying oppression.
so all those sexist, racist, xenophobic, islamophobic, anti-semetic alt-right biggots are a majority women then?
Okay lets go with that
damn that bitch is ugly
is this how ugly you teenagers are?
Anyone who refers to themselves as a gamer is a pissant anyway so yeah I can believe that the majority of self described gamers are women
calling yourself a gamer because you play video games is just as cringe as calling yourself a stoner, people dont do this with movies people dont describe themselves as watchers.
Even if it was true, almost all other women that claim to play something I ask answer with shit like Candycrush or Sims, to a lesser extend with Animal Crossing and that's it. Harvest Moon if you are really lucky and most never finished the games. The actual female gamers aren't much more than 20 years ago so maybe one out 10, certainly not 50%, unless they only surveyed zoomers in urban areas, because every damn zoomer plays Smash and Fortnite these days.
I'm so tired of this jewswine kikepig judenshit cancer. I won't even comment on it anymore.
I hope this entire industry implodes, eats shit and dies and everyone enabling the current faggotry loses his/her job and ends up sucking dicks for food in dark alleys.
Ok, its time to clear up some serious misconceptions about trans people.
I'm trans (transitioned in 2012) and I've been an oldfag dating to 2007. Believe it or not, I know at least 10 other people in the exact same position as me, people I met through Yea Forums that helped me with my transition, and I did likewise. Matter of fact, I'd say lurking for a while here actually predisposes you to being trans, at least I think so. We didn't really discuss it too often though because, duh, its a video games board, so we just sort of casually went along with the bashing here and there, just to keep a lower profile on Yea Forums in general.
But ever since /pol/ brought over the discord tranny meme its been fucking hectic, now literally every thread devolved to this shit, just for the living fuck of it. I get they can be funny sometimes but- Why? Why do you hate us so fucking much that you'll start thread after tread just to bash trans people in video games? I get that we tend to hold left wing views but gamergate was years ago, why bare we still holding onto the /pol/tard Yea Forums ideal? Try talking to a trans person for the first time, really, and you'll see right off how we're literally just regular fucking people, we can hold a conversation, we're funny, and we love video games, that why we come here. I can't think of a single other minority that endures the nonstop barrage of hate that we do here and it sucks, it really does, but i keep coming back because I love you guys, I love the creative output of Yea Forums, and I want it to get better later on. Just something to consider.
you need to go back you 2016 subhuman assbirth
now that's some mental gymnastics to justify your bachelor of arts in women studies and dance therapy
Good now that they outnumber us they will be fighting each other over who gets a boyfriend. All I have to do is sit back and wait.
I fucking hate public transit. Maybe it would be tolerable if our dumbass politicians weren't trying to stuff in twice as many people as the city was designed for. Migrants welcome and all that. Let's stuff the whole world into a handful of cities only designed to hold a few million each.
>they don't get the culture of the hobby and dabble in surface-level garbage and don't intend to delve deeper into it
If you give a shit about gaming "culture" then you are the 1%, you are the neckbeard, you are the person that makes your entire life about games and everyone thinks you're weird
>And there are genuinely "people" that get mad at the "Scenes women will never understand" threads. Estrogen filled girly men and women don't react like people do, they are very knee jerk and reactionary to the point of self destruction, often forsaking self interest to do as they're told or to spite someone that made them mad once, even if it guts themselves in the process.
>mfw this is said on an image board where 99% of the population loses their damn minds like reactionary fucking babies when something they don't like happens
Trannies don't count as a female demographic.
*sips tea*
Uhm, no sweetie. Gaming belongs to US.
Fake news.
>only 52%
we still have work to do, soon it will be 100%, once the loli reveloution is finished
all none loli's will be genocided or made into slaves
>shows them on a phone.
Ha, Great pic.
Instagram and snapshot aren't video games
There are a lot of people hoping you burn in hell. Know that you're a degenerate tranny, and if you're not, join them and become a suicide statistic.
I would keep fucking her until my balls were drained and my dick was hurting.
I would gladly get future sexual dysfunction from mercilessly fucking that Woman.
Because in my several years of going to Arcades to play rhythm games, I could count the number of women that could actually complete a full round on any song level on my fingers, and it sure doesn't outnumber the men who can do the same.