Why do people want to play games that replicate the workplace? Office simulators and such...

Why do people want to play games that replicate the workplace? Office simulators and such. Isn't the whole point of playing games is to get away from it?

Attached: wage.png (998x697, 1.12M)

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What games are you even refering to?

>I wish my emplyoees were submissive slaves
There, summed it up.



That's very clearly not an actual "job simulator" though. It's just using a menial job setting as a backdrop for goofy VR shenanigans. Implying it's trying to "replicate the workplace" is disingenuous.

>I really didn't need a raise
No one has ever fucking said this.

Boomers a fucking disease. Day of the Pillow when?

Some of the points are understandable like,
>profits are u, costs are down
>we are way ahead of schedule
but most are really just
>work more for less pay and kiss my ass

Goyim exist to serve the chosen people.