Why do people want to play games that replicate the workplace? Office simulators and such...

Why do people want to play games that replicate the workplace? Office simulators and such. Isn't the whole point of playing games is to get away from it?

Attached: wage.png (998x697, 1.12M)

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What games are you even refering to?

>I wish my emplyoees were submissive slaves
There, summed it up.



That's very clearly not an actual "job simulator" though. It's just using a menial job setting as a backdrop for goofy VR shenanigans. Implying it's trying to "replicate the workplace" is disingenuous.

>I really didn't need a raise
No one has ever fucking said this.

Boomers a fucking disease. Day of the Pillow when?

Some of the points are understandable like,
>profits are u, costs are down
>we are way ahead of schedule
but most are really just
>work more for less pay and kiss my ass

Goyim exist to serve the chosen people.

My boss owning this would be enough to get me to walk out of any job

Suck my arian cock

Attached: 8x1lo8aqr6b31.jpg (1440x1441, 90K)

This doesn't make any sense
Bosses are always the one who work the most and have the most stressful jobs

>We are way ahead of schedule.
I've had supervisors who would say this at the end of every work week. These same supervisors started every work week with "We are way behind schedule, get your asses in gear." We had some kind of Schrodinger's Productivity always going on.

Man I sure love that I’m self employed.

Work my own hours and my pay is only limited by how hard I want to work.

They set the new quota to match your best work.

>Given the chance to keep working here...I would gladly accept a cut in pay

That's some fucking boomer views right there, nowadays it's considered pretty normal to leave your job after 1-3 years if you find a better paying job with better benefits. Loyalty to companies isn't shit.

No, a CEO has a much easier job than a sweatshop worker

And that's why giving 110% is the worst policy.

Posting in a wagecuck thread

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People want to imagine an office that is less unpleasant than their real one
It's a strange kind of escapism

Then don't work in a sweatshop???
Being a CEO takes much more skill, knowledge, experience and connections too
Of course that a shitty job that everyone can do won't pay

Attached: 1555329814515.png (900x708, 572K)

Without the sweatshops the CEO's job would not exist. Also the statement was bosses work the most and have the most stressful jobs which is blatantly untrue especially when most decisions are done by a board of people.

You arent going to get promoted and any business you start will fail because you have no connections and you will remain on the lower rungs of the corporate pyramid for the rest of your life

>made a bad decision
>have to fire a bunch of staff compensate
>get a bonus for creating a net profit
So stressful.

Is this the plot of SMT?

Maybe the low tier managers you work for at McD's

>Being a CEO takes much more skill, knowledge, experience and connections too
Mostly the connections part. A lot, not all but a lot, of CEOs really just seem to push their work onto lower ranking employees. Which is fine as long as the employees are being paid appropriately. But a lot of it is just keeping tabs on things to make sure the employees are doing things smoothly.

Just because a job requires a lot of knowledge and skill doesn't mean it is paid appropriate to its worth.

looks like something Randy would put on his wall

Attached: CuHtNgEVMAEUyyp.jpg (901x1200, 141K)

One grande cold brew latte and it's Stephen with a P H thank you