Why does emulation make some people so angry?

Why does emulation make some people so angry?

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Other urls found in this thread:


They can't cope

Buyers' remorse.

I wish user liked emulation. It's cool as fuck being able to mod console games and to share screenshots of them but every thread about emulation is just arguments.

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Jap insectoids aren't people to begin with

>consolecucks are angry about someone not buying into console meme and spending 0$ for the game
Wowie zowie I wonder why


I thought they were just being le epic funni shitposters. Well, screw them lmao. Also, there is an emulation general in /vg/. Pretty slow general.

I emulate and own the original games and hardware. Best of both worlds.

Imagine being poor!

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emulation is fine as long as the games are no longer being printed, at that point the creators no longer receive any money for their product

sometimes even emulation can beat digital versions of games, just look at the older versions of the final fantasy games on steam

I just wish I had the self-control to fully play through a ROM instead of just playing the game once and immediately downloading something else. Maybe if I go innawoods for a while I'll have no choice but to play what's in my backlog...

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they have no life and all the mental problems.

I don't have to imagine

if it's boring for you - it's not worth your time.

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Drink bleach and shoot yourself in the mouth, you fucking failed abortion.

because it dents the speculators market

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>Why does emulation make some people so angry?
They don't and they should not.
I've seen people be annoyed at piracy, but Piracy and Emulation aren't the same thing and don't attract the same crowds.

/pol/shitters hate emulation

Cuz console users feel discouraged when they can't use exclusives as an excuse to promote their consoles as the best.

the truth is that nobpdy buys a console for any other reason than exclusives and emulation makes them angry becauss they feel they wasted money

Used game scalpers angry you aren’t paying $300 for a 30 year old game

They do? Why?

Imagine being a gullible manchild richfag who wastes all of his money on kiddy toys.

Does it? I just have no interest in using an inferior method of playing classic games. Not when I can play them all for free on the real thing with no bugs or issues.

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I hope you get a brain tumor and can't afford treatment, you little shit.

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Anyone know if I should emulate pic related on dolphin or pcsx2?

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>can't afford treatment
??? Doesn't your government provide free healthcare?

is a gpd win worth it? how well does it handle ps1 emulation?

Well "some" companies have a real cult of followers

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>all his money

Imagine considering a couple hundred alot of money.

No, I don't live in a socialist dystopian nightmare where you get arrested for wrongthink.

Are they having a party for the 1-year anniversary of the Switch? I thought they were just having a LAN party with Switches. Holy fuck that's weird.

Neither do I, but I still get free healthcare

I like emulation. I hate when people lie about their reasons for emulating.

Oh really...
Where do you live, pray tell...

The fact the you can get cancer and die in america and mot get health care boggles my mind. What a piece of shit country.

People just want free games at the cost of quality. It's not preservation, it's not archival, it's just entertainment. The good news is most emulaters are idiots, download full sets and don't even know what to play. So they play an obvious game or two they probably already played, then never touch it again.


>I hate when people give reasons to play video games

>male to female ratio is about 9:1
That's Nintendo alright.

>most emulaters are idiots
You can't even spell.

>Quick google search shows them being pretty based

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>It's not preservation, it's not archival
It is for some people but not these people. They contribute nothing to the archival and saving of games. If you just want free shit or jerk off about how BOTW looks on PC instead of playing it then just say so but don't lie and say hurr durr it's 4 preservation.

emulater = emulator user, emulater.

>It is for some people
no, the real thing needs to be preserved. emulation bastardizes games time and time again and it is the worst way to preserve anything. If you really care about preservation you'd fix original systems and maintain original games. Not rom dumps that have existed since 1991 as if they need "preserving."

based retard

stay mad emulater

We're the only country that treats cancer at all. That's why your deathly ill countrymen always come here when they need life-saving treatment/procedures.


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Cartridges and CDs don't last forever, my man.

Post the second one. Don't leave me hanging.

Emulators preseve games, remasters do not.

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Looks like some more great games to play on original hardware, nice.

~70% sure this is bait, good post

emulators do the opposite of preservation, they're just free shit I can play.

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the most successful rich individuals find every way to cut costs as much as possible. why are "rich"fags so delusional?

>maybe if I say some illogical shit he'll get mad

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What's illogical about it? I get free games, get to sit in the same spot I shitpost from, listen to my own music over shitty beeps and boops and play old games for free.

You didn't think this through very well, emulation is great for free shit. You'd be wise to get in on it before yet another site goes down.

Haha good one, Karen! Mind if I share this with the senpai?
See you at the potluck on Sunday

Fuck you. Stop making me laugh at nine in the morning.

I buy all of my games and fully support emulating and pirating.
Fuck companies, play vidya however you want.

>own private jet(s)
>spend free time playing golf on private course
>vacation in tropical countries and stay in the finest suites

Yeah those fellas sure cut costs, retard

>not having insurance

its a fucking great game.
when you collect all the little collectables in the game. new ones get placed with commentary by stan lee himself.


You wanna know why? because they’re jealous. Emulation requires significant technical skills that most people can’t figure out. A brainlet will try to emulate something, and instead they destroy their system. Then they blame all emulation

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>Emulation requires significant technical skills
No it doesn't.

Imagine playing games in worse ways just because it's "convenient"

What? Any teenager can learn how to emulate in like 5 minutes.

looks like he struck a nerve

Imagine playing games in better ways with more convenience ;)

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>Yeah, guess I- I mean HE, HE struck a nerve. Heh, gotem!

Hell yeah it's a lot more convenient. I just click twice on an icon, drag and drop a game, and I'm playing. A real system?
>have to find the cables
>have to lug out the CRT
>connect the red, white, yellow connectors
>accidentally mix up yellow and white so I get a blinding noise and no picture
>fuck have to re-do it, reaching around a massive box tv
>turn it on
>it's not turning on
>turn the switch on the back
>finally get my controller
>can't use a 360 controller so i need to use the real thing, which is gay
>put the disc in
>it's not reading
>have to turn the disc around so the shiny part is down
>it finally works
>loading takes F O R E V E R
>finally playing the game
>it's so low resolution

emulation is just 3 clicks, this is a ridiculous amount of effort to just play some fucking games.

how's the ninth grade treating you

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If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it. Even less so with custom resolutions/effects

>accidentally mix up yellow and white so I get a blinding noise and no picture
>have to turn the disc around so the shiny part is down
Good bait user.

Is that right?

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They don't, unless they're capitalist bootlickers who think that /pol/ is a libertarian board instead of a fascist one. Emulation is based and redpilled, one because the preservation of information and the subversion of the kike construct that is copyright, and two because you're likely to be playing something that's more challenging and less pozzed.
t. /pol/shitter

I emulated gba games when I was like 10 faggot

It's probably not worth it. Would you get it just for PS1 emulation? It handles that very well, and I think Dolphin as well.


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>free healthcare
>pays for his and other people healthcare in taxes


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>have a child
>become in debt for 10 years

Shill brainwashing. I emulated nearly every gba/snes game as a kid, the original gba had no back light and was shit so they deserved it. Also living where I did we'd have to drive to a capital city to get a better selection of vidya. If I had bought every game I played I'd have pleb taste and no money, fuck that.

He says while perverting the information, thus preserving nothing. A true fascist respects his roots, a fake seeks to move on to what is shinier and anti-tradition.

>If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it. Even less so with custom resolutions/effects
This is better bait than "Crash Bandicoot is an FMV"

Fascism isn't trad you retard. The fucking art movement of fascism was futurism.
Go worship mass-market plastic like it's some kind of venerable tradition; I'll be over here caring for what's actually important, the fucking game.

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Any device from 2005 onwards can handle PS1 emulation

No reasonable person gives a shit about people pirating. It's when they get all smug about their "superior intelligence" they get annoying. Pirate all you want, just shut the fuck up about it.

>fascism isn't about identifying with your people
>it's about shiny new toys
2016 was a mistake. Go be a based gay "conservative" elsewhere.

It's piracy.
I didn't develop games in the 90s (in ASM, before the days of brainless make your own game programs like gaymaker) so that people can play them for free

Based, some of you /pols are alright

imagine still being this furious over people calling out nintendo's cash grabs for what they were.

>>fascism isn't about identifying with your people
>every ethnonationalist ever is a fascist
lmao. But we're not even talking about video games anymore. To bring it back: emulation is in tune with the dialectic, leveraging new technologies for old ideas to create a blend that is wholly good without the bad. Plastic-worship is reactionary and cringe because it focuses on the external manifestations of old video games rather than the challenge and technical skill that they present to the player or the hacker.

What games did you make, user?

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Business and distribution aspect aside, if you made a good game user you would get paid for it, it's only meme games that get stolen

so is chuck the name of the owner/pimp or do you get your suck and fuck from chuck?

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What is that? That looks pretty dope

Where can I find one?

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I was about to say but I just realized my real name is credited as the sole programmer for them and that makes things awkward for my anonymity

They probably can't figure out how to do it themselves.

What genre games? I'm a piratefag but would buy a game dev'd by an user if it was good

People need to stop coming up with excuses and jumping through hoops when they emulate. They go on saying emulation is not piracy and is legal but they pirate all the games they play. Just be upfront about it.

Well, it's a lot harder to make a compelling moral argument against pirating 25 year old games when none of the money would go to the original developers anyway.

>If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it.

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This is looking at emulation without the downsides, loading the conversation that use of original hardware is deeply rooted in some kind of worship. This is the kind of language I'd expect from someone who denies their past, refuses to bring anything forward, yet claims to be "one of yous guys!" It's not working. What precious metal does your name end with?

Apart from poisoning the well, emulation will always be plagued by inaccuracies. Even the best of emulators like blast 'em and higan fail to render certain effects correctly, making the whole point of them moot as any inaccuracies betray deeper problems across the board.

This is not leveraging new technologies and picking the good and ignoring the bad, it's embracing convenience, sloth and gluttony. Piling up on roms and images instead of using them. It's a true failure of the individual to settle for such an inferior experience and insist it is better when in reality, it is worse.

/emugen/ became tranny dev drama general though

Most autist & bluepilled post on this website. Emulation is around 97% perfect with the ps2's entire library and anything earlier than that is either perfect or Nintendo64/gc spaghetti code jank. All vidya encourages some form of sloth/gluttony you pretentious faggot

>use of original hardware is deeply rooted in some kind of worship
I find that it almost always is. Hardwarefags care more about the look of cartridges on their shelf and how much they "invested" in that copy of Earthbound than they do about actually playing the game. They fetishize authenticity (read "nostalgia") and use their collections as a form of epeen, falling back on purported inaccuracy only when the reality of the matter is pointed out. They remind me in a lot of ways of reactionaries, who think that all that we need to do to fix the modern world is go back to paganism or X year in time or restore the monarchy. It's a kind of retreat from the reality of the world.

>This is not leveraging new technologies and picking the good and ignoring the bad
That's exactly what emulation is. higan and Blast'Em and other hyperaccurate emulators are impossible without bringing the pinnacle of modern hardware to bear on what a few decades ago would have been managed with hacks and kludges. Not to mention running multiple copies of the same emulated console to completely eliminate latency. The Futurists would revel in the sheer power of it.

>Piling up on roms and images instead of using them
God forbid information should be preserved, right? Since you're a reactionary, you probably really admire the European monks who spent decades of their lives copying books in a scriptorium instead of "using them". I do too, but now we can do it faster, and only someone lost in the past would say that's a bad thing.

>What precious metal does your name end with?
All boomers are spiritual Jews so get fucked lmao

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he's the proprietor of course. when you go into pep boys do three guys come out and gang bang you?

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why do people pretend emulation is wholly buggy when bugs are actually rare in most emulators?

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>not chucks fuck and suck
god damn dont know if this is 4d chess bait or just laziness

no, but pep boys isn't a brothel, I think

Muh pride

>If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it
seething collectorfag, please don't direct your blame to us when we play shit for free when you have spent thousands of dollars on fucking plastic.

Thanks for reassuring me that puristfags like you are nothing more than deluded retards.

If you want good games to be made you need to BUY good games. If the only shit selling is normie bait only normie bait will be made. Its fine if you're emulating or pirating as long as you ARE supporting companies who put out good games as well.

>as long as you ARE supporting companies who put out good games as well
Such as?...

Fuck Nintendo and fuck you.


That's up to you to decide, I'm not gonna argue taste here. But if you have the money to do so you should be supporting the industry.

Because its so low class and shows a blatant disrespect for the history of the medium you claim to love so much.

D'awww you're so nice, you want a dollar?

Because they're poorly code and run like shit.

>Because its so low class
kek fucking seething collectorfags

I have not once paid for a video game.

I do have a Playstation 2 fat with a 1tb hard drive loaded with isos, a Saturn with Pseudo Saturn and 100 burned discs, and a Super Nintendo with an SD2SNES.

I at least play the games as intended.

What third world junk are you using that can't run emulators properly?

Go to bed Sheldon Cooper, your show is cancelled, you are dead now.

It doesn't. The people who give no shits about games and use emulation to shitpost are a different story however.

That's not even a fucking excuse, I live in Mexico and I have a decent enough rig to run CEMU games flawlessly.

Updated Version when?

>If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it
I bet you're one of those incels who thinks fucking escorts isn't "really" having sex.

>What precious metal does your name end with?
My name is Tom Platinum.

Holy fuck, if you want to collect games and play them on original hardware that is amazing, and if you want to emulate a game, that's amazing too.

The important thing is that people play the games, regardless of where they choose to play them. I just don't understand why some people get upset over this.

That's not really a metal.

Shut up you hippie.

Isn't platinum an allow, the same way steel is?

Make me, faggot.

The only steel in here is this *grabs dick*

That's it, that's the spirit, you've grown little grasshoper.

How has being gay been working out, user?

It's like, never mind higher res, emulation means I can play every game on one system/ on the go. I still buy consoles when they're new, but after its life span is over, why not emulate?

lol, you're okay user. I wish you well.

>why not emulate?
NO!, said the Nintendo.


Not gay, just got a really big, manly dick.

just get a vita and hack it

Fuck vita and fuck you.

It's literally a metal and definitely included as a "precious" metal

No, it's element 78 on the periodic table.

>guiss emulaton is pirasy annd iss badd!!!!!!111!!!!!!

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What are you? A representative of the council of platinum? I'm onto you.

ayo fuck you man

I have every single stored on hard drives game from Atari to PS2. EVERY.SINGLE.ONE.
how does that make you feel my dear buyncel?

People don't like paying for things and seeing other people get it for free. It makes them feel like their purchase was devalued. That's entirely their problem, though.

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who cares about weird fags that get angry about things which doesn't affect themselves

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>emulation is a true failure of the individual
Most autistic thing I've read this week.

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The problem with emulation is little issues that only crop up in it. Input latency, bas rendering, default settings like bilinear filtering are a mess. They alter the experience enough that they are not the same. A common keyboard with no nkey roll over will result in sonic not jumping while holding a direction in a lot of default keybinds. If that's someone's first experience they are gonna think these games suck. If it's someoje reliving their experience they are gonna think the games didn't hold up well. Ignoring these issues exist like emulation fanboys do misses the point.

Emulation has a lot of problems and shortcomings original hardware does not.

>all his
No need to project how poor you are

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They can't into emulation so they get super pissed that all these other people are getting FREE GAMES and would rather have it be that nobody gets them instead of just fucking learning for themselves.

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maybe if you suffer from autism

Emulaters have no arguments.

Emulating is a very grey area.
I believe if a game isn't available to purchase and the money doesn't go to the developer then fuck it.

However if you pirate a newer game that's still supporting the developers then that's a no-no.
Imagine putting 1000's of hours of your heart and soul into a game and you were counting on that little bit of income, then everyone basically stole it, you'd be a bit pissed.

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The SNES classic is great though.

It doesn't seem to be a typo for you, it's like a word you're trying to coin.
Don't burn down an indie dev studio, all right, hardware-kun?

>Yea Forums irl

>be communist
>act like a smug dickhead
A question for the ages

>uuurrra a CCHKOMMUNIST!!!1
refer to , kike enabler

>i'm entitled to the fruits of hours of labor for free
>B-b-BuT i'M nOt GoMmUnIsT!!1!oNe
Okay, chief

Long time Yea Forums user here. The Raspberry Pi may initially seem like it's much cheaper than the Super Nintendo Entertainment System™ Classic Mini™, however the actual price of the Rasperry Pi is actually dramatically higher when you account for the other peripherals you need in order to use it.

Nintendo® Super Nintendo Entertainment System™ Classic Mini™ - $79.99
Total cost - $79.99

Raspberry Pi 3 - $35.00
Micro USB power supply - $20.00
Raspberry Pi 3 case - $50.00
256 GB SDXC MicroSD card - $199.99
AudioQuest Diamond 16m (52.49 feet) Braided HDMI Cable - $13,499.75
LG Electronics 98UB9810 98-inch 4K Ultra HD 3D Smart LED TV - $39,997.00
Bose Lifestyle 650 Home Entertainment Surround-Sound System - $3,999.00
Harley Gaming Futon with Speaker - $431.49
Oceanside house in Laguna Beach, California - $29,500,000.00
Frosted Cookies and Cream Pop-Tarts, 12-pastry packs x 10,000 - $165,200.00
Total cost - $29,723,432.23

Additionally, in order to actually play Nintendo® games on the Pi, you have to pirate them. You wouldn't steal a loaf of bread from a starving child, and pirating our video games is no different.

I'd rather be a communist than be bootlicking capitalist filth like you. Go suck circumcised dick and cry for the poor copyright industry that chinks are literally driving into the gutter somewhere else, like on T_D.

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Way to out you're self as a tranny

Nah, just a humble Nazi that's tired of election tourists like you shitting up the place with your grug-tier cuckservative politics.
Commies and capitalcucks might objectively be the two sides of the kosher sandwich and thus equally wrong, but I sure know which one I personally find more annoying.

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Some people just enjoy getting mad.

>election tourists like you
I've been here since before gamergate, comrade

If that were so, tovarisch, maybe you should have gotten better politics in the past five years.

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>better politics
You mean starving an entire country while the """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""people's republic""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" (read: dictator) is riding in cadilac limos?

Better picture plus gamu

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I mean that libertarianism is fucking cringe and gay, and that there's a reason that nearly everyone in that milieu is fucking gone away to fascism now. You're cringe. Your ideology is cringe. Communists, fascists, and even other capitalists laugh at you.

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If you want PSX1 emulation, just get a GPD XD, no need for the win version. That's shit's expensive.
Plus the buttons on the XD are better.

Attached: commies.jpg (1280x720, 216K)

Here are the official power rankings of political ideologies.
1. fascist
2. old-left socialist
3. paleocon
4. monarchist
5. new-left "socialist"
6. progressive
7. post-reagan/thatcher "conservative"
8. anarcho-anything

As you can see, you're right at the bottom. Please stop posting.

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>2. old-left socialist
So you ARE a commie

Some people are really convinced that it's morally wrong to download roms that a company had no intention of preserving, or any for that matter. That and buttmad console cucks.

>authoritarian politics
>avatarfags with anime girls

You are a tranny in waiting. Kill yourself now and expedite the process.

It's a close tie with the paleocons.
No u, lolberg

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Realistically what else is there to spend money on? Women are boring, cars are generic, jets are a yawnfest, boats are cool, but you really only need one. After awhile you begin to realize there is barely anything to spend the cash on and you go back to childish spending habits due to desperation. I honestly WISH I was rich as a kid because back then there was tons of stuff I was excited to buy. But now as a jaded adult with a 6 figure income, I cannot be bothered with buying a damn thing since everything just seems so shitty now. I'll probably keep saving up my $$$ until I'm like 50 or 60 years old and then splurge it all on some awesome new tech that comes out that'd actually elicit some level of excitement from me as a consumer.

TL:DR, adult life sucks, Yea Forumsros...

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That Virtua Fighter game is running at 5 FPS max.

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And if they could find a way to do all that for free, guess what? They do it for free. Hell, some of them probably already get free tee times and suites because of their status.

>Corporate shills
>Used game traders who think the entry fee to play EarthBound should start at $50
>Die-hard Nintendo faggots who think that a ROM "isn't the real experience" but will happily buy a SNES Mini anyway

Buy a Mazda Miata and have fun driving everywhere without risking a speeding ticket

GPD can run that.

youve no clue about the gpd xd plus then

>entitled labor for free...

Jesus fucking christ you retarded cuck

You tell me, you let me grab your long sword

I honestly have no idea m8,as long as your trying to "emulate" on actual hardweare I don't see the issue

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Can the switch emulated PS1 or N64 yet?

SNES should be a given right?

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Ha just buy pic/related for around 30$ & buy some GB and GBC games then you'll be good to go for years

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Why do emulationfags have to be such annoying faggots about it? They act like they aren't scumbag thieves like piratefags and yet they are.

Most modern android phones can emulate PS1 era stuff pretty well, just get a bluetooth controller.

because maybe they just want to play some old games without the hassle of setting up something in 100 degrees weather?

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The gpd is a phone, it runs Android. It has a controller hardwired into it for no latency or interference like Bluetooth.
Also an IPS screen and a 6000mah battery.
Plus it folds so durability is up.

If you're on a budget, then go for a phone. I got my GPD for $110

Can the normal GPD play Elite?

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>high end PCs only


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>If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it. Even less so with custom resolutions/effects
What if I buy a game from the WiiU Virtual Console and play it there? Is that real?

With streaming from the PC
But why would you want to do that.
After 100 hours I couldn't find anything fun to do.
I'm almost a 30-year old boomer. I'll have a cutter waiting on me when I come of age.

imagine being so dumb that you pay for something and then claim it's free
of course, I'm talking about PSN+

is there any reason to get that instead of the Win2?

I'm pretty sure it can do a bit of Gen 6 emulation so yeah

what great arguments

No one really likes gay people, user. We just pretend to so that SJWs will shut the fuck up.

If I felt like seriously engaging with libertarians I'd take a time machine back to 2015 when they were relevant and hadn't been quite as thoroughly outmoded. Today it's like arguing with an e-atheist from 2008

I think only insecure buyfags who are desperate to get chad's attention (or be chad himself) reeeee whenever someone talks about emulation- but I think they project neckbeard NEETs onto others towards anything thats "socially unacceptable" in general.

You can save $600+ if you don't need the features of a Windows OS. The game controls are more ergonomic. It runs Android so most systems have emulation

Consoles are muh secret club for retards

This, honestly im gonna emulate the SH series and id much rather donate my money to the orginal grp of devs after playing the emulated games as a sort of payback for their hard work, fuck konami tho

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>still rambling about fucking nothing
don't even bother replying if you don't have anything to add to a discussion, dumbass

I don't expect you to like me because I'm gay, just not dislike me because of it. It shouldn't matter at all, and that's all anyone wants. If they want more, then I agree with you that they should shut up

I remember running ultraHLE on my pentium 2 350mhz computer and a voodoo3 16mb gpu. Not particularly high end by any stretch.

UHLE was not the standard of the day or even now
Commercial functional emulation of contemporary consoles has always been rare

I am literally telling lolbergs the most important thing that they will ever hear: That they're completely out of fucking touch with the zeitgeist (if they ever were in touch with it), that they are the laughingstock of the political world, and that even if their ideology ever had any practical use at any point in time that time has long since passed. Libertarianism is a puzzle toy for bourgeois right-wing spergs who want to feel smart and edgy while upholding the status quo, and both people of radical political persuasions and people of mainstream political persuasions consider them to be completely unworthy of their time. There are probably more bona fide Marxist-Leninists than there are libertarians, and the old Left is dead as a god damn doornail so that renders libertarians a pretty fucking tiny constituency.

Weed is legal in like half the country. You're allowed to do the one thing that teenage you got into libertarianism for. Stop being a fucking retard and engage with politics as they actually are (i.e. think about power, instead of how to flee from it and avoid it) and maybe your politics won't be so god damn cringe.

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just stop, we are discussing emulators, not your sad political addiction

Well, you see user, the conversation derailed into politics thanks to my conversation partner calling emulation communist.

>he pay taxes

I'm a loser who hoards old consoles and I think emulation is awesome.
Emulation opens up possibilities for people and solidifies preservation.

Unfortunately it can take ages to perfect emulation. I'd rather play on original hardware unless the emulation can actually provide zero drawbacks. I've wasted objectively too much money on Everdrives because N64 emulation is so flaky.

Emulation is awesome, but why does the speedrun community tolerate it?

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>emulation thread
>here's what it's like to suck dicks
>here's why libertarianism is a failed ideology

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you threw around a ton of insults, and never once provided any argument, what a fucking waste of time of a post
and I'm against the use of all drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, now fuck off, retard

>where's the aaaahgument
Shut the fuck up, you're not Molyneux. Get with the times and stop carrying a failed ideology forward like it's worthy of engagement.

why do you feel the need to throw insults around if you're not even engaging in any discussion? what's the point?
also, no more (You)s until you start making any worthwhile posts, dipshit

So playing a PC game on ultra high or custom resolutions I'm not getting the intended experience. That's what you are essentially arguing. Literal console pleb

What is there to discuss? Shit-tier boomer memes about helicopters and how Ayn Rand totally was based and redpilled and not a disguting, evil kike and how communists (the only ideology that rivals libertarianism in its deadness) are totally a real problem and threat guys? Or maybe we should talk about bootstraps and how intellectual property isn't kike garbage. Those are winners.

The reason you aren't worthy of engagement is because you're walking memes.

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Not inherently, but it’s the video game equivalent of being on a diet or being vegan, it makes sense and may be the better option, but constantly bragging about it and saying how it’s better than what normal people are doing gets super annoying and makes you sound like a tool.

then stop replying to me
also, it's funny that you, the absolute walking meme, would accuse anyone else of being that

The bearer of a meme ideology that the dialectic of internet autism passed by literally half a decade ago has no room to be calling me anything.

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>keeps gargling garbage that says nothing other than attempts at insulting
yup, you're the living meme, can't get more pathetic than that really

user calm down, Jesus Christ
You're right but you being right means there's literally no reason to even flame them. It's like whaling on a retarded child.

I like hardware and physical media, but emulation is a good thing to have alongside it. I still play GBA games at home or in between research work on a hacked PSP. Emulation and owning original hardware aren’t mutually exclusive.

>n-no u!
Extremely pathetic.

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>loving statist cock up your ass this much
there are jokes about this, but seeing it actually happening is a sight to behold

>getting offended by a bunch of neckbeards emulating shit on their PC
kek fucking off yourself you tard.

>If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it.

I don’t kill myself because vegans are annoying, that doesn’t mean I can’t call them annoying retard

>If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it.
Hearty kek my man. Put me in the screencap.

considering emulation allows you to play older games without slowdown and in higher resolutions, the better analogy would be more like, if you refuse to emulate games you're like a muslim who refuses to eat bacon

>food analogy
I get how vegans are annoying, but how are emulation fags annoying? Sounds to me like you're just jelly.

You'll never guess what you do when you pay into insurance buddy

Is that bootleg console which plays 3d shit?

Fucking reddit

I told you already Alex, you can't play Automata in your chink handheld

>nooo why aren't you giving moneyp to billion dollar company, you are hurting theeeeem noooooo stoooooop
turns out that people that know nothing about economics are retarded

>doesnt include cost of gold handcrafted $8495 Lux Dualshock 4 Classic for playing pirated nintendo games
i think you might be lowballing the cost of using a raspberry pi

I tested Retroarch with PSX cores, it runs better than ePSX, but for some reason, if I force the data loading speed higher than 4x, the games start glitching for some reason.

Because they're the kind of retards that are ready to shell out $150 for gamecube component cables and talk trash on emulators. They settle for a shitty low-res experience for "muh accuracy" and get mad because dolphin gives you the best possible experience on any computer that costs less than what they spent on original hardware, component cables and a framemeister or ossc. I don't think there are any reasons to modify and upscale old consoles when amazing cycle-accurate emulators like higan and blastem are available on PC. The only console i'd consider buying would be a launch ps3, so that i can get accurate ps1, ps2 and ps3 games all in one device, as pcsx3 isn't quite there yet.

>Yea Forums - twitterspeak

>If you emulate a game, you're not really playing it
Trudeau, what are you doing on Yea Forums?

but epsx is more fun to set up user

as long as they use the same shitty dpad, no updated version is good. the analogs are good though.

lost sunk cost?
Hipsters who think because a small pixel error = bad.

Kill yourself you stupid hipster.
How the hell is modern hardware > older hardware

Where's the best place to get 3DS Games? Bout to get round to hacking mine today. Also WiiU games

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I get them at EB games as they’ve been discounting them to the point it’s cheaper than getting them online

Ziperto for 3ds.
But desu just any torrent website.

pps are too small to handle It.

No, it's an android phone attached to a controller.