Tried FFXIV and forced myself to play all the way up to the end of Heavensward. The story is bland and really boring, the combat is slow and the rotations feel nonsensical and are too long to memorize.
The bosses have been really lame so far, especially that bugman. Crafting and Gathering feels completely pointless and are overly complicated.
This is worse than BfA in so many ways.
I don't know why anyone would like a game like this.
Tried FFXIV and forced myself to play all the way up to the end of Heavensward. The story is bland and really boring...
Other urls found in this thread:
> worse than BfA
It's bad but it isn't that bad.
>The story is bland and really boring
Can you elaborate on why you feel this way, I'm really interested in your critical analysis on the story of Heavensward.
Which job are you playing that has such a nonsensical rotation?
>story is bland and boring
Yeah, up until the HW leadup kinda sucks
>too long to memorize
Come on, no class is that complicated, especially not under 60
>bosses have been lame
Some of them are a bit nothing unt-
>especially that bugman
You had me until that
Can we just move on to discuss the game rather than replying to trolls now?
>not liking ravana
Shit taste
Have to do a few more to throw off the scent
>especially that bugman
get the fuck out of my game
's asshole
>last big thread got deleted at 400 posts with last posts at 10 second intervals
I don't feel like engaging in discussion when janny's at it again
>It's bad but it isn't that bad.
BFA isn't bad. Just not good as legion. But FFXIV offers nothing than """"""good""""" story, trannies, discord/tumblr twitter drama, witchhunting and erp.
If I get normal mode gear, can I just take these into savage instead of replacing these with crafted as well?
is it worth leleving all professions to 35 on trial?
im planning to do it because im a cheapskate to sub
But why?
>is it worth leleving all professions to 35 on trial?
You will burn yourself out like that, the game is boring until higher levels. Maybe try one or two classes and then you could give the crafters and gatherers a shot, because those are defintiely worth leveling before you even get a sub.
>the game is boring until higher levels
even at max level the game is boring as fuck
dont wanna overpay for sub, considering i only have 2 free hours per day for now.
Will wait till situation improves later.
>BFA isn't bad.
You got me to subscribe, Ion
>BFA isn't bad
play a real game instead
BFA is shit but it has some good things like mechagon, it's a really good dungeon.
Not him but HW itself sucks too. 1 dimensional characters and a plot that barely relates to the PC.
can't increase your vit that way so no point. just replace any 440 you have with crafted if possible or just wait until week 4 it's honestly not a big deal. crafted accessories not having vit melds anymore makes them far less valuable early prog
why did you lump me with the bfa baby?
>"I gave the game an honest shot and I don't like it, honest!"
>immediately talks about trannies and discord drama as if those are problems that someone who just beat HW would encounter
>worse than BFA
>he actually paid money to play BFA
The absolute buttblasted blizzdrone. Now go back to your toy collecting simulator
>A good tank player soloing a dungeon boss is supposed to make it bad
Sadly I can't even say cope because I have to run these linear dungeons every day too
BfA is probably the worst the game has been. The only expansion you could argue was worse was WoD. MMOs are really in the toilet right now and i wish blizzard would just fucking die already so maybe something decent can grow from the ashes. FF14 ain't great and having to share a game with digusting ERPing fruitcakes isn't ideal but its better than WoW at the moment and apparently a lot of people agree with me because every FF14 server i play on currently has log in queues.
you see the trick is to make it look like a wow thread but actually talk about xiv
So is it possible and how long would it take to get the anemos version of this weapon if I've never touched eureka?
Even as a tank?
Nobody cares
>Go back to bfa
1000 years
>is it possible
>new dungeon
>boss gets solo'd
are monkeys running their offices now?
What the fuck is wrong with healers? I'm not asking much, just to spam cure 2 if he's not capable of doing anything else. Usually you have WHM just standing near you doing nothing while your healthbar goes to 0.
Does anyone like this game that isn't a tranny?
>, especially that bugman
Ya know I almost took the bait, but you overshot too hard.
Ok so now that this is a regular xiv thread, which job has the best job npc?
Is it only me lagging, or servers are shitting themselves?
why would tank matter? when savage releases if you do your normal raids that day then you can get three weeks worth of gear which equates to having 450 everything apart from like one piece of gear.
Musosai for SAM
Curious Jorge :)
i mean without knowing how hard fights hit it's hard to say but 3 weeks of eden should have gotten you 4 pieces left side at the very least unless you replaced accessories like a retard
not me atm but i was lagging weirdly yesterday around this hour, saw one guy disconnect
isn't anemos the first world in eureka?...! wouldn't that make it the easiest and therefore doable? Am I completely fucked? How?
Isn't it obvious?
>BFA isn't bad.
You obviously just have shit tastes
Im a tranny who mains DRG. AMA
You need lots of people to do eureka and it's deader than the panda.
>isn't anemos the first world in eureka?...! wouldn't that make it the easiest and therefore doable?
you start out at elemental level 1 in anemos so the other worlds really are no harder or easier when you get to them. I would say anemos was only easier on my server because there is more people there so its easier to call for a rez.
SCH, SMN and NIN buffs when?
Based and padjalpilled
Never played an MMO, decided give XIV a shot last night since it was too hot for me to be productive.
Started on Twintania server as a shorty guy and got to level 10 thaumaturge. I haven't had time to do any sidequests yet because games throwing tons of exp at me but I guess I'll just use those to easily Lev up other classes later.
It's exactly what I expected an MMO to be like so far. I know the story is going to pick up later and I hope the combat picks up a bit too when I unlock more skills.
Raya, Musosai
>7% chance to miss
>misses twice
>50% chance to HQ
>doesn't get a single one
DRK by far.
dont mind the noticeable sluggishness of the combat, that's just how the game plays
sch barely needs anything, just make chain stratagem a tad stronger and buff broil by like 10/20 potency
AST is the healer that needs a complete rework now that they've fucked it
>20% chance for hasty touch to fail
>fails 4 times in a row
Dammit, it's no fair. This weapon is like direct upgrade to the knights of the round sword on every level, both aesthetics and effect. This is bullshit.
>10% chance
>fail meld 40 times
Not that I give a shit which mmo is better or not but
>trusting critics
Nah, im playing since 3.4 and today i experienced lags and slight rubberbanding, which is weird cause im using mudfish.
It would take a couple weeks probably. You'd have to level up solo, which can take a while depending on how dedicated you are. Then idk how you'd best go about getting the crystals but I think it's doable.
the burger servers just got ddos'd by blizztrannies
good luck soloing pazuzu
Anyone know how to deflect blame?
I know when a pull is my fault but if I say something the rest of the party will dogpile and blame me for ALL the mistakes even if they aren't mine. If I stay silent then the party will be dramatic and cause drama by playing "worse" to get back at whoever caused the wipe.
You can buy feathers for crystals. Could ever since Pagos was out, too.
>yfw the blizzdrone is still lurking this XIV thread because bfa is that shitty and boring
>a couple weeks probably
Getting real fucking tired of these stormblood story quests where you can't kill the dudes and you're supposed to just sit there wasting time. Who the fuck thought these were a good idea?
oh yeah forgot about that
always had spare feathers so never needed to do it
It's called don't deflect it. If its your fault, accept the blame and use your mistake to improve.
considering most game review sites have their collective noses placed deep inside blizzards ass this really should say something
I can accept the blame on my part. But then EVERYONE dogpiles and I get a huge lecture afterwards despite everyone else screwing up as well.
It's gonna be real boring, too. But honestly it might be faster. I've heard of people leveling up solo in a day just hardcore grinding.
Nobody has really ever done eureka solo so it's hard to estimate. I imagine the NMs scale down quite a bit.
>This is worse than BfA in so many ways.
How is it worse user?
What do they usually lecture you on?
You might be able to level up solo, but it would take weeks. But you need Anemos Crystals to complete the relics, and they ONLY come from NMs, which are still impossible to solo even if you can spawn them.
If you could convince a full party of 8 to go in you might be able to take down some NMs but it would be a huge time investment and basically no one is going to want to put in all that work just for weapon glamour. Eureka is fully dead until they change it.
How hard is to raise a chocobo?
Most people won't dogpile on someone who accepted they just fucked up.
Plus, if others are dogpiling on you despite their mistakes it means your mistake was more noticeable than theirs. So improve and then call them out.
Those really wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't obvious the boss was unkillable from the very first time you try attacking them.
Why didn't you use your invul? mostly.
I click on it and it takes to long to setup. I'll usually say it's my bad but then they dogpile and keep going "you should've used it earlier."
i know i should've used it earlier and that's what I'm saying.
if you don't have a free company it takes ages to max
gearing, gameplay, class design, boss design, dungeon content, raid content
about as hard as googling it you lazy piece of shit
trying too hard
What situation are they saying that in? Usually no dungeon requires the tank using invuln. It can be very beneficial, but you not using it was probably not why the party wiped.
Regardless of what the parsetrannies say, if you can enter savage you are guaranteed to be able to complete it
usually dungeons.
>BFA isn't bad.
kings honor, friend
you prefer the slot machine rng of wow more?
I can agree the 2.5 is annoying, console niggers suck
>class design
shiggy diggy
>boss design
>dungeon content
ffxiv dungeons are infinitely better. Hard mode dungeons are literally entirely new dungeons while wow just tweaks the numbers
>raid content
Yeah but specifically, on huge pulls or just a boss, or where?
>tfw having your womb blasted with hrothgar CUM
how so? those are just things wow is objectively superior at just like xiv has things it's objectively superior at.
crafting, gathering, leveling experience, "rp" elements like housing, story
can someone please explain why MNK greased lightning is so much more of a bitch to keep up than any other job resource? DRG, BLM just press 1 button and every other job keeps their shit infinitely
i fucked your mom last night
why does dancer weapon drawn pose look so SHIT
Damn owned
class design is infinitely better in xiv, dancer alone beats the shit out of every wow class
Based as fuck.
It's the only identity Monk has. They don't know what else to do with the job so instead of evolving its rotation they just keep adding more ways to manage greased lightning.
>This is worse than BfA in so many ways
>he story is bland and really boring
>combat is slow and the rotations feel nonsensical and are too long to memorize.
You should keep playing BFA then.
Next time can you please perform better so I can hear her moans? This is my fetish.
I got up to "The Vault" dungeon and almost died of boredom. I swapped from WHM, which was fucking holy priest in WoW tier of levelling, to SAM, which was marginally better.
The story was just so arse. It was boring as shit
This post right here sums up the entire FFXIV community and why I can't play this game.
stop playing with /xivg/
>actually thinking boss design in xiv holds a candle to WoW
You trannies are delusional
>it has to be about ME
trannies are so annoying
So you'll play with this community instead
that's ShB and it was loved
>WoW bosses
>Stay out of the swirlies
>Kill the adds
>FFXIV bosses
>Stay out of the orange
>Kill the adds
>But with good music
Checkmate blizzdrone
FFXIV has bosses that are each a complete experience.
WoW bosses are "healer check", "add control check", "DPS check". Its raid bosses are as simple as dungeon bosses in FFXIV
I mean the bosses don't rely on the players installing an addon for one
damn user get a doctor asap cause you're imagining some sick stuff
>the blizzdrone is still posting in an XIV thread instead of playing his shit slot machine game
>wow raid boss design
>step 1: download necessary addons
>step 3: BEWARE
>step 6: get some shitty RNG loot
O rly?
the rng gearing that has infested wow is garbage but atleast after that happens there is interesting, powerful, varied gear that I have choices between
xiv gear is almost as bland and boring as it could possibly be
>while wow just tweaks the numbers
are you aware of m+ affixes, because they don't just tweak the numbers
repeatable content is controversial at this point but I prefer wow's numerous dungeons that stay difficult, relevant and rewarding to xiv's dungeons that I'll never run again for character power
quite literally not an argument
xiv bosses are just years behind in mechanic variety and creativity and are quite frankly boring
I would have found them impressive compared to vanilla wow bosses but even tbc bosses had more interesting mechanics
classes have more buttons in xiv and if that's your jam then good for you but that doesn't make them well designed
>Thought vistas would be some assassins creed shit placed on high places with a good view
>Turns out most of them are put in really retarded places like pic related
You forgot the part where at least 2 people still died despite the game literally screaming at you to move with 100 different visual icons showing you where to go.
>classes have more buttons in xiv and if that's your jam then good for you but that doesn't make them well designed
what class mechanics do you like from wow?
So you're saying BFA has a more interesting and powerful varied etc gearing situation than The Burning Crusade?
Because FFXIV uses a gearing system that's more or less identical to The Burning Crusade.
You probably didn't play it. The only retards who can stomach retail wow are people who started playing from pandaland onwards.
You can fly on that map.
>Thought vistas would be some assassins creed shit placed on high places with a good view
a small handful are, but they're pains to get to
>runs you over with lawnmower while sipping Primal energy zero
I know, accessibility was not my point.
>the blizzdrone samefag
I'm new to tanking, which role actions should I have on my hotbars?
now I am thinking, in the future when the next Warcraft game comes it (if it does) people will be forced to play through the entirety of retail WoW to get what's going on
Idk about anyone else but something about beating the shit out of a mog while a remix of "this is halloween" plays just felt pretty great
>wow has better fights
find me one boss that's more kino than best boy susano
All of them.
>Character is dying in main quest cutscene
>Your healer character sits there doing nothing
all of them, reminder arms length is also a defensive cooldown on dungeon pulls and certain old bosses
>its another degenerate blizzdrone tries to defend his slot machine daily chores mobile game in a thread full of people who already play another game altogether episode
Only Provoke, everything else is kinda useless. If you need to use CDs, your tanking too many mobs.
BfA has a gearing system where a boss can drop the exact item you want, but there's a high chance it's completely shitty and useless due to RNG stats.
It makes getting loot a punishment, and that's the last straw that made me quit the game.
It's unfathomable to me that a human being can defend that system
All of them. They all have their uses.
Rampart, Reprisal, Low Blow and Interject can be used to mitigate damage or interrupt enemies.
Same applies to Arm's Length which not only ignores knockbacks but also inflicts slow on trash enemies, making it a decent cooldown.
Shirk is for tankswaps, Voke in case you somehow lose threat or need to take a boss.
it's funny cause good king moogle is easily harder than 99% of the fights in wow
That's actually fixed from Stormblood on
>BFA isn't bad
Just kill yourself already. BfA is objectively the worst expansion in the game's history. Even WoD had more good things going on for it than BfA does, and that's quite the achievement.
Do you have a concrete example of ffxiv boss design being years behind? Remember not to pick a boss that came out years ago.
>People complain about how there's no content after no lifing the game for a week.
>Point out the mountains of content there's no way they ever could have possibly completed unless they don't have a job or life at all.
Nigger either the game has content or it doesn't, if you don't like what's left go do something else, why would you spend all your free time on one piece of media? Read a fucking book or something.
I'll make the closes comparison between the two games blm and arcane mage
they both have the same basic principle: use your mana to do damage and then regenerate your mana
on the surface arcane looks much more bare bones than blm, it has way less buttons, but in practice it requires more active decision making
a blm's rotation is 100% mapped out for them except for thunder procs and poly usage
arcane mage is constantly reacting to missile procs, mana usage, touch of magi procs, trinket procs, rune of power charges
another thing that helps keep wow combat fresh is that you have gameplay altering talents to change for different types of content/bosses
once you're a blm you're just a blm (until you do synched down content and lose half your buttons)
Posts like this make me want square to push the super tight numbers that blizzard do for an ultimate, just so that the world first will take like 4 months or something asinine and people can shut up about "MUH MYTHIC PROGRESSION"
>Holding off his sword the first time in Normal
SB was shit but the battle design team can still cook up some kino moments in fights.
SB onwards comment on your job if the situation calls for it. Healers get some extra dialogue in some cutscenes if someone needs healing.
I'll tldr this post
>2-3 buttons build
>2 buttons spend, one single target, one aoe
The hardest classes in wow are a little more braindead than red mage.
I wish it had less content because i had to skip two weeks of another game and miss out on an unholy fuckton of exp and money and NOW I'm still 4 titania pugs away from getting my weapon
brainlets, this guy is going to be a shit tank if he listens to you.
>Because FFXIV uses a gearing system that's more or less identical to The Burning Crusade.
xiv has no: trinkets (passive, proc or on-use), set bonuses, items with procs
so no, xiv does not have an "identical" gearing system to tbc
>he thinks blm is about the rotation
you don't have a single fucking idea what blm plays like beyond lv30
So you're saying both classes are doing their rotation and reacting to procs? Why is the one that's a bit more complicated rotation but a bit less procs worse design? Is the best design just having one button to press and the rest being random procs?
Story is hit or miss until Shadowbringers. It's also retarded unless you play in japanese.
Are people just not giving comms anymore?
What you've listed has zero to do with the gearing system, being how you acquire the gear. You GET the gear in a very similar way.
FFXIV's class design doesn't need all that because instead of holding bits and pieces of your class on gear, you just have it built into your class.
>Set bonuses
>Not just used as bandaid fixes to problems with class design that have plagued blizzard from the very beginning
Well that comparison also goes the other way.
Arcane Mage seems to have more decision making and reacting than BLM, but only when hitting a dummy.
When you need to fit BLM's complex, movement restricting rotation around a fight that requires constant positioning (which is every trial and raid in FFXIV), it's certainly more demanding and interesting than any class gameplay in current WoW
>and are too long to memorize
How casual can you be?
Oh, I see. Enjoy your 1, 2, 1, 2, then user.
you can stop falseflagging now janny
Hey, easy there, it's not 1-2-1-2. See:
>Sadpanda gets excised from existance
>Fucking Amaurot dungeon bgm on my mind the whole time
I think I understand Emet-Selch now
the game is fucking shit and more soulless than WoW. ITs not an MMO at all, it has less freedom and interaction among players than WoW. It came out 5 years later than WoW. It never reached 10 million not alone 2 mill players.
sad fuck ff niglers.
>such a good theme
>only used for three trash pulls
Having it come back one more time in ShB was a great moment.
>It doesn't have the big numbers
Why should anyone even care? When it comes to active player count, the only thing people care about is when a game starts dwindling and falling.
not gonna play a subgame compared to WoW.
>FFXIV players will never experience world pvp like this
arcane mage
>arcane missiles
>arcane blast
>arcane barrage
black mage
>fire 1
>fire 3
>fire 4
>thunder 4
>blizzard 3
>blizzard 4
You are literally a god damn retard.
remember that we once fapped
Because it indicates that something is good on the market. FF is not you faggot WoW is.
titania, the mechanics are extremely bare bones
avoid fire, soak fire, split fire
the outlier is breaking chains which is also an old, played out mechanic
Plenty of garbage gets high sales/activity.
Who cares? Go whine somewhere else about how big your game's dick once was.
FF is a shit singleplayer game stuck with 2004 gamedesign and game restrictions. The game is so fucking bad i cant believe people play it. The only good thing is cloth design and music.
>servers shit themselves
>rolled back like a private server
>phasing/layering/sharding splits as many people apart as possible
>You are literally a god damn retard.
they are called blizzdrones for a reason
if it sells its good but cope more nigger. i bet u think fortnite is shit, well thats your opinion but if it sells its good.
that is all
Are you talking about the normal mode version?
>if it sells its good
I can't believe Fortnite and Wii Sports are the best games to ever be made.
BLM has a shit ton of decision making that revolves around maintaining uptime with all of the hard casting it has to do.
t. grey parse
I only throw a comm if someone plays exceptionally well like a cotank using reprisal or shielding a party member or healers managing CDs and using their downtime to DPS as much as possible. I only promote good play even if its with the in-game equivalent to a reddit upvote.
it is, why do you think people play it? if its so bad no one would play it you dumb shit lol
"Press button when it lights up" isn't decision making.
Black mage is so much more fucking complex than arcane mage it's a fucking joke you decided to use it as an example.
Like holy shit, this is THE example i would pick if i wanted to prove that XIV has deeper gameplay than WoW.
T B H, you really only *should* replace normal mode gear with crafted if crafted is better substat-wise
>they do it for free
You can make up any nonsensical accusations you want, but it doesn't change the fact that others are playing a much better game than you are
You can immediately tell someone created a falseflagging thread when they immediately try to mention every server on XIV is filled with trannies.
the ShB plot is about Ryne and Emet
>BFA isn't bad.
I'm starting to get what that NPC meme meant
by what metric? Its shit in every department compared to WoW. Its not even an MMO but a singleplayer game. The game doesn't even have a general chat. LOOL YIKES .
>engaging with and humoring the blizzdrone
stop looking into the mirror.
It's not like an upvote.
Upvotes promote mindless mass appeal.
Commends are just about the people you're playing with.
bruh look at this dood
this criticism is kind of ironic when wowfags are creaming themselves over classic, a game from 2003
>Had a WoW Asmongold Dungeon video in my recommendations
>Took a look to see how WoW dungeon mechanics are
>It's an easy boss mechanic
>It took them over 2 hours to do it
Do WoW players really have trouble with easy boss mechanics?
Also what fight in wow would you compare Titania to that has more imaginative mechanics?
Jesus the lull in content after level 50 before Heavansward is insane. It's like 30 hours of filler teleport fetch quests goddamn its boring
when gaia wakes up do you think ryne will be jealous because she won't get to hog thancred's attention anymore?
You don't understand black mage at all. Which in and of itself is okay, but why the fuck would you start an argument about something you clearly know nothing of?
How is the pvp in ff? If its good I will try the game, otherwise no.
>Runar bridal carries her
>she slaps Uriangers ass at the end of the Qitana Ravel
Hrothcucks can't even beat out elf dick lmao
by "gearing" im include the choices you make between what gear to use and how the gear itself is designed, not just the act of acquiring gear
I agree with you to some extent, the act of acquiring gear in modern wow right now is fucking dogshit but the gear itself in xiv is fucking dogshit
blm is VERY much about the rotation, your astral fire timer and mana usage are extremely railroaded to the point that you arent making decisions on how to use your mana
no, im saying that a blm rotation is 90% laid out for them while an arcane mage's is not
now a blm rotation is also 90% more complex than an arcane mages and has probably 3x the buttons, but that doesnt interest me
im more interested in being tasked with making constant, good decisions
>all the rest of these replies pointing out that arcane mage has 3 buttons
yea i know
Oh no no no no no
>Especially that bugman
You overdid it user. Nobody shits on the best primal in the entire game and gets away with it.
High on high I stand, Gazing down to see The endless garden awaiting me!
Red bloometh the rose of conviction!
And Red bloometh the rose of hate!
Yes, Red bloometh the rose of conquest!
Only blood will sate! And the war it wageth on!
The storm it rageth on!
The bold ever fight on!
Their lives echo in song!
Hah! All, like snow, they fall, Petals plucked and strewn, Yet from their seeds grow this war anew!
Blood trickling down from my fullers!
And blood trickling down from mine hands!
Yes, Blood trickling down to Hydaelyn!
Until I alone stand!
And the war still wageth on!
The storm still rageth on!
The bold blindly march on!
Their lives lost in a song!
they literally can't play the game without an addon flashing text on the screen telling them what's happening and what to do like the whole reason the "don't stand in the fire" meme exists is because they are brain dead retards who will slowly burn to death unless something flashes on the saying "you're dying you fucking retard get out of the fire"
yeah cus wow classic is better than FF XIV CURRENT STATE. YIKES
>playing since 2017
>only play tanks and healers because damage dealers are so incredibly boring
>need to level up two damage dealers for role questlines
>start leveling an arcanist since I can just healer from 30-80 and then switch to summoner
>unlock a damage role ability
>Addle: reduces enemy's mind stat by 10%
????? why does this ability even exist
Asmongold id bad at the game. Also I suspect he is bad on purpose, because the faggot has been playing for years. Probably better for his dumbass zoomer audience.
I'd take 2004 game deign over 2019 mobile-game tier rng bullshit anyday
Keep pulling that lever and opening those lootboxes bro there's bound to be some dopamine in there somewhere
Someday you'll realize blizzard doesn't have a single game developer on their warcraft team anymore. It's all psych majors and marketing. As long as the art is pretty and the specifically tuned and engineered RNG schemes keep you strung along just enough, that's good enough for them.
I saw a video of the newest raid. It was painfully easy and tons of the group still died.
>forced myself to play all the way up to the end of Heavensward.
>The story is bland and really boring
I'm really sorry for you that you have to live your life with terminal shit taste.
But do yourself a favor and drop this game, it is clearly wasted on you.
What mechanic was it?
BLM is tasked with making constant, good decisions. Just not in regards to their rotation.
there's no world pvp but there's battlegrounds and arena
I played sandbox RPGs before XIV so yeah, I've experienced that and much more than any WoWfag could imagine.
We’re at the point where people are leveling jobs for savage, so they’re doing it as quick as possibly since savage is in 4 days
can’t commend because s p e e d
it used to be good for summoners, since every ability or spell you cast while bahamut was summoned would case bahamut to use an attack on the enemy, but it doesn't work like that any more, only works with spells now.
It makes enemy magic attacks less powerful.
It's pretty essential in Savage
I wonder what could be under this post...
no, ex
any fight from the last 3-4 expansions that wasn't the first boss (which are all under designed/tuned specifically to get more people into raiding)
>he doesn't get comms
When are we going to talk about the fact that more trannies play WoW than ffxiv.
I’ve met 4 grannies who have played wow and one of them have ever considered ffxiv
>always use eye on the best DPS in the party
That's a bit unfair. Urianger is irresistible, and even he knows that.
Fucking hell that's bad. Meanwhile ShB is removing more and more warnings for boss mechanics so you actually have to pay attention to their wind up animations and cast bars.
people hand out comms like candy, maybe you should try a little harder
lots of enemies do magic based damage and 10% reduced mind reduces damage done
if im playing a caster class in an mmo how I allot my movement to lose as little uptime as possible is the bare minimum of what I expect to deal with, but as a blm its almost the only thing i deal with
Based DRG.
>Doing Mt Gulg
>hit 80 during a pull
>Instantly leave because why would I keep going
Absolutely devilish
>singleplayer story driven game
>story is fucking shit that c tier fantasy books deliver
>no voice acting
o h nonononono
Fuck you. Go fall off your momma's dick.
trying replying to someone you dumb nigger
You forgot about several mechanics then.
Yes but which boss concretely? Can you name and describe a particularly imaginative mechanic from wow, the likes of which ffxiv bosses are missing in your opinion?
>this whole thread
You fucking retards reach EGS vs Steam level of autism. It's like you make a thread about a game you dislike just to get mad or something. Just play WoW or FF without shilling your shit to other MMO threads.
>I save time
>the replacement gets a nearly completed instance so he saves time
What went right for FFXIV and wrong for other MMOs?
Just how powerful are alliance bosses that they require 24 people to beat? The average alliance boss must be several orders stronger than the average primal by comparison. I mean in a even fight I could see Hashmal stomping the floor with Ifrit.
>decide to overcome my prejudice and give my DNC buff to the DRG in Eden
>he promptly dies
Mind determines magic damage. 10% is the difference between a big cast causing either a party wipe, or leaving with 10% for a healercheck.
why would i reply to anyone dumb nigger
There are 4 terminals, 2 on the left and 2 on the right, during the fight they would turn on in a random order, like 3 1 4 2, then turn off again before they all turn on at ones, now they need to press them in the order they turned on before, if they are too slow or fuck up they wipe.
It's fucking simon says.
it didn't try to copy wow and made an mmo focused on world building and rpg instead of just rushing to end game and grinding dungeons
Was WoWs new raid that bad?
>What went right for FFXIV and wrong for other MMOs?
Story, music, and systems to keep non-hardcore players occupied. That's it.
>blah blah blah choices blah
As if everything isn't cookie cutter as fuck. Your choice is an illusion. Either you do the exact same fucking thing as everyone else or you're doing it wrong. In the meantime if RNGesus doesn't see fit to bless you with that one piece of gear that has an essential part of your class stuck to it, tough shit, have fun with only 80% of your toolkit.
>Set bonuses and procs essential to a class being held behind gear instead of just being part of the class
>A good thing literally fucking ever
I bet you think the "choices" you've been given through PVP talents and azerite gear are great, too, considering you've obviously only played the game recently and don't know that 99% of that was originally part of your whole toolkit and stripped from you to be turned into talents.
>Choice 1: Thing I used to always have
>Choice 2: Thing I used to always have
>Choice 3: Thing I used to always have
When did you start playing? MoP? Warlords?
>that moment when a dancer gives her buff to someone else
it hurts
No, it's WoW in general that's absolutely shit and that no one uses WoWLogs
>new wow raid comes out
>50k ppl constantly cheer for 1 guild
>new FF XIV expansion comes out nobody cares
>towelliee played 10minutes total of shadowbringers and went back to WoW patch
>any fight from the last 3-4 expansions that wasn't the first boss
I too enjoy the bossfight where you just pretend it has no mechanics because doing them only makes the fight take longer than 30 seconds, instead of just killing the boss.
Or go through door, dodge lasers, kill ads.
Or kill ads: the fight
Nah, if there's one thing the WoW team are actually still decent at it's raids. It's just the game's metasystems and class design are such hot garbage. The attempt to move to a Variable Reward Schedule based gearing system means that people don't, and can't really play the game for it's intrinsic value anymore because they've been primed for the extrinsic rewards.
I thought that was another ddos?
Well, we've fought a queen of the voidsent, THE queen of the voidsent, an already powerful demon that ate the queen, and a alien so juiced on faith and aether she can cast magic that is impossible to cast
whatever the final boss of the near tomato raid is will have to be a planet level threat, probably the source of what made the Amaurotines shit themselves
Evolution Vs Revolution. Every other MMO at the time wanted to go the action rpg route, and sucked because of it.
Good writing and art direction also helped.
It's also pretty much the only MMO at the moment with more than 5 buttons to press in combat
>that moment when the dancer switches their buff to you
ah this is what it feels like to NTR
>Can you name and describe a particularly imaginative mechanic from wow, the likes of which ffxiv bosses are missing in your opinion?
soaking beams that give specific powers vs netherspite
dunking cores vs vashj
flying and using legendaries vs kt
you've already done like 75% of the story, just quick skip through Lyseblood
BLM is more uptime and proper CD management than it is about rotation. Its set in stone, yes, but the real meat of the job is performing all those casts when the boss orders you to dodge AOEs or act out a mechanic. Its when and how you use Triplecast, Swiftcast, Sharpcast, Aether Manipulation and Ley Lines that add depth. You clearly havent played BLM past 50 if you think its just push buttons and keep astral up when its all about positioning and timing out your CDs to each encounter's order of mechanics.
>Extending the goal post
You got no argument. Stick to your babby tier mage.
>giving a damn about some e-celeb shit
why are you blizzdrones so obsessed with twitch shitters?
>blm is VERY much about the rotation, your astral fire timer and mana usage are extremely railroaded to the point that you arent making decisions on how to use your mana
why the fuck does "decision to use mana" matter when it's a class about never missing even one long ass cast in the entire fight?
no, the rotation can mutate to be whatever it wants depending on t3, f3, xeno and what bullshit you need to weave in preparation for the next 10-30 seconds while taking into account WHAT part of the af/ui rotation you're on, because being next to a b3/f3 swap is very different from being at the despair tail end of af
once again, you're an actual retard who has no idea what blm plays like and this is crystal clear from the way you insist to compare it to an irrelevant class from an irrelevant game.
>the rotations are too long to memorize
I haven't played this shit but I still think you are mentally handicapped if any mmo is too complicated for you.
>finally got my Titan Ex weapon
>someone uploaded me on fflogs
I did like 5.7k desu.
Dangit wpvp is my favorite part.
>new wow raid comes out
>50k ppl constantly cheer for 1 guild on twitch and don't play the game
>new FF XIV expansion
>everyone is busy playing it
>caring about e-celebs
WoWtards, ladies and gentlemen.
Literally who is toweli?
he is trolling you
they all look depressed as fuck and soken looks like he's holding in a massive shit
Tell me Yea Forums. What's your FC like?
Is it good?
Here's the super secret easy way to farm up commendations:
1. wait until the day after the weekly reset because everyone gives out commendations on day one for challenge log
2. queue specifically for camp westwind as healer or tank whoever has instant queues at that specific moment
3. immediately upon zoning it type in chat something like "based, fastest trial possible :)" to say what everyone else is thinking and imply you've gotten it through trial roulette like they did
4. kill the boss
5. be the last person to leave the instance
6. enjoy your 3-7 guaranteed commendations since you're the only one who made an impression in the group during the 30 second long fight
7. repeat steps 2. to 6. for like six hours until you reach 3k commendations and get your parade chocobo
>people upload my bad runs because the party wipes and mistakes start to occur
>parties where everything goes flawless and I do really well no one ever logs it
GOD this is like looking at the face of terror
You were judged and found wanting, user. You can win her back next time with some practice.
I consistently get at least one comm even as a DPS, maybe you should try harder
>it didn't try to copy wow
why'd you save the thumbnail
fucking shadownigger
>Blizzard stripping shit away and re-introducing it later as perceived choice
>Shit you used to have brought back through a system you used to have (glyphs) in the latest patch
>Guys it's new content!
nublizzard is a fucking joke
Does your character's race affect anything remotely significant gameplay wise? Any race unique quests to do?
you probably don't actually mean Titan Ex, user
soken has a loaded gun jammed into that guy's back
>3k comms
Shit this is going to take forever
Even if you don't trust the critics, the user score matches perfectly. The general consensus that FFXIV is good is a fact.
to determine boss ability damage, does the game check the boss's stats when the cast bar begins, or when it ends?
asking in this context
unique starter gear and very minor stat differences. Gameplay and story wise your sex and job only really matter with the former being pretty rare
It's casual and comfy. I think the minimum age here is 24.
And even when WoW had some kind of choices, the game was an absolute clusterfuck in terms of balance. Entire classes and specs unplayable, and the game is like that even today, with like 99% less choices and factors that affect balance.
WoW developers are so fucking retarded they can't even fix the DPS of classes without making them overpowered/underpowered, they can't do fucking simple math.
Apparently i'm a steady greenfag (around 40-49), at least i don't fluctuate.
When it ends.
Every cast bar in the game is just a delayed action
Soken looks great for a guy in his mid 40s. Most Japanese people age hardcore once they hit 35+
when it ends, otherwise it'd be real hard for tanks to mitigate tankbusters
>BLM is more uptime and proper CD management than it is about rotation
every single caster in mmo history is about uptime
every single dps in mmo history is about proper cd management
I want more than that, and what xiv offers beyond that is a (relatively) complex sequence of button presses that are *almost* completely set in stone
I said it before and I'll say it again, if thats what you prefer then sure ok prefer it, but I find it extremely shallow
>Extending the goal post
the fuck are you talking about, dealing with movement is a given when you pick a caster in an mmo
You forgot the easiest one:
Spam the 2nd Guildhest
Easily 1 comm for every kill
used to be
the one of the f*males had a depressive episode and lashed out at everyome and then half of the people left and now it just feels empty
i'm only staying because i invested so much into the workshop
When did he say this I need full context.
Jesus christ you WoWfags care more about your e-celebs than playing the game. Meanwhile PF is filled with Extreme trial parties in FFXIV while nobody plays BFA.
They're into housing and stuff, farm their ex trials without asking any of the newbies if they want in and apparently are parsefaggots too. Also the leaders are femlizards that got married last week, what are the chances i'm in a tranny guild? On EU by the way.
It was formed after another FC leader had a meltdown and bunch of people left it. Almost 2 years of it being drama free.
>Some specs have nearly all viable talents
If blizzard stops being retarded and spend their time properly designing the old classes it would be easily be better than XIV desu
What's sad is that the talents were fun and actually resulted in a few classes having multiple different specs at end game. Look at warlock in TBC. You'd start affliction, halfway through go some hybrid with demo, and end game go full destruction.
well I made a Roegadyn WHM so I'm glad the stat differences aren't a big deal lol
Titan-ia. Same shit desu, easy boss that people wipe cause too retarded for mechs.
>"meta sites" and allowing addons
if blizzard wants wow to flourish they need to ban both
What do you think about the catastrophe duty action mechanic, Judgment Nisi or Gavel?
If you think they don't compare in imagination, why?
>WoW players are having trouble with Simon says
So WoW Refugees are really the reason why so many dungeon runs have been shit lately.
Every image of Soken has him smiling and looking insanely happy all the time. How can one man be so pure?
I literally couldn't find a single good thing about FF XIV honestly.
>one of the worst if not the worst leveling experience
>combat is slow and made for console honestly
>most jobs are trash like white mage, good luck leveling a white mage first because you will spam stone I, II, II, IV or whatever million times as that is your only attack spell
>graphic is fucking shit thanks to shadows/lights
>PvP is fucking shit when it could be GW1 good if they managed to put time to it but nah fuck PVP haha
>95% of quests have no voice actors
>dungeons are pull everything and burst down
>at least the bosses are somewhat cool but its too small to reedem the game's quality
>story is twilight tier
>its basically a single player game, no one speaks in chat, guild system is a joke, you do everything alone unless you do the hardest content
>mindless gear grind thats slighty better than WoW thanks to less RNG but still
The only thing that matters gameplay wise in the character creator is your starting class and its only applicable up until the lvl15 class quest where you can now pick up any other class. The rest is visual and roleplay flair.
>implying that doesn't really mean talents aren't that impactful.
>implying that talents being downplayed in favour of azerite traits isn't the design goal.
Sure do love being 30% of another person of the same class, pushing the same buttons, but he got the good stats and trait.
out of the 5 specs I currently play in wow (frost mage, fire mage, bm hunt, marks hunt, balance druid) 4 of them (the mage and hunter ones) have intertwining gear and talent decisions that result in differing gameplay
that will never happen in xiv because the class is just what it is, nothing more, nothing less
there can be some comfort in stability like that but I find it boring
free login campaign when? I'm stuck at the pre-HW quests and feel like I'll immediately after resubbing
I clicked on towlliees stream once but had to close it because his appearance made me feel physically sick. no offense to him
cool english third worlder
Dead on Mateus, comfy on Ultros. No new members in probably a year but no one seems to mind.
>Titan EX
>easy boss
its good though but attack my english if you can't attack my points at least i speak 5 languages 2 at mother level
This is true (I liked Legion legendaries, if it wasn't for the fucking RNG behind them), but I prefer a game where I can play whatever I want without getting kicked from every PF, instead of WoW where you either play X or Y or hope your guild carries your ass because Blizzard is pathetic at balacing the game
>wow doesn't even have class quests anymore
wrong reply i guess
does the Ascian theme ever change? tired of this shit desu, it's really bad
Just don't lag lmfao.
>95% of quests have no voice actors
I don't get this meme. Everyone usually reads the text along with the voice so there's no difference.
He just needs some tendies to stay happy
You wont hear it for a long time, and when you do it will be good
>when you level through wrath, cata, mop, wod, legion, and bfa and don't get a single new spell
Legion had them... and they were all absolutely trash and continued the facebook mission table cancer.
Didn't WoW start putting more in-game player hands off cutscenes just because FFXIV was doing it? I don't remember them being in WoW before ARR.
which one, Thunderer? Emet gets a different one. But you don't really fight Ascians that often.
It's so they don't have to play the game themselves
>hunter talents
>"differing gameplay"
You lying sack of shit, Marks is literally "one talent per tier is viable" tier, as is BM.
the song that plays everytime Ascians are on screen
I'm doing post-HW shit and I just roll my eyes everytime it starts playing.
Thanks, now I know you don't play the game.
only grannies play WoW. Not trannies. You're right.
because its immersion breaking, its like they are all mute.
Hundreds of members, maybe 15 of them active, maybe 5 of those use the FC chat/discord regularly. The main clique might do extremes occasionally but aside from that everyone does content separately except for maybe a rare roulette. I'm fond enough of the regulars to not leave.
It feels to me like the "community" guilds that used to exist in the days of old MMOs just don't exist anymore. Every FC is now a group of 3-5 people who know each other outside the game, and anyone else they invite is only there to harvest credits, you don't get to interact with the primary clique.
Is it possible to do ARR elite hunts solo? I want to get hunt marks but nobody ever does them it seems. Even ShB hunts has died down
You mean you don't want to download 20gb of voice files you're going to skip over before the fucking cockney douchebag NPC finishes half of the first sentence?
those posters are fucking kino, anyone got the original one and ARR?
There's an absolutely hilarious one in Legion where you're floating in space while a giant crystal talks to you
You are right I don't, because all of the listed things above.
they also jumped the gun on the 'light isn't necessarily good' thing back in Legion. Also, the first talk of Xe'ra is almost a copy of the WoL meeting Hydelayn for the first time
>and are too long to memorize.
Lol what? You cant be serious
wouldn't make sense lorewise, since all the factions are allies who belong to a greater single nation in the game
Spoilers for current max level dungeon.
There's a city jazz version of it
maybe i just didn't play wow long enough but i've never found this games speed slow. maybe because i played ffxi as my first mmo so everything is lightning fast to me. i started with BRD though so you always have an ogcd pretty much with BL.
Every fucking time. The Dancer partners with the BLM that does less damage than the DNCer even when partnered up.
>when you fuck up a ton and the DNC swaps their partner to someone else
is there a more soul crushing feeling
no words, just a simple change of partner
Has there been any autism theorycraft on Bard? Do I use apex arrow at 100 gauge or 90 gauge to prevent getting procs at 100? Do I even multidot for AoE anymore with the new Quick Nock trait?
they started with Wrathgate.
I've got a question about steel ball run.
So Gyro gets punished in the first stretch of the race for interfering with Sandman but suddenly now when everyone has stand battles it doesn't literally matter.
Is this an Araki forgot moment?
Nah, a lot of the time it's more "group of people that know each other out of the game play together, join an FC together and then mostly do their own thing, just using the FC for the bonuses"
>Let's a woman do an alpha move on you.
She's alpha male'ing Urianger.
how is the dancer supposed to know who's doing the most damage? the UI doesn't tell him anything
The day Soken stops composing is the day I quit XIV
I'm having trouble with RDM desu. I'm joking, also really enjoying it so far, does it getter more fun later on?
unironically ask the balance brd discord
What server are you on? Hunts are plenty active on Exodus.
Anyways, yes you can solo ARR A ranks. Not sure about S ranks, but I have beat the A ranks by myself as a level 70 PLD.
What the fuck did they do to Ninja?
i find one set of dots along with the trait is enough to keep the Rain of Death going.
I'm not sure about Apex Arrow, I've just been using it as the last gcd of Raging Strikes
Never seen this picture before, holy shit I laughed hard
> give eye to MCH
> he walks into melee range
> give eye to BLM
> he runs away
Wtf guys
>when you keep fucking up but the DNC won't switch partners
Please pardner... i'm not worthy
you dont have any clue what you're talking about and it shows
marks hunter can either be built around rapid fire traits and talent or not and that changes how you use double tap
bm hunter can either go crit build or not, depending on azerite traits
this doesnt change your rotation but it does change your gearing and one talent
I got huge The Caretakers vibes from the Akadaemia theme, really surprised me. Didn't expect to be surprised by a fucking dungeon theme.
Thanks for admitting you were lying all along.
you can sort of guess with the threat meters now
Wrathgate was a pre-rendered cutscene though right? Not a in-engine controllable game cutscene?
Gonna try tanking Inno Ex later today, any tips besides "don't stand in shit"?
I've tried searching for the answer online but nobody really took note or mentioned that. I just thought it was weird that the other racers don't get punished for fucking with Gyro and Johnny.
I never give eye to blm, might as well use it on myself because blm is never near me.
>Join a dungeon as Dancer
>Monk parks themselves on the enemy's asses, doesn't even attempt to hit positionals, using meditation between attacks, uses tornado kick the second they hit GL3
>Tank is just autoattacking while they type in chat
>Healer isn't DPSing
I want to make sweet passionate love to Hilda.
You can't. Which is why it keeps happening.
RDM stays almost exactly the same all the way to 80
how stupid are u my dude?
Do I have to speak to you like a toddler? I'm not playing because the game is trash. I leveled to lvl 80 with my buddies and then went back to WoW.
By not being a shit dancer. How about that? Get a fucking meter you retard.
>drg gives me eye
>he starts fucking running around and flips backwards randomly
fuck you guy
> tanking ex
There are literally zero mechanics for you to worry about
Don't get hit by shit.
that's literally all there is
don't spin the boss like a madman when you're tank swapping
KEEP THE BOSS IN THE FUCKING CENTER YOU HEATHEN, unless its during 4star (obviously)
sort out whos tanking what add before the pull, or at the very least before we reach the adds phase
thats about it beyond super obvious shit like "use cd's"
This game has a critical problem.
Jobs don't really work until very high levels.
I mean think about this shit.
If you're a new player you're looking at like at least 200 hours of gameplay with a gutted job.
This thread is still here? Why are you retards posting in this? Why do you give a fuck about how someone else "cares" about this goddamn VIDEO GAME...
Seriously these reddit-tier posts would die as quickly as they were created if not for you retard fanboys trying to prove something to someone that obviously doesn't care.
use a damn cooldown for the tank buster.
t. healer
no thanks. kill yourself.
Honestly better to just give it to the MCH. They can move around with you while I might have to preposition myself further away to deal with it.
How do I even find a hunt linkshell? I need some Alliance Seals?
Some jobs work well at levels 50/60/70.
Others....kinda don't.
can't tell if this is good bait or a literal fucking newfag retard who doesn't understand how things work
it's got to be done. like ripping off a band aid
Buy a level boost from PA for $10 to get to level 70 in 5 minutes
>This thread is still here?
>about this goddamn VIDEO GAME...
because you are only allowed to have 1 opinion on reddit.
yeah, that's one of the biggest flaws
> be badass DRG
> see aoe
> decide to flip away
> get hit anyways and die
What the fuck?
This expansion had many cats i liked, kinda weird.
One... pffftt One mil- nonono One million active 'PLAYERS' pffaaaAAAAAAHAHAA
Are there any Relics that you think are really cool? The only one I saw that I liked was Canopus/Lux, the rest just seem like too much - either overdesigned or buried under the tacky glow.
>always give my eye to the MT
>buy a level boost
>buy a story boost might as well since ARR sucks and old content is old
wow this game is shit.
THM is the worst job to start off ass, followed by a healer.
It will sorta pick up, but only if u are trying to maximize ur DPS.
>Went back to WoW
Even further proof you are lying lmao. You barely even touched the game.
Nobody aside mindless asmongoloids fans play BFA.
Continue to be mediocre at your job as you ask retarded questions like "how am I supposed to know?!?"
It is easily the biggest problem in the game.
In ShB you get some critical skills earlier than before, but it doesn't fix how few skills you have before 50
>Happy still hasn't found a static to carry him and make money for himself off without sharing it with his static.
>too long to memorize.
I'd disagree but I don't know how anyone plays fucking SMN where you do your rotation at most thirty times an hour because it's TWO MINUTES LONG
Has anyone got the tooltip for ARR Manaward? I miss it bros.
nobody aside mindless trannies play xiv
How do you know?
How many of those are bots?
whatever makes you happy Schizo.
Ask around. You have world visiting now so you can ask every server whether it's novice network, shout chat, etc.
what's PA
addonfags kill every mmo
i've done savage for years without addons just fine
Literally his pinned tweet on twitter.
I see, thanks anons. Does he drop only 1 item like Titania? Also how many totems do i need for one, 10 like Titania?
Always do, god bless TBN.
>Crafting and Gathering feels completely pointless and are overly complicated.
and i'd rather have the devs provide a UI solution
and even then you end up playing as gutted classes most of the time you use the roulette
Yet more proof you don't play the game, since now you are pulling the trannie card.
I know more trannies that pay WoW than FFXIV, in fact I got to know what a trannie was on WoW years ago.
i thought he had one and was going to play ranged. did they drop him before the raids even came out?
What the fuck are you talking about? Do you think you're in WoW or something?
nah he drops 4 at a time.
>tfw literally got half my items on my first kill
glorious moment
>In ShB you get some critical skills earlier than before
>DRK gets his TBN at 70 and his AoE combo at 72
It is kinda annoying.
>get eye as rdm
>at the same time as I hit the right mana for the melee combo
>pop embolden
>stick around in melee range for the duration of eye, displacement the fuck outta there when it wears off
Zeta relics are usually pretty cool, and there are glowless versions of everything but Lux weapons.
>Square Enix makes more money with bots than they do with real players
Absolutely BASED
M+ have pretty much fully claimed mandatory slots for BM, and do you actually think you're not picking the 2 obviously better than everything else traits. It's still in the "gotta have a bunch of different pieces of gear for each spec" territory, there's no choices, you're either doing it right or doing it badly.
He was kicked out his previous and wanted to play range in expansion and hasn't found anyone to carry him yet.
Stardust Rod Novus
Cronus/Cronus Lux
Canopus Lux has absolutely no contenders as far as AST weapons go
SMN's Lux
SCH's Anemos
PLD's Anemos
RDM's Anemos
About a day if you have friends, several weeks otherwise because of how much you will need to do challenge logs
>Game plays fine no worries pre-Shb
>ShB release
>Suddenly getting huge sporadic drops in FPS
>And models not loading immediately after recovery
>Happens infrequently but only after playing for over an hour
Could it be a problem with the install? I don't think it'd my rig, it's barely four months old.
Always found it funny that WoWfags resort to trannie-calling when WoW porn is filled with futa shit.
He drops four at a time, and you need 5 tokens for one accessory, so 20 tokens for all four. But you're probably not going to need 20 tokens.
forward and back is /oursong/
I don't give a shit about E-celebs, yet I want Mr. Happy to suffer. Why? I'm jealous or anything, I just fucking hate him for some reason.
i dunno, you tell me lol
>nah he drops 4 at a time.
That's pretty nice, hopefully i don't get unlucky with the drops/rolls.
FF XIV is only loved on 4chanks thanks to anime, if it were not for weebs just a regular kingdom game with knights nobody would love it because the game mechanic so bad.
ACT is not an addon.
That was good for it's time. But it has since been eclipsed.
I know he got kicked from his old one but I thought he had a new one lined up. guess not
how many of those are carry sellers on wow side
because he's an idiot retard who promotes bad play because players treat his videos as gospel. And that's despite his videos getting shittier, his Titania and Innocence guides were literally just him describing the mechanics as they happened over unedited stream footage.
whats the thing that only has 1k parses? im assuming this is jobs and specs
>you're either doing it right or doing it badly
yes, and in wow there is multiple ways of doing it right
in xiv there is only one
>people like game because of its aesthetics
>don't know if like DRG or SAM more
They're both so good
Melee DPS chads, how are we so powerful...
>8 people vs 20 for kill
>serious raid vs normal mode raid that no one gives a shit about
Yeah, you tell me. basically from all I can see you proved that FFXIV normal mode raids are way more difficult and less people attempt them.
You fucking idiot.
mtq > mr brappy
the little paint diagrams she makes literally could not make shit any simpler
I started as Archer and got to level 29 with msq. Then I went Gladiator and got to level 16 so far doing job quests, levequests and guildhests. Is there a better way to go about catching up to my msq? I need to get to level 30 to continue it. Would dungeon spamming be good once I get to level 20?
you can dungeon spam from lv 15, and yeah thats typically the fastest way for tanks
I don't know. I muted fc chat and just hang around for the xp buffs.
choose which armor set you like better. I like DRG gear more.
Why are anime posters so retarded?
Mine is nice, the FC leader is a Swede woman with kids so its nice to have a more mature group
What game do you come from?
That's not true at all, you have a bunch of mandatory talents and then some talents that don't matter, and a bunch of mandatory azerite traits for doing specific things. But please tell me about your dank build that didn't go unerring vision.
not the ~60% it would take for ff numbers to actually be on par with wow
sub rogue
>FFXIV normal mode raids are way more difficult
>and less people attempt them.
yea i know that lol
>a third-party tool that does something the game's UI doesn't provide isn't an add on
kek. semantics. it has the exact same role as addons.
So you check his twitter do you?
what are you up to?
>But please tell me about your dank build
see I already told you the viable build variance that exists
I don't have samurai leveled but drg at 80 just feels like you're going at 100% for the entire rotation. The last time I played a melee dps was heavensward, though, so maybe I'm just not used to it.
I want paladin to get directional combos from 1.0 back
How do I be a market jew? Just took up minner
take a break? skip cutscenes? why are you so mad? end game is trash.
Once you know what he does he's really easy. His tells are massive. Just don't get hit by anything. First week my FC wiped to him 4 times. 2nd week we one-shot him with no deaths.
No tell me the exact build, and then tell me about how it isn't just worse than one that takes the actually good talents.
You can whine all you want. ACT is not an addon. Honest question though, are you a wowfugee? I know over there everything is all about the addons but anyone who's been playing this game and doesn't have half their brain in the gutter is aware that's not how it works here.
A tranny, a guy that always talks about Nintendo games, in game married couple as leader/co leader and a bunch of homosexual men. Everyone is nice so it’s fun. Really casual but fun.
an addon is a drag and drop lua script like wow
ACT is a third party executable that scans the process stored in RAM and network traffic.
big difference
Buy mats from market and give them to your omnicrafter friends so he crafts you the most expensive glamour weapon on the board for no fee at all
I spend around 1m on Mats and profit around 6m without having touched any crafter or gatherer job
aside fom what the others said, the furthest they go is NPCs mentioning "that miqote" or "that Roegadyn" in reference to you
s-stop bullying me, user :(
How much estrogen do you have?
> people shitting on wow addons when cactbot RAID UI exists
DRK, no one else comes close.
>when cactbot RAID UI exists
>which literally no one ever uses or forces you to use
Pretty comfy, made it with some friends and guildies from other games. Sniped a house in goblet and relo'd to lavender beds. Hoping we get Ishgard housing soon. Lots of fun times and content running. Drinking games with trials. That sort of thing.
If Karasu counts, Karasu, if not Musosai.
dance of death (trait)
one with the pack (talent)
vastly increases the value of crit
depending on how many focused fire (trait) and surging shots (trait) you have changes if you want to use streamline (talent) and how you use double tap (talent)
i dont skip cutscenes i wanna know the story, also i have been taking breaks but this is the only game i feel like playing so im burnt out but i only feel like playing XIV right now.
im working with cid now to get his airship back
>reporting parse trannies who mention parses, dps, act, mods etc ingame and getting them banned
you guys were right
this game is pretty fun
That was weird. Just had a really obnoxious DRG in msq roulette. They wouldn't shut up about random stuff.
migrated from 1.0 to 2.0 with mostly the same roster. about a third of the active players are grills but almost everyone played mmorpgs before this game. we used to be pretty good but stormblood killed it and some members got other statics to raid with. it's always been pretty small though.
I kind of want to raid again but I feel like the guy in pic related. I might end up pugging because I don't think we can scrape together a viable 8 man at this point because so many are in statics formed during the dark times and there's a lot of conflicting schedules.
DRK no doubt has the best class storyline and NPC's. It's among the more personal quests for the WoL.
>making up stories on Yea Forums
This is 4channel, dumbass.
Jacke for rogue/ninja.
Also Estinien for Dragoon.
>first week
>second week
how do i expand the armory chest
Honestly GMs don't give a shit unless it's harassment related. You can't get someone in trouble for only mentioning a parser, but you can get them in trouble if they sperg out with vulgar language WHILE mentioning a parser.
Someone post that "BLM Fire 2 faggot parse" image, that's what they are banning for.
not him but ACT isn't what most people use. I've seen countless videos where people have actual charts on their in game screen showing damage data just like in wow
absolutely my favorite boss in the game. Fuck its so fun, and when everyone knows how to stack and move perfectly its an elegant dance.
That doesn't tell me how it isn't a strict dps loss compared to actually not retarded builds like ones that used you know, In the Rhythm 3 times which shat all over the ones you picked.
Pretty sure that's just an extension for ACT
I played quite a bit of Runescape since the original version and WoW since Vanilla. N-none... I'm just a regular boy, user.
All DPS follow a system of "Priorities"
No matter what the game.
How you go about meeting the requirements for the priorities can be in multiple different ways.
You have a preference for two of the many types:
>Resource management
(These are generally considered the 2 easiest methods out of them all, though procs being more easy than resource management, due to various factors, including methods to increase resource management difficulty, and human nature to burst out all of their resources like idiots)
There is no "Choice" other than "less DPS option" or "Higher DPS option" this applies to all DPS jobs, no matter what game.
You are given the illusion of choice with procs and resource management, more than any other system that relies on priority.
FFXIV has some proc based jobs, but only 1 of them has a slight bit of resource management, and its barely at all.
The more resource management jobs dont really use procs that much (healers)
Like you, those are my 2 favorite styles, and for the same reasons.
I loved 3.0 DRK because it was both of those things in 1 job, and quickly became my favorite. still stings today, since they removed that playstyle.
Saying WoW does it better is incorrect.
What WoW does, is make combat faster, so even simplistic options become harder to do. (Regardless if people want to admit it)
FFXIV tries to overload you with multitasking instead of making u choose simple options faster.
They are different beasts, and really arent comparable in most cases.
Anyone claiming the other is inherently superior, outside of opinion, is an idiot. (excluding individual decisions by developers)
Jesus fucking Christ. Are you sure you're not him? Because you're just as retarded. That's an overlay plugin for ACT.
so it's an actual dps addon after all. you're literally playing semantics.
FFXIV raids are easier because you only have 8 retards/trannies to coordinate
Imagine having 20 retards/trannies coordinating. It's a fucking mess
Remember the White Mage from the "The tank is strongly advised to read the following wall of text." image?
This is him now. Feeling old yet?
controller chads ww@
FFXIV has 24 man raids though
>>buy a story boost might as well since ARR sucks and old content is old
no, that's the worst thing you can do. It'll ruin the whole game for you
And this is his rotation!
>so it's an actual dps addon after all
You need to go back to wow. People have literally explained to you what ACT is and you insist on acting like an imbecile. Do you take pride in being factually wrong or something?
>you see, it's not a dps addon, it just acts exactly like one
HRT has done some damage on your brain methinks
Just for goofs I tried my ps4 controller on pc and now i'm loving it and working on my new UI and whatnot.
Those extended crossbar options are a fucking godsend. Amdn I'm having no trouble with targetting, etc. I'm genuinely shocked.
addon = non executable program
which targetting method do you use? left/right on dpad + X to confirm hard target, L1+up/down on dpad to scroll through emnity list, or L1/R1 for the classic tab-targeting method?