What the fuck happened?

Im sorry, through the years I've put up with icecream cones and keyring but this is next level SHIT


Attached: notrealpokemon.png (900x643, 244K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Those designs are fine.
Too bad they are stuck in another half-assed entry I'm going to skip.

its kinda sad that these days gamefreak invests more effort into human waifus than the pokemon themselves

Attached: allister.png (367x600, 198K)

that's sub-Yokai Watch monster design

the cake is fine, the rest are trash

>the cake is fine
waifufags are disgusting

Attached: Alcremie-Gigantamax.png (1280x1280, 732K)

wow they really went downhill huh

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the mega oh wait i mean gigantomax is fucking hideous but the base form is cute and fine.

im just gonna leave this here

say what you will about the gen 1 games but this roster is the very definition of soul

>inb4 hurr durr pokeball, magnets and goo

Attached: 151jpg.jpg (1049x1185, 601K)

I don't even see the fucking connection past the ice cream and cake one. Rest are either same color or fucking idk what shit you smoking with the rock and sheldon

Alcremie has already inspired a fair amount of weight gain content, so I approve of them.

Define soul.

Goblin guy's design is great, screams gen 3 which is the gen with the best designs. I don't mind the lighter(?) dinosaur either. The dog is almost exactly the same as a thousand other designs we've seen before but he's great for what he is. The remaining two actually are worthless, lazy objectmon trash.

No this is not fine, every design is in a different style

Why didn't you use Phanpy instead of Sheldon?

Attached: 231Phanpy.png (1042x1042, 765K)

name a gen 3 pokemon with that level of noodle arms

Thing I like = soul
Thing I dislike = soulless

Attached: targeted at children.jpg (6436x2132, 1.66M)

Soul is undefinable. It's like defining the color red.


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>kindergarten uniforms

awwww yis

Actually, yeah, these were better, especially eevee

wanted to get one from the first 5 gens and I already had a gen 2

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>yet another rock with eyes
How do we fix rock type pokemon, bros?

Deoxys has legit noodle arms but he's not Gen 3

Attached: deoxys-speed.jpg (900x951, 124K)

I don't like any of them and none of the starters really grab me either.

Good movie.

I can't. It's like describing color to a blind person. You either recognize it or you don't.

Attached: Pokeyes.png (993x372, 328K)

>Deoxys has legit noodle arms but he's not Gen 3
>not Gen 3

Yeah but his arms are designed to be noodles

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I'm dumb I was thinking he's from Diamond and Pearl forgive me

The series is dead dude. It's time to move on to a different one.

This. Soul is really a feeling which is almost inherent to the work. It can't be described.
The best way to approximate it is almost everything before 2006 had soul.

Most of those Pokemon are Dragon Quest rip-offs.
And I don't mean in the way people call new Pokemon Yokai or Digimon, I mean they literally ripped-off several DQ monster designs.

All of these designs are fine except for that goblin looking thing in the top left.

Only one that isn't improved by the switch is Zorua.

So it's nostalgia. Got it.

>definition of soul
I want this shitty meme to end.

Attached: A5D11B12-C7C2-4172-837E-D28098B0D3C8.gif (128x128, 155K)

Which one?!

the drawing style and colors are the epitome of SOUL. I mean the new pokemon designs aren't that bad either, but these ones make me nostalgic as fuck, especially the chubby pikachu

Attached: pikachub.jpg (599x203, 20K)

What about these boi?

Attached: ZUZU.png (250x250, 39K)

That's a boy.

Fuck Zubat

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Anons that say this forget a fair share of Pokemon in previous Gens had these eyes

Attached: JINX.png (431x431, 140K)

The Pokemon mainline series. I wish diehard Pokemon fans would just start playing better games, it's not going to improve.

everything is a rip off and thats totally okay as long as it tops the original or at least adds a different layer of meaning

Nostalgia is definitely part of it, but there's an element which makes it nostalgic in the first place.
No one is nostalgic for Justin Bieber because he has no soul.
People are nostalgic for Nirvana and Guns n' Roses because they have soul.

>top left
I preferred him in Digimon.

Attached: Chuumon_b.jpg (320x320, 68K)

I'm asking which one we should move into, retard

or these eyes

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I dropped Pokemon after Gen 5 but I still thought Gens 6&7 had a good number of Pokemon that I liked the look of, including Megas & Alolan forms. The only Gen 8 design I don't hate is the raven (MAYBE Grookey, depends on the later forms), and I doubt Gigantamax is going to give us a bunch of top-notch designs either since the two we've seen are "It's not just bigger, it's bipedal" and "dude it's a layer cake but 100 feet tall".

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Gligar & Sheldon are the shit though, and the imp fuck is more like a shitty Sableye than a shitty Gligar anyway.

Would be good if not for noodle limbs.
>penis robot
Absolute shit, yeah.
Generic cutemon designed for merch, nothing new there.
Lilligant but cream, bland. I don't even dislike objectmons, this one's just a boring design.
I fail to see how this is any worse than any other 1st stage rock type.

take your pick

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This was hilariously prophetic.

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Not sure there's an exact replacement for Pokemon, but the new digimon games seem decent.

There's also Persona games, the new FE, Dragon Quest, FF games, etc. I'd rather you guys just play fun games and be happy again.

As long as Impadimp evolves into some devil looking thing then that’s cool. I imagine the Invisibles from Kingdom Hearts, but that’s expecting too much.

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Even if he does, the direct comparison to Impmon & Beelzemon will exist and will almost certainly make them look bad anyway.

The corgi is the worst one by far imo

This looks more like an argument for why new gen is more diverse.

That’s what I want though. Comparisons will always be there, so there’s no avoiding it

I haven't touch pokemon since D&P. But if these are the worst designs of the new gens I really dont find them offensive all.

It's just a filler word used by people who aren't articulate enough to describe why they like something, or people who don't want to admit they only like something because of nostalgia.

they are the bulk of the first designs released for the upcoming game, meaning they were picked by the marketing team as some of their best to gather hype

They actually look worse when put together. Like, this is supposed to be Britain inspired pokemon and this is what we're getting as a generation, what the fuck. And this is only a handful.

okay, retard

>pocket MONSTERS
>pocket... plushies?

So far I've only seen 1 good design and it's the armored bird. I'll save my opinion on the starters until I see their final evo.

knight bird is rad

Attached: corviknight.png (240x300, 57K)

dog and ice cream thing are passable I guess. the other 3 are just lazy

They say you can see someones soul through their eyes. I get it now.

this is soul

even someone who didnt play this as a kid or even has no knowledge of pokemon at all can pick up how soulful this is

Attached: pokemongoldsoul.gif (500x450, 27K)

>actual talons
>nice details put in
>clever use of wing and plate shoulders
>design makes it look like it's wearing a helmet
>shading implies armor
>eyes look fierce
>subtle coloring

this is A tier design

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I can hear the music, thanks user. Original G&S was awesome. The remakes are still good too.

EZ day 1 Pokébro. Wonder if he has a pre-evo

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I am curious about what thar imp mon is going to evolve into.

this "thing" should have been included

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I find it funny that the box legendaries are basically blade liger vs shield liger

>that Pokemon Direct behind the scene
Literally, Western design.

It's a travesty of colors but the design isn't horrible. The other one is literally "What if we draw a dog, and it's just kind of holding a sword in its mouth?"

This is salvageable with a better color scheme and removing some of the over designed parts like in the nose area. I'm too lazy to do it though

ikr, the way the armor ridges flow from the collar and shape the pauldron down into feathers is the best part

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Elevens love sword dogs

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The Pokemon is still the weakest one. Also you missed Poppy from SamSho during Galford's super.

>Dude, i love Yu-Gi-Oh!
For real though, is it me or does he feel very un-Pokemon? Good design aside.

Attached: corviknight.png (385x562, 423K)

>he feel very un-Pokemon

it's funny how when you design a Pokemon to not look like a modern Pokemon it actually looks good

autists kept buying and praising gamefreak and now the faggots literally dont give a fuck about anything. pokemon is fucking soulless dead shit and needs to be given to another dev.

This is just repulsive to look at on every level. Who in their right minds approved that color scheme and why does he look like he has red veins all over him? Imagine those things pulsating. I'm gonna fucking throw up. I'd really like to waste as little of my life as I can looking at this.

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The game is called "Pocket Monsters" not "Magic Animals"

I want to fuck that cake

best bat

Attached: bat (3).png (537x676, 593K)

What the fuck is that bottom left thing supposed to be?

I like the rock dude and the imp is so goofy I can't bring myself to hate it, but everything else is just bland.

a lighter/inhaler

serious answer is a mecha kaiju


i want alcremie to cream all over me

>"shield, dog? how can we make a shield dog look? I know, it has to BE the shield! I'll throw on all my favorite colors too so everyone can see it."
>"What? A dog can't have a shield on its back. No, a dog being a shield is what I've decided."
>"Yes, it has to be a dog."
>"a dog with a shield can't possibly look cool."

Attached: 80b449c7db5de77b2f9afed26e49efec (2).jpg (571x800, 67K)

zamazenta is more like a Trinity Liger and Zacian is just Rez Wolf.

Redrawn vulpix looks so disgusting. That's nothing what a new design looks like. New zorua is bad too.

The creme the rock and the mecha dragon are great nigger.

Klefki was great, fuck you

Do people actually shit on magnemite and grimer? I think they are cool designs. Voltorb I can understand criticizing.

magnemite is the go to when people criticize objectmons from new gens

grimer is the go to when people say they are running out of ideas since he is literally just a pile of goo

The imp is the only ugly one, I don't like the cake either but more so because it feels like a rehash of Surlpex

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voltorb and electrode's design have an in game purpose, it's undertandable

It came out when I was 7 so I hold nostalgia for it

black people

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>it's another objectmon hate thread episode
Yiff in hell, furshits.

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I like the top right and want to eat the bottom right

>design a Pokemon that looks like something from one of the earlier gens, especially in the eyes
>"For real though, is it me or does he feel very un-Pokemon?"

Attached: sir corviknight.jpg (800x631, 103K)

Yeah sword and shield are next level shit. Everyone had high hopes for the first home console mainline Pokémon and they came up with this garbage.

Moving on.

>That park

There is a gap in the fence that lets you get behind it.