Why did this game fail to sell?
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Came out the same year as Skyrim. And competing with Skyrim killed them before they even started. Still a better game though.
Played like a single player MMO
too generic world design and lore
Isn't that what it was? I thought it was originally intended to be an MMO.
Love this game, highly underrated.
garbo combat
isn't this one of those shitty "play now milord" phone games?
Game felt like an MMO...in a Single Player Game. Aesthetics were something else but I couldn't shake the feeling it was meant to be something more. Like walking into a house that was clearly once a scene of a horrible murder spree.
Big empty world, really dumb and patronizing story, fable tier combat. I pirated it and played about 30 minutes
it had this shitty level locking mechanic where each zone has a level range, but the first time you enter it, it locks it to that level permanently.
So if you are level 10 and explore into a level 12-17 zone, the zone becomes level 12 permanently and you only get level 12 loot from it.
This meant to optimize loot drops you had to grind mindlessly in lower level zones to be sure you level locked new zones in at their highest level to get loot.
It was basically just shit
You have to be 18 to post here.
No, it's an open world RPG with action combat.
It just happens to be really boring with a bunch of empty space and dumb ideas. While some of the moves look flashy, there's little substance to it and you just mash attack to win.
They had an MMO in the works called Project copernicus that was pretty much the original game, but from what I remember reading about it, they cut a bit of it out and turned it into Amalur.
Sunhilda IS a CUTE wife user! This game DID fail IN sales BUT it DID win IN wifes!
go drink some bleach, shit for brains
I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you.
it's shit
Amalur is piss easy. Why would you even care about optimizing loot?
because whats the point of playing a game if you dont play it optimally?
Bend over you little faggot.
single player mmo
I am male!
Do you think Curt Schilling ever jacked off to the elves in this game?
the game was fun.
It had some great aspects brought low by the egregiously bad ones.
"Played like an MMO" is like saying a "food tasted like cardboard"
Its not a real criticism its just a bleating response made by sheep so they don't have to think about why they don't like something.
fun is the satisfaction of being optimal you shitter
Because piracy gave us a "try before you buy" model and this game was so FUCKING BORING.
It was so shit, there is nothing to fucking do in this game. I'd call it a single player korean mmo but it's even worse than that.
Fuck this game, I'm glad it failed.
>It's a thresh episode
>Don't have any fire weapons
I know I did.
It's still better than Dragon's Dogma.
not very good, no impact, no pedigree, no allure.
R.A. Salvatore sold them some shitty B story he had in a drawer
kinda gay too colorful design
always full price and hard to find
quests were mmo fetch or collect
should have been priced at 15 or 20 max
>He doesn't know about the class system that has good hybrids
Was that the game where you can't jump? I heard that you can't jump in it and instantly lost all interest.
Because FOV is trash and you can't change it
Instead of what it did wrong, I'm going to tell you what it did right.
1. The first zone in the game is one of the best fantasy settings produced. The forest of the Faelands was bright, vibrant, and colorful, which immediately made it stand out from other RPGs at the time, and most games as well. At the time, brown and brown were the colors to expect from games; KoA delivered something elegant.
2. The creators made a tutorial level that is actually enjoyable. Even though the player is low-level, there's still a sense of hype when fighting against the troll. They give you just enough tools in the beginning to feel like you have a wide variety of attack and defense options, so while the player is still learning the controls they feel like they're doing something. Even better, the Mash X event only happens AFTER the boss is defeated, instead of halfway through.
3. The customization for the character is top-notch. Yes, there are "meta" builds, but if a player messes up there is at least a forgiving re-spec system in place to help, and even encourage, the player to try different styles. Even better, instead of making the jack-of-all-trades the weakest, it's one of the best to choose since that "class" affects all of your skills, giving you better interaction with the world.
4. The combat is fluid and lively. It plays like God of War. Instead of feeling like you're a stick in the mud sloshing about, your feel like you have speed, power, and weight according to what you're doing. A fully-charged longbow hits like it should, the swing of a giant hammer carries its gravity, and using magic doesn't feel like a handicap. Whether using a controller or mouse, the combat is great until, like all games, the player goes god-mode thanks to the gear.
5. It has one of the best crafting systems in the game. It's direct and straight-forward, and while many complain it's overpowered the method of crafting is superior to any other system up to its release.
6. Ysa Mod.
Yes, you can't jump. It's the same as Fable.
Whats so good about this mod? Those mana and half-damage changes sounds like complete trash
It suffers from boring game syndrome.
Tried to actually finish it years ago, but stopped just short where you fight the dragon thing in the last zone.
Sure the combat is neat and way better than Skyrim which IIRC came in the same year, but it's not enough to carry the entire game.
It's an ebin difficulty mod which just means you waste even more time on fighting
I get panic attacks if I play a third/first person game and don't have a jump button. It feels like invisible chains binding and strangling me.
The setting felt extremely boring. It's like every other MMO and mobile RPG. Neon colored fantasy with digitally painted textures. Eventually I found myself skipping literally every conversation and just uninstalled.
I tried this game a while back and it seemed cool but I couldn't get over those awful animations and the player models. It might sound pretty gay of me but I don't want to play as 7 foot tall muscle machines, even the girl was a lumberjack. It just looked ridiculous.
Yes, it does feel like you're moving on a grid. There could be chest high clutter in front of your character but you can't do anything about it.
It's hard to make a qt in this game, for sure. This is an elf btw.
this shit right here, fun for 4 maybe 5 zones, then it's rinse repeat through uninteresting content.
talking from experience?
I enjoyed it desu
I love melee rogue like mages
or yknow...fun is subjective and has different meaning to different people.
Food tasting "like cardboard" has an established meaning though. It means it's incredibly bland and boring to the point where it becomes distasteful.
afraid not
Because the camera sucks ass. I truly believe if the camera was good it could've been playable but it just isn't.
I just hated the bodies and animations.
Post yfw fate shifting
as someone who realized constantly trying to be "optimal" was killing my enjoyment and then switched to "doing what is fun and no more", and in turn saved my optimal-ness for more important things like work and romance, i'm going to have to disagree.
then you must be a very diconnected retard.
i really enjoyed this game and played it alot
>constantly trying to be "optimal" was killing my enjoyment
this is a symptom of a bad game. in a bad game being optimal goes against what the game seems draw you towards doing, in a good game being optimal is easy
all sensations are simply a response to the conditions which the human is subject. this includes their thoughts and even personalities
Hows that fate working out for you kingu
>tfw Shadowcaster with chakrams
Nah, Amalur was what they made while working on Copernicus to get people into the IP, though from what I remember KoA takes places a century or two before the MMO was supposed to. They still had all the shit they made for the mmo when they shut down and it was only recently that someone finally bought it up. Can't remember who bought it though.
the art design was great
shame about everything else
They forgot to turn the servers on
Why DO you keep CAPITALIZING random WORDS in a WAY that makes YOU sound schizophrenic?
Pretty much this. Releasing this game roughly 3 months after Skyrim was a mistake. Everyone just had their fill of an WRPG during the holidays. They weren't going to sink 100+ hours into another one so soon.
It by no means was a bad game though. I loved it and consider it a hidden gem. Maybe if it hadn't been released so close to Skyrim and didn't have all the controversy surrounding it the series might have taken off.
Despite its many flaws I enjoyed most of my time playing this game. I think one of its big highlight points for me were the animations for the sorcery related weapons and the fate mode finishers though they did get repetitive after a while and fate mode was easily exploited once you can craft potions to restore it.
cute valanon
Pretty fun game. I like using magic, staff and chakrams. I just wish there were more skimpy outfits.
Or are those locked to leather? I've only played mage thus far and all of it has been fully covering. I don't mind that but I do like seeing a body on occasion.
Shows how old fashioned the game is too. If it was out at 360's launch it might have been considered impressive. A day late, a dollar short.
It actually sell well enough... buuuut, not as good as it should. Is a long, and complicated story, even by develop hell standards.
Gotta thank Mass Effect 3 for making me play the demo of this game which made me actually buy it when it came out.
offline mmo
Damn, that face looks better than any vanilla Skyrim ones.
I played through it along with the DLC a long ass time ago.
Everything else is rather bland and MMOish but the combat was better than Skyrim.
Journalists completely shit on it pre-release, despite in hindsight it being one of the best releases of the year
Mediocre game. Major problem was the game was way too long for the gameplay content it had. You have to spread out your content to cover the length of the game so players stay entertained by the new stuff they encounter. Repetitive enemies, low skill ceiling thanks to game being too easy even on hard, and strange anti-juggling mechanic that causes enemies to float away after x amount of hits. The skill tree also sucked. It was more of a skill brick wall really, because you had to spread points across the wall to unlock the next tier, rather than just investing in the branch you want.
even though it palyed like a single player mmo there was constantly interresting stuff you come across. if this game is judged badly bcs of his single player mmo structure then they should add that it did single player mmo the best.
Sorry, I'm betrothed to the Maid of Windermere.
Fuck you House of Ballads. I like you guys, but the Maid clearly doesn't want to be apart of that vicious cycle anymore.
What was the controversy? I've never heard about it.
Controversy was the wrong word to use. There was a lot of legal stuff going on with Curt Schilling and the state of Rhode Island. The developers of the game went under.
I don't know remember all the details. The game failed to meet expectations and shit hit the fan in a big way.
It didn't really sell that badly, especially for a new IP in a crowded marketplace. Well-reviewed too. It just had the same problem that LA Noire had, where the development was such a colossal nightmare that it was never going to make back its budget even if it had sold three or four times as many copies.
Oh, that. Yeah, controversy wasn't really right.