how do we stop Sony??
How do we stop Sony??
deez nuts
you can't
wow the xbox has done poorly this gen.
>another snoy COPE thread
How's the drought?
Only three more months and a bit till the next game!
They're stopping themselves with censorship amd poor games lineup. I had PS4 for four years now and outside of The Last Guardian I've mostly been disappointed.
Nintendo won last gen and this gen
>hey guys if we boycott soyn for censoring muh anime tiddies we might win!
incels absolutely owned
Be a PChad
Chad Daddy don't stop for no one and nuthing
Switch came out 5 years later. Just wait for the PS5 to release and the new chart will be inverted. Then you can shitpost about "How do we stop Nintendo" since the Switch launched 3 years earlier.
I liked Resogun and Gravity Rush 2 but that's it.
>please ignore the WiiU, that never happened, remember, all it takes to force the "next gen" is to literally drop your current gen console early
You don't, there will always be that market of people that just plays Fifa and just buys a Playstation to play it. EA is partially to blame here for marketing Fifa only on PS4s in thitd world countries
This is a thread on Yea Forums right now
FIFA bros unite
But fifa isn't even a PS4 exclusive. They could easily buy it on the dudebro of dudebro consoles, an xbox.
Why do you care
>company that sold consoles for two whole gens before competition existed sells more consoles
>be better for longer
>this is somehow bad
Just different. 1st party exclusives are great but when ever i have a Nintendo platform it always has about a third of a library that my PlayStation does. I gave up after gamecube, imo the last great one.
>not boycotting exclusives
Cope :)
>but when ever i have a Nintendo platform it always has about a third of a library that my Xbox and PC does
First Light is not that bad.
indeed. I am sure all those console owners will think of their PC bretherens and absolutely not buy anony of those exclusives. Yes. Consider me risen.
>could buy one console with everything
>goes out of his way to buy as many as possible just so its not Snoy
does he fit in yet?
what is a censor ship?
>>could buy one console with everything
So many games to play,I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. And exclusives are asscancer
Not only did the start 2 gens earlier they are also a gen ''ahead'' right now
By not making falseflag threads and using newest sales info, while being a positive customer and accepting that it takes time to overtake someone is sales when they had a few years of head start.
>c-censorship uwu
Know how I know you're a weebnigger that exclusively plays waifu games?
>They're stopping themselves with censorship
Yeah, I bet people care so much about your shitty weeb visual novel.
Irrelevant because Switch was outsold by PS4 last year despite its old system. You are delusional retard thinking it will outsell PS5 now.
go back
He "plays" visual novels hahaha
It does feel glorious to be Sony bro, every week we have another victory
Then you aren't the target demographic but you wont create a succesful boycott on the whole either.
How is that respect game top tier? I never heard of this shitty game.
>go back
Make me weeb.
>you can force a new gen, just burn and crash during a race and start your own whole new race as the only current participant and claim 1st place
how long till the switch has outsold the xbox one?
>Yea Forums chart
You probably don't even get why I said that. Go back.
chart is fucking way off.
the show 18 and other sports shit belongs in low-shit tier.
PT is trash that lasted like 12 mins and is essentially a trailer. It's not god tier.
The Last Guardian is mid-low tier at very best
Horizon zero dawn could arguably jump to mid, but it's pushing it
same with infamous ss. The whole top tier is dubious really. all of them could be either mid-low as well. It's been a dreadful generation on playstation.
Big cope
It would have to outsell it by a lot to catch up to 35 million.
thank you based hive mind for beating me to it
>how to spot someone that only plays games through let's plays
LMAO your system is dead son. No more games coming for you. Might as well buy a Switch.
>catch up to 35 million
>Sony is 10 years less on market
>Still outsold Nintendo home consoles
We can't stop them.
The fucking chart OP is baiting about
Cry moar.
PS5 will sell more than 35 mln though. New gen consoles are coming. Switch will be irrelevant.
But i purchased some of Nintendo's most recent product offerings, look.
stop stealing Jamal
>Switch was outsold by PS4 last year despite its old system.
Nintendo dominating JAPAN so hard that the Switch has outsold the lifetime sales of PS4 in just two years.
Nintendo dominating AMERICA so hard that the Switch is thrashing year-on-year sales of PS4 by more than 20%.
>n-n-no! PS4 sold more in Bangladesh!!
LOL why are Snoybois so pathetic and desperate?
Xbox 360 won last gen and PS4 is winning this gen
I actually wonder what gimmick will nintendo try to push next-gen. Obviously not VR as they and their fans are too poor for it.
How can you post something so controversial here?
>handheld aka the pokemon system
Lmao! It outsold Switch worldwide overall you fucking idiot, especially in Europe. Why Nincels are so pathetic?
>ps4 has already sold 90+ million
No wonder. Everybody who has a ps4 is playing it instead of buying more ps4s, you dumb weeb cuck.
by telling Sony to stop adding estimated second-hand purchases to sales
Based on what? If sales that was wii
If you don't think 360 won the last gen you need to crawl out from under your rock
you dont
and you dont have to, the only people who own playstation consoles are plebs
>Nintendo won this gen
>make 2 consoles
>PS4 outsold them COMBINED
I just can't stop laughing at Nincels
>especially in Europe.
ONLY in Europe. Those Slavaks need their FIFA machine. Nintendo is dominating the important markets. Congrats on being Number 1 in Tunisia though.
its a shame the vita was a disaster or else nintendo would have nothing left
And by the time that happens, how much would the Switch have sold? Come on bro, its simple algebra. Assuming the Switch has sold 40 million by the time the PS5 launches, it would have to outsell the Switch by 4 million units per year just to catch up after 5 years. But by then the Switch 2 will come out and the companies will once again change places in the catch-up game.
>Nintendo dominating JAPAN so hard
And? Who cares what the Japs buy? Their devs are wasted on them. They would RATHER buy and play mobile shit than play the likes of MHW, REmake 2, DMC5 and Sekiro. NEVER point to what the Japanese public buy and act like their taste is anything but trash. WE in the west support the actual good Japanese games. not them, us.
>all these countries are not important becasue muh Nintendo is losing
Hahahahahaha, what a retard, holy shit.
I recall how 90% of their first models all fucking died and MS listed replacements with the new model as "shipped." Xbox has not won a single gen it has ever participated in. Period.
Actually you forgot to include the 3DS. Why is that?
You forgot to actually talk about GAMES. Why is that?
Seething Sonybois like you will always be OBSESSED with Nintendo. Sony barely register as an afterthought to Nintenchads.
Starting a massive boycott campaign right now
>says only in Europe
>mention Tunisia
Why Nincels are such uneducated toddlers?
Concede. Weve already won, just join the winning side.
Japan is not an important market, their devs just make the important games. Look at what the japs actually fucking buy first before claiming how based they are.
You have no argument and are seething.
Make way for the true king. The reigning champ of all consoles. Don't @ me, there's nothing to discuss.
Sony will decide when next gen begins, Switch is too weak to be true next gen
What games? Nintendo's been experiencing a drought since the n64.
>bringing up handheld to home console comparison
It's so funny because 3DS was outsold by PS4 too hahahaha
pic related
What's your point faggot? 96 million sales and counting, good job on catching up to the monthly sales of a 6yo console though, it's about time.
Japan doesn't give a shit about anything other then mobile games. They are a lost country when it comes to actual gaming.
Oh, so we should forget the last year? The PS4 is on it's way out and I can guarantee you it will outsell the Switch this christmas just like it did the last.
I'm sorry. Its just that literally nobody gives two fucks about Europe and never have done. Everywhere is Tunisia there lol. 3rd world shithole.
Meanwhile Nintendo dominate the important markets.
>one cherrypicked month vs whole year
You make laughing stock of yourself Nincel.
They literally have to counter to this.
Seething and parroting "s-snoy" is just the sound a defeated weeb makes.
>Japan is not an important market
>the home territory of both Sony and Nintendo and of most of the best developers in the World isn't important.
Sure thing snoyboi.
>people aren't buying PS4 because by now they already own one
There's a reason Nintendo doesn't release their console close to the king
sony is probably gonna stop themselves soon. they are already making decisions without the approval of the playstation teams about the next playstation.
PS gold or whatever will only get more expensive. the first bits of the new gen will have some solid titles for sure but sony is greedy and will no doubt fuck something up.
Next gen is gonna be weird. even though they fucked up royally and nearly killed themselves atleast xbox tried making more than just a console. PS4 was great for the turn of the generation but now do people really want just another console for next gen?
Nintendo put out a cheap quickly made handheld and its kind of crushing it. one or two more solid titles and nintendo is in a great place.
Sony will undoubtedly start its hype train before this year is over but rumor has it the numbers of games sold on a single console dont add up so i wouldnt be surprised if Sony is buying its own stock back to inflate sales.
>please don't include information that hurts my narritive
Enjoy it while it lasts you know what'll happen when PS5 drops
>Its just that literally nobody gives two fucks about Europe
No, only Nincels pretend to, because Europe dosen't give a shit about Nintendo.
>Everywhere is Tunisia there lol. 3rd world shithole.
How old are you again? I bet no more than 15.
>one cherrypicked month vs whole year
He doesn't know.
>talk about home consoles
>bring handheld out of final desperation
>handheld selling worse than PS4 hurts my narrative for some reason
>you know what'll happen when PS5 drops
Kek even Sony have been cautiously warning people PS5 will be a niche console.
nintendo will be releasing the switch pro and be behind in literally everything like always
>home of
Correct, purchased and supported by the west, not their own kin. They work for us now.
And here's the PS5 lineup! For only $500!
>walking simulator
>shitty platformer game that would suck even in the N64 era
>feminism the game
>Horizon Zero Awards 2: The Cuckening
>The Last of Us Lesbians 2: The Era of White Men is Over
>Racing game
Switch will be embarrassingly weak it needs more than a "pro" the system is the equivalent of a PS3
The absolute state of Sonybros.
Well, we all knew this would happen. Nintendo continue to dominate the landscape, stealing the spotlight and generating headlines and buzz - drowning in an avalanche of new hit exclusives.
Meanwhile PS4 is dead. No more games this year. No more games this year.
We all knew they would have a sustained meltdown over it. And here we are.
Oh well, I'm off to play Fire Emblem.
you nintendopes are in denial so badly lmao
And here's the switch line up! sorry guys we couldnt make a new console like daddy sony and microsoft this year. please understand.
>bingbing wahoo #591581413
I'm getting the best Japanese third party games, as well as western ones. Just because Nintendo gets BTFO in so many countries it dosen't mean you have to say they don't count. It's quite pathetic, even for seeting Nincel.
No but real talk Switch is fucked when PS5/Xbox Whatever release. It now barely can catch up to PS4/XOne and those two are like 5 times slower than their next-gen brothers
*plus all the multiplats that me and millions of others wont be buying a PC for again
xbox is a non factor
>bingbing wahoo #591581413
>outsold bloodborne in 3 hours
Switch doesn't even have that all its games are shovelware baby trash
>Nintendo continue to dominate the landscape
In what dimension?
>using consoles from 80s and early 90s when Sony wasn't even on market and couldn't compete with Nintendo
>Casual shit is more popular than a game where you die every 10 min
Well would ya look at that
nuke the middle east, europe, and south america.
Parents buy Mario games so their kids will keep quiet while they fuck in the other room
>movie game
>outsold bing bing wahoo
Nah consoles are more expensive and they have fewer games than ever
BuT It'S PoRTaBle!1
> a demo is one the three best games on ps4
The absolute state of modern gaming
Now try to remve remasters and multiplats
the last guardian is garbage
At least it can get some heavy butchered third party now, it will end completely when new gen will arrive. Switch won't be even able to play them at 560p and 20 fps.
>Now try to remve remasters
why? not everyone played the original. there's really nothing wrong with remasters
>somehow you can be better than something that dosen't even exist
Nintendo toddler logic
bing bing wahoo is even more casual than movie games though.
i laughed a tad bit then realized that none of your words were false and reality began to set in
You are traumatised by Nintendo. How sad.
>remove multiplats
Mustards really have no clue about why people buy consoles do they?
>gets banned for shitposting and comparing a corridor jRPG that took 10 years to make to a much smaller dev team creating an open world title in a few years tops
>don't have argument
>name calling instead
Why so mad?
yikes bro
And most PS5/NewX will get, as always, are ports of old titles. People like to forget most PS4 got in its first two years were ports and "remasters", as if Switch was the only one to do so. It'll take probably 3-4 years before next gen systems get games that really use the hardware and release anything made with them in mind. And if someone has less cash, like most Japanese studios do, they can just put a Switch title out with worse graphics, port it to next gen, and still make money.
I mean, yeah, why the name calling and posting shit like "shortch"
I remember how people here said that Sony won't release PS4 or WiiU will outsell it. It's so funny.
>if someone has less cash, like most japanese studios do
honest question, is this why most jrpgs have really really shitty combat in that generic turn based shitty system? i always find myself wanting to actually be able to do the fighting instead of being confined to the usual system every time i come across it
Actually I was using argument about posting systems from the past when SCEE didn't even existed. Why no answer? Instead you said I'm traumatized or something.
>Playstation being bad argument is well written for each section
I'd ban you too
How is a real time combat system less generic? Turn based combat at least requires some tactics from you, some thought, even the oldest Pokemon game to me has more depth than something like Final Fantasy XV, Grandia II has some of the best turn based combat, there's nothing generic about fights working like that
I'm a different user, I'm just here to laugh at you. :)
Persona 5
Horizon Zero Dawn
Uncharted 4
Days Gone
Spider Man
God of War (2018 GOTY btw)
Ratchet and Clank
Until Dawn
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
Shadow of the Colossus
Also soon to come
The Last of Us 2
Ghost of Tsushima
Between these exclusive to Sony products exclusives and all the multiplats in the world, I've never been so spoiled in my life. Too bad Nintendorks will never know this feel
>I'm a different user, I'm just here to laugh at you. :)
Instead, you make laughing stock of yourself though.
>if you talk about Sony bad it's good
>if you talk about Nintendo bad it's shitposting
What does he meany by this?
I think he's retarded. He also gets triggered by caps lock apparently
>how is a real time combat system less generic?
have you ever played against other players in a real time combat system? you get raped if you cant think on your toes and adjust on the fly, or you may lose your window for a breakthrough within the span of a few seconds
turn based gives you so much room for avoiding being punished for your potential mistakes that its hilarious, to the point that i just cant take it seriously and immediately lose all interest
>Persona 5
>Uncharted 4
there is youtube for that
>Until Dawn
>Shadow of the Colossus
a remaster for a remaster
>Days Gone
you mean Bugs Gone?
So just 6 games.
Pretty weak list you got there for a 6 year old console
Animal Crossing (Nintendo)
Astral Chain (Nintendo)
Bayonetta 3 (Nintendo)
Daemon X Machina (Nintendo)
Detective Pikachu 2 (Tentative Title) (Nintendo)
Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Nintendo)
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo)
Luigi's Mansion 3 (Nintendo)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order (Nintendo)
Metroid Prime 4 (Nintendo)
Pokemon Sword / Shield (Nintendo)
Rune Factory 4 Special (XSEED Games)
Rune Factory 5 (XSEED Games)
Shin Megami Tensei V (Atlus)
Super Mario Maker 2 (Nintendo)
[Pending] Yo-kai Watch 4 (Level-5)
Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer feat. The Legend of Zelda (Spike Chunsoft)
Super Mario Odyssey (Nintendo)
Not bad for barely 2,5 years out.
>exclusive to Sony products
read properly black man
No adults enjoys these games, unless they're manchildren or women who enjoy cutesy cartoon animals
Bow down to your jap overloards cuckboy
>there is youtube for that
So does for Nintendo games, your point?
It gives both sides more time to think of a strategy, also usually turn based gives you many more options, since real time combat requires fast and quick to use skills, so less time for bigger list of abilities etc. Guess you're more of a dodgeball kid than a chess master.
neo geo couldnt even beat nokia?
>non released games that don't exist
Hmmm, he posted only small portion of PS4 games but still more than you.
>Second Sun, Ratchet and Clank, and Spiderman are Low
>Random anime game, baseball, a port collection and a demo for a cancelled horror game that you cant download anymore are Top/God tier
Why are all of these console exclusive tier lists always the shittest opinion
you'd get your ass handed to you in any actual battle in history with that kind of logic
Just wait until the next gen consoles come out when the switch will have more sales on that chart. Then you can post another childish nerdy pointless thread full of grown children and the most banal trolling of all time.
what about?
New Smash
Zelda BOTW
Xenobaldes 2
yoshi crafted world
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Just some obvious things that you left.
This is the same level of denial as the Monster Hunter World debacle
I mean, you seem to have dedicated your entire life to a video game company that has decided to destroy video games so I wouldn’t through the laughing stock card around too much here
> yoshi crafted world
man you should stopped in zelda botw
Why PS3 ports don't count on PS4 but 3DS/WiiU/Wii ports count on Switch?
Why non released games or games released in Japan you can't even play count to?
Ask your buddies
>dedicated your entire life to a video game company
What? I only replied to other user about his system sales comparison and got no answer other than angry name calling from you or him. You have clinical autism or something?
I'm asking you though. Why moving goalposts?
Look at this Nintendork totally ASSBLASTED by all the facts in this thread lmao
>PS2 sold better than every Xbox console combined.
tell that to the 40 million people with the console
Nintendo makes more fun games then Sony, stay seething Sonybro
>Sold more in America
Americans have shit taste, news at 11
>Look Mom I projected it again
Back to Discord, Xtranny
'Fun' is a subjective matter and a marketing strategy used by Nintendo. What is more fun a lap in a race car or a roller coaster ride?
Because you sony fans just said few posts ago that it is ok to include ports and remasters.
And we both know that wiiu being a failure is reason for the switch port. Unlike ps3 which had a healthy life cycle and anyone that pretend to like sony should have played them . There is nothing more shameful than that second remaster of shadow of colossus . How many times are going to praise it? until we reach the 10th remaster that runs at 120 fps?
>The fucking vita still outsells the Xbone despite being discontinued
This is a plain retarded way of thought.
>I don't want great games, I want shovelwares sold on everything using the lowest common denominator, I'm such a gamer you see
the european "sony domination" is a myth, VGchartz made predictions for the year and when it didn't match, they just dumped the "missing numbers" in that category since there's no mediacreate equivalent in europe to contradict their shit.
to be honest, splatoon on the WIIU outsould bloordborne lifetime
This. Sony sales are overrated, Nintendo always wins.
funny considering your "nintendogaf" meymey is an appropriation of the original" Sonygaf" this board used years before you had your meltdown.
Bloodborne is one of the best selling souls games. From and Sony were happy with sales. It was huge success for core game.
>it's not a good seller BUT IT'S GOOD FOR A SOULBORNE OKAY
the goalpost moving race has began
god fucking damn it.
>sony makes 25% more profit on 300% more consoles
Unironically, how do we stop Sony? (not even baiting) How do we stop the behemoth that is PSN, how the fuck did they beat one of Nintendo's best years on just PSN?
>300% more consoles
Exactly. Switchlets can't fucking compete.
Here, just to put things into perspective, to really send the nincels into a seething screaming cope fest.
Remember that little console, PS2, that kept selling through the entire PS3 gen, and is the biggest selling console of all time, and made Sony literally billions? Yeah, about that.
No matter how hard you scream, ree, cope, post and have these cope "comfy switch threads??"
Sony always, always win.
Holy god damn fuck go easy on them user.
Just fucking leave us alone, fucking morons.
the worst bit about this image is that 2018 is one of nintendos come back years and they made the most money back finically since the wii u era, since the switch did gangbusters
still got absolutely dunked on, unironically, isn't fair.
Stop them from setting up shop in third world counties and selling products that end up being coasters and doorstops
Difficulty is the next on the san francisco chopping block.
Enjoy not having from software games on the next generation, or having the baby easy version.
>knack 2 not in god tier
bullshit list.
Not at all.
As a cis-straight man who has actual friends I can give my perspective. Last gen everyone I know owned a Xbox 360, this gen it's a PS4. In both gens single player game were bought by a single person inside my group of friends and passed to each other until everyone who wanted played them, only multiplayer games were bought from everyone.
Not a single one is brand loyal to either producers.
I know Yea Forums favours Nintendo but in the normie world of Germany Nintendo is considered to be for snowflakes and children, it isn't an option to get one now just like it wasn't last gen.
It's either Xbox or Playstation, they are the only viable console optiones and since Microsoft chose to not compete anymore it's pretty much Playstation by default.
you can't
if that was the case then why do my xbox threads never get deleted? Hmm, almost as if breaking the rules gets your thread deleted...
This only proofs that playstations online is a rip-off.
Just wait, they're already digging the hole. Next gen is going to be rough for them.
Who keeps making these objectively wrong tier lists and claiming they represent Yea Forums?
Okay, where's the 2019 numbers?
how about having some sales on your games nintendorks
Imagine having to state your identity to qualify a shitpost
its an obvious false flag
that's only the video game side
sony is losing money from all their other businesses
meanwhile nintendo is making tons of money with their toys, amusement parks and underage prostitution
they'll be out once the year actually ends, and judging by the current trend that's been going for the past decade sony will just fist ninceldo even harder
Why would you care? Maybe make a better thread next time Op
refer to
Kissless virgins/incels opinions just aren't worth anything since they represent a completely unimportant consumer group. Normies on the other hand are the biggest and most important consumer group. You should always make it clear from which perspective your statement comes.
Since most posts in this thread come from incels it's even more important to make it clear where the normies stand.
This shot again? Most of those games are better on either PC, X1X, or the ol’ WiiU.
>ninceldo's average revenue is 11 Bill USD
I never realised how pathetic this "company" is
It's literally small indie family tier. there's video game developers who make more money than ninceldo
Thank you, doctor
All the best games are in mid tier.
>PT and TLG
>god tier
Who the fuck made this list
Stop from what?
It's a great pleb containment.
>Emulated versions of Rondo and SotN
>Top tier
I know this image is bait but still.
>they're already digging the hole
Reminder that inciting console wars is indeed a bannable offense. Mods are generally just too lazy when there are bigger offenders around.
Who cares. Play video games.
>comparing total sales of a console that only been on the market for 2.5 years to a 6 year old console
xbox one has no exuses tho[
Why stop Sony at all? Did you forget they were the heroes in the beginning of all this, putting a stop to all this always online DRM bullshit. Honestly we should be thanking Sony for literally having the best gaming lineup in console generation history, while having the best consumer friendly practices.
You’re trying to claim a difference between “incels” and “normies” yet you identified yourself as “cis-white man”. So that doesn’t tell us shit. You’re probably a huge faggot as far as I’m concerned, and your opinion is still baseless.
Go to school, don’t give up dude
>buy the bloodbornebox with a heavy heart to play the best game of the decade in cinematic blurry 24 fps
>sounds like a fucking jet engine trying to take off to make things worse
Feels pretty bad, not gonna lie. I've not touched the thing since then, I wonder how many millions of people are in this same situation.
Sorry, in Germany everyone graduatiates. Go to school is something you can say to Murrikans, who can actually leave school without graduation but that doesn't happen in Europe.
I am sorry.
Cool dude, you went to a Gymnasium. Congrats. You’re like 80% of all Germans.
From living in 10 different countries, in 5 years, douche nerds from Germany were always the cringiest- especially those on Yea Forums.
One day you’ll realize your nationality is as baseless as your opinions.
Travel more, be informed
Also don’t get raped out there. Rooting for you champ
Microsoft will win in the end