
I just finished entire witcher 3 with all subquests in both normal game and new game+.
And now i feel a fucking void ind i dont know what to play now. Like i cannot find any good game what will satisfy me. There is any good fantasy action rpg what can again ignite my soul?

Attached: sad crash dance.gif (300x300, 2.13M)

Fuck off Crash fag

Why do you want to play something similar after having spent over 100 hours on it? Play something different now. Your brain will thank you.

The Witcher 1

played it

then read a book

The Witcher 2

Did it

Played it to. I literally made entire trillogy marathon

play skyrim modded to be like witcher 3 so you feel the urge to play the real thing again.

I finished skyrim.

no you didn't. You don't "finish" millions of mods sir.

You're fucked then, sorry

Did you read all seven books?

These were pretty popular in Poland even before first witcher game.

watch the netflix series

I'm looking for good video game, not just witcher stuff.

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You have this to look forward to, maybe, if they don’t butcher it (it’s netflix so keep expectations low)

Other than that, try throne breaker and gwent. And of course look forward to CP2077

I know just the game for you. Is reeelll gud

Attached: 1499402866297.png (800x590, 209K)

What is that game, can i go tank build?

>one copy of The Witcher 4: Ciri's Feet please, and put it on my bill!

Attached: quased and quackpilled.jpg (680x560, 82K)

are you the guy from wsr that was asking for pics like this a while ago

Bloodborne? I doubt it because it's not really that kind of game. You can in the Souls games I suppose but BB is better in almost every aspect and the story is better.

Kingdom of Amalur

>good story
No one plays BB for the story

AC: Odyssey. That should take you a while.

Do you just type out shit before you read it or?

Fuck you bitch, Crash is based.

Is it really that good Crashbro? I played W3 for about 2 hours and found it boring as all fuck. combat felt kinda shitty.