So BJ Blazcowicz killed Hitler, who had a dead-man's switch to set off the apocalypse

So BJ Blazcowicz killed Hitler, who had a dead-man's switch to set off the apocalypse.
Wolfenstein 3 is gonna be wild

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who cares
the first wolfenstein game was alright
but then they took it in a bad direction with the cringy twitter pandering dialogue

>the first wolfenstein game was alright

I'd be really interested to know exactly which one you mean by that. It'll tell us a lot about you.

We still have DOOM

i of course mean the new order
we were talking about the new new new new new reboot of the series correct?

He's probably a zoomer, so I'm going to assume he meant The New Order.

I actually have this piece of shit because i bought an nvidia rtx gpu.



wild? I dont care if they go to the 83rd dimension and kill a giant velvet elvis
if it isnt as good if not better than TNO in terms of levels, art and gameplay I DONT WANT IT
TNC pissed me off so much
terrible characters, horrid hub, worse guns, less health, weapon tool kits rather than weapon mods ad specific places so the devs can count on you having something and build the rest of the level based on what attachments you have.
you should have gotten the super body sooner so you could have some actual damn health
I dont care about any criticism that people may or may not have about politics or agendas behind the story's production
if it doesnt shoot like TNO ill pass
and I consider this a more petty complaint but I miss the monster designs of TNO super soldiers like they were freaks and their armor was all cool and grey but then in TNC they were all sleek black and polished. I didnt like it at all

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How did they go from a nice wolfenstein reboot
(The New Order)

to 2 very fucking shitty sequels, like seriously the new order is 10 times better than both of the pieces of crap that came after

i'll never know


trump won and cucks became deranged

Who cares about that shit?
Only the underage audience of Midnight who eats up his clickbaits care about an expectedly bad movie based on a game

A change of director.


You're joking, but people really have lost their minds.

Does anyone else here just doesnt think ANY of the wolfenstein games are really that good?
I've played all of them except for old blood and this new one, and it never really made an impression on me, even tho i generally like doom, quake, nudoom, etc

The one that i probably enjoyed the most was the OG wolfenstein, but even that was mostly because of novely and after an atomap.
Doom is still miles better in every way, the only reason to play wolf3d is the novelty of it
Wolf TNO was alright but the stealth and shit was cancer and it just never really did anything impressive
TNC was of course an abomination
wolf2009 was enjoyable sometimes with the powers but its just bland and boring, going back and forth
I was excited for RtCW and i was very dissapointed, it has the worst case of unreal engine syndrome, big bland empty spaces, little detail, weird animations
Also the forced stealth sections and catacomb levels

Wolfenstein is just not that good

Does the dead dudes switch open gates of hell leading to doom so we can finally be rid of wolfenstein?

Who's this semen demon? Are there porns of him?

Should I play The Old Blood if I enjoyed TNO? Is it true that it shares some things in common with RTCW?

They thought they had built up enough goodwill with the first game and its DLC to insert their shitty politics into the next without anybody minding.

That's actually a possibility considering Doom and Wolfenstein are canonically connected

>it has the worst case of unreal engine syndrome
That's impressive for a game running on the Quake 3 engine.

Yes and yes it's a sort of 'retelling' of the first few missions of RtCW

Can't wait to punch more Nazis

they arent but ok

They are and always have been, faggitron

I guess, i just REALLY dont like "that look" that games had during this period of time, its really unapealing and bland to me
I infinitely prefer the doom/duke sprites and the doom3/quake3 darkness
I even prefer the blocky ass quake1 look for some reason

>implying the next Doom after Eternal won't feature a female doom slayer.

Zoom zoom zoom

>it's a sort of 'retelling' of the first few missions of RtCW
Damn, then I really need to try it, I love RTCW.

Old Blood is the best of new Wolfenstein.

there is some truth to this. it's like video games have become vehicles to deliver (mostly left leaning) rhetoric instead of being entertaining or intriguing. like they are desperate on affecting through video games how people view the world around them just to make sure next election will be their win.

It will be the same Doom Slayer, he will just be trans.

>So BJ Blazcowicz killed Hitler, who had a dead-man's switch to set off the apocalypse

Honestly, I'd rather play that game instead.

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stfu boomer and cope harder

>doom slayer

this is probably why id outsources most of them
its definitely not their best
yeah doom is miles ahead but the shooting and art of TNO was pretty good, though yeah stealth totally isnt the peak of the experience
and I heard that return to castle wolfenstein was good and I bought it like 2 years ago on steam but I still havent played it

RtCW>>Old Blood>TNO>Wolf3D>>TNC>>>WolfSisters

Wait 2 or 3 years and you will be able to

>not a mecha fight

Not him but he's right. Some dumb shit Romero said once doesn't make it canon. There's nothing in either series connecting them. There's what, ONE nod total in like 12 games? And before you snark with zoom shit, I'm 37.

>NO! He DoomGUY!
Calm down, boomer, before you have a heart attack.

New Order's great, as is Old Blood.

i would really hope that nuwolf and nudoom arent connected so I wouldnt have a reason to play nuwolf until it gets worth playing again
i heard that id doesnt consider nuwolf as canon with nudoom
but the new commander keen teases that BJ is keen 1s grandpa

>nazis had super advanced secret technology meme

sounds like an alt-right game

oh yes, old blood is amazing. bear with a shitty intro prison level though.

By sequels are you also refering to The Old Blood? Because that was a pretty great game.

Haven't touched TNC or Youngbloods though.

you forgot the part where they reveal that its actually stolen jewish doomsday weapons

You sound like a retard.

This entire franchise is garbage. Holy shit

you mean crash? the famale doomguy from quake?
I would love to have a spinoff or expansion where you play as her, she is who I used as a skin back in quake live

they stole it from Jews

Common sci-fi trope. It's as retarded as le based and redpilled fags on Yea Forums getting triggered if they show Nazis doing occult magic since that's another cliche

I can guarantee the fight with Hitler in 3 will be a mech fight, they even showed off his mech in TNC

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yeah zoom zoom zoom zoom

did you get dropped on your head as a kid?

whys he wearing a collar
aint my BJ

Pretty good ranking, but is WolfSisters really that much worse than TNC? I find that hard to believe. I mean, a few videos I saw of Youngblood, at least seemed to have way more shooting and gameplay than the cinematic experience garbage that was TNC. Does it get ruined by the forced coop and RPG shit?

He just looks like young Blazcowicz except with grey hair.

>famale doomguy
She was an instructor on Mars IIRC. Also she actually had her own model with CURVED SURFACES instead of just being a palette swap like Phobos.

his head got cut off but they saved it by putting it in a pickle jar and pumping blood through it
then put it on a fake nazi robot body with super powers

A-user, he had his head grafted onto another body. Cut the lad some slack.

Because he got his head chopped off nigga

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Ok, but where's the porn of the twins?

wolf rpg for phones has a cyberdemon boss with a twist: he doesn't have his cyber implants from doom, you destroy his arm and leg

He got decapitated in 2 and the put his head on capitan america body
Colar is holding head and body toggether

wolfenstein sisters has like 2 different levels
paris roads
tower where you shoot up two commanders to collect two keys and this level repeats four times
and the bossfight place

I'm skimming over the credits for both TNO and TNC, and its the same people in all the critical director roles.

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>level-based exp system
>if an an enemy is a high enough level you literally can't do shit to them
oh no no no no no no

Disgusting fucking zoomers, there's only two good Wolfenstein games.

Didn't the final boss in TNO already have a mech suit?

Lol, no wonder it's not full price.

yeah, I am familiar
doesnt the lore say she trained doomguy though?
god I cant believe she never got added to quake champions
I really hope we see her in doom eternal

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Return and 2009

Yeah and it was cool as fuck

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Based. Laziness of MachineHead is amazing.

oops wrong image

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Why does he look worse in each game?


He might be joking but he's still right.

The trump success was such a blow to the "progressive" march that they kinda flew into panic mode. Then pride, fueled by social media, led them to overact against each other and they ended up fucking up alot of pop culture with "agenda over quality", which ultimately is just drawing sharper battle lines with people who will literally take up arms over anime game tiddy censorship.

>another one franchise will bite into post-apocalyptic meme with pink colors and shit
So, Wolfenstein 3: Far Cry: New Dawn 2: The Movie The Game RAGE 2 BAYBAY when?

doomguy is already trans

That's the best part, just to ruin it for the wehraboos

please have pitty on me I didnt know what an 'id software' was till doom 2016 all I had was a classic xbox classic with no internet and basically only halo 1 and 2 up untill 2012 when I got a practical internet connection
I have started the pilgrimage towards classic fps and I own every quake but wars

it just comes off as anti nazi butthurt

i liked the start of RtCW and loved the early snow village level but they lost me the second they started adding paranormal stuff, could just be because it's overdone these days but the whole nazis messing with zombies or aliens crap bores me, i'd rather have some sort of doomsday weapon evil version of Liberty Prime type plot, or fictional mechs or even space for that matter like TNO did

They should just fucking go back and start anew.
They completely fucked this franchise with The New Colossus.
Robo BJ, Hitler written out so no Mecha Hitler, next Wolfenstein mainline game with RPG shit.

Its all so fucking tiresome.

yeah TNO was my first Wolfenstein and I loved it but then old blood added the supernatural and I hated it but then I found out that wolfenstein has a lot of roots in the paranormal like wolf 3D spear of destiny has you fight mutant nazis and the angel of death and it seems like after that there are only 2 games that since that didnt have that wacky shit and one is TNO

Which given the state of things will be 4 more years of America winning.

why does it look so amateurish? The models all look like stock unity models!

>swapping the occult for jew magic tech
>still fighting nazis instead of commies
it was over the second some swedecuck studio got it

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was Fallout not enough? Bethesda needs TWO looter shooter microtransaction franchises?

The funny thing is, it's absolutely incredible easy to tell who've played the games and who's just parroting bait replies.

Youngblood is also a great Arkane game, but you'll never know this because it's more important to talk about politics than talk about fucking videogames.

Oh well, maybe it'll get some cult status 10 years from now, when dumbass americans will fucking chill out with their first-world problems.

they also have rage 2

Enemy territory was multiplayer kino.

why does this look like a homo-erotic CG render project by some chink

ikr? the cutscenes look like aids

>Not wanting Doom Lady.
>Not wanting pretty much "What if Samus had an insatiable blood lust for space pirates?"
This might be the sign that this isn't my Yea Forums anymore. I think it's time I gave up on this website and moved on.

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>lack of levels
>rpg system


who said they didnt want doom lady?
I think most people would love to see some doom mommy hentai
but again it already exists she's named crash. lets get id to ignored her existence again

acknowledge* not ignore, sorry

you kill hitler in wolf 3d this isn't new

lrn2 spear of destiny


doom, keen and wolf are all the same setting dickweed

kys, retard

zOoM ZoOm

so jews are gonna destroy the world.

>mecha hitler
>in a wolfenstein game

someone get this amerikaner outta here

Do you seriously think games are developed in a year brainlet?

>um no im just gonna go ahead and call him by a different name deal with it :)

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yeah it's a pretty shitty series tbqhwy lad

What's the entire story in youngblood?

Does anybody have the webm of the girls dancing in the elevators?

BJs kids turned out to be girls and then they kill nazis with terrible "omg so epic i exploded his head and it flew in my mouth *pukes*" dialogue

BJ goes missing and his daughters go to find him.

I liked the New Order but second one was pretty boring, it was just more of the same game with worse maps, there was nothing new or interesting added, no new guns or gimmicks, whatever they do now i hope it's good

seriously that second game was so rushed they just scrapped everything from new order and added new dialogue

>caring about story in a looter shooter game
just buy gold with real money, don't you have friends?

I unironically want Tomboy Doomgirl.
But she already exists and her name is Crash
Problem is, ID ignores her existence and I doubt the new Doom movie is about Crash. It seems to be about some random Female marine.

>ID ignores her existence
How do we get them to remember, bros?

>it'll tell us
>I'm a part of the group guys!!!!
Yeah you're most definitely a faggot.

Who cares. New Colossus' gameplay blew and I'd bet my life the looter shooter sequel did too.

>"you're badass, sis!" *thumbs up, proceeds to have elevator dance*
And I thought no one could top Gearbox levels of cringe

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reminder that id has been dead since Quake 3 (possibly before but atleast Q3 was good)
Modern day id is just Bethesda's puppet, stop rewarding Bethesda for raping old id software ip's.

Is there really no porn of BJ fucking his daughters yet?


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It just released today, didn't it? Also, I want to see the sisters sex each other. Incestuous lesbian sisters are cute and pure.


Old Blood was technically stand-alone dlc, I thought. Old Blood was great, I thought.

Wolfenstein 3 is going to be open world and have rpg elements and damage numbers

Go back to /pol/ with that stupid you cant say "we or us" whining.

TNO was pretty trash on release, terrible PC port and cutscenes out the ass. It's one saving grace was that it wasnt a hard reboot. TNC is the exact same shit but we all know why that one caused "controversy" when TNO didnt.

>was excited for RtCW and i was very dissapointed
What sort of creature are you?

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They actively went from Tarantino to Woke shit

The biggest issue I have with Youngblood is the random enemy spawns. A shooter relies on its enemy variety and placement, and level design. Youngblood has poorly designed levels that randomly spawn enemies whenever you enter what the game dictates as a “combat scenario”. The randomized sewer levels are also complete trash because of the way enemies are spawned. Also there is no reason to pick anything but the damage upgrades for weapons, since the enemy armour type system is broken.

Because the guy looks like he has a choker.

It should open gates to lovecraftian horror dimensions so we can have proper single player Quake again.

What about 2009?
