Oh no no no no no

oh no no no no no

Attached: flop.png (957x483, 768K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>240 pln

Attached: 1563880933134.gif (267x199, 573K)

5 years too late

nice, aside from that janky 24 FPS it looked pretty neat


I stood silent when they got Danganronpa 1, 2, 3, Ultra Girls
I stood silent when they got Ni No Kuni 2
I stood silent when they got Dark Souls 1, 2, 3
I stood silent when they got Nier Automata
I stood silent when they got Deadly Premonition
I stood silent when they got GTA V
I stood silent when they got Dragon's Dogma
I stood silent when they got Zero Escape 1, 2, 3
I stood silent when they got Tales of Berseria
I stood silent when they got Neptunia series
I stood silent when they got Atelier series
I stood silent when they got Resident Evil 7
I stood silent when they got Disgaea 1, 2
I stood silent when they got Dragon Quest series
I stood silent when they got Tekken 7
I stood silent when they got Bayonetta
I stood silent when they got Ace Combat 7
I stood silent when they got Guilty Gear R
I stood silent when they got Blaz Blue
I stood silent when they got Marvel vs Capcom
I stood silent when they got Injustice
I stood silent when they got MK 9
I stood silent when they got SF V
I stood silent when they got Killer Instict
I stood silent when they got Vanquish
I stood silent when they got Code Vein
I stood silent when they got MGSV
I stood silent when they got Demon's Souls
I stood silent when they got Catherine
I stood silent when they got Persona 5
I stood silent when they got Breath of the Wild
I stood silent when they gotNioh
I stood silent when they got Final Fantasy XV
I stood silent when they got Hypderdimension Neptunia 1,2,3 Rebirth 1,2,3, VII
I stood silent when they got Monsterhunter World
I stood silent when they got Okami
I stood silent when they got World of Final Fantasy
I stood silent when they got Shenmue I & II + Yakuza 0 & Kiwami
I stood silent when they got VC4

I'm not fucking staying silent any longer
Why the FUCK is this shit allowed????

Attached: 1553878339345.jpg (1920x1080, 272K)

>25 reviews

This. What took them so long?


>that price
dude lmao

Attached: ........jpg (252x415, 42K)

Looking forward for ported models being used in porn

kill le kill is fucking garbage and so is this game

fuck the price man, if it was £30 i'd genuinely consider it but the lack of characters is just sad.

i know people will complain about this or about that
but if it wasn't for the price i would be fine it looks fun also ragyo is in the game

Attached: 1497242938365.png (600x496, 306K)

Every new game's review sucks. This is why games move away to epic. A fell people giving bad reviews with subjective opinions and the people that would normally buy it opt not to.

A licensed shovelware game having bad reviews is to be expected.
Yea Forums is the only place that hypes it as the best game of 2019, probably due to the fat asses.

Console games "stolen" by PC
He needs to add Super Robot Wars V and X to the list.

what about Ni No Kuni remastered

>3 hour game sold for $60 with no regional pricing

Attached: mea_cute.png (587x870, 985K)

It's US$25 on my region

Only if the game itself sucks, Chang.

call that preservation

So PS4 or steam?

Attached: 1396312191507.jpg (1280x2160, 422K)

>game just came out
>154 all-time peak
so I guess the MP is dead on arrival?

>60 bucks

Attached: 1488680027828.png (500x341, 244K)

how do they get away with charging $60 for these fucking arena brawler games

ps4 if you have ps+
codex if you don't.
eeeyup, but what could you expect from a niche game with such little content and such a high pricetag


Attached: 32432.png (726x506, 133K)

Weebs will literally buy anything anime as long as it's not complete trash.

Retarded fanboys.

>make a good game
>receive good reviews

Attached: file.png (1657x322, 772K)

>shit game based on shit anime is shit
nothing I could do I did everything correct

Unlike what Yea Forums says, when it comes to popularity Kill la Kill is no Dragon Ball Z.

>game by the guys that made the really mediocre LWA game
>yeah their next game is totally gonna be much better even though it's in a incredibly generic and mediocre genre!

>Being poor in Poland
Step up your game, start doing shit for oversea markets and earn big bucks, 60$ is nothing

I got lazy but it's getting pretty full honestly. The meme is way too old, consoles are done for.

The fate of many an anime game on Steam.

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Wow, steamshitters have no taste in games, no wonder PC gaming is dying

Yeah even Guilty Gear has no players on the PC. Literally why bother.

But people would still buy it. Alot of people enjoy "shitty" games if they spend money on them. If they see bad reviwes, they will decide not to buy them, even if they would have enjoyed it. reviwes kill games.

>gets delistrs due yo music copyright

HINT: you can only release a tie-in game five years after the source work ended if the source work is popular enough.
Contrary to what anons say, Kill la Kill isn't popular; it just has some extremely loud fanboys.

Srw and sd gundam are asia only, outsider countries cant buy it.

Therefore it cannot count on that list.

Bought it , but cant play till tomorrow FML

Attached: 1554323791799.jpg (500x666, 52K)

go shill epic store you fucking retard

i mean, they didn't make steam store page visible until 4pm jst which is 3am in washington

most likely sony pushed for that so casuals buy it on ps4, and it was their main targeted platform kinda

also fucked up regional pricing

>Step up your game, start doing shit for oversea markets and earn big bucks, 60$ is nothing
I'm not going to sail ever again, fuck this

Attached: help.jpg (970x990, 99K)

>arena brawler
>arena brawler for a FOTM anime
>arena brawler for a FOTM anime that aired 6 years ago
>arena brawler for a FOTM anime that aired 6 years ago for 60€

Attached: 1560416811418.gif (700x298, 3.67M)

They can because they can be pirated.

>But Japanese
Wrong; the console SEA version has English subtitles so the PC version will have them too.

>But Denuvo
Denuvo isn't infallible.

They're legit retarded, apparently it's multiplat too? The least they could have done is wait a bit then release it cheaper to scape some sales.

Attached: 1553049546984.jpg (618x597, 144K)

your pic shows good games, so your point?

no way, it hasn't been 5 ye.....
what am i doing with my life

No they wouldn't, nobody gives a crap about kill la kill except a handful of weebs, some of the most popular games on steam like PUBG and DayZ had bad reviews and shitty score and people would still buy those because they seemed like interesting games, this is just garbage

no one gives a fuck what you think, shitbird

False. When someone want to buy a particular game they will do it regardless of reviews (I've done it before).
Some people will be discouraged by the bad reviews, but that isn't a bad thing. Garbage games don't deserve to sell.

You did enough to reply.

>Yea Forumstards actually fell for the retard shilling it all fortnight on here.

Attached: Mako look.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

you mean Yea Forumstards

why do I smell a whiff of raw soul everytime i see anything from old runescape

>Back when Kill La Kill aired faggots both in this board and Yea Forums yelled "KLK ACTION GAME BY PLATINUM WHEN" and never shut the fuck up.
>They got their game five years later but it's a shitty arena fighter made by a sweatshop developer

Karma is a bitch

Marketing was non-existent but it will probably sell well on consoles in Japan which is the main audience.

Nah, Yea Forums.
Yea Forums unironically considers Kill la Kill to be one of the most iconic anime shows of the decade, on par with the best of 90's.

you were an autistic teenager who played it

Since when do we take pc fags serious?

the gameplay looks fine desu

in what alternative reality?

Demon's Souls got ported to PC?

>le generic anime where u fite the big bad by being somehow bigger and badderer with the power of frienzhip and bo0bz
omg it’s a video game now!! Mom get the credit card!!!1

This one

Attached: Capture.jpg (1859x330, 66K)

It emulates flawlessly bro

Never mentioned the translation, infact, for some reason despite this being an asia/SEA release, bamco is not sure if they will release this version with the translations, supposedly they will have an answer in 8 days or so.

About denuvo? Strangely enough, i dont see them implementing it, since they would believe the JP/SEA market doesnt do as much pirating as the rest of the world.

>the negative reviews are about bugs and not about the game being shit or costing $60
I guess retards will buy anything

No but the latest version of the PS3 emulator runs it as fine as the PS3 itself (granted that you have a strong enough PC)

not him but last time i tried it emulated like garbage and crashed.

>one guy says thing
>"Yeah it's the universal opinion of Yea Forums"

>Years late
>Game looks like ass
>Plays like every other anime arena fighter
>Jank included
I wish I worked up the energy to give a shit. I rewatched KLK last week and still have no interest in this game.

Attached: 1387425332736.jpg (425x600, 56K)

No, Yea Forumstards too. Dude shilling this literal shit was getting 200+ posts in his threads easy.

Yea Forums is so far up their own ass they think their polyps are iconic

PS3 was like 20fps so it's better on PC.

>it looks good
>it's fun
>it actually has depth unlike Naruto ultimate storm 18
>the focus was on a small roster of truly unique characters instead of 80 characters that all play the same
>people will hate it because LOL ANIMU LOL SHORT CAMPAIGN

Attached: andhedonia.png (612x810, 417K)

>working on a cruiser for anglo boomers

>Massive bait just only gets more replies than 'have sex'
Incels are the easiest thing to bait in the world, so prone to anger.

Attached: Ancestmutts.jpg (580x402, 47K)

What does Nonon's butthole taste like?

>151 people playing
I don't think anyone fell for anything

150 autismos did

Would be struggling to stay in 3 digits without Yea Forums and their step father's credit card.

Who's the other guy

>play early demos at events
>write previews saying same shit

Eat fucking shit

DSP picked up a copy but he's not a smoothbrain, he'll get back his money 5 times over via tips from weebs.

please DSP will start the game just after the prestream and will spend 30 minutes to get to the gameplay
at least he doesn't play coop this time

>it actually has depth unlike Naruto ultimate storm 18

Why do you lie? All of these anime arena fighters play the same

>50 bongs for a past sell by date anime fighter
No thanks

Except this one doesn't. Homing dashes work like FighterZ and get blown the fuck up by anti-airs. Different characters have entirely different game plans.

Naruto is subterranean shit, Hero Aca is bottom of the barrel acceptable, and KLK is actually good

t. KlK if developer

just shoot up a school and be over with it


bugs are the game being shit

I like it. Dem graphics "options" tho. Tried to inject all AA options known to man and monkey and my eyes are still bleeding.

Attached: where_we're_going_we_don't_need_eyes.png (841x534, 324K)

lmao nice port

Just turn screen resolution off. Pr9blem solved.

>buying it
lol your fault

imagine buying an anime game lol
they are the biggest cash grabs
does anybody even remember JUMP FORCE?
yes that game came out this year lol.

>”anti aliasing”
Why is it in quotes? Are they implying the setting is just a joke and doesn’t do anything?

The demo was awful, even worse than Ultimate Ninja Storm.

Probably just FXAA or something

Imagine being this fucking retarded. What the hell is happening to Yea Forums?

Attached: 1418274534206.gif (200x147, 1.14M)

>mfw people unironically bought junk force

Attached: 6E72E388-EEFA-4DBD-990F-DD206CCB0B62.jpg (500x386, 62K)

>60 euro shekels
nah bro
I put the quotes there

Attached: ffs.png (1091x23, 3K)

The rest of the menu looks like shit, why wouldn’t I take that at face value?

My bad, well memed user

Can anyone confirm that Kisaragi is only story playable

Uh, I was expecting Sekiro numbers.
Isn't Kill la Kill a fairly popular anime?

Jump Force was pure kino

Attached: 1550056625911.webm (852x480, 2.74M)

>People made huge threads about junk force.

It's like they never learn.

Was. It was only flavor of the month trash, and then everyone moved on to one punch man, dragon maid, and the mountain of shitty isekai anime that refuse to stop coming out

super Satsuki and super Ryuko are story modo only

isekai is the greatest anime genre

Expected as much, thanks


These kinds of games are always only alive on ps4

Image quality appears to be equally crap on PC(left) and PS4(right) although PS4 is slightly less jagged

Attached: IMG_20190726_164414.jpg (4864x2736, 3.02M)

I payed nothing and I still feel jewed

Attached: IMG_20190726_164447.jpg (4864x2736, 3.39M)

>taking pictures of your screens
you literally posted nothing with that text


what the fuck? Is this actually good?

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Akame ga Kill! - 05 RAW (MX 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_03.49.669.jpg (480x616, 220K)


What if I'm not interested in most of the characters of the small roster?
It's not fun, btw. It doesn't look good once it has to move. Nor does it have depth. Why do you lie so much?

>oops I died
>oops now I’m in a magical place
>oops now I’m living a different life
It’s just an allegory for the afterlife. Typical brainlet religicuck pacifier so you don’t think about how your body returns to the earth and nothing else after you expire.

If you tried the demo you'd know it is is not good.

You guys will eat up any anime trash, huh?

Dark Souls 2 has a 92. Would you call it a good game?

>phone pictures of monitors
You are a moron

Might as well be 1/10

*tips fedora*

You can get raped by a weasel if you think I'll go trough the trouble of talking proper screenshots on PC and PS4, all you're getting is a shitty picture of pc&console on the same monitor PBP

its a fucking great game so ye

>nuh uh

Attached: akanewalkinggarbage.jpg (853x480, 76K)


true but at least I'm not a nigger like ur daddy that still hasn't come back from buying cigarettes

It's the best Souls game so yeah

You didn't put up much of an argument yourself
Why is it fun when it's just another anime arena brawler?

Weebshit BTFO
Waifufags BTFO
Arcsys BTFO
Based PC Master Race keeping trash out of Steam.

>what if I'm not interested in most of the characters of the small roster?

Considering that the game covers just about every important character in the story, I'd assume you aren't a fan of the series as a whole at that point so you wouldn't like the game no matter the number of characters.

Attached: 1559031662270.jpg (375x375, 39K)

>1080p maximum
>no borderless option
>somehow supports HDR

Attached: balala17.jpg (557x490, 30K)

It's paid.

>non-retort (You)
I accept your inability to discourse as a humble apology. You are forgiven :)

Can you at least force AA and resolution through control panel?

you should pay more attention to the world

steam for the inevitable mods

Attached: 1457170367268.jpg (230x233, 31K)

no, tried control panel, registry, nvidia profile inspector and tried to trick it with borderless gaming app so far and got shit
You're right, I've been speaking English for 20 years now and I always fuck up that word. Fucking English was not made for Latin alphabet

Most of them are one-note characters, m8

Because believing in a magical sky guy is somehow not mental illness and will open my eyes to some ancient hidden truth? Do tell.

you're living in a delusion, do some drugs or something that matters.

Another non-retort, eh? I appreciate the (You)s anyway :)

I thought nips were finally starting to exit their pc port growing pains.
Guess not.

Attached: dress.gif (158x281, 481K)

>why is it fun
because it's not just another arena brawler. In fact it has almost nothing to do with any familiar arena brawlers (Jump victory vs, jump force, hero aca, naruto).

Mindless aggression and homing are punished by well-timed anti-airs, different combo paths have actual purposes both in terms of combo extension and meter gain, different characters play 100% differently from one another, bursting is possible but cuts off special gauge generation which leaves you extremely vulnerable, and the netcode is fantastic.

The only issue with the game is its small roster, but it's getting two free DLC characters within the week and more on the way

Why do you insist on shitting on games you clearly haven't played?

we aren't arguing, I'm giving you free life advice

What the fuck did you fucking expect? It's an arena fighter, anybody who was going "WTF, this game is actually good?!" was absolutely bullshitting.

>not forcing whatever graphics options you want
Brainlets should stop buying gaming PC's

Attached: DERP.png (844x617, 542K)

>read negative reviews
>"my computer is not strong enough to play too many frame drops"
>"I keep trying to create save data but it doesn't work" (he didn't run it as admin)
>"wtf it crash"
All the negative reviews are retards who should be using a console

No way lol

Attached: 1503683650811.gif (401x281, 28K)

One of my favorite games of the past decade had a garbage PC port; my machine ran it but it clearly was a shit port and I won't argue with you if you give it a bad review due to said port given how only like half of the people managed to run it.
Why should Kill la Kill IF get a free pass?

>people don't read CPU specs
>people don't run EXEs as admin
>review game poorly because they're retards

Attached: shrug.jpg (252x200, 18K)

It still crashes a lot, even for people with high end PCs. And the sun's glare still lacks transparency. So looking toward the sun still blinds the player.

A PC port should run out the box without needing absurd tinkering.
You wouldn't buy a car that doesn't start unless you kick the motor four times.

I didn't buy it on Steam. It's low budget anime shit, there's a 50/50 chance it's a busted port on PC.

How's the switch version?

>it's a fucking full price game
Welp I didn't expect that. I wonder if they're think they're going to sell this shit, though.

its a trash battle arena game

Play the demo, i expected awfull load times but I was surprised that they were quick.
30fps tought, watch out.

It's relatively popular but if you release a game 5 years after the anime has ended, and the game doesn't even have too many features, and on top of that it's priced at full fucking price, you'll probably end up having these numbers.

Dragon Ball Fighterz was successful even when it was released 22 years later.

And there has been no single piece of Dragonball media since then
Super hasn't existed yet
Movies aren't constantly coming out yet
It's been total radio fucking silence for 22 years
Goddamnit user

Dragon Ball is STILL airing

Dragon Ball Super was still running when DBFZ came out.

>the storymode was LITERALLY A DREAM ALL ALONG


Attached: 1559861188597.jpg (511x509, 36K)

>anime arena fighter

Attached: 14e.gif (640x360, 3.34M)

i thought we were all being ironic when people were bothering kamiya about it on twitter.

So? That doesn't excuse IF.

Oh wow.
That's pretty retarded. A videogame universe is supposed to allow you to have fun with the series, not to follow the original canon to a T.

You did preorder it, right user?

Attached: kill-la-kill-the-game-if-limited-box-edition-585609.23.jpg (1280x1280, 167K)

That's what you get for getting the same script writer as the anime

Thanks doc


Attached: 1551153118619.jpg (225x224, 6K)

>Run as admin is "tinkering"
Jesus fucking christ you're retarded. The equivalent analogy is retards not putting the car into gear and wondering why they can't just drive off the lot.

>A PC port should run out the box without needing absurd tinkering.
You're thinking of a console, faggot

>right click run as admin
>"absurd tinkering"

>People are trying to say that KLK is niche
Normalfaggots eat this shit up, what are you talking about? It's just like all Triggershit

Attached: 1564046279724.gif (499x654, 1.35M)

play PC

Nothing personal Trigger.

Attached: 1553547809964.png (246x73, 3K)

LWA flopped
Franxx flopped (it was advertised as a Trigger show)
Gridman is completely removed from what it is and it's just an excuse to push waifu shit
Promare only has fujos pushing it

steamCHADS are waiting for a sale, stupid.

Attached: 1563655592958.jpg (1191x1278, 177K)

It is. It just happens to have an extremely loud, vocal fanbase.
Something actually popular with non anime fans is Attack on Titan.

Anime games are never good. Why are you going oh no no no no like people were expecting it to be good?

You were warned
Anything KLK existing past the novelty of its parody and absurdity could never be anything else other than a souless cashgrab for thristy incels.
Yet you didnt care, the prospect of scantily clad girls trumped your intelligence like always, now reap what you sow.

Attached: skinnerpathetic.jpg (500x294, 34K)

Shini Z. raped and murdered my ports.

I love how his ports are region locked. I love how they are 50+GB unoptimized messes. I love how they don't ever work on launch(or after).

This guy is truly the most incompetent member ASW has. I'll be sure to thank him after he's done eating his celebratory cake!
twitter.com/Shini_Zack/status/1154737572796489730 (embed)

Attached: 1558098718562.jpg (1169x768, 505K)

>anime waifu game is bad news at 11

At least it has copious amounts of fanservice, right?

>kill la kill game
>dual-wielding variants of main characters are part of the base roster
>best character in the entire show is relegated to dlc

Attached: makotaro.gif (500x281, 1023K)

The characters are fun and I wanted more of them. That's it.

>oh no no no no no
Why don't you use real words?

Sad to see so little people with good taste. This one of deepest intricate fighting system I have ever played. It deserves more than this.

It's shallow even compared to Extreme Force, and that's objectively the worst Gundam VS game.

Yeah, I'm sure he's gonna have all the time in world to play all that vidya while being buttfucked by foreigners on a ship.

That would imply the game is actually good.

Kill la Kill is kill lmao.

>using real worlds on Yea Forums
I hate it too, it's cancer. Imagine these people having to form an actual opinion/statement at gunpoint.

It's literally the best kill LA kill game to date.

Boy, I sure do love spike chunsoft copypaste anime fighters! They really get me going, haha!

That good games get good reviews and badly reviewed games aren't just being review bombed by contrarians, but are just bad in general.
Actually read what he's replying to.

the best =/= good

Oh shit. I didn't know ArcSys is making this. I'm enjoying their Dragon Ball game right now.

They published it, they didn't make it.

I like KLK but only brainlessly devout fans can find this game appealing.

>cheap story mode that's even worse than the quality of some of the show's episodes
>multiplayer that might as well be dead on arrival, since no lazy anime game has legs

If it was $20, or even $30, it'd be more reasonable.

Attached: 1446335433749.gif (318x415, 981K)

>it actually has depth unlike Naruto ultimate storm 18
You fucking wish lmao. Those games have good ratings unlike this turd, speaks for itself really. I'm still shocked the Hero one has so good reviews even tho it plays like complete ass too

fuck this guy, Blazblue Cross Tag Battle was an unoptimized mess and the game runs at 20 fps at launch(not sure now). The reason? HUD. Some modders made a mod that disable the HUD as an experiment and literally everyone played at max fps instantly. You know what Shini said? There's no problem with the port, it's just your specs!!! There's also other problem where the sprites are blurry as fuck and kills the performance too.

Attached: kamille morality.png (960x1440, 1.2M)

>implying its actual HDR and not just the old school eye adaptation shit

>literally paid for 2 copies
>makes phone shots of the fucking monitors, making his entire point mood as fuck and worthless
Well done user, you're the retard of the day!

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Golden Kamuy - 16 [1080p]_snapshot_00.16.03.797_[2018.10.31_19.43.17]_subs.jpg (1920x1080, 351K)

I assure you that you and me are one of the few exceptions, i wanted more of KLK too but i knew it could never happen in a way that is new AND honest to itself.
In my view it was obvious this game would not escape the trappings i just mentioned, KLK was always too tied to its own themes to ever evolve without degenerating into something that isnt KLK.

Oh. Lame. It looks alright from the youtube vids I just saw so far. The japs are actually getting good at translating that 2D feel to 3D. What a time to be alive.

It's a stiff and slow fighter. No amount of ass and pretty animation provide the staying power it needs.

I mean I liked the demo. I can’t get behind the heavy characters though, I liked that white clothed girl. The projectile system is pretty cool, and the controls remind me of One Piece Burning Blood.

what the fuck is that price, the game is 2/10 of my salary with a roster smaller than my dick

Attached: 1488.jpg (520x537, 60K)

PC is just another platform, they’ll get games because people play them. Relax user.

Its 14 characters. 2 unlockable and 2 free dlc

>60 bucks
It’s at most worth $40.

Thanks for listing all these great console exclusive games.

Attached: Captain_Ramen.jpg (1200x1200, 207K)

I love how KlK fans are guilt tripping each other into buying that piece of shit
>"It's the only new Kill la Kill material coming out in a long time! Show Trigger that there is interest on the series so we keep getting new KlK-related things! "

I like it, the core gamplay's fun. I just wish this game wasn't so bare bones with content. No Alts, no lobbies, no more than two scenarios. I don't mind a small cast but it they could've did way more with that small cast. Even skull girls has more things to do in it.

Attached: to_hell_with_this.gif (148x111, 264K)

That's what fans always do.

I don't understand these retards charging $60. Just like with those Earth Defense Force games.

Just post screenshots of Satsuki, it's the only reason I would even think of downloading this shit.

I need pictures. Satsuki pictures. Satsuki's butt pictures.

>literally IT WAS ALL A DREAM


I don't understand why this is bad?

Attached: 1560438780454.png (355x347, 134K)

What was?

>10-1 as single-wield Satsuki and got the runback on the guy who took a round
>got a RQ on the third match
>already mid 1700's in MMR
taking a break in the hopes that Mako will release later today, but got damn y'all niggas did not practice with the demo

Also dual wield for Satsuki and Ryuko are unga as fuck and aren't as good as the normal versions

That price is silly

>Arena fighter
>Expensive as shit
>10 characters
>Anime aired years ago

>getting an anime fighter on anything but a playstation
hood niggas don't have gaming PC's

Attached: inconcievable.gif (636x312, 3.72M)


well lets not being poor and go out and get a job eh?

>pirate the game
>everything locked untill you finish fist chapter of story mode
>skip all the bullshit and i end up in a tutorial with a fagot thats talking and talking and talking finally they show you what to do.
>horrible fighting mechanics, even more simple than naruto ninja storm
>finish that shit to go check characters and see what they can do
>only 6 characters

a fucking fighting game in the year 2019 only have 6 characters
and no only any kind of game, a fucking anime arena fighter, the most braindead type of fighter, that its uniquestrenght is in the how many character you can choose...... have only 6 characters.

the fuck where they thinking?

It has 14.

10 actually

I like the demo but 60 bucks is a bit high. I know something like SamSho is also 60 but that’s guaranteed to have much more support. This who knows.
I’ll wait for a price drop or sale.

i check in versus, only 6 characters.
if i have to play story mode to unlock.... then is not worth it, is a fighting game, you need to have all characters avaliable at the start.

>2 Day 1 DLC Characters
>2 Dual wield alts for Ryuko & Satsuki

I thought it was simpler than storm at first too. Messing around with the demo more you can actually extend combos with certain inputs, change combos entirely depending on when you swap out a close for a ranged, etc. there’s some more stuff than storm, but not much so far.

>What is Smash
>What is Dragonball

in storm you can cancel dash combos and extend them with the supports and the changing characters to continue with the combo.

Wall splats and unique character mechanics are the depth beyond those changeup combos

Many characters have supers that nearly guarantee a wall splat for a combo loop, many characters have unique meters and modes, even the most unga character in the game (Sanageyama) has a unique combo path when landing a counterhit

not worth it

It's almost as if the price is fucking ridiculous or something?

I can also emulate nearly every console, even ps3 emulation is looking better and better.

Demo loop concepts for Satsuki and Ryuko (switch notation)

XXXX up+X, airXXXX L1+Y, jump forward AA, XXXX up+X, airXXXX L1+X or bloody valor
XXXX up+X, air XXX L1+A, jump forward AA, XXXX up+X, airXXXX L1+X or bloody valor

XXXX L1+Y, run up AA, XXXX L1+Y, BB, air XXX, XXXX up+X, air XA

In general side combo enders give lots of meter, up combo enders launch for an air extension, and neutral combo enders do a quick burst of damage to avoid the enemy bursting out

>>Arena fighter
really? lmao what a shame

Have children, incel.

>not having Boarderless Gaming on steam
Just get it ready, really good program

Easier to rip the models and make some sick porn in blender.

GTAV became bad because of the Online appeal, which is more popular on console because there are far less PC players on Online than Console because of how the PC Online experience is downright unplayable. So PC has nothing to do with GTA being ruined.
Dragon's Dogma was good on PC other than the removed intro song what the fuck are you talking about.
RE7 was also good on PC
AC7 had almost nothing wrong with it on PC
MGSV was doomed because Kojima is a pretentious hack, you can find the leaked script and the only cut content you can find in that script was Phantom Chico who is literally killed in a cutscene with no boss fight, that's his only appearance, almost everything was kept in the game, the cut content shit is a myth.
Vanquish was a good port.
Breath of the Wild was never ported on PC you dipshit
FFXV was terrible before it was ported on PC.
Yakuza ports are good and so is the Shenmue ports.
Zero Escape 1-2 were okay but ZE3 was a fucking disaster.
Deadly Premonition needed a PC port because otherwise you fags would be making threads about how the game is inaccessible now, at least it's still making sales so if you faggots buy it we may at least get a better chance of a sequel.
Dragon's Quest never got ported on PC
Demon's Souls also never got ported on PC
Code Vein is dead on arrival because the art style shown off in the teaser trailer was a lie and they went with the generic 2010s anime art style. PC has nothing to do with it.

Can't argue about the other stuff because I am not a fan of those other games.

We could use some more Castlevania though like the Requiem collection from PS4 and maybe even a remaster of the original Nier with Replicant included.

i tried it with edf5, was janky as fuck. Hard pass

>Mash X
What a deep game you got here, chief

I'm sold

>the ryu and ken have relatively simple combo paths and links that aren't super tight
gee what a shock

Are you seriously implying that the mash shit you posted is even remotely similar to a combo or extender on an actual fighting game?

Those sequences you posted look straight out of a Senran Kagura game.

>Are you seriously implying that the mash shit you posted is even remotely similar to a combo or extender on an actual fighting game?
Not at all, but I am saying that they're a level of evolution above literally every other arena fighter out there and the neutral in particular is a thousand times more developed in this game than something like Naruto or Hero Aca.

Huge leaps forward in quality should be supported

KLK is a shallower game than literally any Gundam VS game baring the pre NP games.

>Gundam Vs

I would've accepted Anarchy Reigns

>Ace Combat 7
>Valkyria Chronicles 4

whats wrong? Those two are legitimately great games

Not really; less mediocre is still mediocre.

Yea Forums stomps on many genuinely good games in a daily basis due to having flaws or being just unremarkable. Even Fighterz is hold in contempt due to being shallow. What makes the Kill la Kill game so special that it should be spared from that?

>Even Fighterz is hold in contempt due to being shallow
by absolute retards

Attached: king.jpg (164x164, 6K)

Play FB Epyon and then tell me it's an easy game

>3D anime fighter
>it's actually just an arena fighter
We're never gonna get another 3D fighting game like Clash of Ninja are we?

You shouldn't be using Steam or paying for digital distribution, just pirate.

I could pass on the limited graphical options.
I could pass on the small roster.
I could pass on no costumes.
I could pass on the price.
I could pass on the shit lobbies(online itself is good though).
I could pass on the bugs.
I could pass on the small amount of activities to do.

I can't pass on something as hugely retarded as "story mode only characters, includedly an OC form we made specifically for the game".

Attached: die.webm (800x448, 2.12M)

This shit has looked to damn slow from day fucking 1. LWA at least had the potential to be good.

>tfw I like anime and still I've never bought a licensed game
Those things are always mediocre cashgrabs; anime just doesn't translate into videogames and viceversa

Attached: 1563145983813.png (413x418, 325K)

Is the story mode long enough? I don't care about the twist, just wanna know if it's entertaining