no thread about the new arma 3 dlc?
Arma 3 - contact
any game that makes you use the scroll wheel for menus is shit
is it about ayy lmaos? how is arma3 for a single player anyway?
Are we getting non-bipeds? I feel like modding would benefit from more body types.
Do you not have a mouse?
No much controller support. I don't get why they don't have a dual system where the controller is used for movement, firing and vechile operation while the keyboard is used for the inventory, giving orders and such.
But that's really just a gripe. The single player itself is janky and pretty shit even if you are comfortable with a mouse and keyboard.
>no ayylmao infantry to battle xcom style
>no faction to play liberate the island from aliens
Thanks bohemia.
wait, what's it about then?
two opposing factions warring for the ayy lmao artifacts or what?
>controller is used for movement, firing
fuck off consolepleb
>No much controller support
I can't tell why this statement was made...
is anyone else missing 'A3_Language_F_Contact'? I've verified the game files and nothing has changed.
Already played through part of the campaign
Basically its
>NATO works with LDF on military exercise
>first contact happens
>spetznaz show up to get some alien tech
That's as far as I've got. Lots of it is like the Laws of War campaign ie menial military work.
Arma has been boring since the first year 3 came out
Controllers > keyboards. I don't like typing my enemies to death.
>do you not have phones
>ayy lmao dlc
>no ayy lmaos
wow just like real life!
The sandbox trailer gave me some roadside picnic vibes.
You're too shit for FPS games, sorry
Why are you playing a shooter with a controller, are you retarded?
It's how games are meant to be played.
It was obvious from day 1 that they were going to halfass cocktease it.