Do not fall in Valve's trap

I repeat, do not buy in the economy "crash".
It's all part of Valve's plan to make a quick buck.
I can't believe you have "experienced" traders falling for that shit.
You think prices will go up and stabilize again ?
No they won't, you're betting on a lost cause.
Valve will also NOT delete hats, meaning the value will only go down, not up.
Don't be a fool and keep your money.

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Other urls found in this thread: Co. Supply Crate Series #10

I cant aniways, im in my way to work and im not back till 6pm, probably fixed by that time.

just sell crates, they are worth shit anyways and using keys to get an unusual with lesser value is a bad idea, so using the oppurtunity to get rid of them is a good idea

God damn stfu, stop spamming Yea Forums and go to /vg/

I have the 7 day auth bullshit and i have 8 crates to sell, wat do

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I opened the crates like a dumbass and then sold most of the unusuals before it was too late.

I kept one of them as a commemoration of this insanity

bought crates when they were £0.03, now they are £2.10~ and rising. seeth harder.

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> seethe
I'm not seething, I'm trying to help people not falling in a retarded ploy.
I don't care about items or making money in TF2, I only care about its gameplay.

ive already made what little i put in, its ok maybe csgo will crash next. for real it is a shame

Get an phone

>Valve doesn't roll back
>they make them the only untradable items
>Valve gives an exclusive unusual to anyone that didn't participate

>Valve gives an exclusive unusual to anyone that didn't participate
Is there a possibility of this happening?

I have it and i still have to wait

I don't care if they make money, I know I made enough money out of what was practically useless crates rotting on my iventory.

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see cheater's lament

I opened a crate not for an unusual but for a strange I hope valve doesn't ban me because I wasnt trying to do the fucked up crates

i think at worst they will just undo everything you got, i think the only people with a real chance of getting a trade ban are people abusing the whole glitch i.e. buying a shitton of guaranteed unusual crates or the unusuals themselves.
just sit back and watch the crash happening right in front of your eyes

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can't wait for two halos bros

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You think I'll get punished for selling crates?

They're utterly useless anyways. This is the literal only way I'll be rid of them.

If you have ever spent money on TF2 beyond purchasing it before it went F2P you are subhuman and are the reason Valve doesn't make games anymore.

I don't care if the prices go back up or not. I bought some cool hats I wanted while they were at an all time low. I'm keeping them either way

probably depends on how much you want to sell, i think if you sell less than 5-10 crates you should be fine, but otherwise they might see it as abuse.
first check what crates are actually worth a damn. i remember the valuable ones are series 1-18 and 82.

People already sold shit on the market and that money could have been used to buy real games. There's no rolling back from this.

Imagine paying full price for a subscription when you can actually own a max comfy library of physical copies on your shelf

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What if you just bought one cheap thing for the extra backpack space?

Jesus, I have a LOT of rare crates I could be selling, but I can't because I had to have authenticated for over a week.


unacceptable, you're supposed to wait until christmas for the free extra backpack space

can you trade user?

no because that would require them to actually do something other than retexture a seasonal crate and key, and add new community hats

I'm out of the loop. What's happening with TF2 now?

>3 listings on hold till 10th august
What the fuck is this?

New summer crate update bugged the old crates (1-25, 82,85)and made it so those have a 100
% unusual drop

Why do they do this? Is she hoping to meet some xbox-playing chad in a fucking gamestop?

i'm out of the loop, something happened in TF2? some sort of exploit? valve fucked up?


If you sell it's fine.
Speculating is what I'm warning you against.

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thanks user, didn't notice that post

welcome. Also check market prices for unusuals are less than crates now. F

lol, that's pretty funny actually

You can sell an old crate and buy doom 2016

Sold my old crates. Thanks hathounds and Valve

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woah nice one user. steam?

Never noticed did you?

stop posting your shit thread samefag

you never noticed that valve is retarded and fucks up sometimes.

Can somebody explain all this shit to someone who's never dabbled in f2p loot crate shit?

jesus fucking christ.
they drop unusuals 100% of the time. Co. Supply Crate Series #10

>Can't even trade to a friend to use as a middleman without having a one day trade hold

it's over, bros

i'll never be rid of these crates

At this point just open them and enjoy the pretty colors

>tfw have an #82
>wont let me sell it for some reason

This is actually the worst


Easiest money in my life

I have put just ~100 hours into TF2 but I still have a ton of crates I believe. Curious to see their price.

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aw, none of my crates are worth more than 15 cents

thought i'd be able to sell these ancient crates for like $5 or something

Is Marketplace down? My friend has an #82 I can probably talk him out of but I don't have enough to buy a key directly.

wtf just how many crates did you have?