Vidya waifu thread

Post em

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That black sniper is hotter than Jess desu, + she's autistic
Jess is a tumblr girl

give a link first at least

>Liked only by weebs and/or pedos
>P3 and P5 casts aren't there

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>liked only by weebs
>isn't half of the tier list

Only waifu I need

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My wife.

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I love Chihiro Fushimi with all my heart!

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>10/10 tier
>The last of us

>overrated garbage tier

I can't even describe how much I despise you and your shit taste holy fuck

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link to waifu maker

>best girl in all vidya

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that's how you know he's a fucking zoomer

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Where is my wife Yuria at? :(

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Terrible taste kys

patrician taste

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-become illuminati?
-start a new dark age?
-become the god of internet=

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Step on me please

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I want to smell her underboobs so much bros...

im not gay but how is cullen better than dorian in any way? actually how is cullen better than anything? he acts and sounds like a stock character with no personality whatsoever

Such a thing should be left to fate. Good luck

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>Metroid 2
Nigga, nobody gave a shit about 2 until it was remade

>Half life 10/10

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yeah lemme get a uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sheva


the best bait I've ever seen

alright, lets roll


Damn she ugly

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No benis