who is the semen demon?
what the fuck
i dont know how id handle that in honesty
the fucked part is you would raise them with love and look past all the messed up shit but i dont know if i would be relieved if they pass
like i had similarly with a dog with massive tumor for like a year an a bit, there was sadness but relief and gladness that she didnt need to deal with that anymore, potentially bleeding out everystep you took
idk honestly thats fucking crazy and its only due to modern medicine that we even barely know about these things
feel like if you cant push a weelbarrow theres no point but i cant say that without experiencing it
>you would raise them with love and look past all the messed up shit
Like hell
Dump that shit in a crematorium. Fucking disgusting thing.
based and redpilled
>aaawww she looks just like her mother
and give the mom a quick glance
And they say that eugenics is immoral.
It's about time we collectively stop pretending the crippled are not untermensch.
is that thing braindead or does it just have a condition that makes it look like a chimpanzee attack victim after a failed face transplant
If that thing had an iota of self awareness it would be cursing us day and night for keeping it alive. People kill themselves for far, far less. The only reason these "people" don't go insane is because they lack the mental capacity to comprehend how truly fucked they are, and the shit hand they got dealt. Fuck how the parents feel, disfigurement of that caliber needs mandatory euthanasia. It's the only humane thing to do for them.
looks like an insta/snapchat filter
>you would raise them with love and look past all the messed up shit
No, you wouldn't. Not even the parents can look past it and most parents will resent the child. They only raise it because they're forced to raise it. It wouldn't be legal to have the child euthanised, no matter how much more humane it would be than forcing a lifetime of suffering on them. And you certainly could not give that child up for adoption as you would be severely demonised by everyone, losing your family and friends and most likely the story would get into the national news.
Every night you would cross your fingers and hope the kid suffocates in their sleep.
A humane, compassionate society would euthanise such a child. A smarter society would have picked up that seriously deformity during pregnancy and terminated it then and there.
Also, it's well established that parents bond better with thier children when the kid looks like them. No way you could bond with that monstrosity.
just abort bro
Parents who keep children like this should be severly punished.
What's the point of living if you're a fucking monstrosity and will never be able to enjoy life to its fullest?
Why is the practice of eugenics illegal? Liberals love killing babies but don't want to make super humans.
so that's why your mother never bonded with you... must be tough user.
You don't enjoy life to the fullest loser you should be euthanized.
parents with disgusting monsters for kids mentally snap, there is just some next-level coping kicking in once they over come the inital desire to drown the fucking thing. they essentially become borderline, switching from zealous love and changing the enviorment/society around them to accomodate the kid, to frustrated and crying messes often unleashing their frustrations on the kid or partner or whoever is nearby. these people are deeply broken and should probably get the gas too, just to be sure
that kid bit their own lips off by the way
How would you know?
Because of nazis, user. That's all there is to it. Eugenics is now permanently tied to WW2 nazis and the rollercoaster, and that means it's automatically evil.