Reminder this will probably kill WoW after all

Better late than never.

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I miss tortanic threads

You weren't even born yet.

I recently played it and it isn't all that bad desu, the writing is quite enjoyable. I have no intention to keep playing after i finish the story tho.

guess I'll download this game again
can't get through the republic storylines

KotFE ruined everything.

>KotFE ruined everything.
Yeah. That KotXYZ expansions were a shitshow. The new one looks even better tho.

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when are they giving out more holo skill trainers

4.0 and 5.0 have utterly fucked this game. not to mention the absolute horseshit they pulled with the server merges a couple of years ago.
>move the west coast servers to east coast
>not tell anyone you are doing this
>slaughter the entire apac community overnight because no one wants to go from playing with 170ms to 250ms+
>game is effectively dead at the former apac prime time (roughly around this time)
honestly as someone that actually prefers swtors classes to current wows, this game is in a slow death spiral.

Will it?

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I know very little about Star Wars other than I liked the force powers and went with those in KOTOR 1 and 2 - am I going to have rely on parties in this game or can I solo most things (except obvious group content)?

I left off when the traitor was about to be revealed, worth picking back up?

170ms is just as shit, can't understand how you us folks just accept shitty internet.

I appreciate tortanic for letting you flesh out your character's personalities, if nothing else.
Waifu-game is decent too.

Fuck off, Yea Forums

You can solo everything.

Not really.

WoW is killing itself. If TOR takes it's place after WoW suicides, that doesn't mean TOR is what killed it.

The dungeons that you need to do for the main story (which don't begin showing up until far, far later) are adjusted to be soloable.
Don't buy the game without trying it first though. It repelled lots of people for a reason.

How? It's still just WoW in space, got nothin' to offer anyone.

>WoW in space
Let's not go that far

The single player ain't bad for an MMO and it does a good job of getting you immersed.

Is this worth getting into if Ive never played it before? I like star wars and need an mmo to play.
Like I really REALLY like star wars even if its shit

>Like I really REALLY like star wars even if its shit
if you're at that state, you'll probably like it
still, give the free option a try first before committing

>Tfw no KOTOR like revan armor that´s not fucking trashed

Yes, just don't be too bitter about it giving KotOR the finger. Treat it like a fan game or spin-off instead of the direct sequel it was pitched as. Also don't forget that the class quests are 8 years old and won't look or play nearly as well as the current story expansion.

If you don't care about the RPG aspect though it blows most competitors out of the fucking water.

its dead

>Is this worth getting into
>Like I really REALLY like star wars even if its shit
Well, lucky for you the base game is free to play so you can get sick of it and drop it before making any foolish monetary decisions.

Has some neat music

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Ding dong bannu, end of rine

It's already dead tho

I tried giving this a fair chance and dropped it the moment I realized I'd played through the entire Inquisitor storyline for nothing. There's no twist or development or anything, I couldn't believe how dumb it was.

Do you still have to pay money to hide helmet and use titles?

why yes

I had fun with it. Only played it in the beginning though

Friendly reminder that "Tortanic" was always a meme. Swtor was a huge success.

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also, not enough of a success in EA's eyes considering their treatment of it

How many times do we have to say it? The only thing that will kill WoW is WoW itself.

RIP Rift, I loved that game

I hate that the meme still sticks even though Tor is actually quite decent now. It's literally Kotor 3 we've all wanted but in MMO form.

Sith Warrior best storyline, Vette best companion

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>Right before Waitlords in Quenor
>Back before Blizzard was too embarrassed to share it's dwindling subscriber numbers
I would love to see an updated chart

A lot of people don't want Kotor 3 but it's an MMO. They just want Kotor 3.

Reinstalled it recently, it's unironically better than WoW in 2019. The writing is entertaining, classes actually have depth - you have more abilities at level 10 than a level 120 WoW character, graphically it looks much better than BfA. It's either a testament to them quietly turning around the game, or to how much Blizzard has fucked up.

They're relaxing the restrictions in about a month or so

Trooper forever

wrong it is BH and Blizz

the retarded player base is a lot fun to interact with

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Old Republic Classic when bros? I want to go back.

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Oh for fucks sake, they're dead again?

give me the full rundown on Tortanic

I miss /swgg/....

Attached: 4565756756.jpg (848x1200, 123K) was there yesterday


Oh, never mind

The visuals of this game are so off-putting.

>Reminder this will probably kill WoW after all

What happen!!

looks like all they're doing is increasing credit cap, giving everyone some extra hotbars and dumb field revival/quick travel stuff

somebody set up us the bomb.

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Sith warrior and Imperial agent storyline is so fucking good

How many of these MMOs are still alive today?

Well now....

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So how about that new engine?

Wow has 1 million or so active players left, down from 14 million. It's impossible to know for sure though, since they stopped reporting sub numbers

>It's impossible to know for sure though, since they stopped reporting sub numbers

SO it's not literally, and exactly one million?

1 million players that are mostly whales is ironically more profitable than 14 million subs that arent

prehistoric meme

There was a leak a while back, everyone denied it strenuously, but more likely because it would have terrible implications for the ATVI stock price, rather than it being untrue

Balmorra, home...

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>we got a fucking mmo instead of kotor 3
Shut the fuck up.

I'd download it again and play it more if the installation didn't take so long.

Yeah great a boring fucking WoW clone with the dialogue of a bioware game. Why couldn't they have just used this innovative dialogue system to make a proper KOTOR game with multiplayer

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>this leak supported my narrative so despite no evidence it is likely correct

Can love bloom on the battlefields?

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It was literally scraped from Blizzard APIs before they were shut down

she cute

>stock price

This needs to be abolished. We seriously need a Doggo-Eat-Doggo world where everyone pillages, rapes, murders, and then steals the corpses to rape them later, a world where everyone is exactly equally equal, equally, literally, literally and literally.

Penises are gay.

I'm right.

the funniest part is that the game eventually carved out a niche for itself as a story focused mmo and is actually pretty playable.

It's a game I play for a month once a year.

Can I marry the Sith Potato girl yet?

I'm still disappointed in the missed opportunities
>restricting single/dual/double bladed lightsabers to advanced classes
>no imperial trooper to mirror republic trooper
>no republic spy to mirror imperial agent
>no wholly unique smuggler + bounty hunter that is initially neutral and chooses a side at the end of their tutorial planet
>no playable species that aren't human with horns or human with tentacles like rodian, duros, bothan, ithorian etc
I wish I could transfer the CE imp trooper armor to my republic trooper but it is bind on acquire

no kel dorn no play

It's really a shame the game turned out the way it did. The biggest problem was that they used some shitty Chinese mmo engine. It had poor performance even on high end PCs and it felt janky and laggy and couldn't handle a large number of players on-screen. With the amount of money they invested making the game it's pretty mind-blowing.

Rolling, was thinking of playing again

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Where the fuck is Scourge?

>on my merc cause my friend insists on playing sith team as a full edgelord, won't even try republic
>watch my friend's sith jugg kiss her in a cutscene
>a few weeks go by
>kill her on my shadow
>hey user whatever happened to that gross bitch i made out with on balmorra?

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I still don't understand why people think it flopped.

The amount of active players. Completely ignoring the fact that the remaining are throwing insane amounts of real money at it.

people thought Tortanic was a thing way before it went F2P though, didn't they?

Yup. Especially after that.

If you were around for the launch you'd see what people meant.

First the game was hyped as the wow killer, it would be WoW, but better, and with Bioware(TM) storytelling instead of grindy quests and it was with the biggest license out there and it would be around when WoW whas long faded and it would be the most expensive game ever as only the best was good enough for a starwars MMO that would blow the lid of MMOs and would kick the king WoW off its throne and crown itself emperor.

Then it came out. It was buggy as well (for example dancing would make you avoid attacks) the graphics were terrible and not cartoony enough to survive it like WOW, customization was bad, tab targetting combat ripped wholesale of WoW, many abilities could be lined up side by side with the WoW abilities. Lightsabers and jedi were just warrior class. After launch the population would drop extremely fast. Most endgame content was barebones. And many, many more issues.

Now over time it eventually starts to become profitable but even then it isnt at all what EA wanted, expected it to be, or sold it as towards the public and their shareholders. This was supposed to be the blowout and eternal 15$ per month game that everyone played.

ow yeah the F2P model was awful at first as well. I cant find the screencap but the forum post about "I pay for my action bars" sums it up pretty well

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they've already put that through, and with the release of Onslaught in (scheduled for September but personally I'm expecting October) they're gonna give the first 2 expansions to F2P players as well

the biggest thing were the betas. Bioware had been hyping it up as this new thing that was going to revolutionize MMOs, you load in, and it's literally a WoW reskin. this is not hyperbole. nearly every single skill is taken from a class in WoW. and once you get done with the tutorial planet and Coruscant/Kaas and go to a new planet you realize that they ran out of time and you're stuck with the most menial, boring ass fetch quest bullshit imaginable.

Can I get some screencaps
I'm sure at Tortanic's peak there was plenty of shit people would spam every thread

Remember when people were threatened with a ban if they went into low level areas as high levels and ganked?

was anyone actually banned

they also banned you for charging too much for goods on the trade network

hold on

fuck cant find them, hold on

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God dammit I cannot find the stuff. Basically there was a youtube video showing how there was a voice actor change halfway a cutscene, and one where they used the wrong model for a character, making them use the tiny hologram modle instead of the actual real model. but its buried under new content

best girl

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She looks like she

SWTOR is an alright game if you like small dumb fanfiction stories where you're always the badass, and if you like putting on some good music and grind.

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fucks Jedi? Hell yeah she does

Anyone know if you can mail corsair pummeler to other characters or is it stuck to you the moment you get it?

roll I'm gonna return and need a new char

tempting but no thanks

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