Is MGS4 the brownest game ever made?

Is MGS4 the brownest game ever made?

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most wanted 2005 is brown af too

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There's a reason why we called that era's games brown & bloom.

>can't play it on pc
is it worth buying a copy on ps3?

everyone got tired of brown and bloom but i feel like we went too far in the other direction. games with a lot of grass, which is most open world games, now have kind of an ugly, over-saturated green look that is offputting

Bro you can play it on Youtube.

that would be B2142. Exactly 50% of this game is brown. The other 50% is blue

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Spec Ops The line

im not a zoomer


I will never understand mid to late 00s video games obsession with brown and bloom. Just why. It didn't look good back then and it certainly doesn't look good now. It's not that realistic either. What's the point. Why.

This stuff goes in cycles, happens with movies too. In the late 90s, games were really cutesy and colorful. People get tired of it and want something new, a bit darker and more mature. Then people get tired of that and want something that is more colorful again, which is where we are now. Eventually people will want to go to a bit darker again.

Your mom wants to go a bit darker

I always thought it was far cry 2.

Things may not be the best right now but thank fucking christ that phase is over

Yeah because piss filters or blue filters are better.

they are
blue/orange is kino

thank god that shitty brown fad is over

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I think a lot of devs were trying to match the extreme color-grading of contemporary hollywood

That was more yellow

this was a gorgeous looking game. I ran through it like a mad man, is it worth a replay?

No, Max Payne 3 is.

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nah, the replay value is pretty low. mite b worth it if you switched to 4k.

What about Gears of War?

There’s some problems with modern games though. When I play games like BotW or RDR2 I get so sick of seeing bright green fields everywhere that just dominates the color palette.

>games with settings in places that are brown look brown

I don't think there's a single moment of Gears of War 1 that isn't completely brown.
Even the levels that take place at night are still 90% brown.

Holy shit I was about to say this.

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I got 4K the first time. I didn't really explore and just blitzed the main quest so maybe I'll give it a go.

New Vegas

GTA IV exists

unironically hate the city in most wanted 2005

Thats not far cry 2

Same dont understand the obsesion now whit the color pink
It looks terrible makes want to puke the lack o neutral colors in games now

Fuck forgot pic

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It came in the aftermath of Saving Private Ryan and then Band of Brothers that came after it. It was supposed to be moody and gritty.

This. It was like looking through a beer bottle.


piss filter or no filter?

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unironically yes

DC is better, but at least the piss filter in human revolution does so to establish a mood. The game still looks good.

>journos will never be this based again

I never minded the piss filter honestly. Human Revolution was like the only game that actually used it to create a mood or tone. Everything else was BROWN AND BLOOM because of trends

Why the fuck did so many games have a brown piss filter over them then?

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Brownest Zelda, but far from the worst offender

Generally dark color palette and definitely some bloom problems but infinitely more diverse in color usage compared to other games mentioned in the thread. Funny enough you could say it was a failed attempt by Ninty to copy the current trend at the time

It was another time

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I still like how TP looks, the environments can be pretty beautiful, and ironically the water is more colorful than the other games. You see blues, greens, purples, turquoise in the water sometimes in the light. It’s a nice looking game. I don’t even think it looks that brow

fucking christ

They didnt keep the style for the next game.
Good choice desu famalam

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Same reason why games today have a whitish filter. To cover up graphical weaknesses

Colour gradients
Gritty desert warfare feel
The bloom hides shitty textures

Meanwhile in the same game since we're cherry picking

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After all this time I decided to give it a whirl a few days ago. I had flashbacks to that era of games hitting me like a train.

I like it

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Bloom usage like this should be outlawed, you can blind someone with that.

What game started the shartening? I only played weeb games back in the day, so I didn't really notice when games turned brown

Doom 2 and Quake are contenders

HZD looks good on screenshots but is a terrible looking game when you play it. Almost made me vomit

You'd like Wind Waker HD

Gears of War was grey with hints of neon blue and deep red

>blue/orange is kino
They're good together because they're contrasts, but by themselves it looks like ass

the mood also known as piss in your eyes, what style what taste OF PISS


You must be blind, faggot.

I think it is. There are plenty of brown games but MGS 4 is probably the brownest. In a way, all MGS games are brown since they are pieces of shit but that's a different topic.

It's got to have been before 2004, because Twilight Princess was brown in the E3 trailer way back when

step aside
ladies and gentle men I present to you
quake 1

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Agreed. It was a weird time where they thought color wasn’t that important

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You haven't played Gears of War i'm guessing

I thought the other 50% were yellow.

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MGS4 had a more green tint to it than brown

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When people used to criticise COD for being brown and grey and praising Quake and Doom I really started questioning my sanity.

movie games are zoomer regardless of the year they actually came out

Filters aren’t all bad. I like the filters in SA and VC on ps2. They still give the game a weirdly cool look

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Act 1 and 2

Did they ever fix the cars being dirty all the time on the pc version?

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In my memory gears has more grey and red.

Great job on missing the joke you retard.

vanilla Re5 was so fucking brown and ugly

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good thing ENB fixed that at launch

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everything from the PS3 era looked brown as fuck.

Gears only caught up with the trend in 2.
Gridlock was even remade to be more brown.

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The rex vs ray fight makes the whole game damn worth it after slogging tru endless cutscenes

Why is it a problem when games have colors that don’t directly match real life

why did developers do this

The piss filter was a deliberate artistic choice that completed the look but we were just getting over the brown&bloom phase so people overreacted to it at the time. DC looks crazy generic in comparison.

It's still a beautiful looking game, even by today standards

Did you know that the human eye has twice as many green rods as it does either red or blue? The human eye is specially tuned to differentiate various shades of green, likely because of the dominance of land plants!
That has nothing to with your post, and I am not offering an opinion one way or another

Yes they did, it was that way because it was considered dark, mature and gritty people preferred that to more colorful "childish" looking games.
You still see plenty of it around, just not as much, but it's green/gray/blue filter.

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My teen self thought Sheva was very beautiful, especially in her leopard print bikini.

Sheva is very beautiful. I'd race mix with her any time.

No, this is.

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And even then plenty of it is blue when in the outside, as it takes place during winter. My guess being that the brown/orange locusts interiors were to contrast with that, plus the whole "humans blue, locusts red" thing.

In 3 it was summer so there was a lot of orange from sunny levels.

From all the fucking places they just had to go brazil

now that bloom is toned down we get lens flares for no reason at all

It's a metaphor for Johnny always shitting the pants of his life until he meets Meryl