Nightcity, the city with the best daytime activities in this hemisphere

>Nightcity, the city with the best daytime activities in this hemisphere

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077.jpg (1600x900, 255K)

>It's also got a killer nightlife

Attached: nightcity.png (1920x1080, 3.1M)

>people still sperging out over this fucking game
I don't understand.

Attached: 1563768277055.gif (250x173, 1.38M)

Me in 2013:
>Wow this is really an over-the-top worst case scenario of capitalism run amok
Me in 2019:
>lol implying we'll still have a recognisable human civilisation in 2077


lmao triggered

Why did I move here?

Attached: Michael.jpg (772x434, 53K)

holy shit he's a shadow white supremecist

I guess it was the high tech, low life

Do you fucking know what cyberpunk is? Do you just like Blade Runner cuz "muh pretty building"

cyberpunk is cool

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-hands-on-concept-art-2691-2500x1186.jpg (2500x1186, 602K)

thats sci fi you fucking cawwadoody fag

it's literally from cyberpunk. you think militarized private health insurance for cyborgs isn't cyberpunk?

All cyberpunk is sci-fi and not all sci-fi is cyberpunk.

All cyberpunk is, by definition.

Its mostly just the one faggot who angrily obsesses over one game and then moves to something else eventually.

The guy obsessed with deadfire and mk11 then?

Looks better in-game. With it being a hazy grey shithole. Really comfy desu. Here's hoping the entirety of the game is as dense as the 40 minute demo.

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 Gameplay Reveal — 48-minute walkthrough view.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

I'm pretty sure the sunfags are just shtiposting but there is a shit ton to criticise in regards to removal of rpg elements

That's the problem with sunfags, they keep deviating any serious discussion about possibly Cyberpunk 2077 problems into shitposting.

>Nightcity, the city named after its founder, not nighttime

People who cry about the sun are barely even there. Most of it is false flagging so the actual shills could go "HURR DURR YOU ONLY HATE IT BECAUSE SUN LOL".

It's kinda like how every criticism about DmC was dismissed by people going "HURR DURR YOU ONLY HATE IT BECAUSE DONTE DOESN'T HAVE WHITE HAIR". Exact same tactic.

Cyberpunk has taken on a strangely escapist character for all sorts of social outcasts, hasn't it? Between transgender people longing for a world where body modification is so commonplace gender can be changed on a whim and antisocial misfits longing for robotic or holographic waifus it's slowly dawning on people that it's better in some respects than many more realistic visions of the future.

There's a, not especially good, movie called Mute on Netflix set in a futuristic Germany that's quite exemplary for that. Like other Cyberpunk properties it depicts all the settings dystopian qualities, rampant poverty, crime, pollution... but it also shows a vibrantly multicultural and individualist vision of a future Germany.

And that's the thing with Cyberpunk. It assumes that deregulated capitalism, environmental destruction, moral decay and so one would result in a highly individualist, hedonistic society. When, really, it's leading straight into fascism.

Because that's precisely what fascism is. It's capitalism in decay. A realistic dystopian future of, say, Germany wouldn't be the kind Mute is depicting, informed by sexual and cultural liberty. It'd be a neofascist hell that's the product of failed anti-fascism, liberal tolerance of radical, often racially charged, nationalism and a decayed welfare state as a result of neoliberal reforms. Same for America. It's heading towards something a lot worse than Blade Runner.

Shit dude, you're probably right

But unless we get our consumption habits under control 2077 is going to look more like Mad Max than Blade Runner anyway

You're not really familiar with CP2020 universe are you

Capitalism is not a form of government, fascism is. Why are you implying that apples lead to oranges?

>shit ton to criticise
Criticize fucking what? The GAME isn't OUT YET. You fags are just seething over something that was casually mentioned before the game was even in production. Kill yourselves you dumb fucking niggers.

Shill harder cuckold.

Attached: night.jpg (1182x550, 210K)

this is your brain on /leftypol/

Attached: death by communism.gif (580x2450, 165K)


and Britain outranks all of them

Hell, capitalism manages to surpass the totality of deaths attributed to communism every decade. And now we're back on topic, because letting people die of preventable causes because it's not profitable is incredibly cyberpunk.

Attached: rejected_his_message[1].jpg (447x447, 73K)

T Bug IS a CUTE wife user! I will NOT hurt Bug wife I WILL make PEACEFUL solution WITH Dexter friend AND marry Bug wife! Give ME hacker wife! Give ME Bug wife!

Attached: Bug.jpg (4739x7602, 2.5M)

To be fair there was a shitload of bitching about the sun at first. When we knew fuck all about the game save that e3 trailer it's all anyone would complain about. There is actual stuff to bitch about now but they just deflect with bladerunner mad about the sun, because that was a thing even after the initial demo. Then theres the autists latching onto stupid shit like "they havent show Male V fucking a chick so you must not have straight romance options". Game to me looks like it be decent, but because people had sky high expectations from the witcher 3 devs of all people it'll be shitposted into oblivion with shills trying to defend it, similar to rdr2 though hopefully with actually good controls.

I watched Ghost in the Shell the other day and it had sunlight in a lot of its cutscenes though.

I have never seen anyone complain it though.

What! CD Projekt RED DID say there ARE wifes user! I do NOT know CONFIRMED Cyberpunk wifes BUT there ARE wifes user! Did CD Projekt RED say who IS wife IN game user! (Did they! Did they!)

Attached: Mommy Meredith.png (370x600, 326K)

Fascism wasn't the result of decayed capitalism, it was the result of "us vs them" populism that vilified certain groups while ignoring the income disparity between classes as the cause of everyone's problems, which is absolutely happening in America.

looks like a pool party in LA with a bunch of cosplayers

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 development.jpg (964x839, 96K)

no it isn't

>that car with no shadow

No, theres just a autist like yourself who's taken them not showing straight Male V fucking to mean their pandering or that there is none for straight Male V


I thought you'll be making any peaceful solution with Dexter, at best just getting T-Bug to jump ship after and help you out. I just want to know if I can fuck that chick in the front for the ripperdoc.


Not sure how I managed that but meant doubt.


Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user! I DO want Bug wife! CD Projekt RED SHOULD give ME Bug wife BUT if Bug is NOT wife I WILL find a GOOD wife! Misty IS also a CUTE wife user! (She is! She is!)

Attached: Misty.png (370x600, 289K)

>while ignoring the income disparity between classes as the cause of everyone's problems
Also known as

Bless you, you fucking weirdo.

Is this the Pathfinder Valerieposter user?

What possesses a man to type this way? Why does he have such good taste?

Yeah, it's him. He's moved onto other rpgs. 2077 confirmed rpg

This is the best evidence I've seen so far that CP2077 will be an RPG. Now that you mention it.