I don't like Pokemon

I don't like Pokemon.
I don't like Fire Emblem.
I don't like Smash.
I don't like Yoshi.
I don't like Kirby.
I don't like Mario Tennis.
I don't like ARMS.
I don't like Xenoblade Chronicles.

I already bought NSMBU on Wii U.
I already bought BOTW on Wii U.
I already bought DKCTF on Wii U.
I already bought Captain Toad on Wii U.
I already bought Mario Maker on Wii U.
I already bought Splatoon on Wii U.


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Other urls found in this thread:


You listed them but you don't like them.
Bummer, but that's how it is, it seems.

I already have a Switch, what do I do? I was expecting Metroid, Pikmin, good Yoshi games, and even a healthy number of new IPs but all I got was a library constituted of the specific Nintendo games I don't care about.

Monster Hunter

super sneed bros

Do you like indie games?
Do you REALLY like indie games and REALLY like the idea of playing them on an handheld?
Because that's your last option, else you've wasted your money on this thing.

The other alternative is weeb games and monster hunter, but for weeb games you have to ask the local weebs for a list of games, and the Switch isn't "there" yet, it's still building it's weeb library, and for MH you gotta be ok with the more "classical" apporach that MHGU has compared to MHW.

I feel you, I've been dying for a new 2D Mario game BY Nintendo.
MM2 I fine, but I don't give a fuck.

>I dont like video games

i just want a pokemon mystery dungeon game on switch
i wanted animal crossing but those n--gers delayed it til almost april

>Do you like indie games?
>Do you REALLY like indie games and REALLY like the idea of playing them on an handheld?

I didn't buy MM2 because I just know it's something I would spend a couple hours on and then get bored. I don't understand how people have apparently spent the last month playing it constantly, like doesn't it fucking get old? Plus seeing the Nintendo Online logo makes my blood boil.

The last classic MH

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I like video games just not THOSE video games. Here is an example of a game I like.

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I'd list some but you'll just give reasons why they don't count, somehow.

What games do you like, user?

Good news, Panzer Dragoon is being remade for Switch.

So you bought a system with only one game you care about on it? Great job, user.

For starters, it's a remake - NOT a new game. Secondly, it's like 5 months away.

All the ones you just named?

They're all very bad games or ports.

Nigga you're fucked.
Sell your Switch.
The Switch resembles a Sony handheld much more than a Nintendo console, traditionally speaking.
It's all about weeb games, some multiplats, and a shit ton of good indies.

Nintendo games are there, but the releases are very separated because it's filled with many other games (that don't interest you).
This isn't the GC, or the WiiU, so to speak, it's a pretty different beast and you're clearly not the target audience for this thing.
Cut your losses and sell it, moving fowards they're definitely not gonna start to cater to your needs again.
The Nintendo games will come out, but very far apart and not in as huge amount of quantity, so it will only be disappointing for you.

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You should try Octopath Traveler and Mario and Rabbids, both are Mord vor less new and good

>Octopath Traveler
I don't like RPGs.

>Mario and Rabbids
I'm put off by the abysmal art style and characters.

Sell it and buy a PS4

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He didn't claim it was a new game.

Regardless it's not even a confirmed exclusive and still a ways off.

I just buy Nintendo Systems for Zelda. On 3ds all I had was all the available Zelda games. And on switch all I have is botw and that download rhythm Zelda game

>octopath traveler
i bought it for 60 bucks and stopped playing it after about 3 hours. the combat is gimmicky and retarded and off-putting enough to make me wish i could have refunded it

poor little westacuck

I know this is bait, but if you're looking for new IPs then wait for Daemon X Machina (or whatever it's called) and Astral Chain.

Good thing you own a Sѹstation then.

>I'm gonna buy a console for 1(!!!!) game and ignore the rest
>Why isn't Nintendo pandering to MY liking
I don't know. Get better taste or sell your Switch.

Play Daemon Machina then

Try Splatoon 2

>Daemon X Machina (or whatever it's called) and Astral Chain.
Both of these look extremely unappealing to me.

Okay, keep crying and bitching then. Sounds like a more wholesome activity than playing vidya.

>Splatoon 2
I like Splatoon 2 a lot but paid online has really turned me off to it. I'm in a friend's family plan but still I get angry everytime I start the game up.

Plus as a game it doesn't have a lot of staying power.

>Okay, keep crying and bitching then.
Why are you being such a passive aggressive little bitch? Are you mad someone's not speaking positively about Nintendo?

>I'm in a friend's family plan but still I get angry everytime I start the game up
Jesus Christ are you autistic

if you like video games, you may like umihara kawase fresh on switch, but i don't know if it's as good as the snes and ps1 games

You dont like anything OP, you should just stop playing video games ad get a more fulfilling hobby

If you don't like 99% of what a console has to offer then why would you buy it just for ONE game? Either OP is baiting, which he most likely is, or he is absolutely brain dead.

>Jesus Christ are you autistic
I'm pissed Nintendo expects people to shell out 20 bucks for literally no fucking reason.

I bought into the launch hype, but to be fair it looked to be getting a lot of good games then.

I don't like THOSE games. Here's another game I like.

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fuck off and die

Nintendo thanks you for your continued support I'm sure.

>I bought into the launch hype, but to be fair it looked to be getting a lot of good games then
Like what? The Switch's flagship title at launch was Breath of the Wild, and you said you don't like Zelda. You also said that you don't like Yoshi, Kirby, Pokemon, Smash, Fire Emblem, Mario Tennis... so why would you buy a Nintendo console when you don't like any of their IPs but traditional Mario?

>and you said you don't like Zelda
No I didn't? BOTW looked (and was, the first time anyway) amazing

>still no reply
>just two webms of the games that hasn't been made for 20 years
At least it's not the usual PS4 retard.

Get a ps4

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Okay, what other games did you say looked promising at the time to compel you to purchase a Switch? Fucking 1-2 Switch?

I like a lot of games, mostly old arcadey games you can pick up and play for a bit.

I don't really bother playing anything besides 10/10 fantastic games because I hate mediocre or bland games, so for me to like a game it needs to have good, fun gameplay, an amazing soundtrack, and beautiful visuals.

Basically I like games to be audio visual masterpieces you can play.

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I don’t know what to tell you OP. You’re a complete and total fag with no taste. Should have gone with an Xbox One X.

very bad ports

Imagine playing a game like Yoshi or Kirby on Switch and thinking you're anyone to talk about taste.

>wants arcade games
>ignores indies which are the source of arcade style games nowadays
Like pottery.
>I don't really bother playing anything besides 10/10 fantastic games
Then you might as well kill yourself right now, because not only quality is subjective, but you are also clearly baiting.

>no u
Epic comeback, my dude

>>ignores indies which are the source of arcade style games nowadays
Indies are largely uninspired direct rip offs of better games, and the ones I do play I play on my PC you dumb retard. At least there they play the way they're intended to.

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You don't own any Nintendo systems. A shame really. You're missing out.

Is this where you retreated to after getting hilariously BTFO in your last Switch-Hate thread?

Try clicking on the 'eShop' icon

>You don't own any Nintendo systems
I have literally every Nintendo system even obscure ones like the FDS.

>All those games that cost me $5
>Because I've been too lazy to torrent games since 2012
>But low and behold this motherfucker bought'em for 30-60 each
Just face it bros. Consoles haven't had good games across the board since Gamecube/PS2/Xbox era.
Ever since there's been one console every generation with good games. You just buy one and hope you scored the jackpot.

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>I don't like Nintendo games
>but I bought a Nintendo console
you deserve nogaems

Formerly Mario's

>dislikes good exclusives
>bought a Wii U
Woah, user, sounds like you're a fucking shitposting falseflagging idiot.

>I already bought Mario Maker on Wii U.

Mario Maker on Switch is a sequel, not a port.

Also try Shakedown Hawaii.

>Indies are largely uninspired direct rip offs of better games
So are AAAs, welcome to the modern gaming.
>he is PCfag
>he didn't buy switch to play Nintendo exclusives
Oh shit nigger what are you doing.

You do know this is a glitch and its being patched?

>don't like product
>buy it anyway and complain

>i don't like switch games but bought one anyways
>why doesn't my switch have games i like???
Is this really the best falseflaggers can come up with?

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>I don't like Nintendo games but I bought a Nintendo console
retard or falseflag, probably both

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The lack of shadows, removal of shells dropping, and in-game slowdown aren't glitches, they're removed features. The only thing in that webm that's a glitch is the missing background layer.

Post source.

How was I supposed to know Nintendo would focus so heavily on the IPs I dislike.

>I don't like RPGs.
why the fuck did you buy a nintendo console, retard? every nintendo system is basically an RPG and Nintendo IP only console.
what games do you even like?

Because they're Nintendo's most iconic IPs, perhaps? Crazy, right? Why would Nintendo make new games with their strongest IPs, hmmm...

Because you dislike literally 90% of their IPs, apparently, you fucking worthless gremlin.

By reading available information

You fucking idiot

i don't get why these people are getting mad with you. You are based as fuck. The poor guy just want a good game for god sake.
Still don't understand why you own a Switch if you want good games.

Why are you replying to yourself?

You're transparent as fuck, samefag.

This thread has to be bait, I refuse to believe someone can be this retarded.

How much are you getting paid for this? It doesn't seem like it requires a lot of effort, might get into it myself.

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Then why the fuck did you buy a Switch?


Is this picture supposed to have a purpose?

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You're accusing me of replying to myself and I posted a picture that proves that I didn't?

Good Question.
Odyssey is the only boxed game aside from Steamworld Dig 2 that I've purchased for Switch.
And as a result of this, I haven't even bought the system itself yet. I'm waiting for the improved version of the standard model, hitting retail in three weeks.

That said, I'm still going to buy it, even if I have much the same preferences as you. There will be games I want, and it'll be a much more ideal way for me to play many of the games on the eShop, even if they aren't exclusives.

It doesn't prove that in the slightest.

Have you now just abandoned your other thread after getting REKT in the first post?

Lmao, this dude is indeed retarded

Please be bait

Oh wow haha

While that could be gauged to be largely untrue, when we only know what's stated in the OP, the assessment that he focuses on his dislikes seems valid.

Personally, my issue with Nintendo's selection on Switch right now is that to me, they're killing off some of their fringe franchises that I used to have a bit of interest it, even if they weren't favorites.

Sword/Shield looks awful to me, worse than normal for pokémon. Crummy art direction and non-ideas as the driving new initiatives.Three Houses looks downright terrible. Way too animu cliché and the environments are fugly. Yoshi's Crafted World rubs me entirely the wrong way. Don't tell me they're real materials when they aren't, and don't serve me all those puke-colored self-shadows and phoney fresnel-shaders. All wrapped around yet another re-run.

In no way is Gen "classic" MH. 4u if I feel generous FU if I don't.

Is this some kind of bizarre joke?

>i don't like all these games
>i don't like buying sequels for some dumbfuck reason
>ples gib gaem suggesion

Nintendo can't help shit taste bro.

Sell the switch. Join the winning side, get a PS4

You have shit taste in games.
Are you being retarded on purpose?

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PS4 has no games that interest me.

>please only own one device
Spoken like a true PS4 owner

>what games are on the switch besides the other games that are on the switch

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Most of those games are multiplats I have no interest in anyway.


Bayonetta 2
Tetris 99

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I mean, there is only one worthwhile console and its the ps4. You can own multiple but why throw away money? Unironically use that money saved to go out, get a date, and have sex.

At least BOTW 2 might be worth checking out whenever that ends up happening.

>doesn't like 1st party Nintendo titles, weebshit, indieshit, or Platinum button mashers
>bought a Switch anyway

>I bought a switch for Mario Odyssey
You are a special kind of stupid. You buy a console for the games you want to play. Not out of brand loyalty. I suggest you sell your switch and get yourself something you might actually like?

>I don't like Pokemon.
>I don't like Fire Emblem.
>I don't like Smash.
>I don't like Yoshi.
>I don't like Kirby.
>I don't like Mario Tennis.
>I don't like ARMS.
>I don't like Xenoblade Chronicles.
Then what's the fucking point?

why are you even on Yea Forums? you don't like ps4, switch or video games in general.
you sound like a boomer with your "muh arcade games", what modern video games do you even play? it seems like you are not keen on giving us any details, you just shit on everything that is offered to you.

>too poor to own multiple systems
yeah that's a sony loyalist for you

I played REmake 2 the other day and didn't like it much, I'm playing Bloodstained currently and like it.

How did the oldschool consolewarring tripfags make it back in here?

Monster Hunter, Bayonetta 1 and 2, Disgaea 1 Complete and Disgaea 5 Complete, Daemon X Machina and Astral chain soon. Splatoon 2 is a sequel, so if you liked Splatoon 1, there's no reason not to get it. Same for Mario Maker 2. There are various multiplat games as well.
But this isn't actually a recommendation thread, is it?

Also arcade games are actually fun. Everything now demands you sink time into it, isn't particularly easy to get into, and tries WAY too hard to be a movie. It's not my fault modern games are dogshit.

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Is this some bizarre Timmy's Troll Time thing for you? Are you an the clock?

No, it's a listen to OP whine about how he hates video games thread

The Messenger


I don't hate video games I've said that like 10 times I just don't like those mediocre Nintendo games.

And that's five months of nothing on my Switch, obviously.

I bought a switch for smt v. It's never coming out bro. I know your pain

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why didnt you buy a switch when the fucking game actually releases?

>good Yoshi games
I played YCW and it's about as good as a post Yoshi's Island Yoshi game gets.
It was still very mediocre and not worth $60

>Indies are largely uninspired direct rip offs of better games
>Basically I like games to be audio visual masterpieces you can play.
user, remember, people can actually read the thread and call you out on your bullshit.

Is 5 months a long time to you? How old are you? Do you buy games every month?

I dont like uncharted 4
I don't like spiderman
I don't like god of war
I don't like horizon zero dawn

I already bought last of us on ps3
I already bought shadow of colossus on ps2
I already bought until dawn on ps3
I already bought persona 5 on ps3
I already bought multiplats on pc


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Why did you buy a Switch? This is the part where you admit to being retarded.

>This is the part where you admit to being retarded.
Yeah, you're completely right. I was a dummy.

You claiming to not hate video games doesn't mean a whole lot when this whole thread is evidence to the contrary

Not him but one of the main reasons why I bought the Switch is because Pokemon is my favorite franchise of all time and I thought the new game might not be trash
grow up faggot

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>I don't like Yoshi
>I was expecting good Yoshi games
Which is it?

>>I don't like Yoshi
Yoshi's Island on SNES is a masterpiece but the Yoshi game on Switch, especially with it's piss poor music and easy difficulty, isn't worth my time.

>I bought the Switch is because Pokemon is my favorite franchise of all time and I thought the new game might not be trash
So you're retarded? Not only because you bought a console for a game that wasn't out yet, but because you thought mainline pokémon would become good after 10 years of shit. Well, it's a confession as much as any.

>Pokemon is my favorite franchise of all time
There is no cure for your incredibly awful taste. Pokemon is by far the worst nintendo franchise

>10 years of shit
Gen 4 and 5 were the peak though

Gen 2 was the peak

That wasn't console warring you ignoramus. He was demonstrating how retarded OP is for buying a system if he didn't like any of the games out/coming out for it.

Pretty sure Crystal is gen 2.

Hearth Gold and Soul Silver shit on Gen 2, fuck off contrarians.

Which meant you had 4 fucking years of bad Pokemon games to know gamefreak is one of the worst vidya devs in history.

>gen 2 remakes shit on gen 2

All those games he listed are bad though

>grow up faggot
He say that while posting that cancer image.
I just can't imagine someone wasting their time even ironically making such piece of cringe.

Just find a different hobby if you dislike video games that much.

>doesn't like RPGs
Shouldn't have bought the Switch. Or any Nintendo handheld really.

I don't wanna make a new thread so I'll just ask here. Is the new FE good?
For the record, I didn't like Fates and I thought Awakening was meh.

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Crafted World is a great game. Quit yer bitchin.

No that's just GMS sucking major ass.

Why do Nintendo fans think Nintendo games are the only games that exist? You realize that there's a whole world of games besides them that people like right?

on paper, it checks out.

It's too fucking easy and sounds like ass.

Because if you actually read the thread, you'd know that OP does not enjoy video games in general

But indieshit and nintendo games are literally the only games, while 99% of the other popular games are just interactive movies made for people who hate gameplay but want to fit in.

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>I already bought BOTW on Wii U.
Aren't there more people playing Splatoon 2?

Read the fucking thread, mongoloid. OP says that PS4 also has no games.

>while 99% of the other popular games are just interactive movies made for people who hate gameplay but want to fit in.
Imagine the ignorance needed to genuinely believe this. Is that why Switchfags don't give a shit about games like Panzer Dragoon or Katamari Demacy until they're ported over to a Nintendo console?

>over 15 year old games
Yeah way to prove his point.

Panzer Dragoon hasn't had a new game in like 17 years. Katamari hasn't had a good game in like 10. We Love Katamari is one of my favorite games of all time, but it's not really realistic to expect people to give much of a fuck the series at this point.

It's literally Mario characters in traditional 3D Mario presentation. It's a very fun strategy game and all of the characters are pretty unique in their arsenal. Also, that complaint is only meaningful for par-for-the-course moeshit JRPGs that sell on tits because they don't have any actual gameplay, but on top of that even the presentation of those tits are garish caricatures. This game has actual gameplay, on the other hand.

No Nintendofag cared about Doom, Witcher 3, or Wolfenstein until they were ported to Switch.

I own Panzer Dragoon on the original Xbox, and Katamari on the Ps2/Ps3.
I'm also not a switchfag, but the only thing keeping me playing on my PC is Shadowbringers currently, while the Playstation 4 is collecting dust in the corner due to no games.

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>Plays trash like Shadowbringers and Nintendoshit
Oh no no no no

I agree with you on the other 2, but Doom has a long history on Nintendo consoles including an exclusive.

I don't see daily threads about these ports beside the time of their release/annoncement..
And almost no one bring them into discussing while talking about games on switch.
On the other hand , Sony fags stopped praising shit like yakuza or crash once they were ported to pc because everyone were able to check that they aren't real "masterpieces"

Literally millions of good 3rd party games unlike shovelware and ports on switch

He literally said "good" yoshi games. Its not that hard to read user

>Sony fags stopped praising shit like yakuza or crash once they were ported to pc
It's almost like console-war posters don't actually care about playing their exclusives, they only care about shitposting over them. It really irks me now that I've been people using the new Fire Emblem to console war, if the game is that great why you on Yea Forums and not you playing it? It's brand fucking new.

Final Fantasy games

No seriously, the switch ports of FF7 and FFX are really good.

>buy a console made by a company that has historically been carried by their first party IPs
>don't like any of those IPs
>gets mad at there being no games

You sound like a retard who bought something he wouldn't like. Or, you're just shitposting.

The truth is that PS4 and switch both sucks compared to other generations.
Switch performance are a big shame for something that pretend to be work as salon console and as result fails to attract multiplats.
PS4 while being stronger suffer from very shitty overhyped game library . It have been 6 fucking year man since initial release. Just imagine.... If you removed remastered versions, story and cutscene heavy games....: you will find less than 5 games that are worth buying 350$ system if you already own a powerfull pc or xbox .

i bought my switch because i really wanted to play animal crossing
they delayed it
its been gathering dust for months now, inb4 you need to buy some games to play, some things on the eshop seem alright but a lot of them dont really catch my interest and quite a few seem downright low effort

Why'd you bother getting a switch 6+ months before AC was set to release if you weren't interested in other games on the system?

i was interested in finally trying out breath of the wild
i also bought octopath traveler
and the new mario kart and mario party
and some other games like dead cells and axiom verge
i really didnt enjoy any of those. however i have played a lot of risk of rain 1 on the pc in the past so i picked it up on switch. also grabbed enter the gungeon. i enjoy those two, although i've already gotten most of my fill of risk of rain
i also bought lets go eevee and was thoroughly disappointed. ace combat is fine and scribblenauts is way simpler than i remember it being

I hate all Nintendo games and bought a Nintendo console, what do I do Yea Forums? Well you could start with suicide. At least your parents would benefit.

>breath of the wild
great game I don't see how it can disppoint you.
>octopath traveler
very overrated rpg .It is only saving point was "exclusive"
>mario kart/mario party
not sure what you expect from those games. You either like that type of stuff or you don't.
well why not just get it on pc. I bet it would be cheaper too

Devil May Cry.

Doom has always been ported to Nintendo systems, Doom 3 was an anomaly since it WASNT ported.

I have it on PS2

>The truth is that PS4 and switch both sucks compared to other generations.
What a retarded thing to say. Other generations had 5 years to build a good library, the switch has only been out for 2 years. In 3 years come back and compare the switch to older generations, not when it isn't even half way done.

>you either like that stuff or dont
thing is, i enjoyed mario kart double dash quite a bit. mario kart 8 had really shitty drift mechanics in comparison, and it really killed my experience
i bought octopath because i heard it hyped up for a month every day and i finally succumbed
breath of the wild was just a strict case of buyer's remorse. if i started listing off my issues with it, you'd damage control like the other guys here so i'm not gonna bother
>dead cells
it was an in the moment purchase that i made before checking to see if it was on pc

>buying a platform without wanting more than one game
I guess to be fair I bought a ps4 the day Kojima was announced as fired to try PT before it's erased forever and it's little more than a Bloodborne and Spiderman box. But you and I are idiots, user

Why would you buy BOTW on Wii U?

is the Switch game any good? I'd like to try a MH game and I don't know if I should just buy World on my PC if it's gonna take up so much of my time
I'm in the exact same boat man, I bought Zelda, Odyssey, and Smash, nothing really appeals to me on the console at this point
I was kinda expecting Prime 4 to be revealed sooner

I know this is hard for you to understand but just because you don't like a game, that doesn't mean the game is bas. That's why if you post something like "botw is a shut game I hated it, so many problems" people are gonna be eager to argue with you, because they had a completely different experience with it. Its not "damage controlling" it's called having a different opinion.

dont put words in my mouth. i never called the game bad retard, i said i didnt enjoy it. so you can check my wording again. all i said was that i didnt want to have you trying to argue with the wall on why i didnt enjoy botw

the funny thing is that i don't even own a a switch.
But i respect nintendo effort in games like zelda botw and mario. I played both using emulators. I feel that they are geniuly good games in this modern gaming era that focus on gameplay. This is very rare for "AAA" developpers especially with the likes of sony pushing on rail limted interactive experiences with focus on journalist bait stories.
If only pokemon games were developped directly by nintendo instead of gamefreak which lack any quality control. That would push me to buy a switch.

The monster Hunter on the switch is much better designed with more content than World. However, it is an upscaled 3ds game, which means it doesn't look very good. Its up to you whether you would rather play a quite ugly game that plays better or a much better looking game that plays worse. Neither choice is wrong it's just personal opinion.

You said people defending it would be damage controlling, which is a ridiculous thing to say because someone having a different opinion on a game is not a fucking form of damage control.

>I don't like all these good games
>I bought all these bad games for the Wii U
The Wii U is the only nintendo console I have skipped purchasing since the N64.

genuinely have me laughing over here and yes im the guy youre replying to
i think the lack of sleep is really starting to kick in

Get astral chain

Platinum games good

Post your virtual boy, 64dd and satellaview

Witcher 3

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>good indies

Attached: 1561085109511.png (448x468, 194K)

>being this retarded and insufferable
Have you tried enjoying yourself and not shooting down every suggestion out sperg impulse? If you bought a Nintendo console after the wii u you brought this on yourself and are just looking for a reason to be a stinky cunt

Like RPGs? Buy Steamworld Quest like right now. It's fun

Why the fuck did you buy a switch then?

Your best option is to hold onto the Switch until another crop of titles catches your interest. Shin Megami is still on its way + BotW 2. There are also niche titles that are worth at least some level of looking into such as For the King or any of the retro bundles which handle flawlessly as well benefit from on the fly co-op.

It's not hopeless.
You may end up regretting the decision to sell your switch too.

>I dont like any nintendo franchises expect Mario and Zelda

Its a real fucking mystery, dumbass

Of course you'd expect Mario and Zelda, they're Nintendo properties. Retard.

You can't get anything out of Mario Maker 1 anymore. 2 has all of the content now.

I don't have a 64dd or satallaview but I do have three virtual boys

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>Don't like Fire Emblem, Smash, Yoshi, Kirby, or Xenoblade
>But you like NSMBU
Why does this thread have so many replies?

I don't actually like NSMBU all that much but the point is I already don't have it, so don't bother recommending it to me.

You already said the nintendo flagship games. Should only have bought later in lifespan.
If you ignore the ones you said then all its left is indies you might have played elsewhere or CTR I guess

Scratch that, ALL Doom games are now on Nintendo systems, coming out today on the ESHOP.


>I don't like the library of games, but I bought the system anyways
oh look, another person who doesn't think before they buy. everyone laugh at this guy

What the fuck does that even mean
>Buys only the good console, must be poor!

>Tetris 99
I just learned this game isn't about getting Tetris at all.

Astral chain
Prime 4

Currently out? Nothing.

Smash is the only good game on there and that's a party game.

Just hack your switch and set it aside for the few actual good games.